You hook me up with a few weeks' supply

You hook me up with a few weeks' supply,第1张

hook(sb.)up 跟(某人)联系

Hook sb up给…静脉滴注。

hook up with 和有联系


0 Michael: So, how do we play this You hook me up with a few weeks' supply


1 - Should I hook up with you later- No


2 Did you ever hook up with that girl from the bar


3 Jim wants to hook up with a large east coast company


4 Yes, it will hook up with body when you close the door


5 Atlantis and its crew of six will hook up with the space station Wednesday


6 Atlantis and its crew of six will hook up with the space station Wednesday


7 3In Minnesota , it’s illegal for any slime bucket to hook up with a live fish

3在 明尼苏达州, 任何下流胚子强奸活鱼都是犯法的。

8 Dr li said :\"study hard guys ,you can earn big money , hook up with many girls \"李敖教导我们:“好好读书吧,书中自有颜如玉,你可以象俺一样赚大钱泡美妞”

9 I like it that way, which is why I can't hook up with someone I don't know at the crag我喜欢这样,那也可以解释为什么在裂缝当中我不会完全依赖我不熟悉的同伴。

10 If you attend user meetings, hook up with someone you can comfortably communicate with


11 Let's start thinking about "sex miles": Just how far was this person shipped to hook up with you


12 Ally wonders if she should hook up with John, but the ghost of Larry is still present in her thoughts


13 "I love people with good energy," says Lambert, 27"It's even better when you can hook up with one of them


14 So, if we go a little further down this road, we can hook up with the main highway going east into Germany所以,如果我们再继续开一小段路,就可以通到往东进入德国的主要高速公路上了。

15 The girl finally hook up with the young handsome man and followed him to a nearby luxury hotel for one night stand


16 If you like great food and still want to eat reasonably healthy, the innovative cook is the person to hook up with


17 He would hook up with fellow former Liverpool midfielder Momo Sissoko as well as World Cup winner Mauro Camoranesi


18 Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, she challenged me to see who could hook up with a straight girl first


19 Travel, parties, entertainment and year end festivities will all come into play when trying to hook up with someone who can rock your world


20 She really doesnt want to hook up with some low self-esteem loser, or some boring guy who doesnt know how to give her some fun in her life


21 In recent days he has been heavily linked with a move to Napoli, but it seems he would prefer to hook up with old Udinese boss Luciano Spalletti at Roma


22 Once TAH found someone that he wanted to hook up with Instead of meeting in a local café or restaurant, they rendezvoused in a hotel room, in a different city


23 Hook up with a friend online to go through the entire experience or choose from a group of AI commanders, each with their own distinct playstyle and personality


24 Research in February 2006 showed that creative types such as artists and poets hook up with two or three times as many sex partners as other people throughout their life


25 Sam, a college student in a small Northwestern town, reluctantly joins his roommates in a contest to see who can hook up with the most gorgeous co-eds by the end of the semester


26 You will find no opposing players inside this safe zone to harm you, thus giving you an opportunity to learn the basics, explore the area and find a group of people to hook up with


27 Follow-on 2: “I wonder if it’s even my place to say something because I used to hook up with her sometimes - she’s really beautiful but not my type, so I introduced her to my friend


28 Everyone on the court looked like a star, and this brings up something that Bryant and Jackson don't receive enough credit for: Players are at their best when they hook up with them


29 Two fringe parties, Philippe de Villiers's nationalists and Frédéric Nihous's ruralists, have each said they are ready to hook up with Mr Sarkozy's UMP before regional elections next year


30 My girlfriend and I will be in HaiNan for three days starting from November 29thHoping that we can hook up with some local friends or pals who're currently traveling in Hainan to have fun together我和我的女朋友将在11月29日到达海南三亚,会待上三天,希望到时候能够有海南的当地朋友或者正在海南旅游的朋友一起聚会,并指点我们游玩的地方。



如果是我 我选择尊重他们 通过沟通了解他们的想法 一旦进入他们的心灵 你才能真正认识他们 在表面上他们不被别人理解的 但是心里面却是另一个世界 要下班了时间不多 我不再排版了。。。 你凑合看下吧

做为一个妈妈 最最需要的就是耐心 但也不要溺爱 要学会诱导而不是控制



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