以 my future partner 写一篇英语作文 200字 高一水平

以 my future partner 写一篇英语作文 200字 高一水平,第1张

my future partner

First of all, his height is higher than me, age not more than 3 years older than me

Secondly to considerate, kind, gentle, filial to my parents

He can not handsome, but be good to me, don't bully me, can't hit me, want to listen to my words

Not rich didn't room don't have a car it doesn't matter, we can work together, but must have the ability, have the desire to do better, to understand and progress

Don't often drink and smoke, occasionally a few times it doesn't matter, but don't smoke in front of me, because I hate smelling the smoke

Of course, he must love me



第二段要对人物有个背景介绍(出生日期和出生地等),接下来应在第二段用大篇幅介绍人物事迹,比如:哪一年取得的奖项或者成绩 ,这个人在取得成绩过程中付出的努力等。



Who is your favourite person I like Zhang Yining best She is a famous ping-pong player Now I will tell you something about her 


Zhang Yining was born on October 5, 1982 in Beijing When she was 6, she began to play ping-pong In 1991, she joined the provincial table-tennis team In 1993, she entered the national team She always worked hard, and she never gave up So at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, she won the gold medal of Women's Singles It was the hundredth gold medal thatChinagot at the Olympic Games Before this, she and Wang Nan won a gold medal together She was the third player who obtained o gold medals at the same Olympics in ping-pong Before her, only Deng Yaping and Wang Nan could do that 


So I think she is very great We are all proud of her We should learn from her



I like many flowers, but I like rose(玫瑰) the best Why Because it is beautful and has lots colour: red, yellow, white, black and many, many colours … Rose is the national flowers of Britain Lots people like rose very much The same as me I always buy roses for my mum on her birthday She likes rose very much too In our class many girls think roses are the most beautful flower in the world, and me too When I have nothing to do, I will go to the garden and water the roses I like looking at them when I am tried, sometimes I feel as if I am rose too From Monday to Friday, I need to do my homework and have no time to look after them, but I still like them very much, every night before go to bed, I will go to the garden and say “ good night” to my favourite flower, and tell them “ You are the best flower in my heart!”

我最喜欢的科目 英语作文











My favorite subject is English because it's important for us to study it well I think it is very interestingTo begin with, my English teacher spoke too quickly and I can't understand herMy English teacher always gives me some advice on how to learn English wellWith the aid of my English teacher, I have made great progress this termI love my English teacher, and she loves me, too I study it very conscientiouslyIn the class most of the time I listen carefully to my teacher, but sometimes I chat with my clas ate I'm active to speak and study hard I finish my homework carefully after classI like English very much


My hobby is playing basketball I started to play basketball when I was 12 years old After school, I would stay on the playground and play basketball with some friends of mine until it was dark Since then I have taken it as my hobby because it is good to my health and I enjoy it very much Now I work in a big foreign pany I am busy at work during the week so I don't often play it, when there are some holidays for me to have a rest I will find some old friends to go to the gym together to play basketball for 3 to 4 hours there I will feel very happy and relaxed This exercise is quite beneficial to me, because I am very, very strong now Three mael for day It is necessary for us to take breakfast well, becuase it is very important to take so once you have fresh spirit so that you could do everything in great effort and vigor The lunch is semm to play the same role with the breakfast, attention it must take enough for the afternoon you have to work hard Certainly, on the evening, you should take little so that your stomach will take a little burden Good health from here 求一篇关于我最喜欢的运动的英语作文希望采纳


My favourite sportAmong lots of sports basketball is my favourite I fall in love with it the first time I touch itI really enjoy the feeling when you shoot the ball right in the basket,it brings me much confidence not only in basketball play but also in my real lifeAnd when you play basketball you can learn a lot from itThe ball gets up and down just like how the life isAnd everytime it gets down it bounces back,I know from this point that when we are defeated by the difficulties in life we should just get up and move onAlso we realise the importance of team work from basketballWell it is my favourite sport,and I believe you will like it too希望对你有帮助。

英语作文 我最喜欢的东西


1 My name's Oliver I'm a 15-year-old student of medium build I'm outgoing The thing that I like best is a bike The bike is very special It's a little different from other bikes It's a bit bigger When I was 12 years old my parents gave it to me as a birthday present How happy I was that day! Now I often ride it to school and on weekends I ride it to the sports club to play sports When I e home I clean it carefully I love my bike and I love my parents 2 Hi I'm a student of 14 My name's Sue I'm of medium height and very popular in my class I've got many things but I like my pen best The pen is beautiful It is black It's one of the presents that I've got Last year I got a C in English and I was very sad My English teacher gave the pen to me and encouraged me to study hard From then on I spent more time studying English Now I have made great progress in English and I enjoy learning English I love my pen and I live my English teacher3 My favourite things My favourite things are books and apples Why do I like books so much Because I can learn a lot of things from books If I read more and more books,I will know more and more things about the worldBooks are useful for us Why do I like apples so much Because apples are very tastyIt's very good for us to eat apples often so,My favourite things are books and apples希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O

英语作文我最爱的男生 表白作文

I like to watch movie,I had watched many movies,Jackie Chen is my favorite male actorWhen I was all,I watched Jackie Chen's action movie,he can beat many guys at the same time,he is many teenagers' heroIn the last ten years,Jackie Chen has aimed at the foreign market,he took many movies and cooperated with foreign stars,he has achieved great successJackie's success teaches us a lesson,the secret of achieving success is hard work


My favorite subject is PEBeauce I like sports very much,and I am very activeI like running Because it's interesting and excitingI want to be a famous playeri have a lot of hobbies,such as playing badminton,playing the piano,and swimmingi really like swimming because i enjoy the feeling in the cool wateri love to swim in summerunder the hot sunshine and dive into the cool waterthe feeling is really nicei like freestylei swim welli also win a lot of prizesi want to be a swimmer and my dream is to win a gold medal in the OlympicsIn fact,I like PE,I think Iam good at PE


英语:I like English most because i think English is widely used in the world No matter where you go,you can make speak English It is also the formal language of the government of some countries such as the US ,England English is also used in the business We can enjoy some music or films if we can understand EnglishSo I like English very much翻译:我最喜欢英语,因为我认为英语在世界上广泛使用。





数学:Of all the subjects I study i like maths best I think it is reasonable You know maths helps you to exercise your brains, and make you arter and more intelligent Maths can be applied in all fields of selene, and naturally it is said that maths is the mother of all subjectsMaths has been developing rapidly In the development of science and technology, there continuously appear problems which may be solved only with the help of maths This in turn makes maths itself develop faster Many examples can be cited to show the synchronous development of maths and technology and science From this point of view, we are sure to say that maths will develop still faster, for ,science and technology will con tinue to advance without stopHowever, maths is not easy to master It requires a high degree of intelligence You can see some children who often fail to pass their maths examination, but others deal with it very easily This difference obviously es from tim levels of intelligence But what is most important in mastering maths is one's hard work Though one is less clever, he can master it through diligence Countless facts have proved this point Maths is a challenge and that is why I like it翻译:在所有课程中,我最喜欢数学。



















When I sat at the desk, trying to write the essay, I found it hard to set pen to paper Staring at the topic I deliberately chose for myself "my mother", I felt the memory of 20 years with my mother suddenly turned into a haze, blurring my eyes to discern the past, with nothing towering, nothing flaring, nothing impressive or special enough as a landmark The haze gradually cleared away, revealing the image of an amicable womanMother never gave up evoking in me an interest in knowledge She placed the most emphasis on my education and took the most pleasure in my gradual formation of self-discipline in preparing myself for future development Thanks to her effort and influence, I have been doing well, not only in English, but also in my positive attitudes and conviction towards lifeNow I am so grateful to my mother for everything she has taught me, but at that time it was far beyond my prehension As a little girl, I thought of my mother as meticulous and my father as a best playmate I still remember I wrote in my elementary school a position dedicated to my father about how he cared for me Naturally Mother felt she was ignored, so I wrote another one for Mother, intending to tell her she was so good a teacher that she sometimes had only students on mind and neglected her daughter Unexpectedly, Mother was gloomed and her eyes went wet I am so sorry now for that affected position I am Mother's daughter, and I am Mother's student I could never be neglected by Mother, because I am the forever scar on her body, the forever pain on her mind, yet the forever bliss in her lifeI did not write much in the past about Mother's love for me Today, this essay is for her, and for her only I wish to let her know my regret and gratitude I wish she could hear, "I love you, Mother" 当我坐在办公桌,试图写一篇文章,我发现很难确定用笔在纸上。


















Rabbit is an cute kind of amimalsIt has o long earsThey can make rabbits hear carefullyIt also has a short tail,which makes rabbits so lovelyRabbits likes eating carrotsIf you feel lonelyYou can keep a rabbitIt can be your good friend 兔子是一种机灵的动物,它有两个长耳朵,它们可以让兔子清楚地倾听。



转载请注明出处 » 英语作文(我最喜欢的一个人)



1、No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world


2、You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not


3、Do you fear a love fool who is loving you so deeply


4、They tell you in school that it’s the lungs that keep you breathing but it’s your heart


5、You are my today and all of my tomorrows


6、Your voice is full of beautiful memories we have yet to make


7、coffee is lonely without cupsi am lonely without you


2018最暖心的留言给男友英文版 给男朋友独特备注短的2

8、You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you


9、You and I remains the same in different time, at different places,among different people; time is changing, space is changing and everything is changing except my miss to you!




know you like this song most and I know what you are think about ,too,I miss you


11、I can’t, and won’t ever be able to, get enough of you


12、I want that my love to you will turn into bright sunlight so that to warm your heart


13、In such a soft and warm season,please accept my sincere blessing and deep conern for you


14、I swear I couldn’t love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow


15、It’s you that led me out of the loneliness when I was lost in my mind


16、If I could, I would wrap my arms around you and just hold you until the hurt went away


17、I prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness


18、Your voice is full of beautiful memories we have yet to make




295个日日夜夜凝聚成的是一份值得让人珍藏永久的记忆——在这里,每一秒钟的新鲜都能让我倾注所有的热情,每一分钟的欢笑都在我的记忆中留下难以磨灭的痕迹;每一句嘘寒问暖的话语都能给我极冻的心灵注入一道亲心的暖流,每一段发自内心的表白都让我体会到了他们真实情感的宣泄;每一张显露着真实笑容的脸庞无时无刻不将勇气与信心赋予给了我那颗脆弱的心灵,每一双强劲有力的大手在困难和挫折中立刻就将我从情绪的谷底拉了上来……我仿佛听到了心跳动的声音——那里有 54颗赤诚火热的心,在和谐的音符中用同一节奏不停地跳动着,它们是那样的强劲有力,是那样的生机勃勃。可是,我有时却只能看见白色地天空和那灰蒙蒙的大地然……然而,是你们,用手中的画笔,为我那昏暗的世界涂上了绚丽的色彩;是你们让我看到了太阳的光辉,看到了彩虹的七色;是你们让我拥有了世间另一种无价的东西——友情,并且让我体会到了它的可贵。我们彼此间是那样的心心相犀,就好像太阳与地球一样,不停地公转自转……

漫长而又短暂的岁月里,我学到的最为重要的东西,并不是课本上那些层出不穷的知识,而是学到了应该怎样去做人——在与大家一起相处日子里,我学会了一种叫做“团结”的东西,它能让我们听到 54颗心一起跳动的声音;在住校几个月的短暂生活里,我学会了“包容”,这是一种将我们融为一体的力量;在与好友共度的难关之时,我懂得了“关心”,一个对“ It’ better to give than to receive”的最好诠释……是的,我学到了很多诸如此类的东西,它们都是在课本中所无从寻觅的知识,它们也不能被称作是一种能力。它们是在人与人,心与心之间,交替碰撞的时候,才能真正所感受到的东西,也许在瞬间你就可以感悟它们的真谛,但也许你真的就一辈子也无法参透出其中的玄机……








不知道是不是新鲜感过了,一段时间后,觉得高一并不象我想象的那么完美,就象有些人说的—— 有些事情不是我们能控制的!


我的高一生活就这样模模糊糊的过去,一直都在想—— 这一年,我找到了什么?从来都没好好珍惜……

学着一个人成长,一个人歌唱,梦想…… 以找不到踪迹。压力,第一次懂得它的厉害。 好害怕,想什么都不管。去到我的天边,我的世界,我的快乐地方——即使那是个虚幻的地方,我的心仍能在那里找到我要的寄托。

高一一去不回,面对我的又是新的一天,我要我去挑战的一天 !



Friendship is that people in the exchanges have a special feeling,it exchanges with the general goodwill arising there is essential differenceFriendship is a kind of from two-way ( or interactive ) relationship between the emotional,is common to both condensed emotion,any unilateral good,cannot be called friendshipFriendship to close as the core component,also known as a measure of closeness degree is an important index of friendshipRodgers ( Rogers,1985) on such intimate made three point summary:( 1 ) to be able to express their thoughts and feelings of a friend and a secret; ( 2) to fully trust friend,convinced that his " Confessions " will be friends with respect,not easily leak or to oppose oneself; ( 3 ) limited to being special evaluation friendship,is limited to a few friends and confidants


Every beat of my heart, loudly cries your name, I want so much to be with you, oh, please, please, feel the same内心的每一次跳动都在呼喊你的名字我是如此渴望和你在一起噢,希望你,能有同样的感觉。

简爱》是英国文学史上的一部经典传世之作,它成功地塑造了英国文学史中第一个对爱情、生活、社会以及宗教都采取了独立自主的积极进取态度和敢于斗争、敢于争取自由平等地位的女性形象。 大凡喜爱外国文学作品的女性,都喜欢读夏洛蒂的《简爱》。如果我们认为夏洛蒂仅仅只为写这段缠绵的爱情而写《简爱》。我想,错了。作者也是一位女性,生活在波动变化着的英国19世纪中叶,那时思想有着一个崭新的开始。而在《简爱》里渗透最多的也就是这种思想——女性的独立意识。让我们试想一下,如果简爱的独立,早已被扼杀在寄人篱下的童年生活里;如果她没有那份独立,她早已和有妻女的罗切斯特生活在一起,开始有金钱,有地位的新生活;如果她没有那份纯洁,我们现在手中的《简爱》也不再是令人感动的流泪的经典。所以,我开始去想,为什么《简爱》让我们感动,爱不释手——就是她独立的性格,令人心动的人格魅力。 然而,我们不禁要问,仅这一步就能独立吗?我认为,不会的。毕竟女性的独立是一个长期的过程,不是一蹴而就的。它需要一种彻底的勇气,就像简爱当年毅然离开罗切斯特一样,需要“风潇潇兮易水寒,壮土一去兮不复返”的豪迈和胆量。我想,这应该才是最关键的一步,也应该是走向独立的决定性的一步。而夏洛蒂笔下的简爱却把她倔强的性格,独立的个性留给我们一个感动。所以她是成功的,幸福的女性。 简爱已作为独立女性的经典,我希望阳光下,鲜花里有的简爱走出来,不管是贫穷,还是富有;不管是美貌,还是相貌平庸,都有美好的心灵和充实的心胸,都能以独立的人格和坚强的个性生活。 Jane eyre is British literature history handed a classical work, succeeds in making the first English literature to the love, the life, social and religious took the independence of positive attitude and dare to fight for freedom and equal status, and dare to the image of women A love foreign literary works of women, like to read charlotte's Jane eyre If we think charlotte's write about that period for only lingering of love and write Jane eyre I think, wrong The author is also a woman living in fluctuation changing England in the 19 th century, when thoughts have a new start And in Jane eyre peration of the most is the idea--women independent consciousness Let's imagine that if Jane's  简·爱作为爱情小说的女主人公是以前所未有的女性形象出现在这部十九世纪的文学作品中的。以往爱情故事的女主人公都是些美丽温柔、高贵贤淑的女子形象。而简·爱,她“贫穷,低微,不美,矮小”,但她拥有的一颗智慧、坚强、勇敢的心灵,使那些外在的美在这内在美面前黯然失色。更为可贵的是简·爱并不因为自己的贫穷和外貌而自卑,相反,她勇敢坚定:“我和你的灵魂是平等的。”“我跟你一样有灵魂,——也完全一样有一颗心!”“我现在不是凭习俗、常规,甚至也不是凭着血肉之躯跟你讲话——这是我的心灵在跟你的心灵说话,就仿佛我们都已离开了人世,两人一同站立在上帝的跟前,彼此平等——就像我们本来就是的那样!” 也正因为此,简·爱敢于去爱一个社会阶层远远高于自己的男人,更敢于主动向对方表白自己的爱情——这在当时的社会是极其大胆的。幸福不再是某个人、某个阶层的专利,她属于芸芸众生的每一个人。只有两个相互对等的灵魂才能组成一份完整的爱情,所以简·爱坚持,自身的独立与追求爱情的完整是不能分离的。后来,简·爱含着悲痛离开了罗切斯特,也是基于同样的理由,她决不能允许自己和一个有妇之夫结合在一起。那会是一份不完整的爱。如果她继续留在罗切斯特的身边,那她也就不会还是原来那个独立、平等的简·爱了。如果说简·爱的这次离去是由于无法改变的现实而不得不做出的一次理性选择的话,那么她最后的归来则是她出于坚持感情的追求的又一次理性选择。 在这里,我们看到的不仅仅是一个如何赢得了男贵族爱情的平民女子的苍白的灰姑娘的故事。而是简·爱勇敢果决的走出了灰姑娘的童话,迈向一个有着新女性、真女性的文学道路的起步。简·爱藐视财富、社会地位和宗教的威仪,她认为,“真正的幸福,在于美好的精神世界和高尚纯洁的心灵。”她的信念和行动展现出来的力量,深深打动了一代又一代读者的心,使生活在金钱万能的社会中的人们的灵魂得到净化。简·爱是,一个对自己的思想和人格有着理性认识的女性,一个对自己的幸福和情感有着坚定追求的女性,一个不再只是盲从于男人和世俗要求的女性,一个对自己的价值和情感做出了独立判断的女性,一个坚强独立的女性。夏洛蒂·勃朗特创造了一个前所未有的女性形象;简·爱发出了一个属于女性自己的声音——对于平等、独立、完整、自由的坚持和追求。 夏洛蒂·勃朗特的《简爱》这部现实主义长篇小说自1847年出版以来,以不同语言在全世界不同种族的人们中广为流传,经久不衰。简·爱已作为独立女性的经典,我希望阳光下,鲜花里有更多的简爱走出来,不管是贫穷,还是富有;不管是美貌,还是相貌平庸,都有美好的心灵和充实的心胸,都能以独立的人格和坚强的个性生活。 jane love as love the heroine is the female images in the hitherto unknown appeared in the literary works in the nieenth century the love story of the heroine is all some beautiful gentle, noble loving woman image but jane love, she "poor, humble, not beautiful, short", but she has a wisdom, strong, brave heart, those outside the beauty in front of this inner beauty be cast into the shade more valuable is jane love is not because of his poor and appearance and inferiority, on the contrary, her courage: "i and your soul is equal" "i have as much soul as you, -- and full as much heart!" "i'm not by custom, convention, even not with flesh and blood to speak to you -- it is my spirit talking to your heart, as if we have left the world, o people stand in front of god, each other equality -- just as we are!" also because of this, jane love dare to love a social class is much higher than their men, more dare to take the initiative to declare his love -- which at the time of the society is very bold happiness is not an individual, a class of patent, each person she belongs to the numerous living beings only o reciprocal soul in order to form a plete love, so jane love to love, self independence and the pursuit of integrity cannot be separated later, jane love with grief left rochester, but also for the same reason, she must not be allowed to own and a married man together that would be an inplete love if she stayed in the rochester side, that she would not or that the original independent, equal to jane love if jane love this departure is unable to change the reality and had to make a rational choice, so she finally return is another rational choice she had to adhere to the feelings of the pursuit of here, we see is not only a way to win the male nobles moner who love the pale cinderella story but jane love brave determined out of the cinderella fairy tale, towards a literary way of new women, women started jane loved despise wealth, social status and religious ceremony, she said, "true happiness, is the beautiful spiritual world and the noble and pure heart" her faith and action unfolds strength you, deeply touched generations of readers heart, so that the people living in the money in the society's soul purification jane love is, a rational understanding of his thought and character of the female, a steady pursuit of women on their own well-being and emotional, one is no longer blindly follow the men and worldly requirement female, one of their own values and emotions to make independent judgments of women, a a strong and independent woman charlotte bronte created a hitherto unknown female image; jane love sends a belongs to own female voice -- for equality, independence, integrity, and adhere to the pursuit of freedom charlotte bronte's "jane love" the reali novel since its publication in 1847, in a different language widely circulated around the world people of different ethnicities, enduring jane love has been as an independent women's classic, i hope the sunshine, flowers in more jane love out, whether poor or rich,; whether it is beauty, or homely, have good heart and enrich the mind, can be an independent personality and strong sex 以上内容仅供参考,毕竟读一本经典作品的真情实感来源于你自己啊



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