


The world as far as I know there are only two people, men, and women Is the person on the person close to the exchanges and therefore, the interaction between boys and girls like to eat, as all want to avoid lay-away, what have you is worth the fuss

I think that put the world on this issue is not bad as a bite of the hard bone of our country and only Chinese you Chinese culture for thousands of years to create the idea that such a foundation can not be avoided, but also can not talk about the topic is being affected by our side, "Love not to" teach respect for the statue, while a critical study of feudal ethical code, extol the great literature of love And then you find a more contradictory to give my watch

It is precisely the contradiction between this approach to increase cover the vast number of young people's love of mystery and interest, empathy, and it is precisely because of the mystique of the drug and yearning for so many people fell into a deep quagmire Of course, emotional and drug-use analog to do is a very wrong concept But many teachers and parents might be wrong depending on the drug even as scourges Love

Is not to say that only between men and women have the so-called Student Love, Friendship will not have However, the composition implied by the title is clearly meant to do! Moreover, more than that, it is friendship or love regardless of what is wrong with it Developed a ten-year-old children do not (man) is a girlfriend thing is a shame, just like my country to marry 40-year-old does not think people will be like is there is AIDS Love and even how to Many children were forced to study, study or even offensive Today also is not interested in their studies in order to give up the feelings of interest in this possible The result is nothing but Love going underground, by the prescribed dimmer, that could be carried out by the right guidance to become管不着no one, no one管不了 Even the bad aspects to this worth it

Is precisely because of such irresponsible and chaotic to evade the prohibition of causing all kinds of questions You go on to see which country the world by storm as the situation of youth and death due to emotional problems of students at the school has so many Chinese as well as any country from our country of the matchmaking system is so advanced Of the United States is such an open country is no exception

Still remember the "Peacock Flies to the Southeast" section in the mother-in-law analysis: three decades of熬成both daughter-in-law, easy to do a mother-in-law, daughter-in-law is better than how can She has to do his own daughter-in-law how can we forget the pain when the mind People is the feelings of animals, people have a lot of experience Love at a young age, many of the same people under social pressure, can you forget such painful feel it You also want to eat the next generation of people and you suffer the same吗

Exchanges between men and women, this is not a worthy of the table write the topic Now they are still high to the point where such a complicated, is it not the sorrow of the new education吗 Friends Do not care for men and women, education, sooner or later, without distinction, without the need to love is limited

When, education can do the "three no", when the problem will be solved








男女之间的交往,本不是一个值得提到桌面上来大书特书的话题。现如今却竟然高到如此复杂的地步,难道不是新教育的悲哀吗? 朋友无所谓男女,教育无区分早晚,恋爱无必要受限。


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With the help of these dictionaries,and the efforts you give,I think you can learn good chinese


Li Yue

"My Special Friend"为题的英语作文可以从以下几个方面写:








写作思路:本篇作文以“my special friend”为题,介绍了作者的一个特别的朋友。在文章中,作者用生动的语言描述了这个朋友的外貌特征、性格和爱好,并且强调了这个朋友对自己的重要性。


Title: My Special Friend

I have a special friend, her name is Lily She has long brown hair and big brown eyes She is always smiling and has a kind heart Lily loves playing the piano and singing Whenever I feel upset or stressed, she will play a beautiful song for me to cheer me up

Lily is not only my best friend but also my role model She is hardworking and never gives up on anything Whenever she faces difficulties, she always finds a way to overcome them She inspires me to be a better person and to never give up on my dreams

I am so grateful to have Lily in my life She is not just a friend, but also a sister to me I know that no matter what happens, she will always be there for me


1 Hardworking(形容词)- 用极大的努力或勤奋工作;

2 Overcome(动词)- 成功地处理(问题或困难)。









Title: My Special Friend

I have a special friend named Sarah She and I met in kindergarten, and we have been friends ever since Sarah is one of the kindest people I know She always listens to me when I need someone to talk to, and she never judges me

Sarah and I love to do many things together We like to go on walks, ride bikes, and play board games Sometimes we just sit and talk for hours Sarah is also very creative She loves to draw and paint, and she has even taught me some of her techniques

One of my favorite memories with Sarah was when we went on a camping trip together We hiked through the woods, cooked our meals over a fire, and slept in a tent under the stars It was an adventure I will never forget

Sarah has had a big impact on my life She has taught me how to be a better listener and how to appreciate the simple things in life I am grateful to have her as my friend

Difficult words:

1 Kindest - adjective 最亲切的。

2 Techniques - noun 中文翻译:技术,技巧。









My Special Friend

I have a special friend named Lily She is kind, funny and always there for me when I need her I met her in primary school and we have been friends ever since

Lily is a very creative person She loves to draw and paint, and she has even won some awards for her artwork She also enjoys playing the piano and singing Whenever I feel down, she always knows how to cheer me up with her music or a funny joke

One of the things I love most about Lily is her kindness She is always willing to help others, whether it's volunteering at a local charity or just listening to someone who needs to talk She has a big heart and it shows in everything she does

Our friendship is very important to me We have been through a lot together, from the ups and downs of school to personal struggles But no matter what happens, we always have each other's backs I am grateful to have such a wonderful friend like Lily in my life


- creative [adj] 创造性的,有创意的

- volunteer [v] 志愿参加,自愿做

- charity [n] 慈善机构,慈善事业

- personal [adj] 个人的,私人的

- struggle [n] 斗争,挣扎








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