

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China


It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year


In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal


In many places people like to set off firecrackers


Dumplings are the most traditional food


Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes


They can also get some money from their parents


This money is given to children for good luck


People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune


The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long


People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”


People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest


(二)Probably more food is consumed during the New Year celebrations than any other time of the year


Vast amounts of traditional food is prepared for family and friends, as well as those close to us who have died


On New Year's Day, the Chinese family will eat a vegetarian dish called jai


Although the various ingredients in jai are root vegetables or fibrous vegetables, many people attribute various superstitious aspects to them


Other foods include a whole fish, to represent togetherness and abundance, and a chicken for prosperity


The chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize completeness Noodles should be uncut, as they represent long life


In south China, the favorite and most typical dishes were nian gao, sweet steamed glutinous rice(糯米)pudding and zong zi (glutinous rice wrapped up in reed(芦苇)leaves), another popular delicacy


In the north, steamed-wheat bread (man tou) and small meat dumplings were the preferred food


The tremendous amount of food prepared at this time was meant to symbolize abundance and wealth for the household


(三)My Spring Festival

My Spring Festival was great


Before the Chinese New Year, my families were all going to my grandparents’


Many of my relatives there were playing all the night


At night, we set off firecrackers The voice was very loud, cars parked far from us were sounding


Maybe they feared the voice too


The first day of the Chinese New Year, we all got up early


We said “Happy New Year!” or “Good luck this year!” to each other and get money from them We visited our relatives all day


That made me feel very tired but very happy because I also can get money


The second day of the New Year, I slept during the morning


In the afternoon, I went to the beautiful countryside, and visited the Yi River, it is very wide, about 1 kilometer


Next day, we left my grandparents’ home for Qingdao


The expressway had been frozen


It was terrible!


So we could only run by at a slow speed


This festival was great, I love Spring Festival!


1、想做你的小朋友你的心头肉。 2、我想悄悄的和你说,我爱你。 3、我只喜欢你,没有其他心思。 4、想和你普渡众生,在爱意里翻滚。 5、快过年了,我不缺新衣服,我缺你。 6、纵然世间任我挑,我的选择还是你。 7、可不可以收下我这么可爱的新年快乐。 8、我会对你百分百温顺,宇宙最高级的爱。 9、你笑起来的模样,好像我以后的妻子啊。 10、你愿不愿意带我回家当你的生活必须品呢? 11、以后过年我都不用吃糖了,由于你太甜了。 12、要把生命浪费在美好的事物上面,比如你。 13、三十晚上的鞭炮再响,都没有我想你那末想。 14、我在人间贩卖傍晚,只为搜集世间温顺去见你 15、我要红包,要做你的宝宝,肆意妄为还受尽宠爱。 16、爱你这件事既然开始了,那末就永久不会有结束。 17、我每天都在想你,就像头脑里开了单人循环一样。 18、跟你说一个坏消息,新的一年我对你的想法已不单纯了~ 19、“现在几点了?”“零点整”“这应当是我们幸福的出发点。” 20、新的一年没有祝愿,只想给你一个人生建议,建议你跟我在一起。 21、我既然选择了喜欢你,哪有那末容易放下你,从有声变无声,不变还是喜欢你。 22、新的一年没有特别喜欢吃的零食,没有特别喜欢听的歌,却有一个特别喜欢的你。 23、爱你,不求繁华三千,只求一心一意。 24、爱你,不求大张旗鼓,只求不离不弃。 25、没有一生的浪漫,只有一生的温暖,没有一生的缠绵,只有一生的陪伴。 26、爱是累时的一个拥抱,爱是无助时的一个依托,别说爱情太简单,平淡相守才是最真的暖。 27、别说幸福太遥远,只要用心感念,其实都在生活的细节里。 28、爱,就是让一个人住进另外一个人心里,简单的,只有思念,只有挂牵。 29、我好爱你,好想你,你是我一生中最爱的人,没有谁能替换你在我灵魂深处的地位。 30、你知道吗?我的世界已离不开你,我深深爱的你。 31、我愿意包容你的一切,你是我生命里唯一的真爱。 32、在那个相思的渡口,在灵魂深处的那个角落,你却永久占据那个角落,住进了我的灵魂深处,没有谁能替换你的位置,再也挥之不去。 33、两个人是画,携一缕相思,笺字绵长,从那以后,最远的你成了我最近的守望,你是我最美的相思,最痴的期盼。 34、醉过知酒浓,爱过知情重,斟一杯沉默相伴,醉倒在两情久长,尘世间最美的感情。 35、过于在对视的那一刻,擦出怦然心动的喜悦,以文字的温婉,守候一份相知相伴。 36、人生中最美的,不是风景,而是感情。生活最难的,不是相守,而是彼此相爱。 37、世间最珍贵的不是一见钟情的遇见,而是两情相悦惺惺相惜。 38、有一种思念,淡淡的,但很幸福;有种一牵挂,远远的,但很满足。有一种喜欢,轻轻的,但拨动心弦;有一种真爱,静静的,但魂牵梦萦。 39、最好的爱,是你没有那末的好,在我的心里,你却最好;最美的情,是我没有那末完善,在你的眼里,却是最美。 40、可以左右你心情的那个人,一定是你最爱的`人,舍不得让你难过的那个人,一定是最爱你的人。 除夕表白的句子2 1、十岁的时候,我遇见了一个清风明月般的人,我什么都没想,我只想爱他。 2、你一定也是某个人翘首以盼的惊喜。 3、愿同一粒流星,即便燃其所有,也想跌跌撞撞地闯入你的眼眸。 4、听喜欢的人说晚安 ,就像是天上的星星掉下来跌进梦里 ,只为我一个人闪闪发亮。 5、万物皆有不同,比如 ,我有你,而他们没有。 6、能让我狂奔的,除了大雨就只有你了。 7、你身上有我余生的味道。 8、即使我张牙舞爪,也希望在你眼里我是最好的宝贝。 9、龙应当藏在云里 ,你应当藏在心里。 10、这世上美好的东西不太多,立秋傍晚从河对岸吹来的风,二十来岁笑起来要人命的你。 11、爱情是一件得体的事 ,可是爱你我从来没有分寸。 12、见不到想,见到便笑。见不到思之如狂,见到便心花怒放。 13、我以为我看够了阳光 ,它泛滥得多廉价而寻常 ,直到与你人海相望 ,才知我从未曾真的见过阳光。 14、想牵你的手,从心动,到古稀,到尽头。 15、在一起,鸡毛蒜皮也是故事。 16、温山软水繁星千万不及你眉眼半分。 17、像星星燃烧天空,像花坠落在春天,像大雪覆盖冬天。你也这样,点亮了我所有的世界。 18、半途而废不好 所以我建议你喜欢我到老。 19、我喜欢你就像是烟火升空,会在心里每一个小地方,都绽放小小的烟花,在心里噼里啪啦的炸开。 20、眼里都是你,亿万星辰犹不及。 21、所有的晦暗都留给过往,从遇见你开始,凛冬散尽星河长明。 22、星河璀璨,阳光干净,在人间所有美好的存在里,不论是活着或者死去,我总是最爱你。 23、 我半生穿过枫叶,抖落白雪 ,就为奔向你面前 ,由你在我手心,塞一片春天。 24、 先生是我漫漫余生里斩钉截铁的梦想。 25、 朝暮与年岁共往,然后与你一同行至天光。 26、 晚是全世界的晚,安是只给你的安。 27、我快写不出情话了,只想见你一面。 28、 我喜欢安于现状,也喜欢来日可期。有你的时候,安于现状;没你的时候,来日可期。 29、夜幕深沉里 ,你就是我的星。 30、你的名字 ,是我见过最短的情诗。 31、三十晚上的鞭炮再响,都没有我想你那么想。 32、快过年了,我不缺新衣服,我缺你。 33、新的一年没有祝福,只想给你一个人生建议,建议你跟我在一起。 34、想做你的小朋友你的心头肉。 35、我想悄悄的和你说,我爱你。 36、现在几点了?“零点整”这应该是我们幸福的起点。 37、纵然世间任我挑,我的选择仍是你。 38、爱到深处是无言,情到浓时是眷恋,不求彼此具有,只愿一生相守。 39、不求海枯石烂,只愿心灵相伴,最真的爱,是心灵深处的语言。 40、何以解忧,唯有暴富,何以暴富,唯有爱我!




  Common preach the first day of the first birthday that day broom, otherwise, it will not use brooms sweep away the lucky, the poorer SaoZhouXing "draws and incur bad luck If must sweep the floor, must not from outside to inside Saul The day is also cannot go toward outside splashed out the garbage, afraid so poorer Today many places have kept a custom, eve swept away, BTW out broom, rubbish, prepare a VAT undeniable, to fill wastewater, that day comes spilt




  Accounted for years

  Old folk in order to enter XinZheng early days weather and cloudy skies to account for this year was established It says the DongFangShuo began han ", refers to the age of 8, a day after the age for chicken day, 2 for dog, three days for pigs, 4, 5, for sheep for cattle, horses, seven days for six days, 8 of the valley great If that day, the Lord sunny day things breeding, which the Lord, the date of Yin not chang Offspring along its acquisition, think to 10th day, all in the junior cool weather, no wind without snow to achish By the age of offspring development as a series of sacrifice, celebrations Have not kill chickens, second day stattin don't kill dog, ising not kill pig Seventh not executing customs





  China folk have "open fireworks" say In the New Year is coming, every family opened the first thing that fireworks to beep PaPa the firecracker used orientation Fireworks is the Chinese specialitiesit, also say "BaoZhang", "the firecracker went off", "firecrackers" Its origin, since the early history of more than 2,000 years Firecrackers can create a festive lively atmosphere, is the holiday of a recreational activity, can give people bring joy and giovanni cobolli gigli As time goes on, firecracker used more widely, breed is design and color also continued to various, every major holiday and funerals celebration, and weddings, builds a house, opening, etc, all firecrackers to show celebration, figure a lucky Now, hunan, guangdong foshan and eastern liuyang yao, jiangxi yichun and pingsiang, wenzhou, zhejiang area such as famous Chinese wide of the township, the production of firecrackers design and color, high quality, not only sell well in the whole country, but also exported to the world



  农历一年最后一天的晚上。除是除旧布新。一年的最后一天叫“岁除”,那天晚上叫“除夕”。除夕人们往往通宵不眠,叫守岁。苏轼有《守岁》:“儿童强不睡,相守夜欢哗。” 关于除夕的由来有一种传说:是古时候有个凶恶的怪兽叫夕,我们的祖先曾遭受这种最凶猛的野兽的威胁,它每到岁末便出来害人,后来,人们发现,夕怕三种东西,红颜色、火光、响声。于是在冬天人们在自家门上挂上红颜色的桃木板,门口烧火堆,夜里通宵不睡,敲敲打打。这天夜里,"夕"闯进村庄,见到家家有红色和火光,听见震天的响声,吓得跑回深山,再也不敢出来。夜过去了,人们互相祝贺道喜,大家张灯结彩,饮酒摆宴,庆祝胜利。 于是以后的年三十晚上,家家户户贴红春联,燃放爆竹,来驱除夕兽以求新的一年安宁这种习俗从此流传下来,年三十晚上便称为除夕了

  New Year's eve

  The lunar year the last night It is not only a ChuJiuBuXin The last day of the year called "SuiChu", that evening called "eve" New Year's eve people often a night's sleep, so that ShouSui The SuShiYou ShouSui ":" children strong not sleep, phase vigil huan wow" About the origin of the Chinese New Year's eve is a legend: the old times, there lived a dragon monster called xi, our ancestors were subjected to the threat of the most fierce beast, it came out to harm the end of each, and later, they found out that the skarn afraid of three things, the red color, light and sound So in winter people in ZiGuMen hang the red color of peach wood door in the fire pile, night don't sleep all night, knock renowned This day night, "xi" broke into villages, meet every family is red and light and heard the sound of thundering, frighten run back to the mountains, dare not out The night, people greet each other daoxi, everybody decorations, drinking banquet to celebrate the victory Then later thirty night, every family stick red couplets, firecrackers, and to drive to the New Year eve beast Peace This custom has been handed down from henceforth, thirty evening she called on New Year's eve








  New Year's eve ShouSui is the most important festival customs in one of the common ShouSui activities, has a long history The earliest recorded in the western zhou place weekday volunteers ": on Chinese New Year's eve, each paleotopography, giving called" parafeed years old;" Especially to invite, called "don't years old;" Pecking gather to drink, praise complete, called "points years old;" Everybody all night sleepless, waiting for the dawn, call yue "shou sui"

  "Night even double age 12 days,", just before dawn points on New Year's eve, the family reunion together, eat meal, am candles or the lamp and sat beside prattle, waiting for furnace, all-night vigil year time, a symbol of all evil BingYi according to run away, hot looking forward to a New Year luck This custom prevailed, to later came early tang dynasty, emperor taizong li shi-mm write have "shou sui" poem: "cold, warm quit strong-mindedit into spring breeze" Until today, people still habit in New Year's eve ShouSui orientation

  Ancient ShouSui have two kinds of meanings: elder ShouSui as "old", have treasured garble time meaning; Young people ShouSui, is to lengthen the parents longevity From han dynasty, new old alternate moment general for midnight

  Each place is not the same: in yunnan rural have such legend: the annual at 30 children Adults Can't sleep all night namely everybody not sleeping, waiting for the dawn, call yue "shou sui" Different is said "why can't sleep Adults usually and child to say: if you asleep in the second his land will fall to infarction The people poured let sleeping to repair! Like saying everyone a also didn't nap to infarction won't fall! (yunnan customs)



  春节挂贴年画在城乡也很普遍,浓黑重彩的年画给千家万户平添了许多兴旺欢乐的喜庆气氛。年画是我国的一种古老的民间艺术,反映了人民朴素的风俗和信仰,寄托着他们对未来的希望。年画,也和春联一样,起源于“门神”。 随着木板印刷术的兴起,年画的内容已不仅限于门神之类单调的主题,变得丰富多彩,在一些年画作坊中产生了《福禄寿三星图》、《天官赐福》、《五谷丰登》、《六畜兴旺》、《迎春接福》等精典的彩色年画、以满足人们喜庆祈年的美好愿望。 我国出现了年画三个重要产地:苏州桃花坞,天津杨柳青和山东潍坊;形成了中国年画的三大流派,各具特色。



  The Spring Festival pictures hang stick in urban and rural areas are popular, life of New Year paintings give innumberable families ach adds many happy festive atmosphere prosperity Newyearpicture is our country's an old folk art, reflects people's simple customs and beliefs, entrusts they hope for the future Pictures, also and same, originated in "Spring Festival couplets shot-stopper" With the rise of the board printing, has not only limited pictures content such as the theme, drab shot-stopper becomes rich and colorful, in some pictures workshop produced "fu lu shou three map", "TianGuan blessed", "the grain and multiply it", "the plague prosperous", "fu chun connect" classical color posters, satisfy people festival in the wishes of qi Our country has arisen newyearpicture three important origin: suzhou TaoHuaWu, tianjin and shandong weifang; YangLiuQing Formed the Chinese paintings of the three schools, each has its own characteristics

  Our country nowadays, our country collect the earliest newyearpicture is toward the south song with a gentle and graceful pour a nation's looks "woodcarving pictures, paint is wang zhaojun, zhao delphiniums, class of satinique advanced and green beads four ancient beauties The most popular folk of is a picture of the mouse wedding pictures Painted in accordance with the customs of rat receives bride interesting scenes The early republic, Shanghai ZhengManTuo will calendar and posters both together This is a new form of pictures This GeErErYi pictures, later developed into calendar so far, swept the country

#英语资源# 导语除夕之夜,是中国亿万劳动人民的最快乐之夜。也是辞旧迎新之夜。除夕两年之间的交叉点。以下是 为大家精心整理的《有关除夕之夜的英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1有关除夕之夜的英语日记 篇一

 Today is New Year's Eve On this New Year's Eve, we watched the CCTV Spring Festival Gala after dinner Grandma and aunt were busy making supper

 My sister and I came to the kitchen and saw my grandmother beating eggs and my aunt mixing flour My curiosity made me have to ask, so I asked, "Grandma, what do you want to do" Grandma replied, "We want to fry crispy meat" I then understood why we should use eggs and flour Eggs are used to make crispy meat yellow, and flour is used to make crispy meat more chewy

 At midnight, the adults lit the fireworks that had already been prepared, and the beautiful fireworks flew into the sky, up and down, up and down The fireworks first went up in a ball, then burst out with her beautiful smile, and then fell down with the stars I couldn't help admiring: "What beautiful fireworks!" The beautiful fireworks have many colors, including red, green, purple, magenta, red-green When all people see this scene, they should praise her graceful posture like me!

 After setting off the fireworks, several of our children also set off a kind of gun called Silver Fountain She spewed silver star-like dots When she reached the climax, there would be a sound of water flow, so she called Silver Fountain

 I love the New Year's Eve and the fireworks at night!

2有关除夕之夜的英语日记 篇二

 This year's New Year's Eve, we invited my good friend and family to spend New Year's Eve with us Since the afternoon, the whole family has been mobilized to make preparations for the evening, tidy up the room, buy firecrackers, paste couplets, and everyone is busy My mother and aunt prepared a sumptuous dinner for us, including my favorite hairtail, fried shrimp, beef, and meatballs Liang Xinyi and I had drooling

 Grandma also prepared dumplings for us Liang Xinyi and I made three dumplings each by ourselves Grandma praised us for making very good dumplings

 The Spring Festival Gala began We ate and watched it The show was wonderful, including singing and dancing, sketches, crosstalk, and my favorite magic performed by Liu Qian It was amazing! The bell of the New Year is about to ring This is the happiest time for me to set off firecrackers with my father and mother The new year is beginning again!

3有关除夕之夜的英语日记 篇三

 January xx is New Year's Eve, and every household sets off firecrackers

 New Year's Eve is one of the most grand traditional festivals in China It refers to the last night of the first morning of the lunar calendar, that is, the night before the Spring Festival On New Year's Eve, we should not only clean our home and outside Also stick couplets

 Firecrackers and fireworks will also be set off on New Year's Eve It is said that the New Year's Eve is a kind of monster On the last night of the lunar year, the New Year's Eve comes out to harm the world However, on the New Year's Eve, people do not know that every household is setting off firecrackers today When they hear firecrackers on the New Year's Eve, it is like a mouse sees a cat People know that they are afraid of setting off firecrackers on the New Year's Eve

 This is the origin of New Year's Eve

4有关除夕之夜的英语日记 篇四

 In the busy life of adults and the expectation of our children, we have ushered in the last day of the New Year Adults: Sticking Spring Festival couplets, hanging lanterns, and making dumplings are all busy with the Spring Festival

 In the morning, we got up early My father and brother went to paste Spring Festival couplets and hang lanterns In the afternoon, my father, mother and brother prepared the New Year's Eve dinner, my father rolled out the skin, and my mother and brother made dumplings In the evening, the New Year's Eve dinner is ready After dinner, we turn on the TV to watch the Spring Festival Gala We watch it while drinking tea

 The new year has begun, and my busy work with adults is going smoothly I wish the children progress and happiness in their study

5有关除夕之夜的英语日记 篇五

 New Year's Day! The long-awaited New Year is coming People are basically wearing bright clothes to welcome the jubilant New Year's Eve

 When night fell, the whole family sat around and ate a well-prepared and rich New Year's Eve dinner

 After dinner, the whole family sat in front of the TV and watched the wonderful Spring Festival Gala together The content of the gala was very rich, some singing, some dancing, and some sketches and magic The songs sung by the musicians are very beautiful When they reach the bass, they are like a breeze gently blowing on the lake surface, with thin ripples and tinkling like spring water; At the high pitch, it looks like a huge wave on the sea After listening to it, I'm really not satisfied The dancers danced beautifully When they came on the stage, they flew to the stage like a dancing butterfly; Sometimes I lift up my beautiful skirt and spin it like a blooming flower on the lawn The sketch is very funny It makes the whole family laugh The magic is the most wonderful Before going to bed, we are all discussing how it changes

 The beautiful New Year's Eve has passed I'm looking forward to the next New Year's Eve!



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