小白羊,叫做little white sheep。
绵羊体躯丰满,被毛绵密,头短。公绵羊多有螺旋状大角具有威慑性,母绵羊无角或角细小。颅骨上具泪窝,鼻骨较隆起。四蹄都有趾腺。公绵羊无偞气。体重有十千克至百余千克不等。其构造和习性因具有多种特点而适于放牧;嘴尖、唇薄而灵活,利于采食短草,亦能采食粗硬的秸秆、树枝;消化能力强;有的种类可在尾部、臀部和内脏器官周围蓄积脂肪,以供冬春青饲料缺乏时消耗;仿效性、合群性强,有跟随领头羊(通常是老母绵羊)集合成群的习性;放牧时好向高处采食,夜间亦喜睡于牧地高处。 由于被毛的保温和隔热作用,能耐寒、耐热;但在剪毛后不久,如果天气骤冷,或被雨淋时容易得病。一般喜干燥而怕湿热。性怯懦,自卫能力弱,易受兽害。自然寿命约15岁。
sheep 羊
shirt 衬衫(男式)
ship 轮船
fish 鱼
dish 盘子,碟子
push 推
shoes 鞋子
shovel 铲子
Aries (白羊座英文介绍) 白羊座- OR ARIES RISING (Ruled by Mars火星) Aries is the first sign of the zodiac(十二宫图)and its symbol is the Ram(公羊) Positive Expression People born under the sign of Aries are energetic, spontaneous and outgoing They are often courageous (勇敢的), ready to go bold-headed and willing to take risk Their optimistic and enthusiastic outlook makes them exciting and stimulating company Since Aries needs to forge ahead, individuals born under this sign generally act on impulse, enjoy challenges and the spice of danger They excel in sport and are virtually unstoppable Negative Expression Since Aries 'acts first and thinks later' he/she often regrets his rash action at a later stage Their impulsive (冲动的) and hasty nature makes them impatient, tactless(不老练的), quick-tempered and aggressive Their 'me-first' attitude sometimes turns an assertive Aries into a rude, pushy and in extreme cases a thoughtless 'bully' Physical and Sexual Characteristics Because Aries is ruled by the 'red' planet Mars, they often have a ruddy complexion with freckles and reddish hair Aries natives' strong sex drive makes them passionate lovers, but their desire for conquest and the need to prove themselves can lead to a 'Casanova' or 'Femme Fatale' syndrome However, they able to form stable relationships with those who respect their great need for independence Romance Profiles The sign of the Ram is graced by the element of Fire, and if you were to use one word to describe Aries, it could easily be heat People born under this sign have a passion and red-hot energy which often proves irresistible It's certainly never boring! Arians likes to initiate relationships, and the role of seducer comes to them easily This sizzling (极烫的) romance dance will only work on those strong enough to stay in the game, because Aries wants a partner who can go toe-to-toe with them, whether it's over lunch or in the bedroom Aries likes to get its way and often pits the wishes of self against what is best for the partnership, which can lead to conflict But then, these "battles" are often foreplay which can result in some sexy fireworks of their own The Ram is possessed of a great physicality, a sense of adventure, is wildly flirtatious and loves to play Romance Arians loves the hunt, and will do whatever it takes to get the prize they want The question in their mind will often be whether it's a prize worth keeping Aries will take risks during the chase, but would love the object of their affections to do the same That give and take can keep things more than interesting and going for quite some time There is no doubt that Aries is seductive and will prove hard to resist Sparks will fly in this competitive pas de deux, and it's all the better where the Ram is concerned A mental attraction for impassioned Aries is often the first step and the indicator as to whether things will progress If things work their way down -- watch out! Once hooked, Arians loves strokes and tender caresses, and a lover who will tell them that they are the best Relationships The demanding and passionate Ram needs an equally self-possessed lover to stimulate them and set them on fire If not, what's the point Arians can be fiercely loyal yet self-centered at the same time, so their partner needs to exhibit confidence and a sense of when to give them the space they need Aries will stick with a relationship as long as it's hot (and fireworks are key to this fire sign), but if things start to cool down, it won't be long before they hit the road (开始流浪) The ideal Aries soul mate may be someone who is never, ever dull Love Aries is a moving target where love is concerned, always looking, seeking and often finding It can be very hard to resist the Ram's magnetic charms The aura surrounding those born under this sign is one of intensity and intrigue, so many will be tempted to step up to the plate This is exactly what Aries wants: many opportunities to play the game of love Some things will work and some won't, but the game is surely fun! The beauty of it all is that Aries flourishes in love, becoming a more sensuous, understanding and feeling soul As long as Aries remembers how to share and the beauty of an "us," things can go far What Aries Need Aries doesn't generally need hearts and flowers to give them a warm and fuzzy (模糊的) glow What's far more important to members of this sign is to find a partner who is equally strong and self-possessed and who will challenge them to greater heights, both mental and physical That person who can draw them out and make them better is a keeper It also helps if Aries' partner can handle the occasional fiery argument and can master the art of making up The Aries lover is passionate, adventurous and energetic, loves romance and revels in the art of the chase Those who can stand the heat will be rewarded with a loyal companion who will take them to greater heights Life with Aries is never boring, so get ready for the ride of a lifetime!
1、白羊座 英文 Aries 缩写 Ari (也叫牡羊座)
2、金牛座 英文 Taurus 缩写 Tau
Taurus 是拉丁文中牛这个单词的变体,后来经过多种转变变成了这个单词,为了体现金牛座对人对事物都超级有耐心,不会轻易放弃的意思。
3、双子座 英文 Genimi 缩写 Gem
4、巨蟹座 英文 Cancer 缩写 Cnc
5、狮子座 英文缩 Leonis 写 Leo
6、处女座 英文 Virgo 缩写 Vir (也叫室女座)
7、天秤座 英文 Libra 缩写 Lib (也叫天平座)
8、天蝎座 英文 Scorpius 缩写 Sco
9、射手座 英文 Sagittarius 缩写 Sgr
sagittarius 这个单词最早出现是为了代替同意不同音的单词archer,而后者就是弓箭手的意思,大概是为了表示人马座的形象比较像一个弓箭手吧。
10、摩羯座 英文Capricornus缩写 Cap
scapegoat是替罪羊的意思,有点类似于中国文化中的牺牲,而Capricorn 和scapegoat的发音极为类似,表达的意思也是一样的。
11、水瓶座 英文 Aguarius 缩写 Agr (也叫宝瓶座)
12、双鱼座 英文 Pisces 缩写 Psc