



  Fast Food Scraps Threaten Rat Plague

  Britain is facing a sharp rise in its rat population as growing numbers of people leave fast food scraps in the street, an environment group warned Keep Britain Tidy said the rodents were abandoning their traditional haunts underground and were roaming the streets, enticed by discarded remnants of burgers, pizzas and crisps "The rat population is on the rise and soon it'll be as common to see a rodent on our street as it is to see a dog or a cat," said group Director, Sue Nelson The practice of dumping fast food litter and scraps on the street rather than in the trash - with young men the worst offenders - was behind the rise According to the National Rodent Survey in 2001, Britain's rat population has grown by nearly one quarter since 1998 and is now estimated at 60 million, two million more than the human population On average a rat can give birth every 24-28 days and just a single pair of rats can produce a colony of 2,000 a year Around 200 Britons a year contract Weil's Disease - an infection which can lead to kidney or liver failure and eventually death and which is carried in rat's urine To highlight the issue, Keep Britain Tidy launched a cinema advert entitled "How close do you want them to get" The ad culminates in a shocking image of a young woman sleeping in a bed of rats - echoing the nightmare scenario from James Herbert's classic horror tale The Rats, in which mutant rodents begin to prey on humans




  100-Year-Old Rewards Doctor

  Israel Haimowitz made a deal with his doctor 15 years ago - get me to 100 and I'll buy you a European vacation On Sept 5, 2002, Haimowitz is celebrating his 100th birthday And Dr Robert Drimmer and his wife are looking forward to a trip to London next summer "I hate to take his money," Drimmer said, but Haimowitz "would be mad if I didn't go" Haimowitz, a retired furniture salesman, said it's the least he can do The native of Brooklyn, NY, is in good health, complaining only occasionally of fatigue He moved to Florida 16 years ago "To get a doctor down here that's considerate of his patients is difficult," Haimowitz said He credits his longevity and health to drinking two ounces of cognac daily, along with eating five Danish butter cookies Haimowitz, who just renewed his driver's license, said he plans to stick around awhile "When I don't feel good, I don't want to be here But when I feel as I do now, I want to live to 120," he said




  People Born in Autumn Live Longer

  People born in the autumn live longer than those born in the spring and are less likely to fall chronically ill when they are older, according to an Austrian scientist Using census data for more than one million people in Austria, Denmark and Australia, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in the northern German town of Rostock found the month of birth was related to life expectancy over the age of 50 Seasonal differences in what mothers ate during pregnancy, and infections occurring at different times of the year could both have an impact on the health of a new-born baby and could influence its life expectancy in older age "A mother giving birth in spring spends the last phase of her pregnancy in winter, when she will eat less vitamins than in summer," said Gabriele Doblhammer, one of a team of scientists who carried out the research "When she stops breast-feeding and starts giving her baby normal food, it's in the hot weeks of summer when babies are prone to infections of the digestive system" In Austria, adults born in autumn (October-December) lived about seven months longer than those born in spring (April-June), and in Denmark adults with birthdays in autumn outlived those born in spring by about four months In the southern hemisphere, the picture was similar Adults born in the Australian autumn - the European spring - lived about four months longer than those born in the Australian spring The study focused on people born at the beginning of the 20th century, using death certificates and census data Although nutrition at all times of the year has improved since then, the seasonal pattern persists, Doblhammer said




  Love Means Sharing the Same Diseases

  Married couples share more than their homes, cars and finances - they are also likely to have some of the same diseases, experts say If a spouse suffers from asthma, depression, peptic ulcers, high blood pressure or raised cholesterol levels, the chances are their partner will be afflicted with the same illness "Partners of people with specific diseases are at increased risk of the disease themselves - at least 70 percent increased risk for asthma, depression and peptic ulcer disease," Julia Hippisley Cox of the University of Nottingham in northern England said Cox and her team said the most likely reason for the shared diseases was environment Married couples usually eat the same foods, are exposed to the same allergens and often have similar exercise patterns, all of which contribute to ailments such as allergies, high blood pressure and raised cholesterol The scientists studied the medical history of 8,000 married couples, aged 30 to 74 "The findings could have implications for targeting screening or disease prevention measures at partners of participants with one of these diseases," Cox added




Fast Food Scraps Threaten Rat Plague

Britain is facing a sharp rise in its rat population as growing numbers of people leave fast food scraps in the street, an environment group warned Keep Britain Tidy said the rodents were abandoning their traditional haunts underground and were roaming the streets, enticed by discarded remnants of burgers, pizzas and crisps "The rat population is on the rise and soon it'll be as common to see a rodent on our street as it is to see a dog or a cat," said group Director, Sue Nelson The practice of dumping fast food litter and scraps on the street rather than in the trash - with young men the worst offenders - was behind the rise According to the National Rodent Survey in 2001, Britain's rat population has grown by nearly one quarter since 1998 and is now estimated at 60 million, two million more than the human population On average a rat can give birth every 24-28 days and just a single pair of rats can produce a colony of 2,000 a year Around 200 Britons a year contract Weil's Disease - an infection which can lead to kidney or liver failure and eventually death and which is carried in rat's urine To highlight the issue, Keep Britain Tidy launched a cinema advert entitled "How close do you want them to get" The ad culminates in a shocking image of a young woman sleeping in a bed of rats - echoing the nightmare scenario from James Herbert's classic horror tale The Rats, in which mutant rodents begin to prey on humans




100-Year-Old Rewards Doctor

Israel Haimowitz made a deal with his doctor 15 years ago - get me to 100 and I'll buy you a European vacation On Sept 5, 2002, Haimowitz is celebrating his 100th birthday And Dr Robert Drimmer and his wife are looking forward to a trip to London next summer "I hate to take his money," Drimmer said, but Haimowitz "would be mad if I didn't go" Haimowitz, a retired furniture salesman, said it's the least he can do The native of Brooklyn, NY, is in good health, complaining only occasionally of fatigue He moved to Florida 16 years ago "To get a doctor down here that's considerate of his patients is difficult," Haimowitz said He credits his longevity and health to drinking two ounces of cognac daily, along with eating five Danish butter cookies Haimowitz, who just renewed his driver's license, said he plans to stick around awhile "When I don't feel good, I don't want to be here But when I feel as I do now, I want to live to 120," he said




People Born in Autumn Live Longer

People born in the autumn live longer than those born in the spring and are less likely to fall chronically ill when they are older, according to an Austrian scientist Using census data for more than one million people in Austria, Denmark and Australia, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in the northern German town of Rostock found the month of birth was related to life expectancy over the age of 50 Seasonal differences in what mothers ate during pregnancy, and infections occurring at different times of the year could both have an impact on the health of a new-born baby and could influence its life expectancy in older age "A mother giving birth in spring spends the last phase of her pregnancy in winter, when she will eat less vitamins than in summer," said Gabriele Doblhammer, one of a team of scientists who carried out the research "When she stops breast-feeding and starts giving her baby normal food, it's in the hot weeks of summer when babies are prone to infections of the digestive system" In Austria, adults born in autumn (October-December) lived about seven months longer than those born in spring (April-June), and in Denmark adults with birthdays in autumn outlived those born in spring by about four months In the southern hemisphere, the picture was similar Adults born in the Australian autumn - the European spring - lived about four months longer than those born in the Australian spring The study focused on people born at the beginning of the 20th century, using death certificates and census data Although nutrition at all times of the year has improved since then, the seasonal pattern persists, Doblhammer said




Love Means Sharing the Same Diseases

Married couples share more than their homes, cars and finances - they are also likely to have some of the same diseases, experts say If a spouse suffers from asthma, depression, peptic ulcers, high blood pressure or raised cholesterol levels, the chances are their partner will be afflicted with the same illness "Partners of people with specific diseases are at increased risk of the disease themselves - at least 70 percent increased risk for asthma, depression and peptic ulcer disease," Julia Hippisley Cox of the University of Nottingham in northern England said Cox and her team said the most likely reason for the shared diseases was environment Married couples usually eat the same foods, are exposed to the same allergens and often have similar exercise patterns, all of which contribute to ailments such as allergies, high blood pressure and raised cholesterol The scientists studied the medical history of 8,000 married couples, aged 30 to 74 "The findings could have implications for targeting screening or disease prevention measures at partners of participants with one of these diseases," Cox added





一un二deux三trois 四quatre五cinq六six七sept八huit九neuf十dix十一onze 十二douze十三treize十四quatorze十五quinze十六seize十七dix-sept 二十vingt 二十一vingt et un三十trente四十quarante五十cinquante六十soixante 七十soixante-dix八十quatre-vingts九十quatre-vingt-dix一百cent 一千mille 一万dix mille十万cent mille百万un million亿milliard


星期la semaine

星期一lundi 星期二mardi 星期三mercredi 星期四jeudi 星期五vendredi星期六samedi 星期日dimanche

月份le mois

一月janvier 二月février三月mars四月owril五月mai六月juin七月juillet八月août九月septembre十月octobre十一月novembre十二月décembre


亚洲L’Asie欧洲L’Europe非洲L’Afrique北美洲L’Amérique du Nord 南美洲L’Amérique du Sud南极洲L’Antarctique大洋洲L’Océanie

北冰洋L’océan Arctique太平洋L’océan Pacifique印度洋L’océan Indien 大西洋L’océan Atlantique


鼠le rat牛le boeuf虎le tigre兔le lapin龙le dragon蛇le serpent马le cheval 羊le mouton猴le singe鸡le coq狗le chien猪le cochon

星座l'horoscope 你是什么星座的Quel est ton signe

摩羯座le Capricorne(1222---119)水瓶座le Verseau(120---218) 双鱼座les Poissons(219---320)白羊座le Bélier (321---420)金牛座la Taureau(421---520)双子座les Gémeaux(521---621) 巨蟹座le Cancer(622---722)狮子座le Lion(723---822)处女座laVierge(823---922)天平座la Balance(923---1022)天蝎座le Scorpion(1023---1121) 射手座le Sagittaire(1122---1221)


句号 le point逗号 la virgule分号 le point-virgule冒号 les deux points 叹号 le point d’exclamation问号 le point d;interrogation

省略号 les points de suspension破折号 le tiret括号 les parentheses 方括号 les crochets书名号les guillemets 星号 l’astérisque



千瓦/时,度kwh(kilowattheure)海拔altitude公顷hectare厘米,公分le centim ètre 米metre秒seconde分minute小时heure




今天aujourd'hui昨天hier前天avent-hier多少时间以前il y a+时间次日le lendemain 去年l’annee derniere上周la semaine derniere下个月le mois prochain

阳历solaire阴历lunaire 中秋节mi-automme


东l'est南le sud西l'ouest北le nord左gauche右droite前devant后derrière 高haut低bas 向右转tournez a droite笔直走allez tout droit在旁边a cote de 在边au bord de在的上方au-dessus在下方au dessous从那边走c’est par la在尽头au bout de


中国Chine韩国La Coréel俄罗斯Russie日本Japon 法国France比利时La Belgique摩纳哥Monaco瑞士La Suisse安道尔L'Andorre 西班牙Espagnol 德国Allemagne意大利Italie(邻国)苏格兰人Ecosse 葡萄牙Portuga希腊Grec 荷兰Pays-Bas / Hollande英国Grande-Bretagne 美国Aux Etats-Unis加拿大Canada 巴西Au Brésil


柏林Berlin伦敦londres华沙(波兰)Varsovie斯德哥尔摩(瑞典)Stockholm 布达佩斯(匈牙利)Budapest马德里(西班牙)Madrid布拉格(捷克)Prague 伯尔尼(瑞士)Berne维也纳(奥地利)Vienne莫斯科Moscou阿姆斯特丹(荷兰)Amsterdam雅典(希腊)Athènes罗马(意大利)Rome 巴黎Paris尼斯Nice 马赛Marseille敦刻尔克Dunkerque里尔Lille瑟堡Cherbourg 鲁昂Rouen兰斯Nancy布雷斯特Brest 斯特拉斯堡Strasbourg奥尔良Orleans南特Nantes第戎Dijon里摩日Limoges里昂Lyon 格勒诺布尔Grenoble波尔多Bordeaux瓦朗斯Valence 图卢兹Toulouse 佩皮尼昂Perpignan 土伦Toulon

号码taille小号/中号/大号taille petit/moyen/grand尺码pointure

臀围tour de hanches胸围tour de poitrine帽子chapeau内衣un soutien-gorge 内裤un slip睡衣un pyjama红领巾foulard rouge围巾une écharpe领带cravate手帕mouchoir纽扣bouton手套gants腰带une ceinture 鞋垫、鞋底semelle 袜子des chaussettes 上衣veste运动衫maillot背心un giletT恤un tee-shirt茄克衫un blouson毛衣un pull 大衣un manteau衣服vetements女装vetements pour femmes西服un costume 礼服habit noir晚礼服(男)habit de soiree晚礼服(女)robe de soiree 西服costume衬衣chemise 男士衬衫une chemise女式衬衫un chemisier 裙子une jupe连衣裙une robe 旗袍robe chinoise百褶裙jupe a fronces 秋裤une paire de collants绒裤pantalon molletonne棉毛裤calecon long de coton 短运动裤un short牛仔裤un jean长裤un pantalon七分裤un corsaire 拖鞋pantoufles凉鞋sandales鞋子des chaussures平底鞋souliers plats 皮鞋chaussures de cuir高跟鞋souliers a hauts talons运动鞋souliers de sport 靴子des bottes


美beaute化妆manquillage化妆品produits de beaute眉笔crayon sourcil 眼线笔crayon khol唇彩笔crayon levres香水parfum唇膏rouge a levres 卸妆用品demaquillant剃须刀rasoir镜子miroir牙刷brosse a dent毛巾servitte 指甲刀coupe-ongles梳子peigne卫生纸papier de toilette润肤霜creme hydratante 剪刀 le ciseaux胶水 la colle liquide 理发coiffure剪发coupe修边rafaichir烫发se faire permanenter胡子barbe

涉及名词:卸妆se demaquiller卸妆油creme demaquillante梳洗faire sa toilette


珍珠perle宝石pierres precieuses金or 钻石diamant水晶cristal玉jade玛瑙agate 镀金dore塑料le plastique 戒指bague手镯bracelet项链 collier耳环boucle d’oreille


白色blanc黑色noir(s)红色rouge(roux)蓝色bleu绿色vert灰色gris金色or紫色violet橙色orange咖啡色marron褐色bruns栗色châtains**jaune肤色、肉色chair 金**blond浅褐色的beige墨绿vert épinard玫瑰红rose樱桃色cerise天蓝色bleu ciel银白色argent深蓝色bleu fonce浅绿色vert clair


钥匙la cle手机,移动电话 Le portable电熨斗Fer électrique 地图carte 烟灰缸le cendrier鞋油cirage鞋刷brosse a souliers 洗衣粉lessive 洗衣服faire la lessive晒干secher au soleil肥皂 le savon


记事本Le carnet信lettre 明信片carte postale 小说roman 杂志magazine 课本manuel字典dictionnaire 铅笔crayon钢笔stylo毛笔pinceau墨水encre直尺regle plate比例尺mesure 订书机agrafeuse练习本cahier胶纸papier collant 水浒au bord de l’eau


数学mathematiques物理physique化学chimie生物biologie历史histoire 哲学philosophie地理geographie外语langue etrangere

天气le temps

春天au printemps夏天l'été秋天en automne冬天en d'hiver

冷froid热chaud凉快frais闷热chaud et humide暖和doux多云ciel nuageux 风vent 雷雨orage打雷il tonne雾brouillard天气干燥il fait sec凉爽frais

晴天clair晴朗ensoleillé毛毛雨pluie fine雾brouillard雪neige雨pleut

阴天le temps est couvert暴风雪une tempête de neige 大风une rafale de vent 晴转多云beau,puis nuageux冷空气courant d’air froid 涉及名词:天气预报prevision meteorologique温度计thermometre


头la tête头发les cheveux额头le front脸le visage眼睛les yeux 眉毛les sourcils耳朵les oreilles鼻子le nez 嘴巴la bouche睫毛cil 面颊la joue嘴唇les lèvres牙les dents下巴le menton 皮肤peau 手掌la main大拇指pouce 中指majeur无名指annulaire小指auriculaire 手指les doigts脚趾les orteils指甲ongles 身体le corps心le coeur肺le poumon肝le foie脖子le cou肩膀l'épaule胳膊le bras背dos腹部ventre肘le coude胸la poitrine肚子le ventre 腰le dos屁股les fesses大腿la cuisse 小腿le jambe膝盖le genou脚踝la cheville脚le pied喉咙la gorge


爪子La patte


鸟le oiseau鸽子pigeon 鸭le canard猫chatte 乌鸦le corbeau狐狸le renard 长颈鹿girafe熊our大象éléphant狮子lion企鹅pingouin袋鼠kangourou犀牛rhinocéro骆驼chameau斑马zèbre大猩猩gorille狼coup 鳄鱼crocodile鲸baleine水牛buffle鹿cerf孔雀paon


树枝branche紫罗兰giroglee菊花chrysantheme牡丹pivoine茉莉jasmin荷花lotus 玫瑰rose郁金香tulipe 树arbre柳saule法国梧桐platane槐树sophora 可可树cacaotier葡萄树vigne


田径 l’athlétisme 乒乓球 ping-pong曲棍球 le hockey棒球 le baseball垒球 le softball足球 le football 篮球 le basketball排球 le volleyball手球 le handball网球 le tennis 羽毛球 le badminton

游泳 la natation体操 la gymnastique赛艇 l’aviron皮划艇 le canoë-kayak

帆船 la voile击剑 l’escrime射击 le tir射箭 le tir à l’arc 自行车le cyclisme 现代五项le pentathlon moderne(equitation,escrime,tir,natation etcross-country) 铁人三项 le triathlon(natation,cyclisme et course)马术 l’équitation 举重 l’halterophilie摔跤 la lutte柔道 le judo跆拳道 le taekwondo拳击 le boxe


商店magazin超级市场le surpermarche咖啡厅Cafétéria电话间Téléphon 美容院salon de beaute照相馆studio de photograpie 服装商店

magasin de vetements书店librarie衣帽间Vestiaire肉店la boucherie 面包店la boulangerie食品杂货店l’epicerie糕点铺La pâtisserie


银行banque 学校école托儿所la creche幼儿园jardin小学les ecole primaire 初中les ecole secondaire/collège高中lycée机场Aéroport宿舍dortoir 博物馆musée **院cinéma 体育馆gymnase 入口 Entrée出口Sortie 紧急出口Issue de Secours边境口岸Poste Frontière移民处Immigration贵宾通道Passage VIP 外交通道Passage pour diplomates 海关Douane车辆出口Sortie de voitures 接待处Réception问讯Renseignementse 候车室Salle d’Attente贵宾包厢Loge d’Honneur 贵宾室Salon VIP贵宾楼Pavillon d’Honneur 过境厅Salle de Transit 航空港Aérogare 出发(层)Départs抵达(层) Arrivées 行李Bagages 行李存放处Consigne 行李托运Enregistrement des Bagages卫生间Toilettes Messieurs

吸烟室Fumoir; Cabine Fumeurs吸烟区Zone Fumeur(s)非吸烟区Zone Non-Fumeur(s) 吸烟亭Abri Fumeurs


客厅salon起居室la salle de sejour浴室la salle de bains地下室le sous-sol 地窖、酒窖la cave厨房salle de cuisine阳台balcon走廊couloir 下水道egout 租金loyer院子cour 家具meubles桌子table茶几table a the凳子tabouret椅子chaise床lit书柜bibiotheque 话筒microphone音响coffret acoustique保温瓶thermos


一楼le rez de chaussee二楼le premier etage 三楼deuxieume etage

大楼bâtiment红绿灯signalisation十字路口carrefour人行道le trottoir 桥pont 立交桥echangeurautoroute 公路La route隧道tunnel 四道,六道高速公路Autoroute à quatre voix, six voies付费高速公路Autoroute à péage


单程票un aller simple往返票un aller-retour票billet 自行车vélo摩托车moto 卡车Le camion 拖拉机Le tracteur 飞机la voion公交车Le bus雷诺汽车voiture Renault有轨电车le dernier tram 出租车taxi火车le train船bateau小艇barque地铁le métro高铁、动车TGV 汽车站arret de bus


(普通)好的bon,ne好相处的;热情的sympathique乐观的optimiste幽默的humour 使发笑faire rire慷慨的;大方的généreux,se可内向的renferme细心minutieux开放ouvert淘气vilain勇敢brave忠诚fidele 开朗optimiste积极actif 活泼anime聪明intelligent富裕riche纯洁pur 真挚sincer灵活habile 坏的冒失etourdimauvais,e话多的;罗嗦的bavard,e易激动的;易发怒的nerveux,se 悲观的pessimiste严肃的、认真的sérieux,se愚蠢的、傻的bête自私自利的égoïste无礼impoli厉害fort讨厌detester迟钝lent胆小peureux

(夸张)卓越的;不可思议的super令人爱慕的;非常可爱的adorable 神奇的;绝妙的merveilleux,se特别的;不同寻常的extraordinaire 可怕的;使人讨厌的horrible

爱的,迷人的charmant, e 漂亮的joli内向的renferme细心minutieux开放ouvert 淘气vilain勇敢brave忠诚fidele

开朗optimiste积极actif活泼anime聪明intelligent富裕riche纯洁pur 真挚sincer灵活habile 坏的冒失etourdimauvais,e话多的;罗嗦的bavard,e易激动的;易发怒的nerveux,se 悲观的pessimiste严肃的、认真的sérieux,se愚蠢的、傻的bête自私自利的égoïste无礼impoli厉害fort讨厌detester迟钝lent胆小peureux

(夸张)卓越的;不可思议的super令人爱慕的;非常可爱的adorable 神奇的;绝妙的merveilleux,se特别的;不同寻常的extraordinaire 可怕的;使人讨厌的horrible

家庭la famille

孩子un enfant,une enfant父母des parents爸爸un père妈妈une mère男孩un fils 女孩une fille小孩un petit-enfant独生子un fils unique独生女une fille unique 未婚夫un fiancé未婚妻une fiancée

男人un homme女人;妻子une femme丈夫un mari兄弟un frère姐妹une soeur 侄子;外甥un neveu侄女;外甥女une nièce阿姨;姑姑une tante叔叔;舅舅un oncle爷爷;外公un grand-père奶奶;外婆une grand-mère 皇后reine王子prince公主princesse国王roi


学生étudiant医生le médecin;docteur(呼语)职员l’employe老师professeur 工程师ingénieur警察policier售货员vendeur,vendeuse演员un acteur, une actrice 舞蹈演员danseur邮递员facteur查票员controleur厨师cuisinier理发师coiffeur 护士un infirmier,une infirmière农民paysan工人l'ouvrier,ère

经理un P(résident)D(irecteur)G(énéral);un directeur副经理sous-directeur 画家le peintre门卫concierge裁缝couturier;couturière

会计comptable编辑un éditeur,une éditrice司机chauffeur秘书secrétaire

电工un électricien水暖工un plombien记者journaliste 建筑师L’architecte 飞行员un pilote乘务员une hôtesse de l'air,un steward列车员employé(e) de train 接线员standardiste前台服务员réceptionniste海关官员un douanier神父pretre 僧人moines律师avocat法官juge校长proviseur公务员fonctionnaire 总统president总理premier ministre部长ministre省长prefet 市长maire


大仲马Aleexandre Du ma


番茄tomate黄瓜le concombre大葱poireau小香葱la ciboulette胡萝卜la carotte 洋葱l'oignon小洋葱l’echalote茄子l’aubergine(f)柿子kaki白萝卜le navet 花生l’arachide红皮白萝卜le radis

土豆la pomme de terre扁豆haricots菜花le chou-fleur玉米maïs酸菜choucroute 小扁豆les lentilles绿花菜brocolis橄榄olive蘑菇champignon花椰菜le brocoli 卷心菜le chou竹笋la pousse de bambou芹菜celeri南瓜la citrouille

大白菜le chou-chiois青菜le chou-shanghai菠菜des epinards(m)西葫芦la courgette小麦le blé青豌豆le petit pois芦笋l’asperge朝鲜蓟l’artichaut 青椒le poivron牛肝菌le cepe 茴香le feunouil菊苣l’endive


草莓la fraise柠檬le citron猕猴桃le kiwi苹果la pomme香蕉la banana甜瓜le melon 柚子le pamplemous樱桃la cerise菠萝l'ananas甘蔗canne a sucre 荔枝litchi 西瓜le melon d’eau李子la prune枣子la jujube樱桃la cerise摈榔arec

细皮小柑桔la clémentine葡萄le raisin梨 la poire草莓 la fraise 桃子la pêche 橘子la madarine柑橘orange西瓜la pasteque甜瓜 le melon 石榴grenade 枇杷bibasse 覆盆子la framboise桑葚la mure椰子la noix de coco蓝莓la myrtille杏l’abricot 黑醋栗le cassis西番莲果le fruit de la passion杨桃la carambole


饼干les biscuits核桃la noix栗子le marron杏仁l’amande(f)花生米cacahouette


油huile黄油beurre醋le vinaigre酱油sauce de soja植物油huile vegetable 调味汁sauce橄榄油l’huile d’olive

盐le sel胡椒le poivre糖sucre淀粉fecule芥末moutarde藏红花le safran 葱ciboule生姜gingembre辣椒le piment大蒜l’ail(m)香草la vanille 肉桂cannelle epaisse佐料condiment

酱pate de haricots番茄酱le ketchup辣椒酱le tabasco芥末酱la moutarde 罗勒、紫苏le basilic薄荷la menthe月桂le laurier百里香le thym

蒙斯戴尔奶酪le munster勒布罗凶奶酪le reblochon卡芒贝尔le camembert

孔泰奶酪le conte托姆奶酪la tomme de Savoie酸奶yogourt牛奶lait冰淇淋glace 奶油creme


水l'eau矿泉水eau minerale苏打水soda柠檬水limonade

茶thé茉莉花茶le thé au jasmin红茶the noir浓茶the fort薄荷茶the a la menthe 豆浆lait du soja稀饭bollille du riz酸梅汤sirop de prune 椰子汁lait de coco果汁jus奶粉lait en poudre

可口可乐coca cola咖啡cafe特浓咖啡expresso热可可chocolat chauol

酒l’alcool葡萄酒vin名酒grand vin开胃酒aperitif啤酒biere香槟酒champagne 威士忌whisky白兰地cognac马提尼martini苹果酒cidre鸡尾酒cocktail


涉及动词:煮cuire冷冻congeler蒸cuire a la vapeur炒faire sauter

削皮eplucher切片couper擦碎raper注水verser搅拌melanger搅打battre煮沸bouillir煎frire擀etaler au rouleau搅动remuer文火烧、炖mijoter沸水煮pocher 烘制cuire au four烤制rotir烧烤griller

炊具ustensiles de cuisine平底锅casserole平底煎锅la poel炖锅la cocotte 锅盖le couverde

模子le moule a tarte烤箱four炉灶fourneau炉子rechaud

茶壶theiere盆bassin搅拌器mixeur冰箱refrigerateur榨汁机le presse-citron 蔬菜切条器la marololinc沙拉盆un saladier擀面杖le nouleau 天平la balance 桶seau研磨机le moulin a l’egumes打蛋器le fouet漏勺l’


刷子le pinceau漏斗le chinois长颈瓶la carafe托盘plateau饭盒boite a vivres 菜刀le couteau de cuisine菜板la planche盒子boite桌布serviette de table

汤盆assiette plate盆子assiette开瓶器tire-bouchon盘子une assiette餐巾serviette 餐具baguettes筷子des bagueltes刀子un couteau勺子une cuillère 叉子une fourchette 杯子rasse玻璃杯un verre碗bol牙签cure-dent



鹌鹑caille鸭canard小鸭caneton小鹿chevreuil排骨côte腿肉cuisse牛背肉entrecôte肩肉epaule肉片escalope野鸡faisan通脊faux-filet背肉filet肝脏foie 牛胃tripe 肥鹅肝foie gras野禽类gibier羊腿肉gigot火腿 jambon舌 langue 小兔肉lapereau 兔肉lapin骨髓moelle肉块pave鸽肉pigeon乳鸽pigeonneau 小鸡肉pintade鸡肉poule猪肉pore小羊胸肉ris de veau腰子rognon牛前腿肉romsteck小香肠saucisse

大香肠saucissno灌肠un saucisson里脊selle 生牛肉泥steak tartare鸡胸肉supréme烧烤肉touredos牛排la entrecote 牛里脊le pilet羔羊肉l’apneau羊排la cotelette 羊后腿le gigot小牛肉le veau小牛肉薄片la escalope烤小牛肉le roti de boeuf


鱼poisson沙丁鱼sardine虾la crevette螃蟹crabe鮟鱇鱼la lotte鲱鱼

le rouget 鳕鱼le cabillaud鲷鱼la dorade螯虾le homard海螯虾la langoustine 鲑鱼le saumon 鳎鱼la sole金枪鱼le thon鱼刺les arete海红une moule扇贝une coquille Saint-Jacques 牡蛎une huitre


早餐le petit déjeuner午餐déjeuner晚餐dîner夜宵souper菜单menu年夜饭reveillon 米饭du riz面条des nouilles粥bouillie de riz汤soupe饺子racioli 凉菜les mets froids萝卜丝minces filets de radis咸菜legumes sales 红烧肉ragout de porc炒腰花rognons de porc sautes红烧牛肉boeuf braise

茶叶蛋oeuf cuit au the麻婆豆腐fromage de soja pimente年糕gateau du nouvel an 月饼gateau de la lune豆腐fromage de soja


杂粮面包le pain aux cereals椒盐面包圈le bretzel烤面包toast麻花面包la brioche 面包片tartines de pain长棍面包la baguette 自助餐libre-service前餐entrée

甜食entremets布丁le pouding热苹果派la tarte tatin苹果派tarte aux pommes 巧克力慕思la mousse au chocolat马卡龙les macarons冰沙le sorbet 牛奶香肠boudin blanc咸肉煎蛋oeufs frits au lard牛排bifteck 鹅肝酱pate de foie gras鱼子酱caviar noire






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