


  拉丁名 缩写 汉语名 面积 星数

  Andromeda And 仙女座 722 100

  Antlia Ant 唧筒座 239 20

  Apus Aps 天燕座 206 20

  Aquarius Aqr 宝瓶座 980 90

  Aquila Aql 天鹰座 652 70

  Ara Ara 天坛座 237 30

  Aries Ari 白羊座 441 50

  Auriga Aur 御夫座 657 90

  Bootes Boo 牧夫座 907 90

  Caelum Cae 雕具座 125 10

  Camelopardalis Cam 鹿豹座 757 50

  Cancer Cnc 巨蟹座 506 60

  Canes Venatici CVn 猎犬座 465 30

  Canis Major CMa 大犬座 380 80

  Canis Minor CMi 小犬座 183 20

  Capricornus Cap 摩羯座 414 50

  Carina Car 船底座 494 110

  Cassiopeia Cas 仙后座 598 90

  Centaurus Cen 半人马座 1060 150

  Cepheus Cep 仙王座 588 60

  Cetus Cet 鲸鱼座 1231 100

  Chamaeleon Cha 堰蜓座 132 20

  Circinus Cir 圆规座 93 20

  Columba Col 天鸽座 270 40

  Coma Berenices Com 后发座 386 50

  Corona Austrilis CrA 南冕座 128 25

  Corona Borealis CrB 北冕座 179 20

  Corvus Crv 乌鸦座 184 15

  Crater Crt 巨爵座 282 20

  Crux Cru 南十字座 68 30

  Cygnus Cyg 天鹅座 804 150

  Delphinus Del 海豚座 189 30

  Dorado Dor 剑鱼座 179 20

  Draco Dra 天龙座 1083 80

  Equuleus Equ 小马座 72 10

  Eridanus Eri 波江座 1138 100

  Fornax For 天炉座 398 35

  Gemini Gem 双子座 514 70

  Grus Gru 天鹤座 366 30

  Hercules Her 武仙座 1225 140

  Horologium Hor 时钟座 249 20

  Hydra Hya 长蛇座 1303 20

  Hydrus Hyi 水蛇座 243 20

  Indus Ind 印第安座 294 20

  Lacerta Lac 蝎虎座 201 35

  Leo Leo 狮子座 947 70

  Leo Minor LMi 小狮座 232 20

  Lepus Lep 天兔座 290 40

  Libra Lib 天秤座 538 50

  Lupus Lup 豺狼座 334 70

  Lynx Lyn 天猫座 545 60

  Lyra Lyr 天琴座 286 15

  Mensa Men 山案座 153 15

  Microseopium Mic 显微镜座 210 20

  Monoceros Mon 麒麟座 482 85

  Musca Mus 苍蝇座 138 30

  Norma Nor 矩尺座 165 20

  Octans Oct 南极座 291 35

  Ophiuchus Oph 蛇夫座 948 100

  Orion Ori 猎户座 594 120

  Pavo Pav 孔雀座 378 45

  Pegasus Peg 飞马座 1121 100

  Perseus Per 英仙座 615 90

  Phoenix Phe 凤凰座 469 40

  Pictor Pic 绘架座 247 30

  Pisces Psc 双鱼座 889 75

  Piscis Austrinus PsA 南鱼座 245 25

  Puppis PuP 船尾座 673 140

  Pyxis Pyx 罗盘座 221 25

  Reticulum Ret 网罟座 114 15

  Sagitta Sge 天箭座 80 20

  Sagittarius Sgr 人马座 867 115

  Scorpius Sco 天蝎座 497 100

  Sculptor Scl 玉夫座 475 30

  Scutum Sct 盾牌座 109 20

  Serpens Ser 巨蛇座 637 60

  Sextans Sex 六分仪座 314 25

  Taurus Tau 金牛座 797 125

  Telescopium Tel 望远镜座 252 30

  Triangulum Tri 三角座 132 15

  Triangulum Australe TrA 南三角座 110 20

  Tucana Tuc 杜鹃座 295 25

  Ursa Major UMa 大熊座 1280 125

  Ursa Minor UMi 小熊座 256 20

  Vela Vel 船帆座 500 110

  Virgo Vir 室女座 1294 95 (见“处女座”)

  Volans Vol 飞鱼座 141 20

  Vulpecula Vul 狐狸座 268 45





  3大熊座(Ursae Majoris):希腊神话中,它是遭赫拉嫉妒的美丽仙女卡里斯托,宙斯为了保护她,将她变成了一头熊。这个星座拥有全天最著名的星象——北斗七星。拥有7个梅西耶天体。大熊座ζ是北斗七星的第六颗,也是一颗双星,于1650年发现,是望远镜时代最早发现的双星,在中国被称为开阳。




  7飞马座(Pegasi):幻化于美杜莎颈腔喷出的血中,降落在赫利孔山上,创造了灵泉,成为诗的灵感之源。飞马座的大四边形是秋季星空中北天区中部最耀眼的星象,有一个梅西耶天体。斯蒂芬五重星系在其范围中,它包括五个著名的星系和一个较暗的成员——NGC 7320C。








  15人马座(Sagitarii):这是一个非常壮观的星座,银河系的心脏就在其中,这个星座中主要的宇宙深处的天体都是银河系的天体,包括发射星云和暗星云,疏散星团和球状星团,以及行星状星云,它还拥有所有星座中最多的梅西耶天体,共十五个。M8是个明亮的发射星云,也叫礁糊星云,这个星云中还包含了一个疏散星团,即NGC 6530。M17是天空中最明亮的发射星云之一,也叫天鹅星云或奥米伽星云。M20也叫三叶星云,是发射和反射混合型星云,它的中心部分有一个耀眼的三合星。M22是天空中最好的球状星团之一。M24也叫小人马恒星云。黄道十二星座之一。









  24英仙座(Persei):希腊神话中的英雄珀尔修斯,杀美杜莎,除海怪鲸鱼,解救埃塞俄比亚公主安德洛美达。在这里能够看到很多亮星团、气体星云和行星状星云。由两个梅西耶天体。英仙座β是一颗最早被认识到的食变星,同时也是一颗双星,光变周期为2867天,变化在+21到+33等,在中国被称为大陵五。NGC 869和NGC 884是著名的双星团,也是天空中两个最好的疏散星团。M76是梅西耶天体中仅有的4个行星状星云之一,也成为小哑铃星云。英仙流星群是最著名的每年出现的流星群之一,高峰之出现在8月11日和12日,每小时可以看到50至60颗流星,它曾有一颗很诗意的名字:圣劳伦斯的眼泪,因为每年在这个时候举行纪念圣劳伦斯的活动。




  28天猫座(Lyncis):有一列星光微弱的恒星组成,由海维留斯于1690年确定,其中天猫座12与19都是一个三合星系统。而NGC 2419是一个不同于大多数绕银心旋转的球状星团,它独立于我们银河系之外,被称为星系际漫游者。




  32船帆座(Velorum):古南船座的一部分。这个天区是搜寻疏散星团的理想区域。船帆座γ是一个明亮的双星,其中一颗子星星等+188等,名叫沃尔夫-拉叶星,非常炽热,发强光,同时迅速失去其物质的一类星。NGC 2736是一个明亮、铅笔形的星云,是12000年前爆发的超新星的遗迹的东面部分。


  34船底座(Carinae):由天文学家杰明·谷德对古代的南船座进行改造而出的星座。拥有全天第二亮的恒星--船底座α,在中国称为老人星,星等-072等,以及全天最亮的星云复合体--NGC 3372,即船底座η星云。

  35麒麟座(Monocerotis):由德国天文学家巴尔赤于1624年绘制在星图上。他已拥有众多的星团和星云而著名,同时它还有各种各样的聚星和变星,由一个梅西耶天体。麒麟座β和ε都是三合星系统,NGC 2237和NGC 2244是个著名的星云星团复合体,也被称为玫瑰星云。NGC 2264是个大而恒星稀疏的星团,因外形而被称为“圣诞树星团”。NGC 2261就是哈勃的变光星云,因为移动的暗冷尘埃云造成了它亮度的变化。



  38猎犬座(Canum Venaticorum):追随着牧夫座的猎犬。有五个梅西耶天体。





  43大犬座(Canis Majoris):与小犬座忠实地陪伴着猎户座的狗,在希腊神话中,他叫莱拉普斯。拥有全天最亮的星--天狼星。拥有一个梅西耶天体。

  44孔雀座(Payonis):由拜尔在1603年命名。希腊神话中,赫剌用百眼怪兽阿尔戈斯的眼睛装饰一只孔雀尾巴的羽毛。他拥有一个美丽的球状星团和几个星系。孔雀座Κ星是一棵光变周期9065天的造父变星。NGC 6752是天空中最好的球状星云之一。




  48杜鹃座(Tucanae):小麦哲伦云在其范围内。杜鹃座β1和β2是一个六合星系统。NGC 10是仅次于半人马座ω的全天第二大也是第二亮的球状星团。







  55狐狸座(Vulpeculae):由海维留斯于1660年设立。有一个梅西耶天体M27。COLLINDER 399也叫Brocchi星团或叫衣架星团。M27也叫哑铃星云。

  56小熊座(Ursae Minoris):天空最著名的星座之一。它只有三颗恒星是裸眼能见的,即小熊座α、β、γ。小熊座α即北极星,是最接近北天极的恒星,将在2102年离北天极最近。

  57望远镜座(Telescopii):由拉卡伊于1752年命名。其中H 5033是一个四合星系统。



  60南鱼座(Piscis Austrini):是托勒密最早确定的48星座之一。南鱼座α星等+116等,英文俗名来自阿拉伯文“鱼嘴”,在中国被称为北落师门,它也是波斯人的四个皇室恒星之一。拉卡伊9352是一颗星等+735等的红矮星,自行速度排第四。




  64小狮座(Leonis Minoris):由海维留斯于1660年命名。







  71小犬座(Canis Minoris):同大犬座忠实地陪伴着猎户座的小狗。只有一颗小犬座α和β在城市中能用裸眼看到。其中α在中国称为南河三,在全天恒星中排第八,星等+04等,是一颗双星,伴星是一颗白矮星,星等只有+107等。


  73北冕座(Coronae Borealis):希腊神话中,是酒神巴克斯送给被忒修斯抛弃的阿里阿德涅的皇冠。







  80南冕座(Coronae Australis)



  83南三角座(Trianguli Australis)









  仙女座 | 宝瓶座 | 天鹰座 | 天坛座 | 南船座 | 白羊座 | 御夫座 | 牧夫座 | 巨蟹座 | 大犬座 | 小犬座 | 摩羯座 | 仙后座 | 半人马座 | 仙王座 | 鲸鱼座 | 南冕座 | 北冕座 | 乌鸦座 | 巨爵座 | 天鹅座 | 海豚座 | 天龙座 | 小马座 | 波江座 | 双子座 | 武仙座 | 长蛇座 | 狮子座 | 天兔座 | 天秤座 | 豺狼座 | 天琴座 | 蛇夫座 | 猎户座 | 飞马座 | 英仙座 | 双鱼座 | 南鱼座 | 天箭座 | 人马座 | 天蝎座 | 巨蛇座 | 金牛座 | 三角座 | 大熊座 | 小熊座 | 室女座


白羊座321-419 ----Aries

金牛座420-520----- Taurus

双子座521-621----- Gemini

巨蟹座622-722 ----Cancer

狮子座723-822---- Leo

处女座823-922 ----Virgo

天秤座923-1023 -----Libra

天蝎座1024-1121 ----Scorpio

人马座1122-1220---- Sagittarius

山羊座1221-120----- Capricorn

水瓶座121-219----- Aquarius

双鱼座 220-320 ------Pisces

  Taurus 金牛 April 20 - May 20

 Taurus the Bull is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of December

 The Constellation Taurus-The Bull

 The constellations of Taurus and Auriga lie along the winter Milky Way, and therefore contain many objects (primarily open clusters) of interest to the amateur astronomer Some are large enough to be seen easily with the naked eye, while others need moderate telescopic apertures to appreciate There"s something for everybody!

 Mythology: Taurus - The Bull

 The delightful daughter of Agenor, Europa, was so beautiful that Zeus immediately fell in love with her Determined to win Europa"s heart, Zeus assumed the form of a milky white bull, whose horns were crowned with flowers, and mingled with the herds of Agenor Europa was enchanted with the sight of this splendid creature, and climbed upon its back Taking advantage of his good fortune, Zeus carried the fair maiden away from her homeland, across the seas to the island of Crete Here, Europa gave birth to Minos, father of the creature Minotaur, who was half bull and half man Zeus celebrated his love for Europa by having the continent Europe named after her, and created the constellation Taurus, to be seen in the sky for eternity, the symbol of fertility and power

Taurus is ruled by Venus, the constellation Taurus is conservative, do not like change, stability is his attitude towards life Taurus will not impatient impulses, only patience, who endure to be guided precisely to their portrayal, and they are very stubborn, when we decide to do, do not want to make any changes Due to lack of security, unemployment is most afraid of the problems faced by Taurus, which means they lose the focus of life Taurus men have the potential of male tendency, at home, not to speak, but the dignity of great importance; Taurus women on the one hand talk about reality, but it is also loved dressing up as the patron saint of Taurus is the embodiment of love and beauty Wiener Sri Lanka They usually are slow-type Taurus

Will spend some time to adjust to a relationship, a job, an environment, but to adapt, they rarely change their own, unless it is forced Taurus has artistic, with a high artistic taste and appreciation, but also natural gourmet Advantages: full of passionately devoted patience to work with artistic talent down to earth in the end there are plans to adhere to a regular life, reliable Cons: stubborn too possessive, jealous stick to the rules too much too cautious, lacking the courage of innovative ideas


Eloquent and articulate, abnormal thinking, agile, quick thinking, but too often make you irritable, impatient You will have the romantic and ironic sense of humor and can be eloquent Good communication has a very flexible way to communicate tactfully, there is a very clever diplomacy, talking people feel pleasure Taurus

[2] have the intellectual thinking jumping talent and creativity, like a lightning-quick comprehension, logical reasoning and learning ability Emmanuel through intuitive insight to things, and often on the mysterious, interested in science fiction But the thinking may be too jump, interest varied, weird does not meet the common sense, lack of patience and some qualitative When studying superficial and groundless accusations relationships with friends, especially the relationship between men and women, lack of patience This may be due to the distrust caused by the opposite sex


Taurus people often been said to be hot and cold But the others usually are mild, and when they really get angry when people say that will not cause any They do not want to force others, hate to be forced Is the one in front of them a bit dull appearance Hanhan, but in fact they are very smart, meticulous, everything in fact, in the eyes, minds are aware They hate for something to explain or debate, so people always mistakenly think Taurus do not know anything Taurus say greedy, but greedy and the pursuit of food is different Taurus is very picky, just like the exquisite and delicious things Like access to high-end restaurants, but also for cooking great deal of research And in eating, they got a little older to anomalies Taurus people will spend money well spent in terms of their view, should spend no flowers, so always make people feel they are very stingy and the love of money But for people who love them is quite generous Always happy in front of them, but inadvertently reveals the sad but thoughts and eyes Arouses strong pain; proud but low self-esteem; Light but full of melancholy They all have to see the world too thoroughly, but still willing to believe in the beauty Taurus people have a characteristic, they who are very gentle But that does not is because you are fond of you fishes gentle, because they themselves like that Therefore, always have many, many misunderstandings, so often a bunch of suitors, but also refuses to change of heart Generally is not like love at first sight on the Taurus type, but rather slowly in touch with the Taurus after the love, the contact will find that Taurus is a very attractive sign They usually have a good appearance, but have a strong ambition However, this ambition has never been easy to detect, they are good at strategizing, treat things like control the overall situation They are easy to see through a person's heart, but still maintain a good demeanor As the spring constellation Taurus, and its rustic flavor is more intense than the Pisces and Aries But if you think they can be bullied stupid, think again, this is a birth of Lenin, Robespierre, and the constellation of Saddam is the only star of the king can make fear of the constellation Leo Taurus people have an inherent power, and Scorpio the chill of the air is different is that its power is dynamic Taurus

[3] Taurus for their loved ones, is indeed very thoughtful attention, but also very easy to get hurt However, even if the Who is Who is the play seriously, Taurus, but points very clearly They may be stubborn and have strong self-control, so in general will not affect their values, judgments, most of them and you do not argue too strongly, and to use their unusual self-control to stand your point of view Taurus woman is very romantic, she does not like the things she has lost She has very keen senses, the true nature of things that would appeal to her interest in her that no plastic flowers Taurus is also the characteristics of a Pisces constellation shallow fantasy The constellation of the boys is very reliable and very cute girl, is entrusted to a life-long lover Taurus people of color, a design sense of things and life has a mood of feeling Taurus people is always quiet, in fact, they are also lively and crazy side Safe movement Taurus people are usually very sweet smile, because they will only really happy thing worth laughing, and they are giving very comfortable within, with a little bit of sweet feeling The surface they look very strong and very calm, but is actually a very soft heart Taurus women can easily moved to tears, it is easy to integrate into the situation But they will try to conceal, unless unable to hold back, only this side of Taurus the performance of girls in front of the other half Taurus like the kind the United States as they taste the same people who like the same stable as they have patience and endurance of the people Taurus always such a friendly, loving, trust



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