

  Taurus 金牛 April 20 - May 20

 Taurus the Bull is an Autumn constellation, and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of December

 The Constellation Taurus-The Bull

 The constellations of Taurus and Auriga lie along the winter Milky Way, and therefore contain many objects (primarily open clusters) of interest to the amateur astronomer Some are large enough to be seen easily with the naked eye, while others need moderate telescopic apertures to appreciate There"s something for everybody!

 Mythology: Taurus - The Bull

 The delightful daughter of Agenor, Europa, was so beautiful that Zeus immediately fell in love with her Determined to win Europa"s heart, Zeus assumed the form of a milky white bull, whose horns were crowned with flowers, and mingled with the herds of Agenor Europa was enchanted with the sight of this splendid creature, and climbed upon its back Taking advantage of his good fortune, Zeus carried the fair maiden away from her homeland, across the seas to the island of Crete Here, Europa gave birth to Minos, father of the creature Minotaur, who was half bull and half man Zeus celebrated his love for Europa by having the continent Europe named after her, and created the constellation Taurus, to be seen in the sky for eternity, the symbol of fertility and power

如果你说的金牛是金牛座的话那英语是Taurus,如果是金牛犊就是Golden Calf。

另外科普一下“bull/ cow/ calf /ox 与“牛””


在英语中,“公牛”常指“体壮如牛的人”,同时还具有“桀骜不驯”“恃强凌弱”的国俗语义。1712年,英国作家约翰阿布斯诺特(John Arbuthnot)在其讽刺小说《约翰牛的生平》(The History of John Bull)中塑造了主人公“约翰牛”(John Bull),意在通过这个赳赳武夫的形象暗喻当年英国人的“专横跋扈”。随着岁月的流逝,John Bull一词的贬义已经逐渐消失,“约翰牛”现成了“英国人”的代名词。


英语中的“母牛”含有“懦弱”“胆怯”的意思,cow-hearted、cowish均含此义。相关的例句如The men were cowed into total submission(这些人被吓得服服帖帖。)此外,cow还常被用来指“肥胖笨拙的女人(或婆娘)”。牛在印度文化中是神圣的,受此影响,英语在本世纪初出现了习惯用语“sacred cow”,用以指“神圣不可侵犯的思想、机构、制度等”。


英语中的“小牛”指“愚蠢的胆小鬼”或“稚嫩的人”,短语“calf love”常用来指“少男少女对异性的短暂爱情”或“初恋”。《圣经出埃及记》(Exodus)第32章讲到,古犹太人在摩西(Moses)上西奈山之际逼其哥哥铸成一头金牛犊来供大家顶礼膜拜。因此,英语中“worship the golden calf”指“为了物质利欲而放弃原则”或“崇拜金钱”的意思。


“ox”一词在英语中含有“愚蠢”“呆头呆脑”“笨拙”等义。英语中用“dumb ox”或“as dumb as an ox”描述“呆滞(或笨拙、沉默寡言)的人”;“play the giddy ox”则指“胡闹、干蠢事”。

另外汉语中的牛,有出现十二生肖中,而且体积最大,所以人们习惯“牛”喻“大”或“多”,如用“牛嘴”“牛眼”“牛脚”来形容人体某种部位粗大不雅;用“牛声马调”形容骂人声音粗野而难听;用“九牛一毛”言极多数目中的小部分。值得注意的是,汉语中的“他壮得像头牛”,在英语中习惯用He is as strong as a horse来表达。而“他倔得像头牛”则习惯用He is a stubborn as a mule来表达。

内容来自于:bull/ cow/ calf /ox 与“牛”



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