

星座 日期(公历) 英文名

魔羯座 (12/22 - 1/19) Capricorn

水瓶座 (1/20 - 2/18) Aquarius

双鱼座 (2/19 - 3/20) Pisces

牡羊座 (3/21 - 4/20) Aries

金牛座 (4/21 - 5/20) Taurus

双子座 (5/21 - 6/21) Gemini

巨蟹座 (6/22 - 7/22) Cancer

狮子座 (7/23 - 8/22) Leo

处女座 (8/23 - 9/22) Virgo

天秤座 (9/23 - 10/22) Libra

天蝎座 (10/23 - 11/21) Scorpio

射手座 (11/22 - 12/21) Sagittarius



双子座不喜欢单独的生活,所以水瓶座能给家庭带来新鲜的变化,这是最理想的对象,带给你年轻及活力。聪明活泼、温柔可爱的天秤座,及知识水准相当的双子座也都适合你。相反的,处女座会变成累赘,是无法相处的对象;射手座让你精神过于紧张;双鱼座空洞乏味,无法与你沟通。GEMINI & ARIES: This is one of your best matches You both have a high energy, a thirst for adventure and spontaneity Passionate, sudden and compelling, this union can last双子-白羊:白羊座是你最适合的伴侣之一。你们都精力旺盛,富于冒险且自发性强。只要拥有更多的激情和动力,这对组合可以一直走下去。GEMINI & TAURUS: This is not a good connection for the Bull Your lack of routine upsets this steady sign You find Taureans far too dull for your liking and will tend to wander early into the relationship 双子-金牛:看上去,牛儿并不适合你。稳重的金牛座难以适应你多变的个性让,而你也觉得他太迟钝乏味。这样一来你俩的关系必将徘徊不前。GEMINI & GEMINI: You can have some real good times but you seldom stay together unless you meet in later years however, you can have some wonderful times together 双子-双子:你们会有一段美好的时光,但是如果没有多年后的邂逅,你们很少待在一起。GEMINI & CANCER: The Moon child is far too moody and sensitive for your fickle ways You are not a homebody like the Crab You have totally different interests then a Cancer 双子-巨蟹:守护星是月亮的巨蟹座人多愁善感,与你行事方法格格不入。你也不是一个像他那样的喜欢过居家生活的人。你们的兴趣太不一样,勉强在一起也不会幸福哦。GEMINI & LEO: This is not a bad connection You complement one another The generous Lion will bend to whatever you want as long as you let your flattering silver tongue lead the way 双子-狮子:这对组合还不错,有点互补的意思。只要你多点甜言蜜语,大方的狮子能满足你所有的要求。GEMINI & VIRGO: This is not the best union, the practical Virgo views you as being disorganized and frivolous You on the other hand don't think that the Virgoan knows how to have a good time

双子-处女:这对搭配不太理想,实际的处女座人认为你缺乏组织性且过于轻佻,另一方面,你也觉得处女座人不知道如何与你相处。GEMINI & LIBRA: Magnetic union, but not long lasting The Scales find it difficult to live in the turmoil and melodrama that you thrive on This relationship is usually short, hot and sweet 双子-天秤:这是很有吸引力的组合,可惜不能持久。天秤座的人很难忍受你善变的性格。你们的关系通常短暂,但热烈而甜蜜。GEMINI & SCORPIO: Scorpio's jealous tendencies are impossible for you to handle Your flirtatious ways and little white lies will drive the Scorpion as far away as possible 双子-天蝎:嫉妒心极强的蝎子让你很能应付;而你轻佻的行为也让他/她与你渐行渐远。GEMINI & SAGITTARIUS: This union can work; however, you both love to travel, therefore you may not spend much time together You both tend to leave your fate to luck, which can make this a risky relationship 双子-射手:这对组合能凑合,不过你们都太爱游玩,以致于都没时间好好相处了。你俩都相信宿命,这往往让关系变得很危险。GEMINI & CAPRICORN: Not great The Goat is too ambitious and organized for you You have totally different priorities in love and in life 双子-摩羯:并不是太合拍的一对。山羊野心太大,对你并不适合。你们对待爱情和生活的态度完全不同。GEMINI & AQUARIUS: Super alliance, you are both original and like variety This makes for a fun loving couple This is not always a lasting union but it is certainly worth pursuing双子-水瓶:你们是的情侣档,都喜欢新鲜,热衷变化。这让你俩有很多共同话题。你们的感情也许不能持久,但绝对是值得期待的一对。GEMINI & PISCES: Insecurity usually ruins this relationship This can be an extremely emotional union Unique, destructive, yet passionate and lustful resulting in hurt and anxiety 双子-双鱼:缺乏安全感常常是破坏你们关系的重要原因。你们绝对是情绪化的一对。过于激情只会导致心力交瘁。

传说一:Rita the princess had a lovely child, including two brothers, not feeling very good, and nearly alike that it is easy to let people think they are a 双生子

  In fact, the two brothers and my brother is rita the princess and the god zeus the son, brother, and 巴斯达国 王所生, two people's half brother and my brother's identity is "god" and has eternal life and my brother is the ordinary people one day, the greek was a huge wild boar attacks, many of the call came when the boar, wild boar is able to successfully been resolved, warriors, each other because of the merits and in between

  In a market of occasions, exchanged at both the eye of the path once again, of course, is a quarrel the quarrel, and someone began to move up the army and getting all, many people in the killing was injured and even death sadly, the princes of the younger brother is in this confusion, who was killed

  With the younger brother has always been particularly good brother, can't accept his brother's death, his brother's dead body of the tears to his brother and two people can 起死回生 can enjoy a lifting of the rain before dark

  And brother back to heaven to father zeus zeus can hope to let his brother again but zeus to him, his brother is only an ordinary person, we will die if you really want to let his brother, you must put the rest of his life to his elder brother deep feeling, brother, is certainly not hesitate to at once, after two brothers and happy life








  传说二:The twins castall and divisions duke, the heroic and skilful, brother, younger brother became the equestrian experts in archery, boxing, 威名 far two men in a number of war closely 出生入死A battle, his brother was killed, wounded, brother of zeus and begged for his own life to redeem my brother he was deeply moved by his two people were placed in a gemini, and never apart winter dusk of the night and day out of place to see it


  传说三:In egypt, and its name is called "孪 子星", in the constellation in the two stars carste (castor) and 波鲁克斯 (hecules) named the two stars in addition, two groups,Of hercules to (hecules) and apollo (apollo), 特里普托勒穆斯 (tritolemus) and 艾逊 (iasaion) the egyptian 孪子 view of the monitoring, not for the common man


所有星座的英文` 全天共88个星座

编号 中文名称 英文名称 面积(平方度) 位置 观看季节 1-2-3-4等星的数目

1 仙女座 Andromeda 722 北面 秋季 0-3-1-11

2 唧筒座 Antlia 239 南面 春季 0-0-0-1

3 天燕座 Apus 206 南面 0-0-0-3

4 宝瓶座 Aquarius 980 天赤附近 秋季 0-0-2-13

5 天鹰座 Aquila 652 天赤附近 夏季 1-0-4-6

6 天坛座 Ara 237 南面 夏季 0-0-3-5

7 白羊座 Aries 441 天赤附近 秋季 0-1-1-2

8 御夫座 Auriga 657 北面 冬季 1-1-4-4

9 牧夫座 Bootes 907 天赤附近 春季 1-0-3-10

10 雕具座 Caelum 125 南面 冬季 0-0-0-0

11 鹿豹座 Camelopardalis 757 北面 冬季 0-0-0-4

12 巨蟹座 Cancer 506 天赤附近 冬季 0-0-0-6

13 猎犬座 Canes Venatici 465 北面 春季 0-0-1-1

14 大犬座 Canis Major 380 天赤附近 冬季 1-4-2-11

15 小犬座 Canis Minor 183 天赤附近 冬季 1-0-1-0

16 摩羯座 Capricornus 414 天赤附近 秋季 0-0-2-7

17 船底座 Carina 494 南面 冬季 1-3-3-18

18 仙后座 Cassiopeia 598 北面 秋季 0-3-2-5

19 半人马座 Centaurus 1060 南面 春季 2-2-8-21

20 仙王座 Cepheus 588 北面 秋季 0-0-3-10

21 鲸鱼座 Cetus 1231 天赤附近 秋季 0-2-1-11

22 �i蜓座 Chamaeleon 132 南面 0-0-0-4

23 圆规座 Circinus 93 南面 春季 0-0-1-1

24 天鸽座 Columba 270 南面 冬季 0-0-2-4

25 后发座 Coma Berenices 386 天赤附近 春季 0-0-0-2

26 南冕座 Corona Australis 128 南面 夏季 0-0-0-4

27 北冕座 Corona Borealis 179 天赤附近 夏季 0-1-0-4

28 乌鸦座 Corvus 184 天赤附近 春季 0-0-4-2

29 巨爵座 Crater 282 天赤附近 春季 0-0-0-3

30 南十字座 Crux 68 南面 春季 1-2-1-5

31 天鹅座 Cygnus 804 北面 夏季 1-1-4-18

32 海豚座 Delphinus 189 天赤附近 夏季 0-0-0-4

33 剑鱼座 Dorado 179 南面 冬季 0-0-1-2

34 天龙座 Draco 1083 北面 夏季 0-1-5-9

35 小马座 Equuleus 72 天赤附近 秋季 0-0-0-1

36 波江座 Eridanus 1138 天赤附近 冬季 1-0-3-24

37 天炉座 Fornax 398 天赤附近 秋季 0-0-0-1

38 双子座 Gemini 514 天赤附近 冬季 1-2-4-12

39 天鹤座 Grus 366 南面 秋季 0-2-1-6

40 武仙座 Hercules 1225 天赤附近 夏季 0-0-6-19

41 时钟座 Horol>>

十二星座英文介绍 Aries 白羊座(3月21日~4月20日)

The fire element of Arise brings assertive “I” energy


TIPS: Your persistence will lead you to success But your impulsive temper may cause problems


Taurus 金牛座(4月21~5月21日)

The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure


TIPS: You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up


Gemini 双子座(5月22日~6月21日)

The Air element of Gemini brings munication, intellect and speed


TIPS: Your mutable motivation brings adaptability


Cancer 巨蟹座(6月22日~7月22日)

Cancer’s element is Water Symbolic of the emotions, water signs need to give and receive


TIPS: Good memory is your born gift


Leo 狮子座(7月23日~8月23日)

Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead


TIPS: Your fixed motivation adds self-reliance But remember to balance self-confidence with humility


Virgo 处女座(8月24日~9月23日)

Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Vi龚go works hard to stability


TIPS: A good educational background is important Diligence is your advantage


Libra 天秤座(9月24日~10月23日)

Libra represents the Air element It is a sign that is more extroverted>>

十二星座的各个星座用英语怎么说 牡羊座 (本名:白羊座英文名称:Aries 电脑上的简写:ARI顶)


2金牛座 (又名:牡牛座英文名称:Taurs 电脑上的简写:TAU)


3双子座 (又名:阴阳座英文名称:Gemini 电脑上的简写:GEM)


4巨蟹座 (又名:蟹座英文名称:Cancer 电脑上的简写:CAN)


5狮子座 (又名:狮座英文名称:Leo 电脑上的简写:LEO)


6处女座 (本名:室女座英文名称:Virgo 电脑上的简写:VIR)


7天秤座 (又名:天平座英文名称:Libro 电脑上的简写:LIB)


8天蝎座 (又名:蝎座英文名称:Scoripo 电脑上的简写:SCO)


9射手座 (本名:人马座英文名称:Sagittarius 电脑上的简写:SAG)


10摩羯座 (又名:山羊座英文名称:Capricorn 电脑上的简写:CAP)


11水瓶座 (本名:宝瓶座英文名称:Aquarius 电脑上的简写:AQU)


12双鱼座 (又名:鱼座英文名称:Pisces 电脑上的简写:PIS)


十二星座所有星座用英语怎么说 Aries 白羊座(3月21日~4月20日)

The fire element of Arise brings assertive “I” energy


TIPS: Your persistence will lead you to success But your impulsive temper may cause problems


Taurus 金牛座(4月21~5月21日)

The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure


TIPS: You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up


Gemini 双子座(5月22日~6月21日)

The Air element of Gemini brings munication, intellect and speed


TIPS: Your mutable motivation brings adaptability


Cancer 巨蟹座(6月22日~7月22日)

Cancer’s element is Water Symbolic of the emotions, water signs need to give and receive


TIPS: Good memory is your born gift


Leo 狮子座(7月23日~8月23日)

Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead


TIPS: Your fixed motivation adds self-reliance But remember to balance self-confidence with humility


Virgo 处女座(8月24日~9月23日)

Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to stability


TIPS: A good educational background is important Diligence is your advantage


Libra 天秤座(9月24日~10月23日)

Libra represents the Air element It is a sign that is more extroverted and active


TIPS: You>>

星座用英语怎么说 Constellation


Aquarius 水瓶

Pisces 双鱼

Aries 白羊

Taurus 金牛

Gemini 双子

Cancer 巨蟹

Leo 狮子

Virgo 处女

Libra 天秤

Scorpio 天蝎

Sagittarius 射手

Capricorn 魔杰

各个星座的英文名? 星座日期(公历)英文名魔羯座(12/22 - 1/19)Capricorn水瓶座 (1/20 - 2/18)Aquarius双鱼座(2/19 - 3/20)Pisces牡羊座(3/21 - 4/20)Aries 金牛座 (4/21 - 5/20)Taurus 双子座(5/21 - 6/21)Gemini 巨蟹座(6/22 - 7/22)Cancer 狮子座(7/23 - 8/22)Leo 处女座(8/23 - 9/22)Virgo 天秤座(9/23 - 10/22)Libra 天蝎座(10/23 - 11/21)Scorpio 射手座(11/22 - 12/21)Sagi叮tarius

十二星座得英文单词! 星 座 日期(公历) 英文名

魔羯座 (12/22 - 1/19) Capricorn

水瓶座 (1/20 - 2/18) Aquarius

双鱼座 (2/19 - 3/20) Pisces

牡羊座 (3/21 - 4/20) Aries

金牛座 (4/21 - 5/20) Taurus

双子座 (5/21 - 6/21) Gemini

巨蟹座 (6/22 - 7/22) Cancer

狮子座 (7/23 - 8/22) Leo

处女座 (8/23 - 9/22) Virgo

天秤座 (9/23 - 10/22) Libra

天蝎座 (10/23 - 11/21) Scorpio

射手座 (11/22 - 12/21) Sagittarius

各星座的英语是什么? Earth Signs(土象):

Capricorn(摩羯座)Virgo(处女座) Taurus(金牛座)

Water Signs(水象):

Scorpio(天蝎座) Pisces(双鱼座)Cancer(巨蟹座)

Air Signs(风象):

Gemini(双子座)Libra(天秤座) Aquarius(水瓶座)

Fire Signs(火象):




白羊座(Aries)   金牛座(Taurus)   双子座(Gemini)

巨蟹座(Cacer)   狮子座(Leo)   处女座(Virgo)

天秤座(Libra)   天蝎座(Scorpio)   射手座(Sagittarius)

摩羯座(Capricom)   水瓶座(Aquarius)   双鱼座(Pisces)




星座的英文是“CONSTELLATION”,意思是“星座”、“星群”;而占星学中所指的星座是“SIGN”,意思是“记号”、“标记”、“象征”。在英汉字典中有这样的翻译:“Signs of Zodiac黄道十二宫”,在《英汉天文学词汇》中也有同样的意译;而在英英字典中,则诠释得更详尽:“One of the twelve equal divisions of the Zodiac”,意思是“黄道上十二个均等的部分”。







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