

Archbishop to Prince William: William Arthur Philip Louis, wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife, to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony Wilt thou love her, fort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live

坎特伯雷大主教:威廉·阿瑟·菲利普·刘易斯,你是否愿意以她为妻,与她在神圣的婚约 同生活,无论是疾病或健康、贫穷或富裕,你也愿意爱她、安慰她、尊敬她、保护她,并愿意在有生之年对她忠心不变

William: I will


Archbishop to Catherine: Catherine Elizabeth, wilt thou have this man to thy wedded hu and, to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony Wilt thou love him, fort him, honour and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live

大主教:凯瑟琳·伊丽莎白,你是否愿意以他为夫,与他在神圣的婚约 同生活,无论是疾病或健康、贫穷或富裕,你也愿意爱他、安慰他、尊敬他、保护他,并愿意在有生之年对他忠心不变

Catherine: I will


The Archbishop: Who giveth this woman to be married to this man


The Archbishop receives Catherine from her father's hand Taking Catherine's right hand, Prince William says after the Archbishop:


I, William Arthur Philip Louis, take thee, Catherine Elizabeth to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law; and thereto I give thee my troth


Catherine, taking Prince William by his right hand, says after the Archbishop:


I, Catherine Elizabeth, take thee, William Arthur Philip Louis, to my wedded hu and, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law; and thereto I give thee my troth


The Archbishop blesses the ring: Bless, O Lord, this ring, and grant that he who gives it and she who shall wear it may remain faithful to each other, and abide in thy peace and favour, and live together in love until their lives' end Through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen


Prince William takes the ring and places it upon the fourth finger of Catherine's left hand Prince William says after the Archbishop: With this ring I thee wed; with my body I thee honour; and all my worldly goods with thee I share: in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost Amen


The congregation remains standing as the couple kneels The Archbishop says: Let us pray O Eternal God, Creator and Preserver of all mankind, giver of all spiritual grace, the author of everlasting life: send thy blessing upon these thy servants, this man and this woman, whom we bless in thy name; that, living faithfully together, they may surely perform and keep the vow and covenant betwixt them made, whereof this ring given and received is a token and pledge; and may ever remain in perfect love and peace together, and live according to thy laws; through Jesus Christ our Lord Amen


The Archbishop joins their right hands together and says: Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder


The Archbishop addresses the congregation: Fora uch as William and Catherine have consented together in holy wedlock, and have witnessed the same before God and this pany, and thereto have given and pledged their troth either to other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a ring, and by joining of hands; I pronounce that they be man and wife together, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost Amen


The Archbishop blesses the couple: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, bless, preserve, and keep you; the Lord mercifully with his favour look upon you; and so fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace, that ye may so live together in this life, that in the world to e ye may have life everlasting Amen



Before the ceremony, the Officiator provides the participants the rings, emblems, and gems, and gives them time to examine and inscribe them

It is customary to have the Officiator stand behind the participants, who face each other Guests then stand or sit in a semi-circle around them, at a respectful distance Guests may be asked to make short speeches before the ceremony begins

Officiator: Welcome, friends and family of <bride> and <groom>! Let us begin


Officiator: <bride>, are you here of your own free will

Bride: Yes

Officiator: <groom>, are you here of your own free will

Groom: Yes

Officiator: Are there any here who have legitimate cause to oppose this marriage



Officiator: <groom>, do you take <bride> to be your lawfully wedded wife

Groom: I do

Officiator: Do you pledge to love, cherish and honor her, through all your time in Dereth

Groom: I do

Officiator: Do you promise to remain faithful unto her, to support her, to be her finest friend, through all trials and tribulations, joys and victories

Groom: I do

Officiator: What seal do you place upon your vows

Groom: The seal of [my own honor/the name of a higher authority]


Officiator: <bride>, do you take <groom> to be your lawfully wedded husband

Bride: I do

Officiator: Do you pledge to love, cherish, and honor him, through all your time in Dereth

Bride: I do

Officiator: Do you promise to remain faithful unto him, to support him, to be his finest friend, through all trials and tribulations, joys and victories

Bride: I do

Officiator: What seal do you place upon your vows

Bride: The seal of [my own honor/the name of a higher authority]


Officiator: <bride>, please share with us your loving intentions toward <groom>

Bride: [Speak about how you will love and cherish the groom It helps to have this prepared beforehand]

Officiator: <groom>, please share with use [sic] your loving intentions toward <bride>

Groom: [Speak about how you will love and cherish the groom It helps to have this prepared beforehand]


Officiator: You who stand here as witnesses are the friends and family of the bride and groom You are charged with the task of helping them in their new role as wife and husband, to support them in their times of need, and to do all that you can to make their marriage a blessed and happy union


Officiator: Please exchange the rings

Groom: With this ring, I thee wed

Bride: With this ring, I thee wed


Officiator: You have made your vows under the seals of that which you hold important

Officiator: Before the witnesses of your friends and family, you are now pronounced husband and wife May your marriage bring you great happiness

[Guests may now congratulate the married couple Emote freely Save celebratory gems for use outside]





















xx you willing to marry xx wellwhether rich or poor,in health or sicknees,to love and cherish,as God is our witnesswill together forever




I,[新郎的名字],take you [新娘的名字],to be my wife,my partner in life and my one true love

I will cherish our friendship and love you today,tomorrow,and forever

I will trust you and honor you

I will laugh with you and cry with you

I will love you faithfully

Through the best and the worst,

Through the difficult and the easy

What may come I will always be there

As I have given you my hand to hold

So I give you my life to keep

So help me God

I,[新娘的名字],take you [新郎的名字],to be my husband,my partner in life and my one true love

I will cherish our friendship and love you today,tomorrow,and forever

I will trust you and honor you

I will laugh with you and cry with you

I will love you faithfully

Through the best and the worst,

Through the difficult and the easy

What may come I will always be there

As I have given you my hand to hold

So I give you my life to keep

So help me God

In unison

Entreat me not to leave you,or to return from following after you,

For where you go I will go,

and where you stay I will stay

Your people will be my people,

and your God will be my God

And where you die,I will die and there I will be buried

May the Lord do with me and more if anything but death parts you from me


I want to take this man/woman to my lawful wedded husband/wife,

to love him/her and cherish him/her,

for better or worse,for poorer and richer

may you never steal,lie or cheatbut if you must steal,then steal away my sorrowsand if you must lie,lie with me all the nights of my lifeAnd if you must cheat,then please cheat death,because i couldn't live a day without you



I, (Bride/Groom), take you (Groom/Bride), to

be my (wife/husband), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or

for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to

cherish; from this day forward until death do us part

I, (name), take

you, (name), to be my [opt: lawfully wedded] (husband/wife), my constant friend,

my faithful partner and my love from this day forward In the presence of God,

our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in

sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in

sorrow I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to

honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you

for as long as we both


I, William Arthur Philip Louis, take thee,

Catherine Elizabeth to my wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day

forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in

health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy

law; and thereto I give thee my troth

直译:我,William Arthur Philip Louis,将娶你Catherine Elizabeth为我的合法妻子,从今以后,不论 好坏,不论贫富,不论健康或是疾病,爱你并珍惜你,直到死亡将我们分开。在上帝面前,我向你发誓。










   所以请帮助我 我的主。


I, Catherine Elizabeth, take thee, William

Arthur Philip Louis, to my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day

forward, for better, for worse: for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in

health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy

law; and thereto I give thee my troth

直译:我,Catherine Elizabeth,wwwdoershowcom将嫁你William Arthur Philip Louis为妻,从今以后,不论好坏,不论贫富,不论健康或是疾病,爱你并珍惜你,直到死亡将我们分开。在上帝面前,我向你发誓。










   所以请帮助我 我的主。

"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part"









(To have and to hold from this day forward,

for better, for worse,

for richer, for poorer,

in sickness and in health,

to love and to cherish,

till death do us part)


The wedding itself usually lasts between 20 and 40 minutes The wedding party enters the church while the wedding march is played The bride carrying a bouquet enters last with her father who will "give her away" The groom enters the church from a side door When the wedding party is gathered by the altar, the bride and groom exchange vows It is traditional to use the words "To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part[3]" Following the vows, the couple exchange rings Wearing the wedding ring on the fourth finger of the left hand is an old custom

After the ceremony there is often a party, called a "reception" which gives the wedding guests an opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds



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