


just because其实是鸭志田一专门写的一个剧本,只有一卷,从人际关系上讲跟动画是一样的。最后男主泉考女主美绪原定的第一志愿失败,只能走保送去了上叡大学,女主美绪成功考上了男主保送的大学两人在大学告白。





Just Because,是由比村奇石担当角色原案,鸭田志一负责系列构成的动画。曾出品过周一的摇!晃!晃的比村乳业和樱花庄的作者鸭田志一的加入让人对这部作品充满了期待。但是从已播出的2集来看,这部动画的表现确实差强人意。 先不提那酷似赶工制作出来的崩坏画面,这部动画也没有让人感受到比村奇石和鸭田志一的存在感。女角色们一马平川的胸怀让人感受不出比村乳业令人称道的色气,让人胃疼的贵圈乱剧情也不是鸭田志一的擅长领域,从现在的发展来看这样的剧情也许更适合冈妈来操刀……但我依旧觉得这是一部值得追的新番,首先,这是近年来少有的慢慢讲故事的动画,每一集大量的细节也让人感受出制作组的用心,如果你看腻了打斗酷炫的某骨和废萌当道的某芳文,某百合,也不妨来看看这部充满文艺气氛(胃药警告)的作品这部作品开播之前,我就特别怕它是那种常见的套路剧情——小学时女主暗恋男主很长时间没有结果,直到男主搬走了还没有表白。之后男主又转学回来再续前缘……根据脚本的能力,可能作品也会不错,但是确实太俗套。而我比较期待的展开是这部动画能以成长为主题,角色们在剧情的不断推进中发生了碰撞,冲突,过后彼此又获得了成长。这是我心目中优秀的青春动画应有的剧情。但是播出之后,我发现我对剧情的猜测都没有命中。虽然第一集我看的时候一脸懵逼,但是看到op的时候我突然就豁然开朗了,op里有几个场面暗示了后续的发展,我截图在下面这张图明显暗示的是男主转学来之前的人物关系,画面中角色的视线应该是用来体现角色好感度的。总结一下画面中的信息:会长妹子暗恋棒球男,棒球男暗恋文静妹子,文静妹子没有有好感的对象(画面中没有),而摄影妹子则是一个无关者。下面这张图暗示的应该是男主转学过来之后的角色变化文静妹子和棒球男对上眼了……会长妹子的视线也由棒球男转移到了男主身上(恋爱对象的转变?),男主的视线,可以说是落在了会长身上,也可以说是没有。比较突出的变化是摄影妹子的视线,如果我没有看错,应该是落在了男主身上(白学预警?),结合男主的视线难道是在表明男主的摇摆不定吗?视线=好感 只能说是答主主观的猜测,没准只是单纯的官方在搞事而已……不过这部动画的基本框架已经可以看出来了——学霸男主,会长妹子,棒球男是中学同学,会长妹子一直暗恋棒球男,但一直没有表白。男主暗恋会长妹子,但是却发现会长妹子喜欢棒球男,后来男主转学了……时过境迁,几年之后棒球男,会长妹子上了同一所高中,大家的当初的心情都没有什么变化,这时男主转学回来,大家的关系发生了变化……这虽然不是我不喜欢的那种套路剧情,但是也挺套路的,还挺胃疼……希望后序制作组能加把力,玩出点新的花样吧,不然我不确定能把这番看到完今天动漫之家推了条微博我很好奇到底发生了什么能让监督说出这种话……

Just Because

专辑名称:Sweet Love:

歌手姓名:Anita Baker

my love

When I think about how much I'm loving you

No limitations, no set of regimented rules

I'm amazed how much this love has touched my life

And the commitment that we share is a welcome sacrifice

This must be, sweet fatal attraction

My life-long date with destiny

Love this strong, it just brings out the passion

I never knew was here in me

I love you just because

I love you just because

Just because I do, my darlin'

Emotions more than words can help me sure

I love you, baby, just because you're you

Just because you're you

You're a diamond in my mind, a treasure found

A precious gem to me, you're so nice to have around

I'm so glad I took the path that led to this

And it's amazin', loving you, I'm doin' things

I never thought I'd do

I don't know, there ain't no explanation

Of why I'm sharin' love at last this way

I won't try to work out all my reasons

I'll use these words to simply say

I love you just because

I love you just because

Just because I do, my darlin'

Emotions more than words can help me sure

I love you, baby

I love you just because

I love you just because

Just because I do, my darlin'

Emotions more than words can help me sure

I love you Do you love me, baby

Could it be that there's more than this that meets the eye

Maybe that's the reason why

All I know is when I'm in your arms it feels all right

I'll hold you tight and I come alive

I love you just because

I love you

Just because I do, my darlin'

Emotions more than words can help me sure

I love you, baby,

I love you just because

I love you

Just because I do, my darlin'

I couldn't take it back at the moment

I just love you,I just love you, baby

I love you just because

I love you

Nothing I can do

nothing I can do about it, nothing I can do about it

I just love you, I just love you, I just love you

I love you just because

I love you





1 love you not because of who you are,but because of who i am when i am with you  我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

2 no man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is ,won‘t make you cry


3 the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t have them


4 never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile


5 to the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world


6 don‘t waste your time on a man/woman,who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you


7 just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to,doesn't mean they don‘t love you with all they have

  爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱 你。

8 don‘t try to hard,the best things come when you least expect them to


9 maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the person,we will know how to be grateful

  在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排阿拉先遇到别人;在阿拉终于遇见心仪的人时 ,便应当心存感激。

10 don‘t cry because it is over,smile because it happened




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