漫花语:薰衣草、雏菊、郁金香、百合花、玫瑰、向日葵等。 玫瑰花语 玫瑰:爱情、爱与美、容光焕发 玫瑰(红):热情、热爱着您 玫瑰(粉红):感动、爱的宣言、铭记于心 玫瑰(白):天真、纯洁、尊敬 玫瑰(黄):不贞、嫉妒 玫瑰(捧花):幸福之爱 郁金香花语 郁金香:爱的表白、荣誉、祝福永恒 郁金香(红):爱的宣言、喜悦、热爱 郁金香(粉):美人、热爱、幸福 郁金香(黄):高贵、珍重、财富 郁金香(紫):无尽的爱、最爱 郁金香(白):纯情、纯洁 郁金香(双色):美丽的你、喜相逢 郁金香(羽毛):情意绵绵 百合花语 百合:顺利、心想事成、祝福、高贵 百合(香水):纯洁、婚礼的祝福、高贵 百合(白):纯洁、庄严、心心相印 百合(葵):胜利、荣誉、富贵 百合(姬):财富、荣誉、清纯、高雅 狐尾百合:尊贵、欣欣向荣、杰出 玉米百合:执著的爱、勇敢 编笠百合:才能、威严、杰出 圣诞百合:喜洋洋、庆祝、真情 水仙百合:喜悦、期待相逢 康乃馨花语 康乃馨:母亲我爱您、热情、真情 康乃馨(红):相信你的爱 康乃馨(粉红):热爱、亮丽 康乃馨(白):吾爱永在、真情、纯洁 爱丽斯花语 鸢尾(爱丽斯):好消息、使者、想念你 德国鸢尾:神圣 小鸢尾:协力抵挡、同心 天堂鸟花语 天堂鸟:潇洒、多情公子 水仙花语 中国水仙:多情、想你 西洋水仙:期盼爱情、爱你、纯洁 黄水仙:重温爱情 山水仙:美好时光、欣欣向荣 向日葵花语 向日葵:爱慕、光辉、忠诚 山茶花语 山茶花:可爱、谦让、理想的爱、了不起的魅力 非洲菊花语 非洲菊(扶郎花):神秘、兴奋 雏菊花语 雏菊(延命菊):愉快、幸福、纯洁、天真、和平、希望、美人 三色堇花语 三色堇:沉思、请想念我 玛格丽特花语 玛格丽特:骄傲、满意、喜悦 牡丹花语 牡丹:圆满、浓情、富贵 秋牡丹:生命、期待、淡淡的爱 菊花花语 菊花:清净、高洁、我爱你、真情 翠菊:追想、可靠的爱情、请相信我 春菊:为爱情占卜 六月菊:别离 冬菊:别离 法国小菊:忍耐 瓜叶菊:快乐 波斯菊:野性美 大波斯菊:少女纯情 万寿菊:友情 矢车菊:纤细、优雅 麦杆菊:永恒的记忆、刻画在心 鳞托菊:永远的爱 风信子花语 风信子:喜悦、爱意、幸福、浓情 风信子(白):恬适 风信子(蓝):恒心、贞操 风信子(紫):悲伤 石竹花语 石竹:纯洁的爱、才能、大胆、女性美 丁香石竹:大胆、积极 五彩石竹:女性美 香石竹:热心 牵牛花花语 牵牛花:爱情、冷静、虚幻 矮牵牛:安全感、与你同心
RomeMy love! My wife!
Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath,
Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty
Thou are not conquered
Beauty's ensign yet
Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks,
And death's pale flag is not advanced there
Dear Juliet,
Why art thou yet so fair Shall I believe
That unsubstantial Death is amorous,
Keeps thee here is dark to be his paramour
Here O, here will i set up my everlasting rest
And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars
From this world-wearied flesh
Eyes, look your last!
Arms, thke your last embrace!
And,lips, O you
以上出自 罗密欧与朱丽叶后现代激情版
(Capulet's orchard )
Romeo: He never felt a wound, yet laughs at my scars But soft! What light through yonder (over there) window breaks It is the East and Juliet is the Sun! Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief That you, her maid are more fair than she Do not be her maid, since she is envious Her virginity is but sick and green, and only fools wear it Cast it off It is my lady! Oh, it is my love! Oh, if only she knew she were! She speaks, yet she says nothing What of that Her eye speaks for her; I will answer it I am too bold; ‘tis not to me she speaks Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, entreat her eyes to twinkle in their orbits till they return What if her eyes were there, being in her head The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, as daylight dose a lamp; her eyes in heaven would through the airy region stream so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night See how she leans her cheek upon her hand! Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!
罗密欧 没有受过伤的才会讥笑别人身上的创痕。(朱丽叶自上方窗户中出现)轻声!那边窗子里亮起来的是什么光?那就是东方,朱丽叶就是太阳!起来吧,美丽的太阳!赶走那妒忌的月亮,她因为她的女弟子比她美得多,已经气得面色惨白了。既然她这样妒忌着你,你不要忠于她吧;脱下她给你的这一身惨绿色的贞女的道服,它是只配给愚人穿的。那是我的意中人;啊!那是我的爱;唉,但愿她知道我在爱着她!她欲言又止,可是她的眼睛已经道出了她的心事。待我去回答她吧;不,我不要太卤莽,她不是对我说话。天上两颗最灿烂的星,因为有事他去,请求她的眼睛替代它们在空中闪耀。要是她的眼睛变成了天上的星,天上的星变成了她的眼睛,那便怎样呢?她脸上的光辉会掩盖了星星的明亮,正像灯光在朝阳下黯然失色一样;在天上的她的眼睛,会在太空中大放光明,使鸟儿误认为黑夜已经过去而唱出它们的歌声。瞧!她用纤手托住了脸,那姿态是多么美妙!啊,但愿我是那一只手上的手套,好让我亲一亲她脸上的香泽!
Juliet: Ah me!
朱丽叶 唉!
Romeo: She speaks Oh, speak again bright angel, for you are as glorious to this night, being over my head, as a winged messenger from heaven is to the white, upturned eyes of mortals who gaze at him
罗密欧 她说话了。啊!再说下去吧,光明的天使!因为我在这夜色之中仰视着你,就像一个尘世的凡人,张大了出神的眼睛,瞻望着一个生着翅膀的天使,驾着白云缓缓地驰过了天空一样。
Juliet: Oh Romeo, Romeo! Why are you called Romeo Deny your father and refuse your name, or if you will not, swear to be my love and I’ll no longer be a Capulet
朱丽叶 罗密欧啊,罗密欧!为什么你偏偏是罗密欧呢?否认你的父亲,抛弃你的姓名吧;也许你不愿意这样做,那么只要你宣誓做我的爱人,我也不愿再姓凯普莱特了。
Romeo: Shall I wait to hear more, or shall I speak
罗密欧 (旁白)我还是继续听下去呢,还是现在就对她说话?
Juliet: It is only your name that is my enemy You are yourself, even if you were not a Montague What’s a Montague It is not a hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, oh, have some other name What’s in a name That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet So Romeo, if he were not called Romeo, would keep that dear perfection which he owns Romeo, take off your name, and take all of me
朱丽叶 只有你的名字才是我的仇敌;你即使不姓蒙太古,仍然是这样的一个你。姓不姓蒙太古又有什么关系呢?它又不是手,又不是脚,又不是手臂,又不是脸,又不是身体上任何其他的部分。啊!换一个姓名吧!姓名本来是没有意义的;我们叫做玫瑰的这一种花,要是换了个名字,它的香味还是同样的芬芳;罗密欧要是换了别的名字,他的可爱的完美也决不会有丝毫改变。罗密欧,抛弃了你的名字吧;我愿意把我整个的心灵,赔偿你这一个身外的空名。
Romeo: I take you at your word Only call me love and I’ll be baptized again From now on, I’ll never be Romeo
罗密欧 那么我就听你的话,你只要叫我爱,我就重新受洗,重新命名;从今以后,永远不再叫罗密欧了。
Juliet: Who are you that come hidden in that dark and hear my secrets
朱丽叶 你是什么人,在黑夜里躲躲闪闪地偷听人家的话?
Romeo: I hardly know how to tell you my name My name, dear saint, is hateful to me, because it is your enemy If I had it written down I would tear the word
罗密欧 我没法告诉你我叫什么名字。敬爱的神明,我痛恨我自己的名字,因为它是你的仇敌;要是把它写在纸上,我一定把这几个字撕成粉碎。
Juliet: my ears have not yet heard a hundred words spoken by
you, and yet I know the sound Are you not Romeo, and a Montague
朱丽叶 我的耳朵里还没有灌进从你嘴里吐出来的一百个字,可是我认识你的声音;你不是罗密欧,蒙太古家里的人吗?
Romeo: I am neither, dear maid, if either displeases you
罗密欧 不是,美人,要是你不喜欢这两个名字。
Juliet: How did you come here, and why The orchard walls are high and hard to climb, and, considering who you are, this place is death to you if any of my kinsmen find you
朱丽叶 告诉我,你怎么会到这儿来,为什么到这儿来?花园的墙这么高,是不容易爬上来的;要是我家里的人瞧见你在这儿,他们一定不让你活命。
Romeo: I flew over theses walls with love's light wings, for stony barriers cannot keep love out, and love dares to try anything Therefore your kinsmen cannot stop me
罗密欧 我借着爱的轻翼飞过园墙,因为砖石的墙垣是不能把爱情阻隔的;爱情的力量所能够做到的事,它都会冒险尝试,所以我不怕你家里人的干涉。
Juliet: if they see you they will murder you
朱丽叶 要是他们瞧见了你,一定会把你杀死的。
Romeo: Alas, there is more danger in your eyes than in twenty of their swords! Look at me sweetly, and I will be protected against their enmity
罗密欧 唉!你的眼睛比他们二十柄刀剑还厉害;只要你用温柔的眼光看着我,他们就不能伤害我的身体。
Juliet: I wouldn't have them see you for the world
朱丽叶 我怎么也不愿让他们瞧见你在这儿。
Romeo: I have night's cloak to hide me from their eyes, and if only you will love me, let them find me here I would rather have my life ended by their hate, than put death off by forgoting your love
罗密欧 朦胧的夜色可以替我遮过他们的眼睛。只要你爱我,就让他们瞧见我吧;与其因为得不到你的爱情而在这世上捱命,还不如在仇人的刀剑下丧生。
Juliet: Who told you how to find this place
朱丽叶 谁叫你找到这儿来的
Romeo: Love did He told me where to go, and I lent him my eyes
I am no pilot, yet if you were as far as that vast shore washed by the furthest sea, I would risk the journey for such a prize
罗密欧 爱情怂恿我探听出这一个地方;他替我出主意,我借给他眼睛。我不会操舟驾舵,可是倘使你在辽远辽远的海滨,我也会冒着风波寻访你这颗珍宝。
Juliet: You know the mask of night is on my face; or you would see my blush for that which you have heard me say I would deny everything, but cannot Do you love me I know you will say “"Ay", and I will believe you But you may prove false They say Jove laughs at lovers' lies Oh, gentle Romeo, if you love me, tell me faithfully Or if you think I am too easily won, I'’ll frown and be perverse and say “"no"” to you The truth is, fair Montague, that I am too affectionate, and you may think my behaviour light But trust me, gentleman, I'll prove more true than those who are more cunning and remain aloof I would have been more aloof with you, but you heard my passionate speech before I was aware of you Therefore pardon me, and don't attribute my yielding to a light love, revealed by the dark night
朱丽叶 幸亏黑夜替我罩上了一重面幕,否则为了我刚才被你听去的话,你一定可以看见我脸上羞愧的红晕。我真想遵守礼法,否认已经说过的言语,可是这些虚文俗礼,现在只好一切置之不顾了!你爱我吗?我知道你一定会说“是的”;我也一定会相信你的话;可是也许你起的誓只是一个谎,人家说,对于恋人们的寒盟背信,天神是一笑置之的。温柔的罗密欧啊!你要是真的爱我,就请你诚意告诉我;你要是嫌我太容易降心相从,我也会堆起怒容,装出倔强的神气,拒绝你的好意,好让你向我婉转求情,否则我是无论如何不会拒绝你的。俊秀的蒙太古啊,我真的太痴心了,所以也许你会觉得我的举动有点轻浮;可是相信我,朋友,总有一天你会知道我的忠心远胜过那些善于矜持作态的人。我必须承认,倘不是你乘我不备的时候偷听去了我的真情的表白,我一定会更加矜持一点的;所以原谅我吧,是黑夜泄漏了我心底的秘密,不要把我的允诺看作无耻的轻狂。
Romeo: Lady, I swear by the blessed moon, that tips all theses fruit-tree tops with silver-
罗密欧 姑娘,凭着这一轮皎洁的月亮,它的银光涂染着这些果树的梢端,我发誓——
Juliet: Oh, don't swear by the moon, that inconstant moon, that changes every month in her orbit, in case you love should prove equally unreliable
朱丽叶 啊!不要指着月亮起誓,它是变化无常的,每个月都有盈亏圆缺;你要是指着它起誓,也许你的爱情也会像它一样无常。
Romeo: What shall swear by
罗密欧 那么我指着什么起誓呢?
Juliet: do not swear at all, or if you will, swear by your gracious self, which is my god, and I'll believe you
朱丽叶 不用起誓吧;或者要是你愿意的话,就凭着你优美的自身起誓,那是我所崇拜的偶像,我一定会相信你的。
Romeo: If my heart’'s dear love-
罗密欧 要是我的出自深心的爱情——
Juliet: well, do not swear Although you bring me joy, I have no joy in this contract tonight It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden; too like the lightning, which ceases to be before we can say it lightens Sweet, good night! This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath, may prove a beautiful flower when we next meet Good night, good night! As sweet repose and rest come to your heart, as that within my
朱丽叶 好,别起誓啦。我虽然喜欢你,却不喜欢今天晚上的密约;它太仓卒、太轻率、太出人意外了,正像一闪电光,等不及人家开一声口,已经消隐了下去。好人,再会吧!这一朵爱的蓓蕾,靠着夏天的暖风的吹拂,也许会在我们下次相见的时候,开出鲜艳的花来。晚安,晚安!但愿恬静的安息同样降临到你我两人的心头!
Romeo; Oh, will you leave so unsatisfied
罗密欧 啊!你就这样离我而去,不给我一点满足吗?
Juliet: What satisfaction can you have tonight
朱丽叶 你今夜还要什么满足呢?
Romeo: The exchange of your love's faithful vow (voto fedele) for mine
罗密欧 你还没有把你的爱情的忠实的盟誓跟我交换。
Juliet: I gave you mine before you asked for it And I wish it were mine again
朱丽叶 在你没有要求以前,我已经把我的爱给了你了;可是我倒愿意重新给你。
Romeo: Would you take it away For what purpose, love
罗密欧 你要把它收回去吗?为什么呢,爱人?
Juliet: To give it to you again I would give you anything My love is as deep as the sea The more I give to you, the more I have I hear some noise within Dear love, goodbye!
I’m coming good nurse! Sweet Montague, be true Wait a little and I'll come straight back
朱丽叶 为了表示我的慷慨,我要把它重新给你。可是我只愿意要我已有的东西:我的慷慨像海一样浩渺,我的爱情也像海一样深沉;我给你的越多,我自己也越是富有,因为这两者都是没有穷尽的。(乳媪在内呼唤)我听见里面有人在叫;亲爱的,再会吧!——就来了,好奶妈!——亲爱的蒙太古,愿你不要负心。再等一会儿,我就会来的。(自上方下。)
Romeo: Oh, blessed, blessed night I am afraid, it being night, that this is but a dream, too sweet to be true
罗密欧 幸福的,幸福的夜啊!我怕我只是在晚上做了一个梦,这样美满的事不会是真实的。
Juliet: Three words, good Romeo, and goodnight indeed If your love Is honourable, and you aim at marriage, send me word tomorrow by a messenger that I will sent to you, and tell me where and when you will perform the rite (ceremony) And I will lay all my fortunes at your feet and follow you, my lord, throughout the world
朱丽叶 亲爱的罗密欧,再说三句话,我们真的要再会了。要是你的爱情的确是光明正大,你的目的是在于婚姻,那么明天我会叫一个人到你的地方来,请你叫他带一个信给我,告诉我你愿意在什么地方、什么时候举行婚礼;我就会把我的整个命运交托给你,把你当作我的主人,跟随你到天涯海角。
Nurse: Madam!
乳媪 (在内)**!
Juliet: I’m coming! – but if you are not true, I beseech you-
朱丽叶 就来。——可是你要是没有诚意,那么我请求你——
Nurse: Madam!
乳媪 (在内)**
Juliet: at once –to cease your efforts and leave to my grief I will send to you tomorrow A thousand times goodnight
朱丽叶 停止你的求爱,让我一个人独自伤心吧。明天我就叫人来看你。 一千次的晚安!(自上方下。)
Romeo: A thousand times the worse, for lack of your light
罗密欧 晚上没有你的光,我只有一千次的心伤!恋爱的人去赴他情人的约会,
Juliet: Hist! Romeo, hist! Oh for a falconer's voice to lure this hawk back again I dare not cry aloud
朱丽叶 嘘!罗密欧!嘘!唉!我希望我会发出呼鹰的声音,招这只鹰儿回来。我不能高声说话,否则我要让我的喊声传进厄科①的洞穴,让她的无形的喉咙因为反复叫喊着我的罗密欧的名字而变成嘶哑。
Romeo: It is my soul that calls my name How silver-sweet sound lovers’ tongues by night, like softest music to attentive ears
罗密欧 那是我的灵魂在叫喊着我的名字。恋人的声音在晚间多么清婉,听上去就像最柔和的音乐!
Juliet: Romeo!
朱丽叶 罗密欧!
Romeo: my sweet
罗密欧 我的爱!
Juliet: What time shall I send the messenger tomorrow
朱丽叶 明天我应该在什么时候叫人来看你?
Romeo: by nine o’clock
罗密欧 就在九点钟吧。
Juliet: I will not fail It seems like twenty years till then I have forgotten why I called you back
朱丽叶 我一定不失信;挨到那个时候,该有二十年那么长久!我记不起为什么要叫你回来了。
Romeo: let me stand here until you remember
罗密欧 让我站在这儿,等你记起了告诉我。
Juliet: I shall forget on purpose to make you stand there,
remembering how I love your company
朱丽叶 你这样站在我的面前,我一心想着多么爱跟你在一块儿,一定永远记不起来了。
Romeo: And I shall stay to make you forget, forgetting any other home but this
罗密欧 那么我就永远等在这儿,让你永远记不起来,忘记除了这里以外还有什么家。
Juliet: it is almost morning I would have you go, and yet no further that a capricious child will let a bird hop a little from his hand and then pulls it back with a silken thread, so loving-jealous of its liberty
朱丽叶 天快要亮了;我希望你快去;可是我就好比一个淘气的女孩子,像放松一个囚犯似的让她心爱的鸟儿暂时跳出她的掌心,又用一根丝线把它拉了回来,爱的私心使她不愿意给它自由。
Romeo: I wish I were your bird
罗密欧 我但愿我是你的鸟儿。
Juliet: Sweet, so do I Yet I would kill you with too much loving Good night, goodnight! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I could say goodnight until the morrow
朱丽叶 好人,我也但愿这样;可是我怕你会死在我的过分的爱抚里。晚安!晚安!离别是这样甜蜜的凄清,我真要向你道晚安直到天明!(下。)
But soft! What light through yonder window breaks
It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon
Who is already sick and pale with grief
That (1) thou her maid (2) art far more fair than she
Be not her maid, since she is envious
Her vestal livery (3) is but sick and green, (4)
And none but fools do wear it Cast it off (5)
It is my lady! O, it is my love!
O, that she knew she were!
She speaks, yet she says nothing
What of that Her eye discourses; I will answer it
I am too bold; 'tis not to me she speaks
Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven
Having some business, do entreat her eyes
To twinkle in their spheres till they return (6)
What if her eyes were there, they in her head
The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars
As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven
Would through the airy region stream so bright
That birds would sing and think it were not night
See how she leans her cheek upon her hand!
O, that I were a glove upon that hand,
That I might touch that cheek!
Ay me!
She speaks
O, speak again, bright angel, for thou art
As glorious to this night, being o'er my head,
As is a winged messenger of heaven
Unto the white-upturned wond'ring eyes
Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him
When he bestrides the lazy puffing clouds
And sails upon the bosom of the air
O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore (7) art thou Romeo
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet
ROMEO [Aside]:
Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this
'Tis but thy name that is my enemy
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague
What's Montague It is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face O, be some other name
Belonging to a man
What's in a name That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes (8)
Without that title Romeo, doff (9) thy name;
And for thy name, (10) which is no part of thee,
Take all myself
I take thee at thy word
Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized;
Henceforth I never will be Romeo
What man art thou, that, thus bescreened in night,
So stumblest on my counsel (11)
By a name
I know not how to tell thee who I am
My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself
Because it is an enemy to thee
Had I it written, I would tear the word
My ears have yet not drunk a hundred words
Of thy tongue's uttering, yet I know the sound
Art thou not Romeo, and a Montague
Neither, fair maid, if either thee dislike (12)
How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore
The orchard walls are high and hard to climb,
And the place death, considering who thou art,
If any of my kinsmen find thee here
With love's light wings did I o'erperch (13) these walls;
For stony limits cannot hold love out,
And what love can do, that dares love attempt
Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop (14) to me
If they do see thee, they will murder thee
Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye
Than twenty of their swords! Look thou but sweet,
And I am proof against their enmity
I would not for the world they saw thee here
I have night's cloak to hide me from their eyes;
And but (15) thou love me, let them find me here
My life were better ended by their hate
Than death prorogued, wanting (16) of thy love
By whose direction found'st thou out this place
By Love, that first did prompt me to inquire
He lent me council, and I lent him eyes
I am no pilot; yet, wert thou as far
As that vast shore washed with the farthest sea,
I should adventure for such merchandise
Thou knowest the mask of night is on my face;
Else (17) would a maiden blush bepaint my cheek
For that which thou hast heard me speak tonight
Fain (18) would I dwell on form (19)--fain, fain deny
What I have spoke; but farewell compliment!
Dost thou love me I know thou wilt say "Ay;"
And I will take thy word Yet, if thou swear'st,
Thou mayst prove false At lovers' perjuries,
They say Jove laughs (20) O gentle Romeo,
If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully
Or if thou thinkest I am too quickly won,
I'll frown and be perverse and say thee nay,
So thou wilt woo, but else, not for the world (21)
In truth, fair Montague, I am too fond, (22)
And therefore thou mayst think my havior (23) light;
But trust me, gentleman, I'll prove more true
Than those that have more cunning to be strange (24)
I should have been more strange, I must confess,
But (25) that thou overheard'st, ere I was ware, (26)
My true love passion Therefore pardon me,
And not impute this yielding to light love,
Which the dark night hath so discovered (27)
Lady, by yonder blessed moon I vow,
That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops--
O, swear not by the moon, th' inconstant moon,
That monthly changes in her circle orb,
Lest that thy love prove likewise variable
What shall I swear by
Do not swear at all;
Or if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self,
Which is the god of my idolatry,
And I'll believe thee
If my heart's dear love--
Well, do not swear Although I joy in thee,
I have no joy of this contract tonight
It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden;
Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be
Ere one can say it lightens Sweet, good night!
This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath,
May prove a beauteous flow'r when next we meet
Good night, good night! As sweet repose and rest
Come to thy heart as that within my breast!
O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied
What satisfaction canst thou have to-night
The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine
I gave thee mine before thou didst request it:
and yet I would it were to give again
Would'st thou withdraw it for what purpose, love
But to be frank (28) and give it thee again
And yet I wish but for the thing I have
My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite
I hear some noise within Dear love, adieu!
[NURSE calls within]
Anon, (29) good nurse! Sweet Montague, be true
Stay but a little, I will come again [Exit]
O blessed, blessed night! I am afeard,
Being in night, all this is but a dream,
Too flattering-sweet to be substantial
[Enter JULIET again]
Three words, dear Romeo, and good night indeed
If that thy bent of love be honorable,
Thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow,
By one that I'll procure to come to thee,
Where and what time thou wilt perform the rite;
And all my fortunes at thy foot I'll lay
And follow thee my lord throughout the world
[NURSE within]
I come anon--But if thou meanest not well,
I do beseech thee--
[NURSE within]
By and by I come--
To cease thy strife and leave me to my grief
Tomorrow will I send
So thrive my soul--
A thousand times good night!
A thousand times the worse, to want thy light!
Love goes toward love as schoolboys from their books
But love from love, toward school with heavy looks
[Enter JULIET again]
Hist! Romeo, hist! O for a falc'ner's voice
To lure this tassel gentle back again! (30)
Bondage is hoarse and may not speak aloud,
Else would I tear the cave where Echo lies
And make her airy tongue more hoarse than
With repetition of "My Romeo!"
How silver-sweet sound lovers' tongues by night,
Like softest music to attending (31) ears!
My sweet
What o'clock tomorrow
Shall I send to thee
By the hour of nine
I will not fail 'Tis twenty years till then
I have forgot why I did call thee back
Let me stand here till thou remember it
I shall forget, to have thee still stand there,
Rememb'ring how I love thy company
And I'll still stay, to have thee still forget,
Forgetting any other home but this
'Tis almost morning I would have thee gone--
And yet no farther than a wanton's bird,
That lets it hop a little from his hand,
Like a poor prisoner in his twisted gyves, (32)
And with a silken thread plucks it back again
So loving-jealous of his liberty
I would I were thy bird
Sweet, so would I
Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing
Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow
That I shall say good night till it be morrow [Exit]
Sleep dwell upon thine eyes, peace in thy breast!
Would I were sleep and peace, so sweet to rest! (33)
(1) Because
(2) In classical mythology the moon is ruled by the virgin goddess Diana; hence the innocent Juliet is "her maid," but this maid is more beautiful than her mistress
(3) Virginal, costume like that worn by the ancient Roman Vestal Virgins
(4) Young women were said to suffer from "green-sickness" which could only be cured by lovemaking
(5) That is, stop being a virgin (make love with me)
(6) Her eyes are so bright that it seems two stars have traded places with them
(7) Why
(8) Owns, possesses
(9) Take off, get rid of
(10) In exchange for your name
(11) Talk
(12) If you don't like either of those names
(13) Climb over
(14) Hindrance
(15) Unless
(16) Lacking
(17) Otherwise
(18) Willingly
(19) Do things correctly, start over following the proper ways of becoming acquainted
(20) Jove, or Jupiter, an infamously unfaithful husband, was said not to take seriously the failure of lovers to live up to their oaths
(21) I'll resist you properly if you promise to keep courting me, but not otherwise
(22) Foolish
(23) Behavior
(24) Distant, standoffish
(25) Except
(26) Aware
(27) Revealed
(28) Generous
(29) Right away
(30) Oh for the voice of a falconer who can lure back his tercel-gentle (the male of the goshawk, trained to hunt and return at a master's call)
(31) Listening
(32) Fetters
(33) I wish I were sleep and peace so I could rest on your breast
1 what pron 什么
2 is v 是
3 what's what is的缩写形式
4 your pron 你的,你们的
5 name n 名字
6 my pron 我的
7 I pron 我
8 am v 是
9 I'm I am的缩写形式
10 in prep 在里(内,上)
11 row n (一)排,(一)行
12 one num 一
13 number n 数字,号码
14 two num 二
15 too adv 也
16 three num 三
17 are v 是
18 you pron 你,你们
19 yes adv 是
20 four num 四
21 five num 五
22 no adv & adj 不,不是
23 not adv 不
24 hi interj 喂(问候或唤起注意)
25 class n (学校里的)班级,年级
26 grade n 年级
27 six num 六
28 seven num 七
29 eight num 八
30 nine num 九
31 ten num 十
32 zero num & n 零
33 plus prep 加,加上
34 it pron 它
35 it's it is的缩写形式
36 how adv (指程度)多少,怎样
37 old adj 岁的,老的
38 eleven num 十一
39 twelve num 十二
40 minus prep 减,减去
41 thirteen num 十三
42 fourteen num 十四
43 fifteen num 十五
44 hello interj 喂(问候或唤起注意)
45 please interj 请
46 can vaux 能,可以,会
47 spell v 拼写
48 that pron 那,那个
49 secret n 秘密
50 this pron 这,这个
51 in prep 用(表达)
52 English n & adj 英语,英国人
53 in English phr 用英语(表达)
54 a art 一(个,件)
55 clock n 钟
56 and conj 和,又,而
57 pencil-box n 铅笔盒
58 an art 一(个;件)(用于元音开头的词前)
59 pencil n 铅笔
60 ruler n 尺子
61 pen n 钢笔
62 sharpener n 卷笔刀
63 eraser n 橡皮擦
64 room n 房间
65 book n 书
66 map n 地图
67 desk n 书桌
68 cup n 杯子
69 bag n 书包
70 computer n 电脑,电子计算机
71 mouse n 鼠,耗子,鼠标
72 bed n 床
73 keyboard n 键盘
74 isn't is not的缩写形式
75 pear n 梨
76 cake n 蛋糕,饼,糕
77 banana n 香蕉
78 apple n 苹果
79 orange n 橙子,橘子
80 egg n 蛋
81 bike n 自行车
82 bus n 公共汽车
83 car n 汽车,小汽车
84 jeep n 吉普车
85 Chinese adj 中国的,中国人的
n 中国人,汉语
86 Japanese adj 日本的,日本人的
n 日本人,日语
87 look v 瞧,看
88 who pron 谁
89 she pron 她
90 he pron 他
91 bird n 鸟
92 its pron 它的
93 do vaux (构成否定句,疑 问句的助动词)
94 don't do not的缩写形式
95 know v 知道,懂得
96 think v 想,认为
97 Mr=mister n 先生(用于姓名前)
98 very adv 很,非常
99 picture n 图画,照片
100 Mrs n 夫人
101 boy n 男孩
102 girl n 女孩
103 woman n 妇女,女人
104 man n 男人,人
105 cat n 猫
106 his pron 他的
107 teacher n 教师
108 her pron 她的
109 everyone pron 每人,人人
110 here adv 这里,这儿
111 today adv & n 今天
112 at prep 在
113 school n 学校
114 at school phr 在学校
115 sorry adj 对不起,抱歉的
116 where adv 在哪里
117 home n 家
118 at home phr 在家
119 How are you 你(身体)好吗
120 fine adj (身体)好的
121 thanks n 谢谢(只用复数)
122 OK adv (口语)好,对,不错,可以
123 thank v 谢谢
124 goodbye interj 再见,再会
125 bye interj 再见
126 parrot n 鹦鹉
127 sister n 姐,妹
128 father n 父亲
129 mother n 母亲
130 box n 盒子,箱子
131 excuse v 原谅
132 me pron 我
133 Here you are 给你
134 but conj 但是
135 these pron 这些
136 they pron 他(她,它)们
137 good adj 好的
138 those pron 那些
139 boat n 船
140 hill n 小山
141 tree n 树
142 their pron 他们(她们,它们)的
143 much adv 多,很,非常
144 very much phr 很,非常
145 all adv 都,完全
146 right adv & adj 对的,正确的
147 all right phr 好,行,不错
148 mum n (口语)妈妈
149 friend n 朋友
150 brother n 兄,弟
151 nice adj 令人愉快的
152 to prep (表示方向)到,向动词不定式符号
153 meet v 见面,会面,遇见
154 child n 小孩
155 children n child的复数形式
156 welcome v 欢迎
157 our pron 我们的
158 come v 来
159 come in phr 进来,进入
160 morning n 早晨,上午
161 class n 同一个班的学生
162 on prep 在,在上
163 duty n 职责,责任
164 on duty phr 值日
165 we pron 我们
166 aren't are not的缩写形式
167 have v 有
168 new adj 新的
169 student n 学生
170 twin n 双胞胎之一
171 look v 看上去,显得
172 the art 这(那)个,这(那)些
173 same adj 同样的,同一的
174 look the same phr 看起来很像
175 America n & adj 美国人(的)
176 sit v 坐
177 down adv 向下
178 sit down phr 坐下
179 over adv 在那边,在另一边
180 there adv 那里,那儿
181 over there phr 在那边
182 after prep 在以后,在后面
183 look after phr 照顾,照看
184 Miss n 女士,**(对未婚妇女的称呼)
185 way n 路,道路
186 This way,please 请走这边
187 put v 放
188 coat n 外套,上衣
189 them pron 他(她,它)们
190 washroom n 盥洗室,厕所
191 let v 让
192 us pron 我们
193 let's let us的缩写形式
194 go v 去
195 Let's go 我们一起去
196 classmate n 同班同学
197 nice adj 好的,漂亮的
198 love v 爱,喜爱
199 No n number的缩写形式
200 middle adj 中间的,中级的
201 middle school n 中学
202 well interj 喔,那么,好吧
203 fax n 传真
204 phone n 电话,电话机
205 ID n 身份征
206 policeman n 警察
207 ask v 问
208 sir n (用于尊称)先生,阁下
209 yes adv (用于疑问,征询等)什么,是吗
210 licence n 执照,许可证
211 look at phr 看,观看
212 dear interj (表示惊讶等)哎呀
213 see v 看见,看到
214 I'll I will的缩写形式
215 will vaux 将,会,要
216 take v 拿到,带到
217 address n 地址
218 age n 年龄
219 glad adj 高兴的,乐意的
220 why interj (表示惊讶,不耐烦,恼怒等)嗨
221 forgot v (forget的过去时)忘记
222 now adv 现在
223 China n 中国
224 or conj 或者,还是
225 work v & n 工作
226 goes go的单数第三人称现在时
227 family n 家,家庭
228 family tree n 家谱
229 grandmother n (外)祖母
230 grandma n (口语)奶奶,外婆
231 grandfather n (外)祖父
232 grandpa n (口语)爷爷,外公
233 dad n (口语)爸爸,爹爹
234 wife n 妻子
235 husband n 丈夫
236 daughter n 女儿
237 son n 儿子
238 parent n 父(母)亲
239 parents n 父母亲,双亲
240 big adj 大的
241 England n 英格兰
242 aunt n 姨母,舅母,姑母,伯母,婶母
243 uncle n 叔,伯,舅,姨父,姑父
244 afternoon n 下午,午后
245 do v 做,干,行动
246 How do you do 你好!
247 seat n 座位
248 have a seat 坐下,就坐
249 like prep 像,跟一样
250 look like phr 看起来像
251 hat n 帽子(一般指有边的帽子)
252 doctor n 医生
253 worker n 工人
254 guess v 猜
255 behind prep 在后面
256 chair n 椅子
257 ball n 球
258 under prep 在下面
259 floor n (室内)地,地板
260 can't can not的缩写形式
261 photo n 照片
262 wall n 墙
263 shoe n 鞋
264 near prep 在附近
265 door n 门
266 of prep 的
267 classroom n 教室
268 answer v 回答
269 blackboard n 黑板
270 some pron 一些,若干
271 schoolbag n 书包
272 flower n 花
273 find v 找到,发现
274 broom n 扫帚
275 window n 窗
276 raincoat n 雨衣
277 cap n 便帽,军帽
278 football n 足球
279 table n 桌子
280 Hong Kong n 香港
281 Macao n 澳门
282 SAR n 特别行政区
283 there 表示存在,有,作引导词
284 there's there is的缩写形式
285 lock v & n 锁
286 many adj 许多的,多的
287 thing n 东西,事情
288 must vaux 必须,应当
289 open v 打开
290 get v 得到,获得
291 help v 帮助
292 purse n 钱包
293 money n 钱,货币
294 worry v (使)担忧
295 Let me see 让我想想
296 fifty num 五十
297 colour n 颜色
298 black adj 黑色的
299 house n 房子
300 small adj 小的
301 playhouse n 儿童游戏房
302 like v 喜欢
303 play v 玩,打(球)
304 up adv 在上面,在高处,向上,起来
305 with prep 和
306 great adv (口语)好极了,很好
307 look n 瞧,看
308 have a look phr 看一看
309 ping-pong n 乒乓球
310 how many phr 多少
311 kite n 风筝
312 young adj 年轻的,幼小的
313 pioneer n 先锋
314 Young Pioneer n 少先队员
315 men n man的缩写形式
316 women n woman的复数形式
317 only adv 仅仅,只
318 work n 工作
319 at work phr 在工作
320 sky n 天空
321 count v 数,点数
322 river n 江,河
323 dog n 狗
324 light n 灯
325 any adj (用于否定句,疑问句等)什么,任何
326 animal n 动物
327 people n 人,人们
328 little adj & adv 小的,一点儿,稍许
329 sheep n 绵羊
330 come on phr来吧,跟着来,赶快
331 red adj & n 红色(的)
332 colour v 给着色
333 yellow adj & n **(的)
334 blue adj & n 蓝色(的
335 white adj & n 白色(的)
336 green adj & n 绿色(的)
337 purple adj & n 紫色(的)
338 brown adj & n 棕色(的),褐色(的)
339 orange adj & n 橙色(的)
340 grey adj & n 灰色(的),灰白(的)
341 sweater n 毛衣,厚运动衫
342 light adj 淡(浅)色的,轻的
343 want v 要,想要
344 which pron & adj 哪一个,哪些
345 one pron 用来代替单数的人或物
346 clothes n 衣服
347 line n 线,绳索
348 whose pron 谁的
349 blouse n 女衬衫
350 dress n 女服,(统称)衣服
351 shirt n (男式)衬衫
352 trousers n 裤子
353 skirt n 女裙
354 dark adj 深(浓)色的,黑暗的
355 yours pron 你的,你们的
356 mine pron 我的
357 hers pron 她的
358 put on phr 穿上(衣服等),戴上(帽子等)
359 theirs pron他们(她们,它们)的
360 ours pron 我们的
361 glove n 手套
362 about prep 关于,对于
363 What about phr (询问消息,征求意见) 怎么样
364 beside prep 在旁边
365 watch n & v 手表 观看,注视
366 give v 给
367 time n 时间
368 about adv 大约
369 thirty num 三十
370 get up phr 起床
371 late adj & adv 迟的(地),晚的(地)
372 o'clock 点钟
373 midnight n 午夜
374 noon n 中午,正午
375 past prep (超)过,经过
376 half n 半,一半
377 quarter n 一刻钟,四分之一
378 for prep 为,给
379 break n (课间)休息,中断
380 lunch n 午餐
381 breakfast n 早餐
382 clean v 把弄干净,擦干净
383 supper n 晚餐
384 have supper phr 吃晚餐
385 TV n 电视,电视机
386 watch TV phr 看电视
387 game n 游戏,运动
388 go home phr 回家
389 pm 下午,午后
390 London n 伦敦
391 Tokyo n 东京
392 Sydney n 悉尼
393 hour n 小时
394 am 午前,上午
395 hundred num 百
396 yourself pron 你自己
397 bedroom n 卧室
398 doll n 玩具娃娃
399 else adv & adj 别(的),其他(的)
400 sure adv & adj 的确,一定 确信的,肯定的