

1、The Power of Love

此歌最早由Air Supply乐队演唱。后由Jennifer Rush翻唱后走红。1993年由世界天后celine dion重新诠释,收录于专辑《The Colour Of My Love 》中。Celine的肺活量在此歌中得到了充分体现,她富有张力的声音如春雷般震颤人耳,比起原唱Air Supply乐队的男性主唱希区柯克,celine的声音显得更自如。此歌因此成为经典曲目,深深打上了celine的烙印,并在billboard排行榜上蝉联4周NO1。而其表现的“爱的力量”亦感天动地,最经典的一句是“cause I’m your lady, and you are my man" (原为"cause you are my lady, and i am your man")

2、The Way You Look Tonight

经典爵士名曲,被许多流行歌手翻唱过。原唱Tony Bennett 以他甜醇的嗓音为半世纪以来的流行及爵士乐坛挥出无数充满浓郁深情的有声情书。这位多届葛莱美奖常客-他所得过的奖项从「年度最佳唱片」、「最佳流行乐男歌手」到「最佳传统流行乐男歌手」都有-甚至还获得另一位美国乐坛传奇大老、也是Tony自己所崇敬的偶像Frank Sinatra 的高度称许,Frank还曾公开表示过他认为Tony是乐界最棒的歌手。这位横跨流行及爵士界的常青歌者自1962年的一曲「I Left My Heart In San Francisco」留名青史以来,共计灌录过超过一百张专辑,更了不起的是,张张专辑必定在流行及爵士榜上斩获佳绩,尤其是爵士榜,Tony的每一张爵士专辑几乎都是一推出即迅速拿下冠军王座,然後就在榜上驻留许久,有时甚至还会有两张专辑同时在爵士榜前十名,可见Tony Bennett惊人且历久弥坚的魅力。

3、When I Fall in Love

《当我陷入爱河》是**《西雅图夜未眠》经典插曲。 很多时候情歌对唱特别能感动人,不是因为她的结构多么的复杂,音乐多么的完美,而是她赤裸裸的体现了爱情当中两个人的感觉。音乐在歌曲当中更多的是媒介,歌者借之交流的也不是什么音乐,无论情感和歌声如何,最重要的肯定是两名歌手之间的情绪交流和体现。当然不能要求他们真的会迸发爱的火花,但作为他们这种能力超强的歌手总是能将歌曲中的情愫彻底表白,并使之升华。







还有一次,我一个很久都没有联系的初中同学,突然和我热聊了起来。我们就一起聊到,初三毕业那会儿,我们一起唱了一首英语歌送给英语老师的场景 当时我还是领唱来着,她说完之后,我那段时间,就一直在听这首歌。每次一听见,就感觉自己还是在初中一样,听着歌词就能回忆起当时的场景。很怀恋初中的自己,那会儿,那么的天真无邪,很轻松,没有很多烦恼,每天都和同学们玩的很开心。




1 lonely

2 hero

3 yesterday

4 yellow

5 complicated

6 my love

7 all rise

8 thank you

9 big big world

10 one love

11 casablanca

12 baby one more time

13 here i am

14 because of you

15 yesterday once more

16 right here waiting

17 in the end

18 seasons in the sun

19 we will rock you

20 hotel california

21 god is a girl

22 far away from home

23 without you

24 Wonderwall

25 when you believe

26 as long as you love me

27 pretty boy

28 shape of my heart

29 my heart will go on

30 loving you

31 close to you

32 only time

33 Affirmation

34 you raise me up

35 dying in the sun

36 no matter what

37 Never say goodbye

38 anyone of us

39 just one last dance

40 the day you went away

41 To be with you

42 Superstition

43 i want it that way

44 the power of love

45 don't cry

46 The call

47 i will always love you

48 better man

49 heal the world

50 take me to your heart



Take each day as the armageddon to love


Every minute every second is so beautiful that tears fall


Do not care how others think


Follow me if you are brave


Love does not need an arrangement


Sensing the kisses makes embraces pleasurable


Enjoy the moment don't be afraid to open up


We believe in the existence of miracles


Love beyond death


Not wail unless thorough


Feelings are strong it's the only way to unburden


Love beyond death


Not wail unless weep till smile


Universe is destroyed heart is still


Love beyond the dead end


Not wail unless ulmost romantic


Hair turns snowwhite soil will bury


Thoughts do not mortify


Love beyond end of the road


Not wail unless heaven desolates and earth ages


Not afraid of passion turns into sea of fire


Magnificent when love seethes



  爱情让人迷惘,于是有了 问世间情为何物 ,爱情让人欲罢不能,于是有了 只教人生死相许,下面这些是我为大家推荐的几篇英文爱情 故事 大全

英文 爱情故事 大全:1

The peach blossom fan

The full moon that night's floor, bright transparent clear; That night a willow in accordance with the people, gentle dancing with the wind

For months he was drinking, chat with friends, but in the gentleness of the bend in the move to open view Her hands holding a hip flask, wen wan smile, America laguna

Filed a hip flask, sleeves, her charming smile fill a glass of wine for him Nostalgically down hip flask, secretly looked at him, her body to be present in the back, as the pipa guzheng ringing sound, dance Gently swinging twirls and small ground step more lined with she revealed between the eyebrows of attraction The peach blossom fan gently and agile one, half hidden edge covering her whole face Is drinking her line of sight across the folding fan quietly looked at he enjoy dance, dance to distribute fragrance in the peach blossom fan, stroke with another hand twirls a left forward, full sleeve petals fell out of the split, bend over to her smile, in the rain flower silks and satins and folding fan with shoulder, red through the dimple hid her heart thoughts

With the audience with her he did not have a general idea, he stared at her upand, mouth already don't know what is the taste of wine He close not gazing at the line of sight, murmured a mouth: "almost spent outside the building, downstairs, take full sleeves The daughter home, worry let, two eyebrows Satin and folding fan by shoulder to swim, she again dimple red through"

That night, he have lots of wine to drink, not the word; That night, she is a never-ending dance, sing not over Inadvertently, face is a hot flush She dance under a month for a long time for a long time, the already weak she is still in the rotation, the glance like water tender feelings, let her don't want to stop

From then on, he every night drinking, watching his dance; She also wine for him, every night to sing for him They did not say anything, but knew each other's heart feeling

But destiny difficult violations, he is rich, handsome and talented set of a suit, and although she has the capacity of the whole, the advantages of the tilting, but just a little girl in this small restaurant, they two destined for lifelong commitment That day, he went away, left the town, it was on that day, she waited for him for a night not see his dashing figure

Sunset rain show, will leave, late autumn mark in this paper She every night waiting for, but again to see the figure sitting in the audience to drink Her daily by window full moon, like the drizzle outside the window just how many, can't cut off He is in another town, also miss her glance a smile every day, and she danced every dance, sing every word, the dream is always met her the night scene He put the missing words written into the shining, poetic littered the streets, and he drift between the past small town has not been her again in the city She is folding the willow in the city, the shining statement also sing the new sorrow, no one to listen

A few years later he still adrift, with a covered in wounds in midnight drinking, not the sorrow of missing in the heart She took off her yard flowers purples, sowed the patches and tender is about to drip of the disc, them from the dock and along the river, and they can float in the place of him

Not miss is no longer suffer, he halfway turned back to the city of her first encounter with him The willow because when the spring is in the city, the green buds covered with branches Gust of spring breeze breeze, blowing the tree flocculant ShangMian white, like snow faded and fallen It is this poetic, he saw the passionate to her Her hand was a first take the peach blossom fan, only in the thoughts of the sector on a few more words

Her lethargy in the wind, in the hands of folding fan metamorphoses, fall to the ground And he also surprised in place, until the tears across the cheek, hot feeling to let him know that it is not just a dream


Love makes waiting for life

"Break up"

My message to him, no punctuation emphasis, nor cute emoticons, dead silence as empty of refuse, removed the mobile phone card, don't give it a chance to ask why at all! I never thought, I always high cold, cold to let a person feel freezing cold!

While he on a business trip, I a person walk through of all the places we had been together, SLR help me to record every familiar place, recalls the past scenes, floating floating in my heart But I know, the big stones in my heart aroused waves, this time from now on with these memories I favorite city look, tearful, do the deepest farewell

Listening to the songs ZhuangXinYan, tidy up your belongings, yes, I want to leave, I love to leave the city for many years, just to escape Once upon a time, I'm betting, cities don't allow myself to hurt in love, or leave, but now leave, count yourself injured I don't have time to think about these, pick up too many memories, burns my eyes, fall in my heart


Met with him, because of a photo

Entering the university, as a bookworm, favorite places, of course, is the library But I was in the library of the photos in the photo contest saw my own shadow, in a corner of the window, with white desk, a clean girl holding a book sitting on table, gentle sunshine, a little glow on her I see a delusion, never thought so humble little girl taken can also be so beautiful, companion suddenly took me and the silly The somebody else all violation of your image rights, you still not go to look for his theory theory I a surprised, rightness, at least he this effect is how take out

So, I met with him, he didn't know he is sophomore computer science student, and as a freshman, I learn the financial accounting Though different professional, we have a lot of things in common: professional is a waste of brain cells, like to read and write, tourist photographs But, I never thought of, have adventures, and colors But the world will always have a lot of, make many things strange

As time goes on, the more I found that I and he will always be the understanding of each other's words In addition, I often happen to coincide in the library to meet with him, in a coffee shop, and even sometimes work encounter It's doomed, isn't Looked at me, trying to want to see the whole youth! Youth, however, get started


In young age, always meets the foolish thing But the idiot will fell in the pit of fog fog, and then in a fog The most is bitter, so I always out-of-touch, but don't want to thoroughly subjugate this time However, if you meet such a person, you won't really fall

Since college, I developed the habit of a do not love to eat breakfast, so the stomach is bad, but later, he wake me up on time every day, and then took me to eat breakfast Although his family is rich, but still insist to go to work, he said, love depend on the material, but this material is to be responsible for his deeply engraved on my heart I write good copy don't know why lost, he will be able to help me can or call back He never like another me, I am wordless, he can know what I think, like what, so I never received a bouquet pruning, but all kinds of beautiful book, pen and small adorn article We are together in a notebook to write mood diary, he kept during the day and night I custody, agreed with each other, to the twilight, write your own story together; We will go to play, he will patiently taught me the use of SLR method and skill to take photos, agreed with each other for each other for a lifetime of scenery, and the last stop is gulangyu island; We'll bubble is the city's largest library, together with the bread for a whole day, agreed on each other through the book here, do a real bookworm Sometimes I peremptorily willfulness, snarling crayfish is a genuine, he is always very clever soothe me, make me obedient lovely doll Perhaps, love is water, if lost, the flowers will wither

Later, he graduated from work, and I also need to spend a year at school Start I'm afraid of, afraid of external factors can let us produce distance A lot of things, will divide the interpersonal relationships, perhaps stranger from now on Have to say, I'm a luckydog, also can thoroughly into the intelligence quotient is negative, completely fell into the pit No matter how busy, he will be after the first time for me, on a business trip with small gift compensation I, will use various ways to express his heart

And now, I look at the past, not from get nose a acid, suddenly want to cry Finally, I still strong, tears streaming down her face, never finishing on strength, holding himself tightly, curled up, things chest cough up hurt by silver bethanath across the ring - he promise when graduation, to trap me, forever! The rest of my life, perhaps for a long time, also perhaps is now I just reached out and cut off his own lifetime, pack up the past, accompany to continue in the future

Thought, my graduation will be a perfect start, but now, only to find that, this is the end of the broken A wave of his hand of fate brought me into another road, let I missed him, between him and me, only parallel, loss of equal since then should be won't meet again I ended up with a cruel refuse story, is not worthy of nostalgia, is miss, be remembered Thoughtful, you should be right Lock up lust, back up the bags and headed for the stranger


Leave, equal to, but, a person, alone to go where Suddenly a voice in my head: a lot of people feel you like a girl in suzhou, not suitable for the coastal city of big waves Well, suzhou, and keep the amorous, poplar and willows Know in addition to my family, I also told my girlfriends, all the things she fears, both my body and mental, I comfort her, and I will be strong to let all the things have a happy end, I will write my whereabouts in the blog, focus on "good luck", is to protect me I gave her a big smile, big hug, because I don't know, this time to leave, when to meet again When the meet again, if I can recognize her with eyes Gradually glides across the lonely and sad in my heart, but I can't cry

Goodbye favorite city, silently say goodbye to the favorite person, before I go, stood his home for a long time for a long time, long to I feel this is for a lifetime Light scatter, I turned and, on the southbound train, I want to be with your eyes, a good rest I want to pretend to have his company, when I can see the world, complete my dream, and he had walk the belong to our dream

With your own words, I in the editorial department has found a job successfully Still under a pen name "edge" - pale predestination, also want to live to dream, although I know, have a heart, I will die in the in the mind, to rot

Away for so long, my heart is guilty, he said to me that love, not love To him, love is respect, love is occupied But to me, love is to leave, love is entangled Miss away for so long, my heart, he said that once the text hiding himself, only to meet me, words is hidden under me, so now Hiding who in words Borrow my girlfriends QQ number to visit his space, time and time again to read his writing, read his heart I saw him the most afraid of lonely, but finally when he wrote to start a new relationship, I stopped the silent attention, love, felt relieved, and then I will easily to start her own life

I work hard, earn a lot of a lot of money, then go to travel, and constantly update their own blog, only the text Years later, maybe in my eyes is the decoration, so, I just left the scenery in my heart Although my blog without pictures, but bo powder increasingly multiplication, or share with each and every one of their own good, be a kind of happiness


Time in a hurry, unconsciously I danced around a few times, he has always been my hidden in a corner, but he is sunshine, warm my heart More want to forget, more memorable, and ran aground in the love of nature, like the method of poison, erode my every cell, is not here right now Travel, tourism, tourism, in cities, in the city, in the city!

Even shuttle in every city, the heart will still stay at the origin, never leave But, I can't go back, already can't go back! Then with the wind

Each to a city, I will still be used to buy a beautiful book, but more think it's rare to see admire; I will go with a variety of small ornaments shop, but never take away one thing; I will choose a holding a warm day, in the coffee shop take in a seat near a window, a quiet afternoon; I still like to walk in the street looking around, or people will see similar to his, want to run in the past, but tell yourself, how could he come here I don't quit the habit, just quietly from nosy I grow up to be me

The days passed, her eyes grew blurred Perhaps it is time I went to gulangyu island I write my blog:

If two people pledge into a person's romance

Gulangyu is not far away

Who escaped the line of sight

Who fulfilled who lie

If at that time not see

At this time also can miss

The last stop

Stand out of the fate of prejudice

If there is reincarnation

Don't live up to meet!


Player's head, the second day ready for departure But got a parcel at this time, I opened, suddenly found a stack of photos and two ticket: a picture is on the corner of the every city I have ever been to me, my coffee shop, bookstore of I, I'm in the wind, the rain I, in the sun I; Ticket ticket is gulangyu, a write my name, and the other one, I froze: jung - right, is he, like a flash of lightning split into my heart, I nearly fainted! My eyes blurred, plain edge, edge, can live the dream

The ticket below, it is a postcard, qiu jin powerful font greeted, familiar, too familiar, just can't believe the sight of all is a dream, isn't it, isn't it, isn't it I will go to: postcards, word read word

Meet, like a thief

Steal my heart gentle

In ten thousand, from the fear of soft enough

Indirect light, turned out the warmth of your hand

Photo frames

I forget about

Can you the goblins

With my all, slip away

I forgot to talk, forget to smile

Forget to follow you, escape from the earth together

But used to drive, I have to find you

In fact you have been in the palm of my hand

Never leave

I stay in the office in front of you

For your blog writing poetry

This time I want to guard you

Never leaving

I'll be your eyes

I'll be your eyes

Take you have seen every scenery, through every inch of the land

I know your mind

See through your self-esteem

I hesitated, wandering

Foolhardy would I scare you off

I'm so scared to lose

So I've been doing a stealth, protect you well

Forgive you surprised, you are the one, no branch can depend on you, forgive you all

You must believe that no matter what happens can alienate our promise

You remember, as long as you call me I will appear

You are never alone

I'd like to forward to give you a sense of security

My cell phone number has never changed

That heart, waiting for forever

- jung

Word my heart pulled up, forcefully pain, it turns out that I've seen in the figure, is he, he has been! Then open the box below: a beautiful book, open, is his endless tenderness, write "together" we been city; One unique small adorn article, is willing to part with or use I pick it up and down

I have tears, focus attention on the things in front of all the whole, he gently to my neck in silver bethanath remove, remove the ring, predominantly wear in my hand: be ring is inescapable, it's a curse, only I can solve!

I looked at him, and his eye in floating in the sunlight and gentle!


Time in a hurry, the thick love

White is the color of you; , "lo lo" generous character; Because, because of you!

Despite, in spite of all you want to do him; The sea, and the general mind hold anyone bully him

Heroin, it is you, I'm afraid you all "addiction" to each other!

"You his mama be sick"

"I am sick"

"Sick quickly take medicine!"

"You are the medicine"

Simple confessions, start your youth throb

Mishaps life, made your flame

Eight years ago, and you meet, to know each other, love each other

Eight years later, you read, together, together

Course because, as you help HaiZha mother died almost lost his life, you to Gu Hai rescued him from the car with his hands, and you alone to make his father agreed to join the army

Gu Hai, for the sake of course because of the reputation of your classmates badly wounded, in order to protect the course because you blocked the truck for him dying, you in order to propose to his three hundred million yuan with lamp Mosaic "course because, let's get married!"

In a car accident have not break up you, but to the world that you love

The love of youth, perhaps the youth; Love, as an adult should be mature

Eat together, sleep together, to go to school together, fishing, elope together This is once upon a time

Eat together, sleep together, struggle together, together hand in hand and together always This is forever

Course, now you are the captain, but still able to Gu Hai weakness

Gu Hai now that you are "by sea" of the company's big boss, but still for course with tea to send meal

You have become an integral part of each other, love each other, do not need to express in words, even if only one eye can feel each other's heart

Time in a hurry, you from the impulse of youth into a mature man, eight years time, mishaps, but it was not polished the sincere heart

The thick love, let you from the most beautiful years to perfect now, eight years time, ordinary, but the deep feeling is full

I moved for you, also for you


Although the time in a hurry

Still love the thick

I wish you hand in hand this life concomitant forever

Time in a hurry, the thick love; Warm my heart, touched my feeling

英文爱情故事大全相关 文章 :

1 爱情英文故事

2 英语爱情故事:爱的表白

3 英语爱情故事:爱会伴随你的一生

4 日常生活情景对话:爱情故事

5 真实爱情故事大全


1、《沙漠骆驼》:这首歌曲是最近比较火的一首歌曲,是Rabbit Bros演唱的一首好听的歌曲。这首歌曲赢得很多音乐爱好者的喜欢,是今年十大热门歌曲之一。
















































6、dance flow(貌似是个网络歌手组合吧,有男有女,而且他们有拍视频)




7、FNK 、月儿(合唱)

faded love(不是英文歌哦~~中文的,蛮好听的)


















































爱不爱我(问:如果想用一首歌来含蓄地向对方表白,你选择哪首 答:爱不爱我~~哈哈)













love songs











pretty boy(相信很多人都听过了)

dear diary

…………The end……………

PS:全部手打啊~~~都是俺听了很久的歌。明天就要去学校住校顺带军训了(第一次住校啊啊啊),今日特在此拿出来纪念俺死去的外宿生活 T0T



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