

1What do you think of Chinese festivals’ holidays

2The advantage or disadvantage of teaching assessment (evaluation)

3The advantage or disadvantage of computer

4 Work to live or live to work

5 Is it good for students to have part-time jobs

6 Are cars doing more harm than good

7 Is money the most important thing in life

8“Money is the source of happiness” VS” Money is the root of evil”

9“Univeristy students can marry” VS “Univeristy students can not marry”

10On Watching TV

Part A: Advantages

Key words: relaxing, entertaining, excellent recreation, educational, informative

Part B: Disadvantages

Key words: time wasted, eyes strained, unproductive evening, sleeping late, getting up next morning bleary-eyed

The debate process

1, the stage of being heard

(1) and against a side debate to speak

(2) and against two parties dialectic speech

2, to cross-examine (attack debate) stage

(1) to the anti-question second debate

(2) two or three square dialectical answer

(3) anti-party debate three questions

(4) square two or three debates to answer

3, free debate

From the square to speak first, and then counter-party to speak in order that both sides take turns to speak The two sides each time the cumulative 5 minutes

4, summing up stage

(1) to four anti argued conclusion

(2) four square dialectical conclusion



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上一篇 2024-03-01



