


阿海、阿占和红豆三人是黑社会头子曾江收养的孤儿,长大后成了帮他赚钱的艺术品大盗。 法国巴黎博物馆内,名画《赫林之女仆》被人盗走。与此同时,阿海、阿占和红豆三人以敏捷身手盗得另一幅名画,在与法国大哥交易时得知名画《赫林之女仆》在妖气重重的古堡内,他们在曾江安排下成功地**此画之后,反被集团原凶曾江与法国大哥合谋设下陷阱,派人追杀灭口。阿海驾车与杀手快艇相撞…… 三人失散,数年后,他们在香港重聚,阿海“瘫痪”,阿占和红豆已经结婚了。曾江又逼他们去偷另一幅画 周润发在《纵横四海》里的酷镜头:当舞会上目标出现后,一身晚礼服的发哥在轮椅上与钟楚红跳起了激情的双人舞,并掩护她顺利偷走目标身上的钥匙,轮椅上的发哥可谓神采飞扬,遍身生辉。


表白内容:没有你我就像只被抛弃的狗在高速公路的旁边,我真的很紧张,尽管我不知道你的生日是什么时候,我们可以一起去买东西跟煮东西,我发誓,我没有油嘴滑舌;当你在停车时刮破了轮胎,如果你一直爱我,我会每周都负责洗厕所,如果你要的话我会用舌头来洗;我会把“脏话”跟“爱火箭”在我的词汇中剔除出去,我会爱你,就算你的名字是mimi,又或者你要我把名字叫成“美美”,我会在没人或者最糟糕的环境中放屁,我会做低胆固醇节食,我不会买一辆红色运动跑车,当我中年危机时;你的父母可以买州来看你,就算你的妈妈是个大巫婆,可以不去住退休房,因为她可以跟我们住;我发誓,我会从众多色彩中分出白色,我会学习冷跟热水洗的秘密,在你化妆的时候我会静心的等,不会催促你,如果你是个软弱,我永远不会说一只狗可以从水中救出你而猫不行,我会高兴小鸡让你发疯,就像“傲慢与偏见”那样,如果你煮东西我什么都吃,我不会对着难吃的菜皱起眉头,我永远都会说“是的” ,但你问“我今晚的发行好看吗?”时,我要对“拥抱”重新下个新的定义,我会每天仔细的阅读你的星座资料,我会保存你送给我的每张生日卡,当我们分开时我会给你写信,我不会让你知道我的车钥匙放在那里,我永远不会把脏袜子拉在地板上,跟我在一起你会发现牙膏永远都盖着,如果你喜欢我会穿男用比基尼泳装,我的肚脐会盖上,我会美美的吻你的阴蒂,这会是你试过的最有激情的最亲密的一个,我现在宣布为了你我会牺牲一切,如果你不能跟我在一起,我只感到我身体的某部分好像死掉了。

英文版:Matthew: Without you, I'm as lonely as an abandoned dog on the side of a highway I have gift anxiety, even through I don't know when your birthday is We can spend perfect days shopping and cleaning together I swear, I'll never make wisecracks when you scrape your tires against the curb while parallel parking If you consent to live with me, I'll clean the toilet every week I'll do it with my tongue if you ask I will strike the words "hooters" and "love rockets" from my vocabulary I'll love you Even if your name is Mimi and you want me to pronounce it "May May" I will only pass gas underneath the covers and under the direst of circumstances Hell, I'll go on a low cholesterol diet And I won't buy one of those red sports cars when I hit my mid-life crisis Your parents can come visit us every week, even if your mom is a witch with a capital B And your folks don't have to go to a retirement home because they can come live with us I declare, I'll separate the whites from the colors and learn the mysteries of hot and cold water washes I'll never huff and puff while waiting for you to put on my makeup If you're a cat person, I'll never point out the fact that a dog can save your life from drowning, but a cat can't I will happily go see chick flicks with you, like "Pride and Prejudice" I'll make a point to trying new food like okra gumbo I won't curl my nose at vegetables whose awful taste is disguised by having cheese on it I pledge to always say "yes" when you ask, "Is my hair looking okay tonight" I'm gonna bring a whole new meaning to the word "cuddle" I'll be thoughtful enough to read your horoscope every day I'm gonna save every birthday card you send me! And I'll actually write you real letters when we're apart I'm never gonna expect you to know where I left my car keys, and I'll never leave my socks on the floor With me, you'll find the cap is always on the toothpaste I'll start wearing those bikini style underwear if you like My belly button will always be lint free I want to full-on kiss your clitoris It will be the most passionate, intimate experience you've ever had I declare now, I will give my life for you And if you fail to come to me, I know some part of me will surely die




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