



简介: 汪涵,原名汪建刚,1974年4月7日出生于江苏省苏州市吴中区,中国内地电视节目主持人、监制、歌手、演员、民间语保人,毕业于湖南广播电视学校。

这是越策越开心 卡通版的,每一集都很好看很搞笑的。不太好找,你最好下载个芒果客户端 那里面有全部的越策越开心 卡通版。你找找吧 愿你快乐。 这句话 就是在越策越开心里面 流传出来的 很早以前了。

那首歌曲是 Pratt & McClain 的《Happy Days》,可以直接下载的链接地址已经有消息传过去给你了,希望能帮上忙O(∩_∩)O~



Sunday, Monday, Happy Days,

Tuesday, Wednesday, Happy Days,

Thursday, Friday, Happy Days,

Saturday, what a day,

Rockin all week with you

This day is ours

Won't you be mine (Oh Happy Days)

This day is ours (Oh Happy Days)

Oh please be mine

Hello sunshine, goodbye rain,

She's wearing my high school ring on her chain

She's my steady, I'm her man,

I'm gonna love her all I can


Gonna cruise her round the town,

Show everybody what I've found

Rock'n'roll with all my friends

Hopin' the music never ends

These Happy Days are yours and mine (oh Happy Days)

These Happy Days are yours and mine (oh Happy Days)

These Happy Days are yours and mine, Happy Days



简介: 汪涵,原名汪建刚,1974年4月7日出生于江苏省苏州市吴中区,中国内地电视节目主持人、监制、歌手、演员、民间语保人,毕业于湖南广播电视学校。

《the force》歌词

John Kelly & Maite Itoiz The Force

Even when the night is falling

And dark is all around me,

Even when the lights are dimming,

Even when the night is falling

I breathe something in the air

Reminding me I’m there

Even when the night is falling

Something’s giving me the strength

Universal great forces are turning around

And the spheres breathe out music in ordered chaos

Universal great forces are turning around

And the spheres breathe out music in ordered chaos

Even when the hopes are over

And understanding’s frozen,

Even when the stars are covered,

Even when the night is falling,

Don’t you feel it in the air

There’s something big out there,

Even when the night is falling

I can feel it in the air

Universal great forces are turning around

And the spheres breathe out music in ordered chaos

Universal great forces are turning around

And the spheres breathe out music in ordered chaos

Universal great forces are turning around

And the spheres breathe out music in ordered chaos

Universal great forces are turning around

And the spheres breathe out music in ordered chaos




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