

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl, a wicked stepmother and two unhappy sisters 


Girls are often bullied by stepmothers and two sisters, forced to do heavy work, often covered with dust, so they are nicknamed "Cinderella"


One day, the prince of the city held a dance to invite all the girls in the city, but Cinderella's stepmother and two sisters refused to let Cinderella attend


Cinderella was also asked to do a lot of work, which made Cinderella disappointed and sad


Then a fairy appeared and helped Cinderella shake herself into a noble Miss Qianjin, turned mice into drivers, turned pumpkins into carriages, turned into a beautiful dress and a pair of crystal (glass) shoes for Cinderella to wear 


Cinderella was so happy that she rushed to the palace to attend the dance 


Before Cinderella left, the fairy warned Cinderella that Cinderella could not stay until 12 pm and the magic would be automatically lifted 


Cinderella agreed Cinderella attended the dance 


The prince was fascinated by Cinderella and asked Cinderella to dance as soon as he saw her 


The time of joy passed quickly


It's almost midnight Cinderella had to leave immediately, leaving a crystal shoe in panic 


The prince was so sad that he sent ministers all over the country to look for the girl wearing crystal shoes 


Despite the obstruction of his stepmother and sister, the minister succeeded in finding Cinderella 


The prince was very happy that he proposed to Cinderella Cinderella agreed From then on, they lived a happy life








旁白:Long long ago there lived a beautiful princess, and there is a big family But the hostess died Her son is handsome and goodness Her husband married another wife The stepmother is very cruel to the son One day their King will hold a ball and choose a prince for his daughter

B: <Singing> Girls in the other side look at me, look at me, look at me …I am David, handsome and cool I try my best to loose my weight for this ball This is my photo three days ago <拿出奥尼尔的画像>

C: <Singing> I am rich and humor Look at my snow-white teeth, because I use the famous toothpaste---Peer <拿出名人牙膏>

A: Oh, Can I go to the ball

B and C: No!

B: Look at yourself The clothes are so bad and dirty

C: Yes, yes

B: Your hair …(用手拨几下)

C: What a mass!

B: Your face

C: Black and dirty, you seemed like a frog(B拿出青蛙的照片)

B: How can you go to meet the beautiful princess

Stepmother: OK, children, let’s go!

C: Mum, what about him

Stepmother: You, just stay at home to do some housework

A: But, Mum, I want to go there

Stepmother: Oh, OK

B and C: Mum, why do you take him Don’t you think he will loose our face

Finally, they go without A

第二幕 仙女下凡

A:<Singing> Why Why Why I can’t go to join that ball

旁白: At this time a beautiful fairy appear

Fairy: Ahh, my poor child! What things make you so sad

A: The beautiful princess will held a ball, but my stepmother and my brothers don’t let me go there

Fairy: My good boy, let me help you (拿出一套礼服)


Fairy: Wait for a moment Don’t forget your shoes(拿出一双耐克鞋)

A: Thank you, my respectful fairy

第三幕 一见钟情

旁白:A is wearing beautiful clothes going to the palace as quickly as possible, but his brother and stepmother have already arrived

门卫:The next, the Trade’s first son

B: Oh, beautiful princess I have greatly admired you for a long time, and you are like a Pizza in my heart

Princess: Please wait for a moment, what talent and skill you have

B: I’ll sing a song for you (Singing) Only you

Princess: Pass

门卫:The next The Trade’s second son

C: La la I am a

Princess: Pass

旁白:At that time A was appearing on the front door of the palace All the people were shocked by his handsome and demeanor

A: Beautiful princess Can I sing a song for you

Princess: Sure, please

A: (扶着公主从宝座上走下,两人目光对视,走成一个圈,开始唱歌)。

旁白:All the people seem to disappear Only A is left in the princess’s eyes And so is the princess Dang dang dang the clock strikes 12 A is waken from the happiness

A: Princess, I must go now I am very sorry

Princess: Wait

旁白:In a hurry A dropped one of his shoes But the princess was following him

A: (A look at princess and that shoe he has to go into the forest)

第四幕 丢失的鞋

旁白:The next morning, the guard brings the shoe to the princess

侍卫:My princess, this is the shoe left by Yang Master yesterday

Princess: That’s great! God save me! Go and declare: Whoever can wear this shoe will be my prince

第五幕 结局

旁白:The guars declared this thing in the whole city and it caused a big sensation The two prince of the Trade are more excited

B: Oh, it’s so beautiful I’m sure I can wear this shoe

C: Do you think it is possible Only I can wear that shoe

Stepmother: Stop talking, my dear sons Go to get ready for it quickly The guards will come in no time

旁白:A was sweeping floor more and more slowly The guards came in

侍卫:This is the shoe Come and try it

旁白:At this moment B caught it quickly, tried it and murmured

B: why can’t I put it on

Stepmother: My dear, let me help you

旁白:The mother pulled B to the corner cutting his toe Then B put the shoe very hardly

B: My princess, let’s go(一瘸一拐)

Princess: No, you are not my prince Take off the shoe

C: Let me try Let me try (murmuring)I cannot wear it either

旁白:The mother pulled C to the corner again, and cut his heel

C: My princess, let’s go

Princess: No, you are not my prince, either (一瘸一拐)

侍卫:Who else doesn’t try to put on the shoe here

A: (In a low voice) Let me have a try(A put the shoe without any difficulty It just fit him And A took off his dirty clothes again)

Princess: Wow, you are my prince

Princess and Prince got married Then they live together and they are very happy


手上只有简易版的, 先给你:

Cinderella Play Script

(Characters : Narrator, Cinderella, Stepsister 1, Stepsister 2, Fairy godmother,

Guest 1, Guest 2, Prince)

Scene 1 (at Cinderella’s home)

Narrator: Once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl named

Cinderella She had two ugly stepsisters who were very cruel to her

Stepsister 1: Did you clean the kitchen

Cinderella: Yes, I did

Stepsister 2: Did you polish my shoes

Cinderella: Yes, I did

Stepsister 1: Did you iron my clothes

Cinderella: Yes, I did

Stepsister 2: Anddid you make breakfast

Cinderella: Yes, breakfast is ready

Narrator: The evil stepsisters made Cinderella do all the hard work

Cinderella: (calling out) Stepsisters! A letter from the royal palace has arrived for you

Stepsister 1: (fighting) Give it to me! I want to open it

Stepsister 2: (fighting) No! I want to open it

Stepsister 1 & 2: (looking at the invitation card) Look! We are invited to the

Prince’s ball at the royal palace

Cinderella: (crying sadly) I wish I could go, too

Narrator: The night of the ball arrived

Stepsister 1: (laughing) Ha, ha! We are going to have a great time at the ball

Stepsister 2: (laughing) Have a great night working, Cinderella

Narrator: After the evil stepsisters had left, suddenly, a fairy appeared

Cinderella: Oh my! Who are you

Fairy godmother: I’m your fairy godmother, beautiful Cinderella I am here to help you go to the ball tonight

Narrator: The fairy godmother waved her magic wand

Cinderella’s rags turned into a beautiful dress

Cinderella: Wow! It’s so beautiful

Narrator: On her feet were sparkling glass slippers

Cinderella: Oh, I love them!

Narrator: The fairy godmother turned a pumpkin into an amazing coach and some mice into horses

Cinderella: What a lovely coach and handsome horses

Fairy godmother: You are ready now, my dear Have fun tonight, but be back by midnight, or else!

Cinderella: Okay, fairy godmother! Thank you

Scene 2 (at the ball)

Narrator: At the ball, everyone wondered who the beautiful

princess was

Guest 1 (lady): Who is that beautiful princess

Guest 2 (man): I’ve never seen such a beautiful woman in my life!

Stepsister 1: Oh no! The Prince is going to dance with her

Stepsister 2: This is not fair! He was meant to dance with me

Prince: Would you like to dance with me

Cinderella: Oh, yes, your highness

Narrator: The Prince danced every dance with her Suddenly, the clock began to strike twelve

Cinderella: I must go! Thank you for the dance

Prince: Please stay! (shouting) What is your name

Narrator: Cinderella did not answer and ran back to the coach, but

she lost one of her glass slippers on the way Then, the

coach and horses disappeared Cinderella’s beautiful dress turned back to rags

Cinderella: Oh no! Everything’s gone My beautiful dress and my

sparkling slippers, where are they Was it a dream

Scene 3 (at Cinderella’s home)

Narrator: The next day, the Prince set out to find Cinderella again

Prince: I want every girl in the kingdom to try on this lost glass slipper I must find my princess

Narrator: But the glass slipper didn’t fit anyone The Prince then arrived at Cinderella’s house

Stepsister 1: Good morning Prince I am so happy that you found my slipper

Stepsister 2: It is my slipper I am the princess you are looking for

Narrator: The ugly sisters tried to fit into the slipper

Stepsister 1: Let me try first!

Stepsister 2: No Your feet are much too big Give it to me!

Narrator: Their feet were much too big Then the Prince saw Cinderella

Prince: Let this girl try

Stepsister 1: But that’s only Cinderella

Stepsister 2: She didn’t go to the ball The slipper won’t fit her!

Narrator: Cinderella sat down and tried on the slipper

Prince: It fits!

Cinderella: It fits!

Stepsister 1 & 2: (surprised) It fits

Prince: (smiling) You are the one I’ve been looking for! What is your name

Cinderella: (smiling) My name is Cinderella

Narrator: The Prince had found his princess and they lived happily ever after

Run This Town----Lucy Hale(梦中)

Hold on cause I'm letting go

淡定点 因为姐要全力出击了

I'm gonna lasso your heart like a rodeo

我会俘获你的心 就像牛仔套住斗牛

I'm gonna give you some till you want some more

我会给你一些爱 除非你想好更多

Cause all I see is an open door


And I see where it's leading me

我看到它在指引我 它所有的能量

All of this energy, been bottled for way too long

都被压抑太久 It's powerful, powerful

它很强大 很强大

You see what I'm getting at

I'm ready for all of that

我懂我的意思吧 我已经整装待发

If I'm not a star, you're blind

说我不是明星 是你没有眼光

I've got rings on my fingers

And glitter in my hair

我手戴漂亮戒指 我头发闪闪发亮

I bought a one-way ticket

And I just got here

我手拿单程票 刚刚抵达此处

I'm gonna run this town

Run this town

我要跑遍这座城市 跑遍这座城市

I'm gonna run this town

Run this town

我要跑遍这座城市 跑遍这座城市

I've got high heel stilettos

And I'm kicking in doors

我脚踩细高跟鞋 我踹开一扇扇心门

And kissing your feet ain't what my lipstick's for

我这么闪亮亮 可不是要讨好你

I'm gonna run this town

Run this town

我要跑遍这座城市 跑遍这座城市

I'm gonna run this town

Run this town tonight

今晚 我要跑遍这座城市 跑遍这座城市

Bless Myself------Lucy Hale(Guy在车上打电话)There's a little secret I would like to tell you(我想告诉你个小秘密)There's a book of lies I know they'll try to sell you(我知道他们在骗你)

And they'll try and they'll try to convince you to buy(他们要你相信)

You need them(谎言是真的)

So the next time you're down Look inside,not around(于是下次你便错了)

I can dress myself(我可以自己打扮)

There's no need for someone's help(不需他人帮忙)

There's no one to blame(无人可责备)

There's no one to save you but yourself(唯有自救)

I can justify(我能判断)

All the mistakes in my life(所犯的错)

It's taught me to be It's given to me(获益良多)

And I'll survive(我会重生)

'Cause I have blessed myself(因为我自我保佑)

Do you ever wonder How anything can make you cry(你想知道为何哭泣)

Have yourself discover(你可发现)

That the pain you feel is the pain that you deny(痛苦是自己造成的)

You can bless yourself(你可自我保佑)

There's no need for someone else(无需别人)

There's no one to blame There's no one to save you but yourself(无人可责备。唯有自救)

I can justify(我能判断)

All the mistakes in my life(所犯的错)

It's taught me to be It's given to me(获益良多)

And I'll survive(我会重生)

'Cause I have blessed myself(因为我自我保佑)

Make You Believe------------Lucy Hale(女主在两母女监视下试音)

Plug in the mic, open the curtains


  Turn on the lights, I'm through rehearsing


  The feeling ignites, I'm in control


  The crowds in the palm of my hands,All my fans stand


  what is the truthWhat's an illusion


  You're searching for proof ,But are you certain


  Whatever you see is what you get


  If words paint a picture thenI betcha I can getcha yet

  如果语言是画那我打赌我可以得到你 耶

  I'll make you believe in me


  I can be what you want me to be


  Tonight is the night Where I make you see


  That I can be anything,Anything, anything


  I'll make you believe in me


  I can be what you want me to be


  Tonight is the night Where I make you see


  That I can be anything,Anything, anything


  I got nothing to lose,


  I've been exposed


  I'm paying my dues, playing the role


  I'm breaking the rules, flowing the flow


  I've got the whole world nodding "yes"


  Like some bobble heads


  I'll break a sweat, if you wanna


  Confess all your sins, you know you got 'em


  The rooms in a spin, the fever's pitched I swear there's no doub


  t I'm legit


  I'm no counterfeit


  I'll make you believe in me


  I can be what you want me to be


  Tonight is the night Where I make you see


  That I can be anything Anything, anything


  I'll make you believe in me


  I can be what you want me to be


  Tonight is the night Where I make you see


  That I can be anything Anything, anything




灰姑娘是一个童话故事中的角色,原在欧洲民间广为流传,后来才由法国作家夏尔·佩罗(Charles Perrault,1697)和德国的格林兄弟(Jacob et Wilhelm Grimm,1812)加以采集编写。



1 It's all come down to this—a Cinderella story


2 His daily life was just like in a Cinderella story


3 Like a Cinderella story, it all took off from there



Once upon a time lived a beautiful girl, called Cinderella


One day,Prince Charming is having a ball to find his bride!


Her wicked stepmother just laughed mockingly and told her to stay at home in the cinders where she belonged


Cinderella was very sadThen, a fairy appeared from out of the glowing light!


The cat had transformed into a coachman,the mice changed into horses


The fairy kindly and waved her wand again, Cinderella’s rags had disappeared


When Cinderella entered the ball a hush fell and everyone stopped dancing 


The Prince himself thought that Cinderella was so beautiful that he danced with her all night long


The clock had begun to strike twelve 


The Prince tried to chase after Cinderella but he lost sight of her


The Prince went everywhere trying to find the girl whose the foot would fit into the dainty glass slipper


Finally, he came to Cinderella’s house


Cinderella watched as the Prince tried to fit the slipper onto her stepsister’s feet”May I try the slipper”


The slipper fitted Cinderella’s foot perfectly!


The Prince recognized her immediately and asked her then and there to be his bride







once upon a time,there was a nice girlshe lived with her father and her stepmotheras soon as her father died,the stepsisters made her do all the choresone day,there was a party but she was so busy that she had no time to make a dress for the partythe mice knew that unless they helped her make a dress,she would not be able to go to the partyso she went to the partyas soon as the prince saw her,he fell in love with herbut she had to go backthe prince began to find the girlhe knew that unless the girl's foot could fit the shoe,it was not the right girlat last they lived together happily



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