

 I love you=我爱你。

 1Where was。

 2Did found。

 3couldn't fly。


 5in the end。

 6learns much about / At the same time。

 7Nobody likes / However。

 8as big as。

 9die out。

 10After hearing。






How Do I Love Thee 英国十九世纪女诗人Elizabeth Barrett Browning(伊丽莎白·勃朗宁)

How do I love thee Let me count the ways

I love thee to the depth and breadth and height to

My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight

For the ends of 1)Being and 2)ideal Grace

I love thee to the level of everyday’s

Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight

I love thee freely, as men 3)strive for Right;

I love thee purely, as they turn from 4)Praise

I love thee with the passion put to use

In my old 5)griefs , and with my childhood’s faith

I love thee with a love I seemed to lose

With my lost saints, -I love thee with the breath,

Smiles, tears, of all my life! - and, if God choose,

I shall but love thee better after death

06 我是如何爱你?















1、Being n[the Being] [宗]上帝

2、ideal a 理想的,完美的

3、strive for 努力,奋斗

4、Praise n[宗]赞美,歌颂

5、grief n 悲痛,悲伤

Nelly/Kelly Rowland的单曲《Dilemma》歌词:

I love you and I need you,Nelly I love you I do,Need you,No matter what I do,All I think about is you,Even when I'm with my Boo,Boy you know I'm crazy over you,No matter what I do,All I think about is you,Even when I'm with my Boo,You know I'm crazy over you,I met this chick and she just moved righ,And she got the hots for me the finest t,But oh no no she got a man and a son oh-,Cause I wait for my cue and just listen,Like a shortstop pick up e'rything mami,And in no time I better make this friend,Cause I-I never been the type to break u,But there's something bout baby girl I j,So tell me ma what's it gonna be,She said You don't know what you mean to,No matter what I do,All I think about is you,Even when I'm with my Boo,Boy you know I'm crazy over you,No matter what I do,All I think about is you,Even when I'm with my Boo,You know I'm crazy over you,I see a lot in your look and I never say,and hate up all the girls,And there's no way Nelly go for it,Ain't no dame as you could see,But I-I like your steeze your style your,The way you come through and holler,and swoop me in his two-seater,Now that's gangsta and I got special way,to thank ya don't you forget it,But it ain't that easy for you to back u,But you and me we got ties for different,I respect that and right before I turned,She said You don't know what you mean to,No matter what I do,All I think about is you,Even when I'm with my Boo,Boy you know I'm crazy over you,No matter what I do,All I think about is you,Even when I'm with my Boo,You know I'm crazy over you,Sing it for me K,I love you and I need you,Nelly I love you I do,And it's more than you'll ever know,Boy it's for sure,You can always count on my love,Forever more yeah yeah,East coast I know you're shakin' right,Down south I know you're bouncin' right,West coast I know you're walkin' right,(You don't know what you mean to me),Midwest I see you swingin' right,No matter what I do,All I think about is you,Even when I'm with my Boo,Boy you know I'm crazy over you,No matter what I do

应该是未完成的爱,开头的时候有唱i love youi meet you

baby You Know I'm Feeling You

And You Say You Feel Me Too

But I Don't Know What We Should Do

cus I'm So Crazy Over You



如果是命中注定 也不能改变

要用什么方法 去面对将来

baby You Know I'm Feeling You

And You Say You Feel Me Too

But I Don't Know What We Should Do

'cus I'm So Crazy Over You

We Try To Find Ourselves Through All

The Drama In Our Lives

We Ain't Worth It But

It's Okay Because

We'll Work It Out



如果是命中注定 也不能改变

要用什么方法 去面对将来

baby You Know I'm Feeling You

And You Say You Feel Me Too

But I Don't Know What We Should Do

'cus I'm So Crazy Over You

We Try To Find Ourselves Through All

The Drama In Our Lives

We Ain't Worth It But

It's Okay Because

We'll Work It Out

你是否知道呢 我想你快疯了


你是否明白了 我不会离开的


像我一样 陪伴我呢

iam feeling u say u feel me too

don know Wha Should Do Crazy Over You



就算没有亲吻 也没有拥抱


进入我细胞 快 不能自拔

我需要你的爱 你是否明了

你对我了解多少 现在我要你知道

你对我有多重要 我想要 就这样

牵你手 带你走

未完成的爱 未滩开的牌


让我们走完 这旅程 这一生

只有你 能陪我走完 这算是依赖

我们不可能是 朋友那么简单

我已不能忍耐 隐藏不了的爱



推荐《I swear》


i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮

and i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影

i see the questions in your eyes 我看见你眼中闪烁着疑问

i know what's weighing on your mind 也听见你心中的忐忑不安

you can be sure i know my part 你可以安心,我很清楚我的脚本

'cause i'll stand beside you through the years 在往后共渡的岁月里

you'll only cry those happy tears 你只会因为喜悦而流泪

and though i make mistakes 即使我偶尔会犯错

i'll never break your heart 也不会让你心碎

and i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮

i'll be there 我必在你左右

i swear like a shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影

i'll be there 我必在你左右

for better or worse till death do us part 无论丰腴困厄,至死不渝

i'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你

and i swear 我发誓


i'll give you every thing i can 我愿给你一切我所能给的

i'll build your dreams with these two hands 用双手为你筑梦

we'll hang some memories on the walls 将最美好的回忆挂在墙上

and when ( and when ) just the two of us are there 当你我独处

you won't have to ask if i still care 你不在对我的爱存疑

'cause as the time turns the page 任时光荏苒

my love won't age at all 我的爱永不老去

and i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮

i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右

i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影

i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右

for better or worse 无论丰腴困厄

till death do us part 至死不渝

i'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你

and i swear 我发誓

i swear by the moon and stars in the sky 我发誓,当着天上的星星月亮

i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右

i swear like the shadow that's by your side 我发誓,如同守候你的背影

i'll be there, i'll be there 我必在你左右,我必在你左右

for better or worse 无论丰腴困厄

till death do us part 至死不渝

i'll love you with every beat of my heart 我用我每个心跳爱你

and i swear,i swear, oh i swear我发誓,我发誓,我发誓...



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