白羊座女生性格直爽开朗,做事很有 。喜欢自由自在的生活,好胜心强,属于越战越勇型,遇事有些冲动,但是一旦下定决心就会坚持下去,不管有多少困难都会努力克服。同时白羊座的女生头脑转动较快,所以偏理科的工作会更加得心应手。
白羊座并不是一个呆板型的工作者,而是属于充满挑战性的战将型人物。白羊座的人充满开创与突破性细胞,最讨厌一成不变的工作。当然你更讨厌那些付出多而收获少的工作。自尊心极强的白羊座的人,不怕困难也不畏吃苦,只要劳有所获的工作你就孜孜不倦的干下去。充满进取心的白羊座不喜欢被人碍手碍脚性质的工作,白羊座的人蛮喜欢属于独立个体与有自 利的开发性工作。
白羊座的人也是喜欢自由好动型的人士,因此不喜欢太静态的工作,所以“文市型” 的工作并不适合你,白羊座的人蛮适合“武市打滚型”的工作,如果没有撕杀,拼命的机会,你会做得懒洋洋没干劲。
白羊座 的人适合什么工作?
职业: 视像/电脑游戏设计师、律师、企业家及推销员。
Olympic Athlete 奥林匹克运动员
This path requires dogged determination, vitality, and competitiveness of Herculean proportions The ordinary person would not put in the hours, endure the stress, suffer the injuries and get up that early in the morning This "win at all costs" attitude is what will make or break them If they make it to the top they can expect great success, but if they don't it will be spectacular failure Either way, they are most passionate and committed
Personal Trainer 个人健身教练
Aries is the perfect individual to be on the case of an overweight, out-of-shape, gym newbie, just like a dog at dinner As obnoxious as Aries is in real life, they can get paid big bucks to be pushy and bossy in this setting Depending on the results of their client they can be a hero or a real pain in the rear (literally) The qualities that Aries bring to this job are a love of competitiveness, a penchant for pushing, and an enormous capacity to take control and inspire clients to success
Bouncer 保镖
Aries love to fight, get in your face, and be in control For those reasons, they are quite suited to breaking up fights, tossing people out on the street, and looking impenetrable To train for the job, they must bulk up with weights, drink a lot of protein shakes and practice standing with their arms crossed, looking mean If they work in a really nice place, they may have to have some fashion sense to screen out losers Aries' affinity for really loud music and boisterous patrons will come in handy
Prison Warden 监狱看守
For this job, Aries has to be immune to the plight of others, have a God complex, and be capable of leading a diverse group of people Aries is quite suited to this rough environment and a position of power within it They are tough, feisty individuals who don't take any guff off anyone When faced with a riot, they are not daunted and a rush of adrenaline takes over They may have to watch their blood pressure and take anger management courses, but other than that they'll fit right in
Drill Sergeant 军事训练军官
This career is perfect for outspoken, pushy Aries They are drawn to be in a position of complete power and love the ability to make recruits grovel and obey their commands They are well suited to the breaking of spirits and inspiring complete observance to orders and rules They are not prone to daydreaming or being slack and abhor that in others They have the influence of Mars to thank for the ability and interest in inflicting discipline and control
Stunt Person 绝技表演人员
This job requires a really crazy person to sign up They must have absolutely no fear, a thirst for danger, and a strong independence, which describes the Ram completely Aries would probably do stunts for free, just for the thrill, so a paycheck is icing on the cake They have the endurance for long days on a movie set or the fearlessness to be a crash test dummy
Prize Fighter 职业拳手
The bloodshed and pain of this career appeal to warrior Aries and they are quite talented at fighting Natural athletes, they are agile and powerful, but also very shrewd The long hours of training are not a problem for Aries, and the smell of sweat spurs them on to greatness in this field This job also requires a fierce sense of competition, which makes Aries well suited to be a champion
Fire Chief 消防队长
This career takes a strong sense of leadership, a need to take risks, and good physical condition Because of these attributes and their fascination with fire, Aries would stand out in this job They may be called upon to light a fire under their staff or put out a forest fire Either way, they have to be sharp, decisive, and able to respond to conditions quickly Added bonus: the ability to whip up a batch of five-alarm chili will allow them to achieve great success amongst their peers
Mercenary Soldier 雇佣兵
For those Aries soldiers, the option of fighting for a foreign government might appeal This career requires a certain toughness of mind, lack of need for personal safety, and the ability to stay unattached to personal ties Aries would probably be able to cope with such lack of creature comforts and the highly disciplined life better than anyone
High School Coach 中学教导员
To be the most respected person in the school and the hardest taskmaster would be dream job for Aries Forming young minds and bodies would be a great challenge and a tough job Not for the faint of heart, someone in this position can't put up with any flack from the teenagers on the team Aries loves the trill of the game, the rush of excitement, and the chance to yell at their team and fight with the other coaches This is one job where they can truly wear their hearts on their sleeves
nbsp; 白羊座
nbsp; 要说白羊最喜欢的工作,当然是要跟运动沾上边的。因为对于能够让身体参加挑战的工作,无论是体育运动或者是其他有关身体的活动都会让白羊很喜欢的。其实,很多白羊在年少读书的时候就开始锻炼或者参与体育运动有关的,所以白羊在体育这一方面付出的精神心血很多。所以,如果先在有求职意向的白羊,不妨可以考虑下往一些与体育相关的职业发展,相信白羊会有很不错的成绩。
nbsp; 白羊座的人很容易成为一个圈子里的领导者。他们对一切事物都能保持好奇的心态,很容易带动集体对生活的热爱和探索,所以,常常在他们的带领下,员工能够保持对自己职业的热爱,以积极的心态去面对工作中有可能遇到的各种困难。
nbsp; 白羊座有很强烈的表现欲,但凡手头有那么一两项技能和才艺,绝对不会掖着藏着,一找到机会就恨不得马上大展身手一番,让全世界都能看到。对于如此热衷于表演的他们,从事演艺事业是再适合不过了。包括像画家、音乐家、作家等艺术职业也是极为合适的。
nbsp; 白羊座
nbsp; 记者这份工作常让大多数白羊座男生心动不已。白羊座男生有着率真的性格,对什么都喜欢直言不讳,当然他们感想也敢做。而记者这职业除了需要敏锐的反应能力,更需要不畏强权,敢于冒险和揭露社会黑暗的勇气。白羊座男生身上正是具备有这种勇气,而他们也渴望能引领时代的脉搏,做一名记者,在时代之声的前沿行列发声,这简直不能再合适。
nbsp; 无论是对待朋友还是家人永远正能量爆棚的白羊,很擅于跟陌生人打交道,不知不觉中就被ta热情洋溢的情绪感染了!白羊座对生活有着无限热情,最善于发掘事物的闪光点。当白羊座推荐产品的时候,他们一定能根据自己丰富的认识和了解,做到有根有据,娓娓道来。
nbsp; 从小就学会精打细算过日子的金牛,在家里可是一把理财好手。相信ta选择会计这个职业也是明智之举,完全能够胜任。金牛座是最会精打细算的星座,家里的大小账单在他们手里都会被理得清清楚楚。相信如果选择了会计作为自己的职业,金牛座一定能够很轻易胜任的。