

Anthea 安西雅 希腊语 如花似玉的


Alison 艾莉森 日耳曼语 尊贵的;和善的

Aileen 艾琳 希腊语 光明

Audrey 奥黛莉 日耳曼语 显赫的权力

白羊座英文 Aries,缩写 Ari ;金牛座英文 Taurus,缩写 Tau;双子座英文 Genimi,缩写 Gem

巨蟹座英文 Cancer,缩写 Cnc;狮子座英文 Leonis,缩写 Leo;处女座英文 Virgo,缩写 Vir 

天秤座英文 Libra,缩写 Lib;天蝎座英文 Scorpius,缩写 Sco;射手座英文 Sagittarius,缩写 Sgr

摩羯座英文Capricornus,缩写 Cap;水瓶座英文 Aguarius,缩写 Agr;双鱼座英文 Pisces,缩写 Psc



以春分点为0°,自春分点(即黄道零度)算起,每隔30° 为一宫,并以当时各宫内所包含的主要星座来命名,依次为白羊、金牛、双子、巨蟹、狮子、室女、天秤、天蝎、人马、摩羯、宝瓶、双鱼等宫,称之为黄道十二宫 。总计为十二个星群。



Aries (白羊座英文介绍)2006年10月18日 星期三 下午 06:24Aries 白羊座-

OR ARIES RISING (Ruled by Mars火星)

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac(十二宫图)and its symbol is the


Positive Expression

People born under the sign of Aries are energetic, spontaneous and

outgoing They are often courageous (勇敢的), ready to go bold-headed

and willing to take risk Their optimistic and enthusiastic outlook

makes them exciting and stimulating company Since Aries needs to

forge ahead, individuals born under this sign generally act on impulse,

enjoy challenges and the spice of danger They excel in sport and are

virtually unstoppable

Negative Expression

Since Aries 'acts first and thinks later' he/she often regrets his

rash action at a later stage Their impulsive (冲动的) and hasty

nature makes them impatient, tactless(不老练的), quick-tempered and

aggressive Their 'me-first' attitude sometimes turns an assertive Aries

into a rude, pushy and in extreme cases a thoughtless 'bully'

Physical and Sexual Characteristics

Because Aries is ruled by the 'red' planet Mars, they often have a ruddy

complexion with freckles and reddish hair Aries natives' strong sex

drive makes them passionate lovers, but their desire for conquest and

the need to prove themselves can lead to a 'Casanova' or 'Femme

Fatale' syndrome However, they able to form stable relationships with

those who respect their great need for independence

Romance Profiles

The sign of the Ram is graced by the element of Fire, and if you were to

use one word to describe Aries, it could easily be heat People born

under this sign have a passion and red-hot energy which often proves

irresistible It's certainly never boring! Arians likes to initiate

relationships, and the role of seducer comes to them easily This

sizzling (极烫的) romance dance will only work on those strong

enough to stay in the game, because Aries wants a partner who can go

toe-to-toe with them, whether it's over lunch or in the bedroom Aries

likes to get its way and often pits the wishes of self against what is

best for the partnership, which can lead to conflict But then, these

"battles" are often foreplay which can result in some sexy fireworks

of their own The Ram is possessed of a great physicality, a sense of

adventure, is wildly flirtatious and loves to play


Arians loves the hunt, and will do whatever it takes to get the prize

they want The question in their mind will often be whether it's a prize

worth keeping Aries will take risks during the chase, but would love

the object of their affections to do the same That give and take can

keep things more than interesting and going for quite some time There

is no doubt that Aries is seductive and will prove hard to resist

Sparks will fly in this competitive pas de deux, and it's all the better

where the Ram is concerned A mental attraction for impassioned Aries

is often the first step and the indicator as to whether things will

progress If things work their way down -- watch out! Once hooked,

Arians loves strokes and tender caresses, and a lover who will tell them

that they are the best


The demanding and passionate Ram needs an equally self-possessed lover

to stimulate them and set them on fire If not, what's the point Arians

can be fiercely loyal yet self-centered at the same time, so their

partner needs to exhibit confidence and a sense of when to give them the

space they need Aries will stick with a relationship as long as it's

hot (and fireworks are key to this fire sign), but if things start to

cool down, it won't be long before they hit the road (开始流浪) The

ideal Aries soul mate may be someone who is never, ever dull


Aries is a moving target where love is concerned, always looking,

seeking and often finding It can be very hard to resist the Ram's

magnetic charms The aura surrounding those born under this sign is

one of intensity and intrigue, so many will be tempted to step up to the

plate This is exactly what Aries wants: many opportunities to play the

game of love Some things will work and some won't, but the game is

surely fun! The beauty of it all is that Aries flourishes in love,

becoming a more sensuous, understanding and feeling soul As long as

Aries remembers how to share and the beauty of an "us," things can go


What Aries Need

Aries doesn't generally need hearts and flowers to give them a warm

and fuzzy (模糊的) glow What's far more important to members of this

sign is to find a partner who is equally strong and self-possessed and

who will challenge them to greater heights, both mental and physical

That person who can draw them out and make them better is a keeper It

also helps if Aries' partner can handle the occasional fiery argument

and can master the art of making up

The Aries lover is passionate, adventurous and energetic, loves

romance and revels in the art of the chase Those who can stand the heat

will be rewarded with a loyal companion who will take them to greater

heights Life with Aries is never boring, so get ready for the ride of a


你几多岁 星座适合ge英文名 白羊座 男性 Charles、Mark、Bill、Vincent、William、Joseph、 James、Henry、Gary、 Martin、 女性 Malcolm 、Joan、Niki、Betty、Linda、Whitney、Lily 金牛座 男性 Fred、Gary、William、Charles、Michael、Karl 女性 Barbara、Elizabeth、Helen、Katharine、Lee、Ann、Diana、Fiona 双子座 男性 Bob、John、Thomas、Dean、Paul、Jack、Brooke 女性 Judy、Doris、Rudy、Amanda、Shirley、Joan、Tracy 巨蟹座 男性 Kevin、Louis、John、Gee、Henry、Benjamin 女性 Melody、Helen、Debbie、Lisa、Yvonne 狮子座 男性 Robert、Carl、Scott、Tom、Eddy、Kris、Peter 女性 Shelly、Mary、Dolly、Nancy、Jane、Barbara 处女座 男性 Johnson、Bruce、Robert、Peter、Bill、Joseph、John 女性 Shirley、Emily、Sophia、Vivian、Lillian、Joy 天秤座 男性 Burt、Charlie、Elliot、Gee、Johnson 女性 Ross、Julie、Gloria、Carol 天蝎座 男性 Richard、James、Charles、 Bruce、David 女性 Taylor、Wendy、Grace、Vivian、Caroline、Samantha 射手座 男性 Nick、Walt、John、Mark、Sam、Davis、Neil、Carl、 Lewis、Billy 女性 Maria、Kate、Demi、Sunny、Wendy 摩羯座 男性 Richard、Howard Allen、Johnny、Robert、Martin、Jeff 女性 Ava、Christina、Judy、Susan、Grace、Alice (没我现在的英文名……=o=) 水瓶座 男性 Paul、Sam、Francis、Lewis、Stephen、Andy、Scott 女性 Joyce、Sally、Margaret、Rebecca、Teresa、Rita、Jessica 双鱼座 男性 Albert、Kevin、Michael、Taylor、Jackson、Jack、Jimmy、Allen、Martin、 Vincent 女性 Elizabeth、Kelly、May、Julie、Amanda、Fiona 参考:geocities/candy_mini_house/image/726GIF Mar 20 ~ Apr 19 参考:geocities/candy_mini_house/image/4BAR01GIF 性格特征: ***: 白羊座的人最喜欢做首领或老板,指挥别人他才会感到有满足感,也喜欢将自己的意思去影响他人。 冲动: 凡事不会三思而后行,想做就去做是他们的特性,而且不能受别人激将,你说他做不来,他便偏偏做给你看。 不善理财: 虽然他们是工作狂,但在财务理财方面却很差,没有明确的理财观念,而且整天为一口气而乱花金钱。 慷慨: 白羊座对人热情,不过他们不会像双鱼座般用温情收买人心。他会用金钱和礼物讨好你,往往不惜一掷千金。 没有耐性: 急燥的性格,令白羊座没办法详细去了解其他人,所以很容易受骗。 自私: 他想要的东西比任何事都来得重要,会不理别人的感受而妄意孤行。 情侣星座: 天秤座、狮子座 幸运数字: 9



白羊座 Aries (21

March ~ 20

April) 白羊座 (ARIES) 又称为牡羊座。 因为受火星的操纵,所以天不怕,地不怕,而且勇于尝试。 白羊座是一个不到黄河心不死,永不言败的星座! 而且白羊座的人很多时会为了一时的兴致,不惜一掷千金。 白羊座也是一个火爆,容易生气的星座。 另一方面,白羊座的人十分喜欢帮助别人, 但如果别人不向他们道谢的话,他们会非常不高兴的。 同时,白羊座也是一个不拘小节,绝不手软的星座呢!

白羊座的英文系Aries 重有我知呢几个星座嘅名: 金牛座Taurus 双子座 Gemini 巨蟹座 Cancer 狮子座Leo 处女座Virgo 天秤座Libra 人马座Sagittarius

星座简介: 英文名称:Aries 英文简写: Ari 赤经 25 h 赤纬 +20o 最亮主星: 娄宿三 ( a Hamel) 最佳观测: 十至一月 中国星座: 娄宿、胃宿、左更 大小排名: 39 白羊座是黄道十二宫的第一个星座,也是十二宫中最小的星座。白羊位于双鱼座与金牛座之间,北方有英仙座与仙女座,南方则与鲸鱼座为邻。在三千多年春分点正位于白羊座,当时的人们就以白羊座的符号做为春分点的符号,虽然因岁差关系,目前春分点已移往双鱼座,但春分点仍然延用白羊座的符号。目前太阳在每年的四月十八至五月十四通过白羊座。 在希腊神话中,有一只金色的圣羊,它从天而降救了阿泰姆斯国的王子,后来它被当成祭品献给宙斯,而它的羊毛被当成圣物,由一只巨龙看守,这块金羊毛后来引发了一段希腊英雄的冒险故事。这只金色的羊即是天上的白羊座,其在星图的轮廓如 右图所示。 白羊座虽然是黄道星座,但并不甚明亮,在一般情况下,可用肉眼看到的星星大概只有构成白羊头部的三颗星-白羊 a、 b 及 g星,这三颗星颇为接近,呈一弧线 ( 或一钝角三角形 )。而其中最亮的星是白羊 a 星,英文名为 Hamal ( 语为「羔羊 ( lamb )」之意 ),亮度是 20,呈**。白羊座的第二亮星是其 b星,英文名字 Sjeratam,亮度为 26,颜色呈白色,这颗星的名字源于 语的「记号 ( Mark )」,原因可能是在二千五百年前,春分点落在白羊座时,这颗星的位置位于春分点附近。由于春分点为视为赤经 0 度,且为天球黄道与赤道的交点,故这颗星就成为观星重要的标的了。而白羊座另一较亮的星为白羊 g 星,英文名 Mesarthim,亮度 39,呈蓝白色,是一颗双星。他是由两颗亮度同为 46 的蓝白色星所组成,距离大约 78',用一般的双筒望远镜即可分辨。 星星名称 位置 亮度 距离 (光年) 颜色 光谱 备注 英文名 中文名 赤经 赤纬 a Hamal 娄宿三 02h 07m 10s +23 27' 45" 200 85 K2 b Sheratan 娄宿一 01h 54m 38s +20 28' 29" 264 46 A5 g Mesartim 娄宿二 01h 53m 32s +19 17' 45" 390 A 双星 白羊座重要主星资料表

参考: me

你可以叫white sheep 又可以叫你系男定女 ADA APPLE MAY MICHELLE BETTY VERA CANDY CAMMY 好啱你la

名称: Aries 缩写: ARI

参考: ccchwcedu/webpage/01_02/astronomy/5-7

十二星座英文介绍 Aries 白羊座(3月21日~4月20日)

The fire element of Arise brings assertive “I” energy


TIPS: Your persistence will lead you to success But your impulsive temper may cause problems


Taurus 金牛座(4月21~5月21日)

The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure


TIPS: You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up


Gemini 双子座(5月22日~6月21日)

The Air element of Gemini brings munication, intellect and speed


TIPS: Your mutable motivation brings adaptability


Cancer 巨蟹座(6月22日~7月22日)

Cancer’s element is Water Symbolic of the emotions, water signs need to give and receive


TIPS: Good memory is your born gift


Leo 狮子座(7月23日~8月23日)

Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead


TIPS: Your fixed motivation adds self-reliance But remember to balance self-confidence with humility


Virgo 处女座(8月24日~9月23日)

Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Vi龚go works hard to stability


TIPS: A good educational background is important Diligence is your advantage


Libra 天秤座(9月24日~10月23日)

Libra represents the Air element It is a sign that is more extroverted>>

十二星座的英文名字 牡羊座 (3/21 - 4/20) Aries

金牛座 (4/21 - 5/20) Taurus

双子座 (5/21 - 6/21) Gemini

巨蟹座 (6/22 - 7/22) Cancer

狮子座 (7/23 - 8/22) Leo

处女座 (8/23 - 9/22) Virgo

天秤座 (9/23 - 10/22) Libra

天蝎座 (10/23 - 11/21) Scorpio

射手座 (11/22 - 12/21) Sagittarius

摩羯座 (12/22 - 1/19) Capricorn

水瓶座 (1/20 - 2/18) Aquarius

双鱼座 (2/19 - 3/20) Pisces

十二星座的各个星座用英语怎么说 牡羊座 (本名:白羊座英文名称:Aries 电脑上的简写:ARI顶)


2金牛座 (又名:牡牛座英文名称:Taurs 电脑上的简写:TAU)


3双子座 (又名:阴阳座英文名称:Gemini 电脑上的简写:GEM)


4巨蟹座 (又名:蟹座英文名称:Cancer 电脑上的简写:CAN)


5狮子座 (又名:狮座英文名称:Leo 电脑上的简写:LEO)


6处女座 (本名:室女座英文名称:Virgo 电脑上的简写:VIR)


7天秤座 (又名:天平座英文名称:Libro 电脑上的简写:LIB)


8天蝎座 (又名:蝎座英文名称:Scoripo 电脑上的简写:SCO)


9射手座 (本名:人马座英文名称:Sagittarius 电脑上的简写:SAG)


10摩羯座 (又名:山羊座英文名称:Capricorn 电脑上的简写:CAP)


11水瓶座 (本名:宝瓶座英文名称:Aquarius 电脑上的简写:AQU)


12双鱼座 (又名:鱼座英文名称:Pisces 电脑上的简写:PIS)


十二星座中各星座的英语名 白羊座3月21日~4月19日 Aries

金牛座4月20日~5月20日 Halcyone

双子座5月21日~6月21日 Gemini

巨蟹座6月22日~7月22日 Cancer

狮子座7月23日~8月22日 Leo

处女座8月23日~9月22日 Virgo

天秤座9月23日~10月22日 Libra

天蝎座10月23日~11月22日 Scorpio

射手座11月23日~12月21日 Sagittarius

摩羯座12月22日~1月19日 Capricornus

水瓶座1月20日~2月18日 Aquarius

双鱼座2月19日~3月20日 Piscis

求十二星座相关介绍的英文版 Aquarius

Aquarius spouses can make up for all that you lack initiative, as you expand the spheres of activity, he ( she ) will work with you to join hands together As long as they can tolerate each other character differences, you will enjoy a fulfilling love, a happy marriage


If the two Aries love and marriage, will never be boring and the long time The eyes of other people quarrel, on the two of you when the thing is just the spice of life, playful romp Two Aries personalities capable of generating plementary, so can contribute to a successful marriage

The lion

You and Leo have carefully avoided each other 's privacy, respect each other the fiery character Two people for each other is similar to delight, and will immediately with warm eyes show You are the better part of me


If and the shooter's seat bination of enthusia , you will be like a volcano erupted But the position of the family need two people for a long time in the same place to stop, you can accept this point is a question This is usually bined with cohabitation status maintenance, if this is a marriage preparation stage, also is a good way

Generally paired constellation Aries


If you bine with Pisces, will continue to make each other by stimulating Even though you are able to meet each other's imagination, but the latent factors of instability, not for long For Aries forward force, Pisces retraction force is more powerful


If the>>

白羊座 Aries (Ari)

金牛座 Taurus (Tau)

双子座 Gemini (Gem)

巨蟹座 Cancer (Can)

狮子座 Leo (Leo)

室女座 Virgo (Vir)

天秤座 Libra (Lib)

天蝎座 Scorpio (Sco)

人马座 Sagittarius (Sag)

摩羯座 Capricorn (Cap)

宝瓶座 Aquarius (Aqu)

双鱼座 Pisces (Pis)



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