Aries personality characteristics of
Aries is the constellation of the first 12 constellation, representing the birth of the original soul and feelings They are filled with intense curiosity, strong willpower, admit defeat and take risks, innovation and the spirit of change; often first to take for granted, do not like falling behind the others
When they face competition pressure, combat, and filled with an enthusiastic full vigor, sent for action figures
Strong sense of self-awareness and subjective, self-confident and stubborn; will not wait for the opportunity to fall from the sky, but will actively seek, without fear hardship and suffering Although sometimes seem impulsive, but basically still maintain a sensible and decisive, is suitable for the face of competitive pressure, passion and the people who will never naive not been deleted
Aries Characteristics
Aries people the impression that he was bright and warm Even if his heart there is a point shy so the surface can still be very comfortable and large Side when a Bothriochloa frown, only appears in the mirror in his house Him to grief, they will not be put in front of others suffering roles face Good Strong Can say that Who is not good that In fact, Aries people will complain to friends, but the real tears that you are invisible
A group of friends, hearts, playing in the sun Hee is the most Aries miss the good old days Yu's life is by no means sad Aries people aspire to, unfortunately, when caught, he would vigorously trying to get myself not to put too much on such a life, too, that he fully intends to have a new life
Love and clearly do not eat grass back
Aries people love-hate clear, love is love, hate is hate However, A-Aries on the "hate" is not much interest, he does not love is not love nothing In love, the Aries is quite simply, and do not like dragging its feet, belong to activist, has requested to pinpointing That they are least able to endure wishful thinking
Any Aries decided not to things, will never come again saved his, otherwise he discredited in the face himself Do not eat back to grass, is also a good strong evidence of Aries people Aries has a fairy tale of love due to grid demanding purity, the only childish heart with love, Valentine's resurgence of the old love song of course, Aries evil
Love, the Aries people will not deceive you, can rest assured But his love comes and goes fast Unless you have a super-attractive, once an Aries can not extricate itself from the situation into a network, you have to withdraw, also very difficult That would be tragic end You may also not benefit
Optimistic by nature is not that pessimistic about the
Aries by nature optimistic, but encountered thing grow up, they will be pessimistic to the extreme Just go pessimistic pessimistic, since not want to die, to live would have no music, life would interesting Aries, therefore the person is no more than the pessimistic as one thing, is not is not pessimistic Their highly infectious nature optimistic, you have to steady the point, that might be mistaken into a mess of optimism among the Jedi
Aries exercise of chivalrous character, enable him to make a number of profile control hearts meet friends But he is also high on the friend's request, many people Aries can not stand the earnest hopes of friends Natural啦, Aries pairs of lovers, her husband (or wife), to colleagues, are also standard in the hearts of some measurements Inconsistent with the standard, he would feel depressed, loss of appetite Real hard to become a Aries who were never friends
The outbreak of the romantic type
Aries people do is diffuse, but it belongs to the outbreak of the romantic type Ram, ewe tutte Bit by bit out of the romantic plot of Aries, the strength is not enough, first thing that strikes cumbersome, heavy, this romantic easy to fork, fracture Aries like the celebration night, and Lovers side by side looking at fireworks in the night sky burst release Ray of Light, and that is also a symbol of love, the moment occurred, romantic, but the
When the Aries is in a romantic moment, little things that could be moving to their sensitivity Romance after he apparently had been sober the whole, followed by-side Look at the outbreak of the romantic moments, in the end can be retained in his memory more than how long to know he cares about in the end there had been moved
Therefore, you can infer, work, career, marriage, friendship and romance were not in the scope of Aries, he is a-going on these anti-business methods "Love on foot across the Aegean is possible, as long as you skip overhauled line-by-island of the"
Hi! Here I
Do not have to wait until the wind and see the cattle and sheep pastures the moment, you will go far to see sheep kicked him in the hard tread strong Xiao Tizi, in mid-air jump to greet you: "Hey! I am here"
Yes, Aries people the impression that he is so cheerful and warm Even if his heart is a little shy so the surface can still be very comfortable, generous When an Aries frown, only appears in the mirror in his house Him to grief, that it would not face in other people put the face suffering roles Good Strong Can say that Who is not good that In fact, Aries people will complain to friends, but the real tears that you are invisible
A group of friends, hearts, playing in the sun Hee is Aries of the most caring wonderful time Yu sad life is by no means an Aries's aspiration, unfortunately, when caught, he would vigorously trying to get myself not to put too much stock and how they life, he would wholeheartedly want to have a new life
Zhengjingbabai, and would want his life
Aries appear in the noble, magnificent occasion and will not appear out of tune, but he himself terribly sad, because he could not freely Rocker Erlang Tui can not be happy when Fanglangxinghai Zhengjingbabai, and would want his life
In society generally popular entertainment, is pleased to be able to add as Aries, but he already has a unique taste of entertainment will not give up That is love opera, but also liked to belt out karaoke OK Basically, Aries is a very elegant, vulgar Gong Shang's They adapt very strong, but are adaptable Aries is always in the minds of a better heaven waiting for him
Aries people for vigorous people, special attention He likes to be experts in leadership, not casually doubt that, once suspected to be hell And he became experts, but also it should not doubt him, and if you do not show evidence made him convinced that you will never again be received from him lecture on the subject
If it is not important, prefer to go away
Aries people often act by over-confident and impulsive, and also because the failure of self-destructive impulses to act confident Aries of the right people, Triple think before you leap is quite good In a group, the Aries, if not decisive, he would rather go away and will not under any pretext Disappeared on disappear, this is not my kingdom, with his own role in the community very seriously, in relative willing to assume more responsibility, he would not consider themselves to reap without sowing Once the workers had still not received when not hang
His self-esteem, strong, your phrase "honest" would hurt his heart for a long time If you ask whether he will perform flying trapeze, his mind figured they should be competent, they will nod, promise you a post-performance, this month he will spare no training hard For he did not grasp the thing, Aries people are going strong in his early Buzhi Yu
Love is life's biggest issues
Aries is very easy to impatient In love, you have to put up those little tricks collection, he can not stand the so-called "test" of the sort of thing Since the love he should trust him Whether ram, ewe, they are very serious about love For them, there are two kinds of love, one is true, one is false Fake love love, vulnerable to impulsive and sentimental place in the body of the Aries, but would be completed soon and would like never happened True love is the Aries life's biggest issues, he always felt that this issue is also to write how to write incomplete
Friendship and love are the two indispensable pillars of Aries When the love still great, they are reliable for this in any of the two pillars of the development of his career Even if he had 17 at the age of marriage, but did not yet applied to a 70-year-old married, he still maintains a marriage in mind, this is his optimistic attitude to life by Shiran
I believe the child elf
Only those who grow big burly pipe Aries, he is still a child, he has been to retain the naive side, even if the grown up, he still believed in the existence of a small wizard Aries a lot of people are sometimes naive, but he is not smart, and his reaction to it can be very fast!
He has taken the lead when the first strong desire to serve a second out of discussion So he Zuoqishilai moves fast, little indecisive He is very confident, confident that their own ability to cope is unparalleled He also never bow to his fate, only the emergence of management frustration again and again He trusted all of them, very few people would go to question whether it will be to his disadvantage, and his courage has also enabled him to continue to stand front
Person to get along with Aries, you must pay attention to some important key, he is a person who likes rushed out, it is all the Aries nature, so sometimes you must be psychologically prepared To him or do something are quite straightforward, rarely beat around the bush with you, he is quite honest, as long as a lying easily be noticed
He was not good at dealing with the details of people, so if you want to invite him to deal with some minor work to do so, it would be better still to make their own more appropriate
魔羯座 (12/22 - 01/19) Capricorn
水瓶座 (01/ 20- 02/18) Aquarius
双鱼座 (02/19- 03/20) Pisces
白羊座 (03/21 - 04/20) Aries
金牛座 (04/21 - 05/20) Taurus
双子座 (05/21 - 6/21) Gemini
巨蟹座 (06/22- 07/22) Cancer
狮子座 (07/23 - 08/23) Leo
处女座 (08/24 - 09/22) Virgo
天秤座 (09/23 - 10/23) Libra
天蝎座 (10/24 - 11/21) Scorpio
射手座 (11/22 - 12/21) Sagittarius
由于岁差的关系,所以当前太阳经过的星座与现在占星学所用的黄道十二宫的日期已不一致。 根据占星学说,各个星座皆与人的各方面有对应关系: 星座人生 阶段人体部位性格 特征 白羊座 婴儿 头 勇气 斗志 好胜 金牛座 幼儿 颈喉咙 谨慎 温和 务实 双子座 儿童 手 臂 肩 肺 机智善变 好奇心旺盛 巨蟹座 少年 胸 胃 敏感 情绪化 外刚内柔 狮子座 青年 脊椎 心脏 慷慨霸气 自尊心强 处女座 青年 肠 神经系统 镇静 善辩完美主义 天秤座 成年 下背 臀 肾脏 自恋 追求公平 天蝎座 成年 生殖器官 神秘 爱恨分明 占有欲强 射手座 壮年 大腿 乐观 诚实 爱冒险 摩羯座 老年 骨头 关节 膝盖 意志坚强 专注力高 勇敢 水瓶座 重生 小腿 睿智 独立 叛逆 双鱼座 灵魂 足踝 脚掌 浪漫富同情心 不切实际 优柔寡断
白羊座:充满希望、和蔼可亲、行动力、活力充沛、诚心诚意、天生长才、勇敢 金牛座:浪漫、决断能力、逻辑性思考、勤勉、灵巧、热心、忍耐心 、超强的艺术天赋 双子座:多样性、洞察力、开朗、反映机智、演技佳、宽大、魅力,善变 巨蟹座:第六感、主观、反应佳、想象力、慎重、执着、毅力 狮子座:自尊心、慈善、权利、思考、保护他人、忠诚心、热情 处女座:有板有眼、服务、鉴赏力、完美主义、谦虚、头脑清晰、实际 天秤座:理想主义、公正、追求、社交手腕强、审美观、魅力、 艺术力强、美丽、善良 天蝎座:神秘、理性、独立、直觉、规律、奉献、观察力 、真正魅力、冥想 射手座:理性、勇敢、细心、发展力、活泼、廉耻心、热心 ,可爱、乐观 摩羯座:优越、聪明、实际、野心、可靠、不屈不挠、宽大 、乐观 水瓶座:独创力、宽容、理想、先见之明、友爱、慈善、独立 双鱼座:自觉、唯美的、柏拉图式的爱、幻想、牺牲奉献、 善良、好脾气
白羊座:稚拙、刚愎自用、性急、好战、没耐心 金牛座:偏见、依赖心、死脑筋、求胜心太强、固执 双子座:临时抱佛脚、墙头草、性格不定、投机取巧、没毅力、八卦、虚伪 巨蟹座:情欲、贪婪、占有欲、敏感、感情、情绪化、无主见 狮子座:傲慢、虚荣心、放纵、浪费、任性、自我满足、自大 处女座:挑剔、媚于俗世、不善表达、好管闲事、拘泥 天秤座:诱惑、犹豫不决、自恋、爱美、敷衍、随心所欲、懒惰、爱表现 天蝎座:多疑、狂热、自卑、嫉妒、极端、占有欲强 射手座:丢三落四、糊涂、草率、花心、粗心、不守信用,温柔 摩羯座:顽固、暴躁、享乐主义、孤独、不灵活、疑神疑鬼 水瓶座:善变、不服从、自由主义、冒然行动、无远虑、叛逆、令人猜不透 双鱼座:畏缩、逃避困难、感伤、优柔寡断、意志薄弱、不现实
白羊座 绝配:狮子座 射手座 白羊座 绝不能配:巨蟹座, 天秤座, 魔羯座 金牛座绝配:魔羯座; 处女座; 金牛座 绝不能配:狮子座; 天蝎座,水瓶座 双子座绝配:水瓶座天秤座 双子座 绝不能配:处女座;巨蟹座;双鱼座 巨蟹座绝配:双鱼座; 天蝎座; 巨蟹座 绝不能配:天秤座; 魔羯座;白羊座。 狮子座绝配:白羊座; 射手座; 狮子座 绝不能配:天蝎座; 水瓶座; 金牛座 处女座绝配:金牛座 魔羯座; 处女座。绝不能配:射手座;双鱼座 天秤座绝配:水瓶座; 双子座; 天秤座绝不能配:魔羯座; 白羊座, 巨蟹座 天蝎座绝配:双鱼座; 巨蟹座; 天蝎座 绝不能配:水瓶座 金牛座 狮子座 射手座绝配:射手,白羊,金牛,巨蟹 绝不能配:处女座 魔羯座 双鱼 魔羯座绝配:处女座; 金牛座; 魔羯座 绝不能配:白羊座; 巨蟹座 天秤座 水瓶座绝配:双子座 ; 天秤座; 水瓶座。 绝不能配:金牛座; 狮子座; 天蝎座, 双鱼座绝配:巨蟹座; 天蝎座; 双鱼座 绝不能配:双子座 处女座;射手座
白羊座:冲动第一名,做事后悔第一名,火气大第一名,大胆第一名,敢爱敢恨第一名。 金牛座:稳重第一名,决断第一名,聪明第一名,可靠第一名,坚韧第一名,眼光高第一名,气质第一名。双子座:八卦第一名,聪慧第一名,爱疯第一名,多话第一名。 巨蟹座:体贴第一名,爱吃第一名,爱家第一名,孝顺第一名,多愁善感第一名。 狮子座:自信第一名,爱表现第一名,要面子第一名,品味第一名,风度第一名。 处女座:细心第一名,挑剔第一名,小题大作第一名,吃醋第一名。 天秤座:爱美第一名,自恋第一名,懒惰第一名,善辩第一名,公正第一名,帅哥美女第一名 天蝎座:神秘独特第一名,痴情第一名,扮酷第一名,量情第一名,理智第一名,敏感第一名。 射手座:贪玩第一名,糊涂第一名,可爱第一名,勇于尝试第一名,胡思乱想第一名。 摩羯座:严肃第一名,镇定第一名,忍耐第一名,认真第一名,保守第一名,孤单第一名。 水瓶座:好奇第一名,好学第一名,创意第一名,另类第一名,创造奇迹第一名。 双鱼座:心软第一名,敏感第一名,多疑第一名,爱做梦第一名,心无城府第一名。
白羊座 Aries 21/3- 20/4 最易被理解 最不怕上镜头 最好辩 最不会烦恼 最易与人一言不和 最大胆 最会告白 最冲动最大男人主义 灾难中最冷静 最勇于改变 最积极 最大而化之 最易与人相处 最大胆 最敢爱敢恨 最勇于改变 最不怕挫折 最自我 最具领导风范 最热情 最单纯 最爱新鲜感 金牛座 Taurus 21/4- 20/5 最高品位 动作最慢最勤奋最有主见 最爱好和平 最固执最正经最有魅力 最不做作 最守秩序 最有耐心 最喜欢烹饪 最尊重传统 最会利用时间 最重实用 最女性化 最多好身材 最多金嗓子 最不爱出风头 最有同情心 最易羞涩 时常最正经最礼尚往来 最有野心最聪明 最具风度最会吃 最怕改变 最吸引人 最有异性缘 最外冷内热 最优秀 最能观察人 最低调最文静 最温柔最善良最没安全感 最善于分析 最天生丽质 最有人爱 最用情专一最引人注目 最忧郁 最可靠 最有艺术气质最害羞 最细心 最爱音乐 最感性 最拔尖 最能忍耐 最有眼光 最俏皮最叫人捉摸不透 最有双重人格 最甜美 最喜欢安静最叫人怜惜 双子座 Gemini 21/5- 20/6 最有人缘 最圆滑处事 最会投机取巧 反应最快 最神经 最不体贴 最会临时抱佛脚 最怕无聊 最易神经质 最会看人脸色 最不怕透露隐私 最没原则 运气最好 最会突发奇想 最会口是心非 最可能国际联姻 最易分心 最会攀关系 最会肢体语言 最可能有收集癖 最拿得起放得下 最矛盾 最易紧张 最多嫁入豪门 最多女强人 最好辩 最善变 最会学第二语言 最喜欢刺激 最不正经 最多重性格 最会自我解嘲 巨蟹座 Cancer 21/6- 22/7 最感性 最体贴 最爱在家里 最爱好和平 最不会做生意 最痴情 最易羞涩 最重视传统 最有人情味 最胆小 最爱烦恼 最少女强人 最易感觉满足 最善良 最不会计较 用情最专一 最会检讨自己 最顾家最粗心 狮子座 Leo 23/7- 22/8 最喜欢热闹 最会告白 最主观 最守时 最不会讨人欢心 最重自尊 最喜欢指挥别人 最讲义气 最自恋 最爱出风头 最不服输 最自信 最有保护欲 最没有秘密 灾难中最不冷静 最暴躁 最怕寂寞 最光明磊落 最易被理解 最喜欢穿彩色衣服 最没耐心 最冲动 处女座 Virgo 23/8- 22/9 最拘谨 最纯洁 最会检讨自己 最不肯吃亏 最爱看电视 最有求知欲 最会口是心非 最实际 最有时间观念 择偶条件最高 最守时 最粗鲁 最可能晚婚 最会计较 最易致富 洞察力最强 最重视真凭实据 最会记恨 最重视考试 最理智 最有智慧 最会讨价还价 最不会拖时间 最吹毛求庇 最有判断力 最爱乾净最不可能主动告白 最强的逻辑思维能力 最细心 天秤座 Libra 23/9- 23/10 最雄辩最好逸恶劳 最爱看电视 最不会内疚 最客观 最爱美 最公正 最不服输 最喜欢交朋友最喜欢旅游 最爱出风头 最爱装傻 最重视外表 最爱表现 最会讲电话 最好辩最时髦 最自恋 十二星座
最善良 最多帅哥美女 最会花钱 最有异性缘 最有同性缘 最爱漂亮 最爱出风头 最爱热闹 最会追求感官享受最会逗人开心 最易致富 最不会记恨 最会享受 口才最好 最会沟通 最优柔寡断 最会打扮 最有魅力 最容易孤独 最容易心软最会计较 最易致富 最不崇洋倾向 最会说话 最比较爱干净 最有才华 最喜爱大自然最不会伤人最有同情心 最具风度 最有气质 最喜欢烹饪 最怕没风头出最爱上镜头 最喜欢别人夸自己 天蝎座 Scorpio 24/10- 21/11 最神秘 最沉默 最悲观 最独立 最记仇 最逻辑 最专情 最痴情 最细心 最理智 最成熟 最性感浪漫 最易羞涩 最会保秘 最有才华 最讲义气 最有深度 最深谋远虑 最个人主义 翻脸最彻底 最强直觉 最不相信人性 做事最有计划 最会挖秘密 最会潜伏装扮 最野心最毅力 最执着最强爆发力最耐力 最独特 最魅力 最报恩 最唯美最深度最艺术最浪漫最原生态善良 最完美 最感性最知性 行动最快 最会激情 最狂热 最幽默 生气时最可怕 最喜爱大自然 做事最贯彻始终 人口最多但最寂寞 射手座 Sagittarius 22/11- 21/12 最没耐心 最喜欢交朋友 最不懂人情世故 最不重视精神层面 最会突发奇想 最爱好和平 最不爱用功 动作最快 最容易交到坏朋友 最喜欢刺激 最乐观 最会临时抱佛脚 最有肚量最快乐 最会丢三忘四 最诚实 最会运动 最不修边幅 最不会口是心非 最不会记恨 最爱往外跑 最怕无聊 最易犯罪 最拿得起放得下 最不会烦恼 最爱开玩笑 摩羯座 Capricorn 22/12- 19/1 最不浪漫 最易致富 最理智 最勤奋 最怕肉麻 最有上进心 注意力最集中 最会做生意 最不会投机取巧 最受不了被批评 最值得信赖 最重视考试 最爱用功 水瓶座 Aquarius 20/1- 18/2 品味最古怪 最让人觉得可爱 最喜欢独处 最敢与众不同 最可能有收集癖 最致力学课外的东西 最无性别概念 最有同情心 最不会拖时间 最重视纪律 最爱幻想 最会聊天 最需要自我空间最会突发奇想 最可能当黑马 最理性 最喜欢大自然 最我行我素 最重视精神层面 最讲义气 灾难中最冷静 最难理解 最贪睡 最不爱出风头 双鱼座 Pisces 19/2- 20/3 最会胡思乱想 最易养成说谎习惯 直觉最准 最不守时 最常作鬼脸 最有服务欲 最会讨人欢心 记忆力最好 最易神经质 最浪漫 最不势利眼 最好辩 最易被骗 最有书卷味 最念旧 最多夜猫族 最爱撒娇 最爱幻想 最悲观 最不会保密
火象星座:白羊座、狮子座、射手座 土象星座:摩羯座、金牛座、处女座 水象星座:巨蟹座、天蝎座、双鱼座 风象星座:天秤座、水瓶座、双子座 火的特征是行动、着魔、精力 土的特征是功效、实际、稳健 水的特征是情感、同情心、洞悉力 风的特征是接受力、智力、灵感
Aries 白羊座 (3月21日~4月20日)
The fire element of Arise brings assertive “I” energy
TIPS: Your persistence will lead you to success But your impulsive temper may cause problems
学习相 坚持会使你成功,但是爱冲动的毛病也岽�绰榉场br>
Taurus 金牛座 (4月21~5月21日)
The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and structure
TIPS: You might be a little bit slow-witted, but your consistency will make it up
学习相 你也许反应有一点慢,但是你的坚毅会弥补这个缺点。
Gemini 双子座 (5月22日~6月21日)
The Air element of Gemini brings communication, intellect and speed
TIPS: Your mutable motivation brings adaptability
学习相 你的多变使你能够适应事物。
Cancer 巨蟹座 (6月22日~7月22日)
Cancer’s element is Water Symbolic of the emotions, water signs need to give and receive
TIPS: Good memory is your born gift
学习相 良好的记忆力是你与生俱来的天赋。
Leo 狮子座 (7月23日~8月23日)
Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead
TIPS: Your fixed motivation adds self-reliance But remember to balance self-confidence with humility
学习相 你对目标的坚定不移使你自信。但是记住自信也需要谦虚来平衡。
Virgo 处女座 (8月24日~9月23日)
Ruled by shape-shifting Mercury, Virgo works hard to stability
TIPS: A good educational background is important Diligence is your advantage
学习相 良好的教育背景很重要。你的优点是勤奋。
Libra 天秤座 (9月24日~10月23日)
Libra represents the Air element It is a sign that is more extroverted and active
TIPS: Your great need to share; to be fair and impartial will help you a lot
学习相 你要求与他人分享和公平的愿望会给你很大帮助。
Scorpio 天蝎座 (10月24日~11月22日)
Scorpio is a Water element, and this makes it a somewhat enigmatic sign
TIPS: Study would never be a problem for Scorpio You just need more confidence
学习相 学习对蝎子来说从来都不是问题。你只需要更多自信。
Sagittarius 射手座 (11月23日~12月21日)
Sagittarius is Fire energy This is a very active, extroverted sign
TIPS: You definitely have talent But you still have to concentrate more
学习相 你确有天赋,但是你应该更加专心。
Capricorn 摩羯座 (12月22日~1月20日)
Capricorn is the leader of the Earth signs Here is a stabilizing force, one of the hardest-working signs of the Zodiac
TIPS: Patience and caution are your advantages
学习相 你的优点是坚持不懈和谨慎。
Aquarius 水瓶座 (1月21日~2月19日)
Ruled by shocking Uranus, Aquarius is very much epitomes the planet that inspires it This sign has astonishing intellectual and communication skill
TIPS Aquarius has a lot of adaptability But you may try many new things but end up mastering none
学习相 瓶子有非常好的适应能力。但是你可能尝试了很多新事物后却一事无成。
Pisces 双鱼座 (2月20日~3月20日)
Pisces is a Water element Ruled by mystical Neptune, This sign is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed
TIPS: Lack of ego-strength can make you feel helpless
学习相 缺乏自我力量会使你觉得无助。
Aries' boy
He is an Aries 他是白羊座的。
His horoscope is Aries 他的星座是白羊座。