

十二星座 :Twelve Constellations

Aquarius(the Water Carrier)水瓶座

Pisces(the Fishes)双鱼座

都给你找齐了 一般用拉丁文名 不用英文名

Aries(the Ram)白羊座

Taurus(the Bull)金牛座

Gemini(the Twins)双子座

Cancer(the Crab)巨蟹座

Leo(the Lion)狮子座

Virgo(the Virgin)处女座

Libra(the Scales)天秤座

Scorpio(the Scorpion)天蝎座

Sagittarius(the Archer)射手座

Capricorn(the Goat)山羊


拉丁名 缩写 英文含义 中文名

Andromeda And Andromeda 仙女

Antlia Ant The Air Pump 唧筒

Apus Aps The Bird of Paradise 天燕

Aquarius Aqr The Water Bearer 宝瓶

Aquila Aql The Eagle 天鹰

Ara Ara The Altar 天坛

Aries Ari The Ram 白羊

Auriga Aur The Charioteer 御夫

Bootes Boo Bootes(The Herdsman) 牧夫

Caelum Cae The Sculptor's Chisel 雕具

Camelopardalis Cam The Giraffe 鹿豹

Cancer Cnc The Crab 巨蟹

Canes Venatici CVn The Hunting Dogs 猎犬

Canis Major CMa The Great Dog 大犬

Canis Minor CMi The Lesser Dog 小犬

Capricornus Cap The Goat 摩羯

Carina Car The Keel 船底

Cassiopeia Cas Cassiopeia 仙后

Centaurus Cen The Centaur 半人马

Cepheus Cep Cepheus 仙王

Cetus Cet The Whale 鲸鱼

Chamaeleon Cha The Chameleon 堰蜓

Circinus Cir The Compasses 圆规 Columba Col The Dove 天鸽 Coma Berenices Com Berenice's Hair 后发 Corona Australis CrA The Southern Crown 南冕 Corona Borealis CrB The Northern Crown 北冕 Corvus Crv The Crow 乌鸦 Crater Crt The Cup 巨爵 Crux Cru The Cross 南十字 Cygnus Cyg The Swan 天鹅 Delphinus Del The Dolphin 海豚 Dorado Dor The Swordfish 箭鱼 Draco Dra The Dragon 天龙 Equuleus Equ The Foal(The Little Horse) 小马 Eridanus Eri The River Eridanus 波江 Fornax For The Chemical Furnace 天炉

Gemini Gem The Twins 双子 Grus Gru The Crane 天鹤 Hercules Her Hercules 武仙 Horologium Hor The Clock 时钟 Hydra Hya The Water Snake 长蛇 Hydrus Hyi The Sea Serpent 水蛇 Indus Ind The Indian 印地安 Lacerta Lac The Lizard 蝎虎

Leo Leo The Lion 狮子Leo Minor LMi The Lesser Lion 小狮 Lepus Lep The Hare 天兔

Libra Lib The Scales(The Balence) 天秤 Lupus Lup The Wolf 豺狼 Lynx Lyn The Lyne 天猫 Lyra Lyr The Lyre 天琴 Mensa Men The Table Mountain 山案 Microscopium Mic The Microscope 显微镜 Monoceros Mon The Unicorn 麒麟 Musca Mus The Fly 苍蝇 Norma Nor The Level(The Square) 矩尺 Octans Oct The Octant 南极 Ophiuchus Oph The Serpent Bearer 蛇夫 Orion Ori The Hunter 猎户 Pavo Pav The Peacock 孔雀 Pegasus Peg Perscus 飞马 Perseus Per Persus 英仙 Phoenix Phe The Phoenix 凤凰 Pictor Pic The Painter 绘架 Pisces Psc The Fishes 双鱼 Piscis Austrinus PsA The Southern Fish 南鱼 Puppis PuP The Poop 船尾 Pyxis Pyx The Mariner's Compass 罗盘 Reticulum Ret The Rhomboidal Net 网罟 Sagitta Sge The Arrow 天箭 Sagittarius Sgr The Archer 人马 Scorpius Sco The Scorpion 天蝎 Sculptor Scl The Sculptor's Workshop 玉夫 Scutum Sct Sobieski's Shield 盾牌 Serpens Ser The Serpent 巨蛇 Sextans Sex The Sextant 六分仪 Taurus Tau The Bull 金牛 Telescopium Tel The Telescope 望远镜 Triangulum Tri The Triangle 三角 Triangulum Australe TrA The Southern Triangle 南三角 Tucana Tuc The Tourcan 杜鹃 Ursa Major UMa The Great Bear 大熊 Ursa Minor UMi The Lesser Bear 小熊 Vela Vel The Sail 船帆 Virgo Vir The Maiden 室女 Volans Vol The Flying Fish 飞鱼 Vulpecula Vul The Little Fox 狐狸 ARGO ARG The Southern Ship 南船


Capricorn 读法 英 ['kæprɪkɔːn]     美 ['kæprɪkɔːrn]    

n 摩羯宫;摩羯(星)座;在摩羯宫时段出生的人


1、Do you have any Capricorn friends 


2、In Capricorn, 

Pluto focuses on doing the right thing because it is the thing to do 



1、tropic of capricorn 南回归线

2、Capricorn Records 出版者

3、capricorn bettle 天牛成虫

4、Sixth Capricorn 第六名摩羯座

5、Capricorn Cusp 射手魔羯座


Capricornus 近义词 goat



2、goat是山羊的总称,不存在与之对应的阴〔阳〕性名词,公羊是buck goat,雌羊是nanny goat。



1、keep goats 养羊

2、get sb's goat 惹某人生气,动肝火

3、ride the goat 加入秘密团体

4、buck goat 公山羊

5、nanny goat 雌山羊



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