白羊座简介 白羊座出生日期:3月21日-4月20日 白羊座的人热情冲动、爱冒险、慷慨、天不怕地不怕,而且一旦下定决心,不到黄河心不死,排除万难的要达到目的。大部分属于白羊座的人的脾气都很差,不过只是炮仗颈,绝对不会放在心上,很快便会没有事,而记仇的天蝎座便正好是白羊座的相反。 白羊座特性 关键词:自己象 征:公羊四象性:火掌管宫位:第一宫阴阳性:阳性最大特征:控制主管星:火星颜 色:红色三方官:基本掌管身体:头部珠 宝:红宝石幸运号码:5金 属:铁金 句:我最大 Brief introduction of Aries Aries birth date: March 21st - April 20th Aries are passionate impulse, love adventure, generous, fearless, and, once determined, the the Yellow River heart die, push aside all obstacles and difficulties to reach the purpose of Most Aries people are very poor temper, but only fireworks neck, never mind, it will not matter soon, and vengeful Scorpio Aries will be exactly the opposite Key words: Aries like syndrome: male elephants: fire control sector: the house of yin and Yang: positive maximum characteristic: Control Supervisor Star: Mars color color: red three party official: basic of body : the head bead treasure: Ruby lucky number:5 Gold: gold of iron: my biggest
金牛座简介 金牛座出生日期:4月21日-5月21日 金牛座是很保守的星座,喜欢稳定,不爱变动。在性格上则比较慢热,对工作、生活、环境都需要比较长的适应期。金牛座又往往是财富的向征,他们在投资理财方面常常有很独到的见解。金牛座的男人往往有大男人的倾向,而金牛女生则喜欢打扮自己,谁让金牛的守护神是维纳斯呢? 金牛座特性 关键词:金钱象 征:公牛四象性:土掌管宫位:第二宫阴阳性:阴性最大特征:财富主管星:金星颜 色:粉色三方官:固定掌管身体:颈项和喉咙珠 宝:翡翠、玉幸运号码:6金 属:木金 句:有钱我最大 Brief introduction of Taurus Taurus birth date: April 21st - May 21st Taurus is very conservative constellation, like stable, don't love change Relatively slow in character, on the job, life, the environment can be a big adjustment Taurus and wealth often levy, they in the investment of financial often have very unique insights Taurus men tend to have big man tendencies, and Taurus girls like to dress themselves, who let the Taurus is the patron saint of Venus Characteristics of Taurus key words: money like syndrome: Bull elephants: soil in charge of sector: the second house of yin and Yang: negative maximum characteristic: Supervisor: wealth Star Venus color color: pink three party official: fixation of body: neck and throat bead treasure: jade, Yu Xingyun number:6 gold: Gold wood: rich me maximum
双子座简介 双子座出生日期:5月22日-6月21日 双子座的人往往喜好新鲜事物,他们有着小聪明,但做事常常不太专一。与双子座的人聊天也许会让你觉得很兴奋,因为他们脑子中那些新鲜的、稀奇古怪的东西会让有充满好奇。也许是对新鲜事物的追求和好奇,会让人觉得他们很花心,其实不然,他们仅仅是喜欢新鲜而已。 双子座特性 关键词:沟通象 征:孪生子四象性:风掌管宫位:第三宫阴阳性:阳性最大特征:思想主管星:水星颜 色:**三方官:变动掌管身体:肩膊、手、肺珠 宝:猫眼石幸运号码:7金 属:水银金 句:一人计短二人计长 Brief introduction of Gemini Gemini birth date: May 22nd - June 21st Gemini people tend to like the new things, they have a small smart, but always too single-minded And Geminis may let you feel very excited, because their brains in the fresh, strange and eccentric things make a curious Maybe is the pursuit of new things and curiosity, will make people feel they are mahogany, actually otherwise, they are just like the fresh Key words: Communication Gemini characteristics like syndrome: Twin elephants: the wind sector: the third house of yin and Yang: positive maximum characteristic: thought supervisor Star : Mercury color color: yellow three party official: change of body: shoulder, hand, pulmonary bead treasure: cat Shi Xingyun number:7 gold: Mercury gold sentence: a person plan short two meter long
巨蟹座简介 巨蟹座出生日期:6月22日-7月22日 巨蟹座的人往往充满了爱心,他们将母性的本质发挥到了极限。对他们来说,最重要的东西是家庭。他们往往就像蟹一样,在充满坚硬的外壳下面是柔软的内心。巨蟹座是最执着的星座,他们对朋友、对家人的忠实,做事会一直坚持到底。 巨蟹座特性 关键词:家庭象 征:蟹四象性:水掌管宫位:第四宫阴阳性:阴性最大特征:感觉主管星:月亮颜 色:绿色三方官:基本掌管身体:胃 子宫 胸 消化珠 宝:珍珠幸运号码:2金 属:金金 句:我妈咪! Cancer cancer birth date: June 22nd - July 22nd cancer people are often full of love, they will be essential to its limits For them, the most important thing is the family They often like crabs, below is full of hard shell is a soft heart Cancer is one of the most persistent constellation, they for friends, family loyalty, things will always adhere to in the end Key words: family cancer characteristics like syndrome: Crab four: water sector: the fourth house of yin and Yang: negative maximum characteristic: feel competent Star: the moon Yan color: green three party official: basic rules: thoracic stomach uterus body digest bead treasure: Pearl lucky number:2 Gold: Jin Jin: my mommy!
狮子座简介 狮子座出生日期:7月23日-8月22日 狮子座的人热情、阳光、大方是他们性格上最大的特色。与他们性格上的优点不同,他们爱面子、自信得有点儿自大,常常会很在乎别人对自己的看法,也常常会因此而使自己不快乐。 狮子座特性 关键词:乐趣象 征:狮子四象性:火掌管宫位:第五宫阴阳性:阳性最大特征:权力主管星:太阳颜 色:红色、金色、**三方官:固定掌管身体:心脏、肾部、背脊珠 宝:琥珀幸运号码:19金 属:黄金金 句:我最大 Leo the lion a birth date: July 23rd - August 22nd Leo are passionate, generous, sunshine is their character 's biggest characteristic And their personality on the merits of different, they love the face, a bit arrogant self-confidence, often care about their views on others, often will make you happy Leo characteristic key words: fun like syndrome: the four: fire control sector: the fifth house of yin and Yang: positive maximum characteristic: Supervisor: Sun Yan star power color: red, gold, yellow three party official: fixation of body: heart, kidney, blood bead treasure: Amber lucky number:19 gold belongs to gold: Gold: my biggest
法国首席女歌手Mylene Farmer(玛莲法莫)一手打造快红新人*首发主打"Moi…Lolita"荣登8大国(法国、西班牙、意大利、德国、俄罗斯、以色列、荷兰及波兰等)销售冠军宝座。*继Vanessa Paradis(凡妮莎帕拉迪丝)后第二位攻进英国金榜TOP 10的法国歌手
青春本就该自由自在的尽情发挥自我本能,法国新世代当红女歌手Alizee/艾莉婕就是一位蕴藏着艺术与歌唱潜能的女孩,自幼即对舞蹈、歌唱及演戏相当热爱,1984年8月21日出生于法国南部海港-阿亚丘Ajaccio的她在2000年参加了法国电视台M6新秀选拔的试镜比赛,这一试,一举惊艳了在场的法国首席女歌手Mylene Farmer(玛莲法莫)及其御用制作人Laurent Boutonnat的目光,这对超级艺人/制作人组合随即与Alizee签下歌手合约,双方合作录制的处女单曲"Moi…Lolita"推出后风靡欧陆,席卷法国、西班牙、义大利、德国、俄罗斯、以色列、荷兰及波兰等8大国排行冠军宝座,单曲销量不但在法国获颁钻石唱片,包括比利时(双白金)、瑞士(金唱片)、荷兰(金唱片)及德国(金唱片)等欧陆各国都纷纷写下双白金或金唱片的纪录,这些荣耀让Alizee尝到走红的滋味,单曲"Moi…Lolita"同时在英国写下新纪录,成为继法国著名歌星Vanessa Paradis(凡妮莎帕拉迪丝)后第二位打进排行榜Top10的法国女艺人。
挟"Moi…Lolita"的冠军气势,Alizee的首张专辑“Gourmandises”在全球创下400万张的销售量,Alizee也赢得了M6音乐大奖与NRJ音乐奖所颁发的‘法国最有前途新人奖’以及‘最佳音乐网站’跟世界音乐奖。2001年,“Gourmandises”正式在德国、荷兰、英国…等全欧以及俄罗斯、加拿大、日本发行,并在俄罗斯赢得了HIT FM AWARD。
2003年最新大碟Mes Courants Electriques一推出立即掳获法国排行榜亚军,专辑由Mylene Farmer与Laurent Boutonnat制作,亚洲区特别盘中超值加收勇夺法国、德国等8国排行冠军的成名单曲"Moi…Lolita",专辑中还收录了最新攻占法国Top5、瑞士Top6、比利时Top7的单曲"J'en ai marre !",Alizee为了要回馈非法语区的歌迷,特地在此辑中收录了"I'm Fed Up"("J'en Ai Marre"之英文版)、"I'm Not Twenty"、"Youpidoo"、"Amelie"等4首英文歌曲。
2000 年7月
那时甚至还不满 16 的Alizée 她的第一张唱片,"Moi Lolita" 就发行了。
这个年轻的科西嘉人 遇到 Mylene Farmer(玛莲法莫)及其御用制作人Laurent Boutonnat 的那天 是她生命中的转折点
这次会面的结果就是 她的第一张专辑 "Gourmandises"。
2年过后 ,在世界各地超过4百万张碟被销售出,同时Alizée也获得了很多奖项 - NRJ 奖, World Music 奖, M6 奖, 和其它欧洲奖项
她的第二专辑"Mes Courants Électriques" ("我的电流" 也译作 "魔法电波")仍然由Mylene Farmer 及 Laurent Boutonnat 创作出版,
"Mes Courants Électriques" 已经于 2003 年 3 月 18 号 在法国发行 。这张专辑中有特色的单曲 "I’m fed up" 一首英文歌曲,是"J'en Ai Marre" 的英文版 ,为了回馈英语国家的歌迷。
Alizée (狮子座)1984 年8月21 日出生在可西嘉岛沿海
她的童年在一个海岛上愉快地度过。 在初期,Alizée 寻求表达她艺术性的条纹。
对舞蹈充满热情 ,她在4 岁开始了教训,通过她表演和唱歌教训变得越来越接近演艺界。
在11 岁,她参与了飞机彩绘并赢取了一等奖。 她不仅赢取了一次到马尔代夫的奇妙旅行,而且她的画以实物大小 画在 被命名为 Alizée 的 飞机上。 这标记了美妙,艺术性的事业的起点。
Alizee 资料
Name Alizée Jacotey
Birthplace Ajaccio/Corsica < click there for location
Birthday 21081984
Zodiac sign Lion
Size about 1,61 m
Weight about 45 Kg
Hair-color brown
Eye-color dark-brown
Hobbies Dancing, theater, singing and friends
Prizes M6 Music Award, NRJ Music Award and World Music Award
Education Grammar School
She likes The Beach , shopping, Dolphin, her black Labrador, Patrick Bruel, The color Purple
She dislikes The color green, Lies and hypocrisies , Rap-Music (without french rap music)
Favourite Actor Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts
Favourite Johnny Hallyday, Mylene Farmer, Lara Fabian, Madonna
Favourite Sportsman Zinedine Zidane(Football/Soccer)
Favourite meal Asian kitchen
Favourite Movie "The deep blue" by Luc Besson
Family She has a little brother, Johann(r), 11 years old, her father is computer scientist and her mother is businesswoman
eMail-Address e-mail@moi-alizeecom
Homepage wwwmoi-alizeecom
Autogram-Address Alizée
c/o Polydor - Universal Music
20, Rue des Fossés-Saint-Jacques
F - 75005 Paris
Biografie Alizée, now aged 19, was born on the coast of Corsica on 21th of August Hailing from Ajaccio, her childhood on the island was a happy one
Early on, Alizée sought to express her artistic streak She loved to dance and began lessons at the age of 4 She became increasingly familiar with, and drawn to show business through her acting and singing lessons At the age of 11, she entered a drawing competition by coloring in an airplane and won first prize
Not only did she win a marvelous trip to the Maldives - a life-size reproduction of her drawing was featured on the aircraft’s cabin, which was to be named "Alizée"
But her greatest chance was meeting Mylène Farmer and Laurent Boutonnat In the year 2000, the chart-topping duo of nearly 15 years was seeking a young artist to sing the song "Moi Lolita" It was by chance that their paths crossed After a few studio tests with conclusive results she was chosen The single was a huge success with over 15 million singles sold in France
Her debut album entitled "Gourmandises" was then in the making The music was composed by Laurent Boutonnat and Mylène Farmer wrote lyrics especially for Alizée based on her own desires, tastes and true life experience Her songs are about teenage life, doubts, love and her greediness The album was a huge success, going platinum in just 3 months with 300,000 copies sold and with sales to date amounting to over 800,000 copies in France
The second single "L'Alizé", was released at the same time as the album, producing another hit and reaching number one in the charts with over 700 000 copies sold in France
In 2001 Alizée has won interest abroad with international audiences beckoning her and her album due out in a number of European countries plus Canada, Russia and Japan Alizée has also won a HIT FM AWARD in Russia
The song "Moi Lolita" has made exceptional headway for a French single and been a huge success in Europe
Alizée has received a Gold Disc in the Netherlands after several weeks in the top 3 of the Dutch singles chart And the same happened in Germany, where Moi…Lolita has also won a Gold Disc and Alizée has been in the Top 10 for several weeks and even reached number 5
And now it is Britain's turn to welcome Alizée
全名:Alizee Jacotey
生日 19840821
星座 狮子座
身高 1,61
体重 45 公斤
头发颜色- 褐色
眼睛颜色- 茶褐色
爱好 舞蹈,戏院,歌唱和朋友
获得的奖 M6音乐奖,NRJ音乐奖和世界音乐奖。。。
她喜欢。。。 海滩,购物,海豚,她的黑色拉布拉多犬,Patrick Bruel, 紫色
她讨厌。。。 绿色,谎言和虚伪 ,Rap-Music
喜爱的歌手:约翰尼·哈立代 ,法国歌手Mylene Farmer,法国天后Lara Fabian,麦当娜
喜爱的**:"碧海蓝天" 导演 吕克·贝松