[全名] Kobe Bean Bryant Cox
[性别] 男
[国籍] 美国
[中文译名] 科比·比恩·布莱恩特·考克斯、高比·拜仁(港澳)、柯比·布来恩(台湾)
[昵称]小飞侠(Peter Pan)、黑曼巴(the Black Mamba)、show-be(发音类似Kobe,意为神迹上演) 、Mr81、frog(因为跳得高他姐姐给他起的外号)
[身高] 198M(穿鞋201M)美国人承认穿鞋身高
[体重] 220磅/998kg
[球队] 从职业生涯开始到05-06赛季;NBA号码-8;06-07赛季开始穿24号;奥运会穿10号
[位置] 得分后卫/小前锋
[现住地] 洛杉矶
[语言] 说得一口流利的英语和意大利语,最近还在学习西班牙语,还略懂一点法语
[生日] 1978年8月23日
[星座] 狮子座(处女座)(因为星座的周期原因,不是很确定,有时在个别周期8月23日是处女座。)
[妻子] 瓦妮莎-布莱恩特
[女儿] 纳塔利亚·戴蒙特·布莱恩特/吉娜·玛利亚·奥诺尔·布莱恩特
[学历] 费城劳尔梅里恩(Lower Merion)高中毕业/UCLA国际贸易辍学
[出生地] 美国宾西法亚费城
[其他家庭成员] 父亲:乔·布莱恩特/母亲:帕姆·布莱恩特/大姐:莎拉·布莱恩特/二姐:莎亚·布莱恩特
[曾住地] 意大利米兰
[选秀] 1996年选秀第一轮13顺位被夏洛特黄蜂选中,同年7月11日被交换到湖人,黄蜂得到迪瓦茨
[NBA总冠军数] 3个
[NBA球龄] 12年
2004年续约湖人7年1亿3600万 2010年球员选项 2011年到期
[伤病]2008年2月他小手指韧带撕裂,撕脱性骨折。他推迟了手术,要坚持打完2007-08 NBA赛季和2008年北京奥运会;随后因恢复期最长为12周而再度推迟手术,2006年10月他做了膝盖手术,12月右踝关节扭伤。2007年10月右手手腕扭伤。
Eartha 与土地有关的 女性 古英语
Easter 复活节时分 女性 古英语
Ebba 力量 女性 德国
Ebere 慈悲,怜悯 女性 非洲
Ebony 黑美人 女性 英语
Echo 希腊,罗马神话中的精灵,回声 女性 希腊
Eda 富有的 女性 盎格鲁撒克逊
Edana 狂热的,热烈的 女性 凯尔特
Edda 富有的 女性 古英语
Edeline 高贵的 女性 条顿
Edith 奢侈的礼物,高兴 女性 条顿
Edlyn 高贵的女人 女性 古英语
Edna 愉快,欣喜 女性 希伯来
Edolie 高贵 女性 古英语
Edria 强势,伟大 女性 希伯来
Edsel 富裕 女性 古英语
Edwina 富有的朋友 女性 德国
Effie 擅长讲话的 女性
Efia 周二出生的 女性 加纳
Efrosini 小路,小鸟 女性 希伯来
Efterpi 美丽容颜 女性 希腊
Eileen 活泼的,愉快的 女性 希腊
Eilis 上帝的誓言 女性 希伯来
Eirene 和平 女性 希腊
Ekta 女性 印度
Elaine 亮光 女性 古法语
Elberta 崇高的,高贵的,著名的 女性 条顿
Eldora 太阳的礼物 女性 西班牙
Eldoris 与海有关的 女性 希腊
Eleanor 闪耀的光芒 女性 希腊
Electra 明亮的,闪闪发光的 女性 希腊
Elektra 明亮的光 女性 希腊
Elena 活泼的 女性 西班牙
Eleni 光线,火把 女性 希腊
Eleora 上帝给我光明 女性 希伯来
Elexus 女性 拉丁语
Elga 小精灵的矛 女性 盎格鲁撒克逊
Elina 纯净的,贤明的 女性 希腊
Elisa 献身于上帝的 女性 西班牙
Elisabeth 上帝的誓言 女性 希伯来
Elise Elizabeth的变形 女性 法国
Elisha 耶和华是上帝 女性 希伯来
Eliska 诚实的,真正的 女性 捷克
Elissa 迦太基的女王,皇后 女性 希腊
Elita 特别的人 女性 法国
Eliza 被选中的 女性 古法语
Elizabeth 上帝的誓言 女性 希伯来
Ella 美丽的仙女 女性 古英语
Elle 女人,女孩 女性 法国
Ellen 光线 女性 希伯来
Elma 和蔼,可亲,亲切 女性 希腊
Elmira 女性
Elodie 有钱的,富有的外国人 女性 希腊
Eloise 聪明的,伶俐的,贤明的 女性 法国
Else 献给神的,对神忠诚的 女性 希伯来
Elsie 快利,狂欢 女性 盎格鲁撒克逊
Elvan 女性 土耳其
Elvina 小精灵的朋友 女性 未知
Elvira 公平的审判 女性 西班牙
Elysia 幸福的,喜悦的 女性 拉丁语
Ema 心爱的 女性 玻利尼西亚
Emalia 调情 女性 拉丁语
Emanuela 上帝与我们同在 女性 希伯来
Ember 火花,将熄灭的火 女性 古英语
Emeline 勤奋的 女性 条顿
Emerald 亮绿色的宝石 女性 西班牙
Emily 勤奋的,热切的 女性 古德语
Emlyn 地名 女性 威尔士
Emma 全世界的,多方面的,包含一切的 女性 古德语
Emmuna 女性 希伯来
Ena 多愁善感的 女性 古英语
Endora 泉 女性 希伯来
Enid 灵魂,精神 女性 威尔士
Enola 木兰 女性 美洲土著
Enya 女性 爱尔兰
Enye 高贵 女性 意地绪语
Eranthe 可爱花(春季的花卉) 女性 希腊
Erasma 哈埃,可亲,可爱 女性 希腊
Erianthe 像花儿一样甜美 女性 希腊
Erika 永远强大的 女性 古挪威语
Erin 和平 女性 凯尔特
Erlina 爱尔兰来的女孩 女性 凯尔特
Erline 小精灵 女性 盎格鲁撒克逊
Ernestine 热心的,有活力的 女性 古德语
Erzsebet 献身于上的 女性 希伯来
Eskarne 慈悲的,仁慈的 女性 西班牙
Esme 尊重,尊敬 女性 拉丁语
Esmeralda 绿宝石 女性 英语
Esperanza 希望 女性 西班牙
Esta 从东方来 女性 意大利
Estelle 星辰 女性 波斯语
Estra 春之女神 女性 盎格鲁撒克逊
Etain 闪光的 女性 凯尔特
Etania 富有的 女性 美洲土著
Eudocia 尊重的 女性 希腊
Eudora 秘密的礼物 女性 希腊
Eulalia 说得清楚、明白 女性 希腊
Eunice 胜利的 女性 希腊
Euphemia 说得清楚、明白 女性 希腊
Euphrosyne 欢喜 女性 希腊
Eustacia 宁静的 女性 拉丁语
Eva 生命,生活 女性 希伯来
Evadine 女性 希腊
Evadne 水中的仙女 女性 希腊
Evangelia 带来好消息 女性 希腊
Evangelina 天使 女性 希腊
Evangeline 天使般的 女性 希腊
Evanthe 花 女性 希腊
Eve 生命 女性 希伯来
Evelina 生命 女性 希伯来
Evelyn 生动的,快活得 女性 凯尔特
Eyota 最伟大的人 女性 美洲土著
这些是christian name 的意识
A WebsiteBuilder Website
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Who we are
Christian Meaning of Names
A warm welcome to Christian meaning of names
What a wonderful blessing our children are and choosing the name for your baby is part of the pleasure that parents enjoy with their new family Christian names are important, because your baby’s Christian name will normally be with him/her throughout their entire lives
Could this be daunting Yes!
Could it be exciting Yes, very exciting: and many Christian parents derive great satisfaction when they are able to know a name's meaning before they make the final decision
There are two things that you need think about carefully Make sure that the name you choose goes well with the surname: and that the initials do not produce any unfortunate combinations
There are numerous other items on this web site that we hope you’ll find interesting at this special time for you
Christian meaning of names
Abel: Breath
(Able was the second son of Adam and Eve)
Abigail: A father's joy, or Source of joy
Abel: God is my Father
Ada: Prosperous, or Happy, or Ornament
Adam: A man of the red earth
(Adam was the first man that God created
Adina: Slender/Delicate
Amos: Burden, or Burden bearer
Andrew: Manly/Courageous
(Andrew was the brother of the apostle, Simon Peter)
Anna: Grace/Graceful
Ariel: Lion of God
Asher: Happy/Lucky
Barnabas: Son of consolation
Benjamin: Son of the right hand
(Benjamin was the youngest son of Jacob)
Bernice: Victorious
Bethany: House of unripe figs
Bethesda: House of mercy
Blossom: As a rose
Boaz: Strength/Swiftness
(Boaz was the husband of Ruth, an ancestor of Jesus)
Caleb: Devoted and wholehearted
Carmel: Garden/Orchard, or Field
Claudia: Claudia was a disciple in Rome
Cornelius: Strong, or Sun rays
(In the New Testament Cornelius was a Roman centurion)
Damaris: An Athenian woman who was converted by Paul
Darius: Possessing the good
(Darius was a great ruler of Persia (now Iran) about 500 BC
Daniel: God is my judge
(Daniel was a prophet who lived in Old Testament times and interpreted the sign of the moving finger)
David: Beloved/The adored one
(David was a great King of Israel, who won many battles and wrote many of the psalms)
Deborah: The bee, or An industrious woman
(Deborah was an Old Testament prophetess who led the Israelites)
Debra: Like Deborah, above
Dinah: Judgment
Delilah: Beautiful temptress/Delicate,
(Delilah was beautiful and the lover of Samson She tricked him into cutting his hair, causing him to lose his strength)
Eli: God is high
(Eli was an Old Testament prophet Eli also means My God,
Jesus' cry from the cross)
Elijah: Jehovah is God
(Eli was an Old Testament prophet)
Elisabeth: Consecrated to God
Elisha: God is my help/My God is salvation
Emanuel: God is with us
Emma: All embracing/Wide reaching/Completely
Enoch: Dedicated teacher
(Enoch was a son of Cain)
Esther: A star,
(Queen Esther was the Jewish queen of Xerxes the king of Persia, and by her faith God used her to save the Jewish people from annihilate
Ephraim: Doubly fruitful,
(In the Old Testament Ephraim was the younger son of Joseph)
Ethan: One noted for wisdom/Constant/Firm/Strong
Eve: Life giving, or Life
(God made Eve from Adam's rib and she became the wife of the first man)
Ezekiel: God strengthens
Ezra: The helper,
(An Old Testament priest, who led the Israelis back to Zion)
Gabriel: Man of God/God is my strength
Gabrielle: Woman of God/God is my strength
Gideon: The mighty warrior/cutter of trees,
(Gideon was called by an angel)
Hanna: Favoured by God, or Graciousness/Graceful
Hannah: As Hanna (above)
Hagar: Flight/God has heard
(Hagar was a servant in Abram's (Abraham's) household
Hazael: God has seen/Sees the Lord
Hazel: God has seen/Sees the Lord
Hiram: Exalted/High born,
(Hiram was the King of Tyre who helped the Jewish kings David and Solomon
Hosanna: Please save Now, or prayer of praise
Hoshea: Salvation,
(Hoshea was the original name for Joshua)
Immanuel: God is with us
Isaac: Laughter/The laughing one,
(Isaac was a son of Abraham and the father of Jacob, ancestors of Jesus)
Isaiah: God is salvation,
(Isaiah was a great Old Testament prophet and many of his prophecies were about Jesus Christ)
Jabal: Flowing/Flowing River
Jacob: Held by the heel
(God changed Jacob's name to Israel, and made him father of the Jewish Nation, who are still called Israelis)
James: Heel catcher,
(Greek form of Jacob)
Jemima: A dove
Jeremiah: God will establish, or Yahweh will exalt
Jeremy: Means the same as Jeremiah (above)
Jephthah: He will open
Jerubbaal: Contends with Baal
(the name given to Gideon for destroying Baal's alter)
Jesse: God's gift/God exists
(Jesse was the father of king David)
Joanna: God has been gracious
(with others Joanna heralded Christ's resurrection)
Job: He that weeps, or cries
Joel: Jehovah is God
(Joel was one of king David's mighty men)
Jonah: A man of peace, or A dove
Jonathan: God has given
(Jonathan was the eldest son of king Saul, and a good friend of king David)
Joseph: God shall add
(Joseph was the earthly father of Jesus Christ, and the husband of Mary, Jesus' mother)
Joshua: God is salvation
(God's man to take over from Moses and lead the Israelites to the Promised Land)
Jude: Praise
Judith: Jewess, or a woman from Judea
Julia: A family name of the Roman Caesars
(it is the feminine form of Julius)
Lazarus: God has helped
(Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead!)
Levi: United,
(Levi was the name given to Old testament priests
Leah: Light of the sun
Lucia: Light
Luke: Bright/Light, or White,
(Luke is another name for Lucia, or Lucas)
Lois: Agreeable,
Lydia: Of Lydia
(she was converted by Saint Paul)
Magdala: Seaside village, or Tower
Magdalene: Tower
(Magdalene was one of the Mary's at the time of Jesus)
Malachi: My angel, or My messenger
Marcus: Defence, or Warlike
Mark: An object, or Large hammer
(it relates to the planet, Mars)
Martha: A lady
(Martha was the sister of Mary and Lazarus, the man raised from the dead by Jesus)
Mary: Obstinate/Stubborn
(There are several Mary’s in the Bible the best know is Mary the mother of Jesus)
Matthew: A gift from God
(Matthew was an apostle of Jesus)
Micah: Who is like Yahweh, who is like God
(Micah was one of the prophets who warned the Jews of the judgment about to befall Israel)
Michal: A brook
Michael: Like the lord
(Michael was an archangel)
Miriam: Obstinate/Stubborn/Bitter
(Miriam was the elder sister of Moses and Aaron)
Myra: Myrrh
(Myrrh was one of the gifts from the three wise men to Jesus, It is also the name of a city in Lycia)
Naomi: My delight/pleasant
Nathan: The gift of God
Nehemiah: Comfort of God
Nebuchadezzar: (Was the king of Babylon, who took the Jewish Nation captive)
Nicolas: Victory of the people
Nicodemas: Conqueror/Victory for the people, (This was the man that Jesus told, “You Must be born again”)
Noah: Peace, or Rest, (Noah built the ark that saved him, his family and the animals at the time of the flood)
Orpah: A fawn, or Lively maiden, or Neck
Paul: Small
(But Paul was never small in achievement, he was one of the outstanding preachers in the New Testament)
Peter: A rock (After denying that he knew Jesus, Peter became a fearless and very effective preacher)
Philip: A lover of horses
Phoebe: Pure/Bright,
(Phoebe was a deaconess of a New Testament church)
Priscilla: (Was one of Paul’s helpers and the wife of Aquila, a Jewish tent maker)
Rachel: A ewe,
(Rachel was the wife of Jacob and the mother of Joseph)
Rahab: Spacious,
(Rahab was the name of a prostitute in Jericho)
Rebekah: A knotted cord,
She was wife of Isaac in the
Reuben: Behold a son,
(Jacob’ eldest son)
Rhoda: Rose bush
Ruth: Female companion,
(Ruth was the wife of Boaz, and an ancestor of Jesus)
Samuel: Asked of God,
(Samuel anointed the shepherd, David, who slew the philistine giant and later became king David)
Salome: Peace,
Salome entered the tomb of Jesus)
Sapphire: Deep blue
Sophia: Wisdom Deep blue/Beautiful
Sarah: A princess,
(Sarah was the wife of Abraham)
Seth: The appointed one,
(Seth was the first son of Adam and Eve)
Sharon: A flat plane
Simeon: Hearing,
(Simeon is another name of Simon)
Simon: Hearing
Solomon: Peaceable/Wants peace,
(King Solomon asked God to give him wisdom and became the wisest man who ever lived, (except for Jesus of course
Stephen: A crown, or A garland)
(Jesus said that the lilies of the field were beautiful)
Susanna: A Lilly,or A rose,
(Susanna was a believer who ministered to Jesus)
Tabitha: A gazelle/A doe
Tamara: A palm tree
Tiffany: The Trinity, or A manifestation of God
Tim: Shortened from Timothy,
(means, Revere God - Honoured by God)
Timothy: Honouring God/Honoured by God
Uriah: God is light
Zacharias: Remembered by the Lord, (He was the father of John the Baptist)
Zion: Fortress,
(Zion is also used as a name for the Jewish homeland)
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