Camille 卡蜜拉 拉丁, 好品性的高贵女子。
Candance, 坎蒂丝 拉丁, 热情,坦诚,纯洁的。
Candice 坎蒂丝 拉丁, 热情,坦诚,纯洁的。
Cara, 卡拉, 义大利 朋友;亲爱的人。
Carol, 卡萝, 法国, 欢唱,悦耳欢快的歌
Caroline, 卡洛琳 条顿, 骁勇、刚健和强壮的。
Catherine, 凯瑟琳 希腊, 纯洁的人。
Cathy, 凯丝, 希腊, 纯洁的人。
Cecilia 塞西莉亚, 拉丁, 视力朦胧的人,失明的。
Celeste 莎莉丝特, 拉丁, 最幸福的人,天国的。
Charlotte, 夏洛特 法国, 身体强健女性化的。
Cherry, 绮莉, 法国, 仁慈,像樱桃般红润的人。
Cheryl, 绮丽儿 法国, 珍爱的人,男子汉
Chloe, 克洛怡 希腊, 青春的,美丽的。
Christine, 克莉丝汀, 希腊, 基督的追随者,门徒。
Claire, 克莱儿 拉丁, 灿烂的;明亮的;聪明的。
Clara, 克莱拉 拉丁, 明亮的;聪明的。
Clementine, 克莱曼婷, 拉丁, 温柔且仁慈的人。
Constance, 康斯坦丝, 拉丁, 坚定忠实的人。
Cora, 柯拉, 希腊, 处女;少女。
Coral, 卡洛儿 希腊,法国, 珊瑚或赠品,彩石。
Cornelia, 可妮莉雅, 希腊, 山茱萸树,号角。
Crystal 克莉斯多, 希腊, 晶莹的冰,透明的灵魂,没有欺瞒。
Cynthia , 辛西亚 希腊, 月亮女神黛安娜的称号。
star signs星座\r\n一年被分为12个不同的星座,你出生的日期决定了你的星座,有些人认为同一星座的人拥有相似的性格特征\r\n3月21日-4月20日 白羊座\r\n白羊座的人充满活力积极向上,不过有时候缺乏耐心。白羊座的人乐于领导,有时候别人会认为你自私。\r\n4月21日-5月21日 金牛座\r\n金牛座的人比较顽固倔强不喜欢变更,勤劳、有耐心、不轻言放弃是金牛座人的优点。\r\n5月22日-6月21日 双子座\r\n双子座的人聪明并对一切都充满好奇,他们开朗健谈,但朝令夕改。\r\n6月22日-7月22日 巨蟹座\r\n巨蟹座的人温柔和善,热爱家庭并关心他人,最爱的事情是存钱和烹饪。\r\n7月23日-8月22日 狮子座\r\n狮子座的人强壮而有自信,他们慷慨大方,喜欢给朋友买小礼物。\r\n8月23日-9月22日 室女座\r\n室女座的人谦虚审慎,但有时候过于瞻前顾后,他们实事求是,尽善尽美。\r\n9月23日-10月22日 天秤座\r\n天枰座的人具有合作精神,公平对待一切。他们举止优雅,对美丽的事物喜爱非凡。爱好和平,不喜欢与别人争吵是他们最大的性格特点。\r\n10月23日-11月21日 天蝎座\r\n天蝎座的人很有魄力,精力旺盛。他们喜欢保守秘密,虽然有时候他们记仇的性格特点愚蠢而又可笑。\r\n11月22日-12月20日 射手座\r\n射手座的人幽默风趣,主张乐享人生。他们的运气总是很好,喜欢游览不同的地方。\r\n12月23日-1月20日 摩羯座\r\n摩羯座的人努力工作,多数时候都一帆风顺。他们成绩优异,善于组织。性格方面他们不厌其烦,鲜少生气。\r\n1月20日-2月19日 水瓶座\r\n水瓶座的人聪明灵巧,善解人意。他们朋友众多,虽然他们独树一帜的性格令有些人认为他们古怪另类。他们总是尝试用创新的方式去做每一件事情。\r\n2月20日-3月20日 双鱼座\r\n双鱼座的人乐善好施,温文尔雅,稳重而又开朗。富有想象力和创造力,对一切事物充满美好浪漫的幻想。
Eighteen today, Nineteen tomorrow
The annual cycle has finallly came to the brightness of Leo, the youthful July eventually had to fade away
While the sun of August seemed to remain fervent and unrestrianed for something---another sunny day covers the sky of eighteen year olds
We met, we knew, and we fell in love in this loving time of being eighteen
Baby, I have been both happy and sad during these eighteen years of life, but what I couldn't forget was how I met you, at the end of eighteenFrom then on now, my happiest time of life came before me When you are with me, baby, happiness and bliss dances around us!
I want to write a journal to let you realize my love for you, but gradually I found out, I was wrong---my love for you has gone out of my expectations My love for you has flown into my blood, seeped into my skin, filled my bones All of me is now youYou cannot possibly feel it, nor fully understand it I'll show it to you with all my life, if we could be together
Sweetheart, eighteen years of life has left you hurriedly; you grew under your father's care---but no matter what happened before, I am here now I will take over your next eighteen years, and the next one, and more I will treat you with all I am, give you all the cherish in the world, fill your life with the lights of gentleness, blazing with it If we could be together, happiness will follow us
Eighteen years, sweetheart, I don't know how many things upsetted you, nor how many people made you mad---but baby, I don't want to see that, not anymore It makes me sad to see you sad Whatever it was, I am here now, you can put everything behind you, and enjoy your life--- because I love you, and because we are now together
Honey, I'll do my best I'll get my profession done, I'll earn a lot of money to make our lives better with each day, fill our lives with romance And I know you'd do your best, too We'll work together to create our world of happiness I believe we can do anything, baby, because I love you, and I depend on you, and because we are together
It's your birthday tomorrow Happy birthday, my angel I know you'd have a happy birthday, I know you would You'll be nineteen, one more year of maturity We'll grow up together, and live out our lives Please be happy With me here, everything will turn out better
I love you XXX
I've always wanted to be the perfect boyfriend, considerate, gentle and romantic; I've always wanted to be the perfect husband, too, knowing how to take care of people, make my wife content and happy for ever
I have a dream, having a steady job, earning loads of money, and we could buy whatever we wanted, do whatever we wished
I have a dream, taking you all over our country, and all over the world, too Let our footprints mark the world, let our paths draw this earth
I have a dream, seeing you and holding you everyday, happily No matter what we do, when we are together, we are happy
I have a dream, living in a mansion in a tranquil village, we'll have our child, we'll live together happily, until we get old together
I have a dream, being there with you at every sunrise, everysunset, walking you through every winter and every summer, watching all the tides fade, and all the flowers blooming