CF手游M14EBR金牛座 CF手游迷彩自上线以来获得广大玩家的喜爱,那么CF手游M14EBR金牛座 CF手游迷彩还有哪些有趣的玩法,一起来跟小编看看CF手游M14EBR金牛座 CF手游迷彩的相关攻略吧~
CF手 游M14EBR金牛座对比迷彩资深玩家告诉你哪个好。在CF手 游中M14EBR-金牛座和M14EBR-迷彩都是两个相当受战士们关注的两个武器,在游戏中M14EBR-金牛座和M14EBR-迷彩哪个好是小伙伴们想要知道的,今天小编就为大家带来CF手 游中M14EBR-金牛座和M14EBR-迷彩哪个好的简要分析。
M14EBR-迷彩和M14EBR-金牛座的威力相差不大,弹道基本相似,所以在爆破和团队中非常适合。 现实中的海豹突击队在2000年开始装备使用M14EBR。该枪采用闪光铝合金制作,但威力与精准度不俗。M14EBR的迷彩涂装版,各项功能都极为出色并且加装了消音器,强化了潜伏攻击能力。
Super Bass - Nicki Minaj
This one is for the boys
with the boomer system
Top down AC with the cooler system
When he come up in the club
he be blazing up
Got stacks on deck like he saving up
And he ill he real he might got a deal
He pop bottles and
he got the right kind of bill
He cold he dope he might sell coke
He always in the air but he never fly coach
He a mother fucking trip trip
Sailor of the ship ship
When he make it drip drip
Kiss him on the lip lip
Thats the kind of dude I was looking for
And yes you get slapped if you looking hoe
I said excuse me you a hell of a guy
I mean m-m-my-my you like pelican fly
I mean you so shy and i'm loving your tie
You like slicker than the guy
with the thing on his eye oh
Yes I did
Yes I did
Somebody please tell him who the F I is
I am Nicki Minaj I mack them dudes up
Back coops up then chuck the deuce up
Boy you got my heartbeat running away
Beating like a drum and
it's coming your way
Can't you hear that
Boom badoom boom
Boom badoom boom bay
He got that super bass
boom badoom boom
boom badoom boom bay
Yeah thats that super bass
Boom Boom Boom Boom
Boom Boom Boom Boom
Boom Boom Boom Boom
Boom Boom Boom Boom
Boom badoom boom
Boom badoom boom bay
He got that super bass
Boom boom badoom boom
Boom badoom boom bay
ooh that's that super bass
This one is for the boys in the polos
Entrepreneur niggas and them moguls
He could ball with the crew he coud solo
But I think I like him better when he dolo
And I think I like him better
with the fitted cap on
He aint even gotta try to put the mac on
He just gotta gimme that look
When he gimme that look then
them panties coming off off uh
Excuse me your a hell of a guy
You know I really got
a thing for American guys
I mean sigh
Sickening eyes
I can tell that youre in touch
with your feminine side uh
Yes I did
Yes I did
Somebody please tell him who the F I is
I am Nicki Minaj I mack them dudes up
Back coops up then chuck the deuce up
Boy you got my heartbeat running away
Beating like a drum and it's coming your way
Can't you hear that
Boom badoom boom
Boom badoom boom bay
He got that super bass
Boom badoom boom
Boom badoom boom bay
Yeah thats that super bass
Boom Boom Boom Boom
Boom Boom Boom Boom
Boom Boom Boom Boom
Boom Boom Boom Boom
Boom badoom boom
Boom badoom boom bay
He got that super bass
Boom badoom boom
Boom badoom boom bay
ooh that's that super bass
See I need you in my life for me to stay
no no no no no
I know you stay
oh no no no no
Don't go away
Boy you got my heartbeat running away
Don't you hear that
heartbeat coming your way
Oh it be like
Boom badoom boom
Boom badoom boom bay
Can't you hear that
Boom badoom boom
Boom badoom boom bay
Boy you got my heartbeat running away
Beating like a drum and it's coming your way
Can't you hear that
Boom badoom boom
Boom badoom boom bay
He got that super bass
Boom baroom boom
Boom baroom boom bay
Yeah that's that super bass
Boom Boom Boom Boom
Boom Boom Boom Boom
Boom Boom Boom Boom
Boom Boom Boom Boom
Boom badoom boom
Boom badoom boom bay
He got that super bass
Boom boom baroom boom
Boom badoom boom bay
ooh that's super bass
M14EBR金牛座——穿越火线枪战王者新上线的星座武器,目前已经在体验服中上架了。许多小伙伴对该武器的属性感到好奇,想知道好不好用。那么下面铁骨网 小编就为大家带来穿越火线枪战王者M14EBR金牛座属性图 金牛座值得入手吗的文章,感兴趣小伙伴们快来看看吧。
威力 65 便携 26
精准 39 稳定 60
射速 20 换弹 22
穿透 71 载弹 37/111
以上就是铁骨网 小编为大家带来的穿越火线枪战王者M14EBR金牛座怎么样的全部内容了,希望对大家有所帮助。该武器整体实力还不错,有着较强的威力且精准度较高,推荐玩家入手,小编本文的内容到这里就结束了,想了解更多精彩好玩的游戏资讯,请继续关注铁骨网 专区哦!