Taurus is ruled by Venus, the constellation Taurus is conservative, do not like change, stability is his attitude towards life Taurus will not impatient impulses, only patience, who endure to be guided precisely to their portrayal, and they are very stubborn, when we decide to do, do not want to make any changes Due to lack of security, unemployment is most afraid of the problems faced by Taurus, which means they lose the focus of life Taurus men have the potential of male tendency, at home, not to speak, but the dignity of great importance; Taurus women on the one hand talk about reality, but it is also loved dressing up as the patron saint of Taurus is the embodiment of love and beauty Wiener Sri Lanka They usually are slow-type Taurus
Will spend some time to adjust to a relationship, a job, an environment, but to adapt, they rarely change their own, unless it is forced Taurus has artistic, with a high artistic taste and appreciation, but also natural gourmet Advantages: full of passionately devoted patience to work with artistic talent down to earth in the end there are plans to adhere to a regular life, reliable Cons: stubborn too possessive, jealous stick to the rules too much too cautious, lacking the courage of innovative ideas
Eloquent and articulate, abnormal thinking, agile, quick thinking, but too often make you irritable, impatient You will have the romantic and ironic sense of humor and can be eloquent Good communication has a very flexible way to communicate tactfully, there is a very clever diplomacy, talking people feel pleasure Taurus
[2] have the intellectual thinking jumping talent and creativity, like a lightning-quick comprehension, logical reasoning and learning ability Emmanuel through intuitive insight to things, and often on the mysterious, interested in science fiction But the thinking may be too jump, interest varied, weird does not meet the common sense, lack of patience and some qualitative When studying superficial and groundless accusations relationships with friends, especially the relationship between men and women, lack of patience This may be due to the distrust caused by the opposite sex
Taurus people often been said to be hot and cold But the others usually are mild, and when they really get angry when people say that will not cause any They do not want to force others, hate to be forced Is the one in front of them a bit dull appearance Hanhan, but in fact they are very smart, meticulous, everything in fact, in the eyes, minds are aware They hate for something to explain or debate, so people always mistakenly think Taurus do not know anything Taurus say greedy, but greedy and the pursuit of food is different Taurus is very picky, just like the exquisite and delicious things Like access to high-end restaurants, but also for cooking great deal of research And in eating, they got a little older to anomalies Taurus people will spend money well spent in terms of their view, should spend no flowers, so always make people feel they are very stingy and the love of money But for people who love them is quite generous Always happy in front of them, but inadvertently reveals the sad but thoughts and eyes Arouses strong pain; proud but low self-esteem; Light but full of melancholy They all have to see the world too thoroughly, but still willing to believe in the beauty Taurus people have a characteristic, they who are very gentle But that does not is because you are fond of you fishes gentle, because they themselves like that Therefore, always have many, many misunderstandings, so often a bunch of suitors, but also refuses to change of heart Generally is not like love at first sight on the Taurus type, but rather slowly in touch with the Taurus after the love, the contact will find that Taurus is a very attractive sign They usually have a good appearance, but have a strong ambition However, this ambition has never been easy to detect, they are good at strategizing, treat things like control the overall situation They are easy to see through a person's heart, but still maintain a good demeanor As the spring constellation Taurus, and its rustic flavor is more intense than the Pisces and Aries But if you think they can be bullied stupid, think again, this is a birth of Lenin, Robespierre, and the constellation of Saddam is the only star of the king can make fear of the constellation Leo Taurus people have an inherent power, and Scorpio the chill of the air is different is that its power is dynamic Taurus
[3] Taurus for their loved ones, is indeed very thoughtful attention, but also very easy to get hurt However, even if the Who is Who is the play seriously, Taurus, but points very clearly They may be stubborn and have strong self-control, so in general will not affect their values, judgments, most of them and you do not argue too strongly, and to use their unusual self-control to stand your point of view Taurus woman is very romantic, she does not like the things she has lost She has very keen senses, the true nature of things that would appeal to her interest in her that no plastic flowers Taurus is also the characteristics of a Pisces constellation shallow fantasy The constellation of the boys is very reliable and very cute girl, is entrusted to a life-long lover Taurus people of color, a design sense of things and life has a mood of feeling Taurus people is always quiet, in fact, they are also lively and crazy side Safe movement Taurus people are usually very sweet smile, because they will only really happy thing worth laughing, and they are giving very comfortable within, with a little bit of sweet feeling The surface they look very strong and very calm, but is actually a very soft heart Taurus women can easily moved to tears, it is easy to integrate into the situation But they will try to conceal, unless unable to hold back, only this side of Taurus the performance of girls in front of the other half Taurus like the kind the United States as they taste the same people who like the same stable as they have patience and endurance of the people Taurus always such a friendly, loving, trust
如果你说的金牛是金牛座的话那英语是Taurus,如果是金牛犊就是Golden Calf。
另外科普一下“bull/ cow/ calf /ox 与“牛””
在英语中,“公牛”常指“体壮如牛的人”,同时还具有“桀骜不驯”“恃强凌弱”的国俗语义。1712年,英国作家约翰阿布斯诺特(John Arbuthnot)在其讽刺小说《约翰牛的生平》(The History of John Bull)中塑造了主人公“约翰牛”(John Bull),意在通过这个赳赳武夫的形象暗喻当年英国人的“专横跋扈”。随着岁月的流逝,John Bull一词的贬义已经逐渐消失,“约翰牛”现成了“英国人”的代名词。
英语中的“母牛”含有“懦弱”“胆怯”的意思,cow-hearted、cowish均含此义。相关的例句如The men were cowed into total submission(这些人被吓得服服帖帖。)此外,cow还常被用来指“肥胖笨拙的女人(或婆娘)”。牛在印度文化中是神圣的,受此影响,英语在本世纪初出现了习惯用语“sacred cow”,用以指“神圣不可侵犯的思想、机构、制度等”。
英语中的“小牛”指“愚蠢的胆小鬼”或“稚嫩的人”,短语“calf love”常用来指“少男少女对异性的短暂爱情”或“初恋”。《圣经出埃及记》(Exodus)第32章讲到,古犹太人在摩西(Moses)上西奈山之际逼其哥哥铸成一头金牛犊来供大家顶礼膜拜。因此,英语中“worship the golden calf”指“为了物质利欲而放弃原则”或“崇拜金钱”的意思。
“ox”一词在英语中含有“愚蠢”“呆头呆脑”“笨拙”等义。英语中用“dumb ox”或“as dumb as an ox”描述“呆滞(或笨拙、沉默寡言)的人”;“play the giddy ox”则指“胡闹、干蠢事”。
另外汉语中的牛,有出现十二生肖中,而且体积最大,所以人们习惯“牛”喻“大”或“多”,如用“牛嘴”“牛眼”“牛脚”来形容人体某种部位粗大不雅;用“牛声马调”形容骂人声音粗野而难听;用“九牛一毛”言极多数目中的小部分。值得注意的是,汉语中的“他壮得像头牛”,在英语中习惯用He is as strong as a horse来表达。而“他倔得像头牛”则习惯用He is a stubborn as a mule来表达。
内容来自于:bull/ cow/ calf /ox 与“牛”
Pisces 双鱼座
Aquarius 水瓶座
水瓶座(或宝瓶座)叫做“Aquarius”,意思就是盛水的瓶子,所以也叫做“Water Bearer”,这里bear这个词是“携带,运输”的意思,例如《魔戒》原著中对男主角之一Frodo Baggins的另一个称呼就是“the ring-bearer”,戒指的携带者。Bear这个词还有“忍受”、“生育”、“举止”等等意思,含义算得上是纷繁复杂,建议大家仔细读一遍字典中的解释和例句。
Capricorn 摩羯座
和“goat”相关的重要的词是“scapegoat”,意思是替罪羊,语出《圣经·旧约》。按照古代犹太教的习俗,在每年赎罪日(Day of Atonement)的清晨,把两头山羊牵到圣所神坛(altar),由主祭抽签,一头羊献给上帝,一头羊交给死神。贡献给上帝的山羊是祭品,另一头羊则是替罪羊。在赎罪的过程中,大祭司把双手按在替罪羊的头上,诉说自己和民众所犯的罪,表示以色列人民的所有罪过都由替罪羊所承担,然后将这头象征性的代人受过的可怜的山羊放逐到荒凉的旷野中去。由此还衍生出了“scapegoatism”(替罪羊主义),意指嫁祸于人的阴谋政策。
值得一提的是英语中南回归线的名字就是“tropic of Capricorn”,是热带的南边界,太阳垂直照射的最南端,我的天文学知识有限,也许摩羯座的月份正好是北半球的冬天南半球的夏天,所以用这个名字命名。与之相对的北回归线的名字自然是“tropic of Cancer”,巨蟹座的月份正好是北半球最热的时候。tropic有两个意思分别是“回归线”和“热带的”。另外“热带”叫做“ Torrid Zone”,torrid这个词很好记,谐音法就是“太热了”。
另外把“Capricorn”这个词拆一下,“capr-”部分表示“山羊”。有一种紧身女裤,两腿底部的外侧各有一条小缝,好像现在叫做“七分裤”,英语中叫做“capri pants”,源自意大利南部一岛屿卡普里(Capri)的名字。
“corn”的部分来自发音“ker-”,表示“角,头”,与有角的动物、角形物体和突出的部位相关。我们熟悉的词有“horn”和“corner”,另外不妨再记住一个西方神话中象征着童贞的动物名称:“unicorn”,意为“独角兽”,“Chinese unicorn”就是我们国家神话中的“麒麟”。
Sagittarius 射手座
Scorpio 天蝎座
Libra 天秤座
拉丁语中天平这种称量工具就叫做“libra”(注意不是大写),象征着平衡、权衡和考虑。古罗马有一个重量单位叫做“磅”,缩写就是“lb”,注意这个并不是现代英制当中的“磅”,那时的重量相当于大约十二盎司,现代英制中的一磅是十六盎司。还有生活中的这两个词要知道,“metric system”是我们国家实行的“公制”;“imperial system”是英语国家实行的“英制”。
普通的天平或秤就叫做“balance”,它也有“平衡”的意思。美国三权分立中的权利制衡就叫“the System of Checks and Balances”。这些和政治相关的话题我以前在课上经常说,后来发现学生不感兴趣我就删掉了,这样枯燥的话题想找到学生的共鸣的确不容易,不过还是希望有心的同学关注一下美国政治的优劣,这会使得我们对国家体制的看法更加成熟。
“scale”这个单词的含义相当复杂,大致有如下几个名词含义,当然还有对应的动词含义,“鳞”,“鳞状物”,“锈迹”,“刻度”,“比例尺”,“等级”,“规模”。大家发现这些含义都和“一层一层的东西”相关,因为拉丁语中的“skand-”词素表示“梯子”,所以自然引申出来这些和“攀登”、“爬行”相关的含义,另外还有同源词:“scan浏览,扫描”,“ascend上升”,“descend下降”,“transcend超越”, “escalator自动扶梯”。
Virgo 处女座
“virgin”这个词小写的话含义是很广的,名词有如下几个含义“处女”,“贞洁女子(这里指的是发过宗教誓言将会保持贞洁的未婚女子)”,“The Virgin Mary圣母玛丽亚,即耶稣的母亲,许多宗教中至高无上的完美女人”和“没有经过交配的雌性动物”;形容词的含义有“处女的”,“纯净的”,“未开垦的”和“天然的”。我们可以用到这些词:“virgin forest原始森林”,“virgin territory处女地”,“virgin speech第一次演讲”等等。
接下来再说一个形近的词根部分,拉丁语中“vir”表示“男性”,我找了很久也没找到它和“virgin”的词源关系,想来它们应该是拉丁语中形近的两个完全不同的词。古罗马文化中男子气总和优点、美德联系在一起,于是产生了“virtue美德”这样的词,古英语中的词wer和wyf则分别用以指“男人” 和“女人”,在当时有偏见的社会中女人相关的词总是作为男性单词的附属品出现。后来中古英语时期man取代了wer这个词,变成现在通用的“男人”的意义了,而wyfman这个词演变成了今天的woman。之后的单词大家不妨也记一记:“virago悍妇”,“virile男性的,精力充沛的”, “virtuoso演奏能手,艺术名家”,还有“werewolf”就是大家熟悉的西方传说中在月圆之夜会变身的狼人。
Leo 狮子座
动物世界当中有很多种狮子,比如“mountain lion”就是美洲狮,大家肯定熟悉它另外一个名字,就是“puma”,当然有时也作“cougar”;“leopard”这个词就是“美洲豹”,来自于 “pard”表示“豹”这种猫科动物的统称,所以“leopard”是“像狮子一样凶猛的豹子”。还有大家熟悉的英国名车“捷豹”就叫“Jaguar”,翻译成“美洲豹”或“美洲虎”,目前译名不统一,大家会读就够了。
英语当中和“lion”相关的成语有很多,因为英美文化当中的百兽之王当之无愧的是狮子而不是老虎,我想说说“lion in the way”和“loin’s share”这两个成语。
“lion in the way”字面的意思是“路上有狮子拦路”,比喻裹足不前,害怕困难,总是凭空设想一些不存在的困难或危机。语出自《圣经》,《旧约》第二十六章记载:The lazy person says, “There is a lion in the road! There is a lion in the streets!”(懒惰者说,道上有猛狮,街上有猛狮。)懒惰的人足不出户,过着衣来伸手,饭来张口的生活,仍旧抱怨外面四处是危险,还给自己一个冠冕堂皇的理由。
另一个“lion’s share”是一个更常用的成语,比喻最大的份额,也比喻仗势欺人、恃强凌弱。语出自《伊索寓言》(Aesop’s Fables)。一天狮子、狐狸和驴子合伙出去打猎,获得许多猎物,狮子让驴子分配这些猎物,驴子小心翼翼地把它们平均分成了三份,狮子见状大怒,于是马上撕碎了驴子,然后又叫狐狸来分,狐狸把几乎所有的猎物都堆到狮子的面前,只留下一点给自己,狮子高兴地问狐狸:“我的好伙伴,是谁教你这样分的?”狐狸回答说:“我是看到驴子的下场后从他那学来的。”(旁白:狐狸最后这句话说得真直,估计说完后也被狮子撕碎啦。)
同时“Leo”也是一个西方男性的英语名字,不算特别常见,接下来的用英语说:A famous bearer of this name was Leo Tolstoy(1828-1910), a Russian writer and philosopher whose great works include "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina"
Cancer 巨蟹座
巨蟹座叫做“Cancer”,之所以和英语中“癌症”同名是因为早期医学的研究发现癌细胞的扩散方向和巨蟹座的星相非常类似,于是就用 “Cancer”给癌症命了名,大家别把这个名字翻译成什么“癌症星座”。虽然“Cancer”这个词有这个不太好不太常用的含义,但是它还有一个意思是 “社会恶习,社会毒瘤”,大家可以用在写作当中,例如“A cancer has spread through the whole community”(一种社会恶习扩散到了整个社区。)
出生于巨蟹座的人(One who is born under the sign of Cancer)英语当中有两种表达方法,一个是“Crab”,另一个是“moonchild”,当然为了避免歧义我们很少说:“I am a Cancer”(我就是癌症)。“Crab”这个词是“蟹”这种甲壳纲动物的统称,产生了一个有用的词叫“crabby”,意思是形容词“爱发牢骚的,坏脾气的”,不过我想不清楚螃蟹和脾气暴躁有什么联系,英美生活当中还有一种常见的食品叫做“crabcake”,好像就叫“蟹糕”。这个词的形近词和近义词是“cranky”,形容词“坏脾气的,易怒的”。“moonchild”这个词源于与巨蟹座和月亮相关的占星术,这个词听起来给人的感觉特别好, “I am a moonchild”(我是巨蟹座的或我是“月亮的孩子”)。
Gemini 双子座
希腊神话中有一个著名的Castor和Pollux兄弟的典故。在一次搏斗中,Castor被杀,Pollux不愿比哥哥长寿,请求Zeus赐死,Zeus被他们的手足之情感动了,于是把他们变为天上的双子星座永远相伴。这两兄弟在英语中有一个合称,叫做“Dioscuri”,我们可以说:“Castor is one of the Dioscuri”。“Castor”在天文学术语中叫做“北河二”,是双子星座双星中的一颗,并且是这组星中最明亮的,距地球约46光年。“Pollux”则叫做“北河三”,是双子星座中的一颗亮星。
Taurus 金牛座
金牛座这个词来自于表示“牛”的词根:“tauro-”,它产生的单词除了“Taurus”以外,还有“toreador”和“torero”,都指的是西班牙斗牛士,当然,斗牛士更加常用的词是“matador” 和“bullfighter”。最近一期《三联生活周刊》写的是西班牙文化年寻踪,里面有关于西班牙著名的斗牛运动的介绍,我本来一直认为斗牛是一件非常残暴的事情,不忍心观看,这项运动虽然表现了人的勇敢,但毕竟对动物是残忍的,后来发现斗牛的下场和一般肉用牛的下场是一样的,只不过死的场所不同罢了,一个死得惊心动魄,一个死得默默无闻,所以,这个嘛,既然要反对斗牛,先做个素食主义者吧。最后还有一个GRE单词叫“taurine”,形容词词义是“公牛的”,名词词义是“牛磺酸”,可记可不记。
Aries 白羊座
其他就没有什么单词好说了,嘿嘿!不过还要说一句,英语中表示星座的单词同时还可以表示出生于这个星座的人,比如说:“I bet you are an Aries”(我敢打赌你是白羊座的。)
白羊座英文 Aries,缩写 Ari ;金牛座英文 Taurus,缩写 Tau;双子座英文 Genimi,缩写 Gem
巨蟹座英文 Cancer,缩写 Cnc;狮子座英文 Leonis,缩写 Leo;处女座英文 Virgo,缩写 Vir
天秤座英文 Libra,缩写 Lib;天蝎座英文 Scorpius,缩写 Sco;射手座英文 Sagittarius,缩写 Sgr
摩羯座英文Capricornus,缩写 Cap;水瓶座英文 Aguarius,缩写 Agr;双鱼座英文 Pisces,缩写 Psc
以春分点为0°,自春分点(即黄道零度)算起,每隔30° 为一宫,并以当时各宫内所包含的主要星座来命名,依次为白羊、金牛、双子、巨蟹、狮子、室女、天秤、天蝎、人马、摩羯、宝瓶、双鱼等宫,称之为黄道十二宫 。总计为十二个星群。