白羊座英文 Aries,缩写 Ari ;金牛座英文 Taurus,缩写 Tau;双子座英文 Genimi,缩写 Gem
巨蟹座英文 Cancer,缩写 Cnc;狮子座英文 Leonis,缩写 Leo;处女座英文 Virgo,缩写 Vir
天秤座英文 Libra,缩写 Lib;天蝎座英文 Scorpius,缩写 Sco;射手座英文 Sagittarius,缩写 Sgr
摩羯座英文Capricornus,缩写 Cap;水瓶座英文 Aguarius,缩写 Agr;双鱼座英文 Pisces,缩写 Psc
以春分点为0°,自春分点(即黄道零度)算起,每隔30° 为一宫,并以当时各宫内所包含的主要星座来命名,依次为白羊、金牛、双子、巨蟹、狮子、室女、天秤、天蝎、人马、摩羯、宝瓶、双鱼等宫,称之为黄道十二宫 。总计为十二个星群。
According to this song guess my theme 星座MV The 12 horoscope Aries 白羊 03210321-0419 The fire element of Arise brings assertive "I''energy TIPS:Your persistepersiste-nce will lealead you to success But your impulsive temper may cause problems Taurus 金牛座 04200420-0520 The Earth element of Taurus brings strength and the desire for solid ground form and sla nd TIPS: stubborn, TIPS: You might b e a little bit slowwitted, but you r consistency will make it up Gemini 05210521-0621 The Air element of Gemini b rings communication intell communication ect and speed Inquisitive, witty, perceptive, adaptable, and seeks out information TIPS: TIPS: Your mutable motimotivation brings adaptability Cancer 062206220722 Cancer’s element is Water Symbolic of the emotions, w ater signs need to give and r eceive emotional, protective, and wants inner and outer security TIPS: Good memory is your born gift Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, in novate, and lead Proud, gregarious, TIPS: TIPS: But remember to selfbalance selfconfidence with humility Leo 072307230822 Virgoworks hard to stability An alytical, critical, modest, helpful, and works toward perfection TIPS: TIPS: A good educational back ground is important Diligence i s your advantage Virgo 08230823-0922 Libra represents the Air element It is a sign that is more extroverted an d active beauty, and seeks balance, relationship, and calmness TIPS: TIPS: Your great need t o share; to be fair and i mpartial will help you a l ot Libra 09230923-1023 Scorpio is a Water element, and this makes it a some what enigmatic sign desires to transform and remove outer masks TIPS: Study would never be a problem for Scorpio You j ust need more confidence Scorpio 102410241121 Sagittarius 1122-1220 sagittarius is Fire energy Th is is a very active, , open minded, loves freedom, and seeks meaning and new experience TIPS: You definitely have ta lent But you still have to concentrate more I feel the description is not too accurate,Because my accurate,Because constellation is this Capricorn 1221-0120 Capricorn is the lea der of the Earth sig ns Industrious, practical, disciplined, and works for solitude and personal integrity TIPS: Patience and c aution are your adva ntages Aquarius 0121-0219 Ruled by shocking Ura nus,Aquarius is ve ry much epitomes the planet that inspires it TIPS: Aquarius ha s a lot of adaptabili ty But you may try many man new things but end u p mastering none Pisces 0220-0320 Pisces is a Water el ement Ruled by myst ical Neptune, This s ign is extremely rec eptive, compassionat e, TIPS: Lack of ego strength can make yo u feel helpless 火象星座:白羊座、狮子座、射手座 土象星座:摩羯座、金牛座、处女座 水象星座:巨蟹座、天蝎座、双鱼座 风象星座:天秤座、水瓶座、双子座 火的特征是行动、着魔、精力 土的特征是功效、实际、稳健 水的特征是情感、同情心、洞悉力 风的特征是接受力、智力、灵感 Thank You
Gemini 双子座。