

#英语资源# 导语父亲的一生是光明磊落的一生,虽然晚年没有几个朋友但是父亲的为人正直善良是我永远的榜样。下面是 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


 I love my father Although he is a little fat and he often comes home late, I know he is making money Although he can't accompany me to the park, I know he loves me Dad, I love you too Happy father's Day! I know you can hear it I know you're socializing again Good night, Dad

My father has a pair of black eyes, but his eyes are often suffused with red blood His eye sockets are blue, showing fatigue and sleepiness for many days There are more and more crow's feet in the corners of his eyes Fortunately, Dad's big eyes are bright and deep, always shining brightly With his gray rimmed glasses, he looks like a big doctor

I remember at noon last Monday, the teacher assigned too many Chinese and math homework I buried myself in hard work and finally finished my homework Looking at my watch, "Oh, it's almost two o'clock!" I was startled because I was most afraid of being late I must not be in a hurry to walk to school What should I do By the way, ask dad to ride a motorcycle to see me off! My hanging heart fell to the ground slightly When I ran into my father's bedroom, my father was still sleeping in! I pushed my father hard and gave an order: "Dad, come on! Take me to school!" Dad opened his tired eyelids, rubbed his bloodshot eyes, and reluctantly looked at me: "go on foot!" I was angry and shouted, "Dad, I'm not in a hurry!" Mom helped dad speak: "Dad went to the workshop in the middle of the night last night and didn't come back until 3:30 Just walk to school by yourself!" I was so angry that I ran to school I thought as I ran: hum, smelly Dad! If you don't send me to school, see how I "clean up" you in the evening!

In the evening, I came home angrily Dad seemed to have never happened He was watching his TV leisurely and contentedly His eyes glittered with more than a smile Looking at my father's proud face, I said angrily, "smelly Dad! You look like you don't care about yourself!" Suddenly, my father looked at me with a smile: "Kai Jun, what kind of food do you have in the evening" I thought dad ignored me! As expected, Dad's eyes were full of loving light I was influenced by my father's eyes and was stunned Forget it, dad works too hard! He works during the day and doesn't go home until more than 10 pm If there is a technical problem in the workshop, he has to deal with it in the middle of the night My mother said that my father only slept for two or three hours last night, "I'd better forgive my father!"

I watched TV with relish My father came up to me, rolled his smiling eyes, made a face at me, and then hurried to buy vegetables


 The third Sunday in June, father's day As my father's daughter, it's natural for me to be filial to my father So I went to my mother to discuss how to make my father happy However, my mother and I discussed for a long time, but we didn't come up with a way Later, I came up with a good idea I immediately said to my mother, "my father has a lot of beard and often grows out And he is busy, so I want to buy a razor for my father Let him shave his beard as soon as he is free Mom, what do you say" "Well, boy, it's nice of you to think of it!" Don't mention how happy I am

So my mother and I came to a specialty store There are so many things in that shop! But I thought I was here to buy a razor So I went straight to the razor counter I chose for a while and saw a silver shaver, which was both beautiful and practical, and the price was not expensive So I took out the money I had accumulated from frugality, gave it to my boss, took the silver razor and left with my mother Out of the store, my mother said to me, "it's not good to give your father something Go and buy another one, okay" "Yes, but I don't have much money with me" "That doesn't matter I have money here" So I went to the blue house with my mother, a shop specializing in greeting cards and gifts When I entered the store, I immediately began to choose I chose a lovely little greeting card After reading it, my mother said that my eyes are really good

When I got home, I immediately wrote my blessing to my father on the card Then I put it with the razor and waited patiently

When my father came home from work, I immediately greeted him and handed him gifts and greeting cards Father saw this particularly precious gift and couldn't wait to see it When he saw the gift, his mouth opened into an "O" shape After a while, he reacted and kissed and hugged me My father also said that I have grown up and become sensible!


 Father's Day is the third Sunday in June every year On this day, I will think of my father He is still busy every day He always says "tired, overwhelmingly tired, tired every day" I always love him very much At this time, I always think that my father is really like a mountain No matter how tired and difficult it is, he can overcome it I admire him very much

"My father is a mountain, with its physique and majesty; my father is a mountain, with its strength and majesty; I used to stand at the top of this mountain, climb the Great Wall, swim the sea and see the famous mountains and rivers of the motherland" These words are not bad at all My father is really capable, especially hardworking; My father is also very humorous, always joking with me and my mother; My father often takes us out to travel, go for a ride on the beach, climb Mount Lushan and enjoy the great rivers and mountains of the motherland My father and I have been together for many years, but he has worked in other places in the past two years I miss him very much and miss him very much I often bless him silently in my heart and wish him smooth work and good health

I often think that he is alone and no one takes care of him I feel that he must be very lonely and want to accompany him, but I usually have to go to school If I could have an aircraft, I could fly to him and see him How nice it would be! But none of this can become a reality I can only say "happy holidays" to him in the microphone He didn't know that today was his holiday My father felt both excited and excited when he heard my blessing

Father's Day is also a holiday for me and my father, because I will become a father when I grow up, and I will become a father like a mountain!


 Today is father's day My father is still working in the hair salon I have nothing to do at home I just remembered that today is father's day I don't have any paper jam at home I only have a small paper jam, but it's too small I draw well, but it takes too long I can only write Braille to my father

I wrote an article at home I finished it, but I saw that the gift made by the kindergarten children to my father was 100 times better than my gift I was worried that my father didn't like it, but I went downstairs to the hair salon to show it to my father My father said I would play with him with a piece of paper He didn't look at what was written in it at all I was full of tears I cried and wrote my homework My father finally saw what I wrote I had seen my father's eyes wet He finally said that this is the most precious gift


 When father's day came, I said to my father, "Dad, you've worked hard"

Today is the greatest day in the world - father's day It is said that "father's love is as heavy as a mountain", so I decided to go to Yingkou old street with my father in the afternoon and walk with my father to express my heart

When I got up today, a bowl of delicious noodles appeared in front of my father When dad finished eating, he found a plastic bag with a note on it that said, "Dad, you've worked hard" After reading, a song rippled in my father's ear At this time, I appeared and said, "Dad, you've worked hard!"

At this time, I saw that my father's eyes were red After a while, father's tears slowly flowed down This festival let me know that my father didn't cry, but didn't reach a certain level If he reached a certain level, he would still cry

After this festival, I will study hard and repay my father for the hard work of picking me up and sending me every day with my actual results, so that my father can live a happy life every day


 Father's love is like a mountain, and the great Bank of the mountain is my warm harbor; Father's love is like fire, and the warmth of fire can illuminate my whole heart; Father's love is like a pair of thick hands, the strength of which holds up a sky for me; Father's love is a look of approval, which can make me have the courage to stand up after falling

What a great and great love father love is!

This year's father's Day is coming What gift are you going to give your dear father An ordinary greeting card, a warm word, a box of exquisite cards, a small item All these can represent your love for your father

Did your father ask you to do anything on father's day What did you do Although it is said that this day is the festival of all fathers in the world But fathers are still fearless and do nothing to make money for you They would rather waste every minute to make money

Did you see it on father's day Father's white hair, how much more, don't you feel bad Father's white hair can be increased because of you! Let's study hard to keep our father's white hair from increasing

I love you, my father I wish you: "happy holidays and good health"


 With Liu Hegang's "father", another year's father's day came If mother's love is like water, then father's love is mountain; If maternal love is a trickle, then paternal love is a rolling cloud Yes, father's love is as tall and firm as a mountain Father's love, every bit, every drop is worth our careful taste Father's love, like mother's love, is the greatest love in the world

My father is much older When I ran yesterday morning, I saw several old people who were familiar with me queuing up at the hospital The government gave the elderly a physical examination free of charge As soon as you finish running, go straight to your parents' house When my mother asked my father, I knew that my father had already gone to the hospital and lined up I hurried back to the hospital to accompany my father for a physical examination Father looked very happy to see me coming Many elderly people come for physical examination Fortunately, they come according to the number of people in each village with the appointment form In fact, this physical examination is a routine examination Some rural elderly people have not had a physical examination in their whole life The government really cares about the elderly After more than two hours, my father's various examinations were completed, and the results still need to wait a few days After the physical examination, I went home with my father My father's back looked more hunchback and faltered when walking Suddenly, I felt sad

In my memory, my father has always been a man of few words, not as gentle and exposed as my mother, not as always telling in my ear as my mother The writer Bing Xin once said that "father's love is silent If you feel it, it's not father's love" Father's love has always been silent Only after a long time, can we really feel that selfless love!

Father's love is real, without gorgeous words and intimate affectation Father's love is heavy and will not be expressed directly But father's love is in my heart: printed the deepest, the longest time limit, the most astringent feeling and benefit It's a high mountain, forever for children - under the shelter of the mountain

Say to all the fathers in the world, "you've worked hard!" I wish all fathers a happy holiday! Good health!


 Father's day It's today Everyone must ask me, how did my father celebrate the festival without attending Please keep looking down!

Today is father's day My mother and I agreed early to go to my grandmother's house for father's day So, the first thing when I wake up in the morning is to be busy doing my homework so that I can have more time to play for a while Because I wrote Chinese and math yesterday, I just need to finish writing English today

Soon, the homework was finished We hurried downstairs to buy some fruit and went straight to grandma's house It's really hot today After a while, I was sweating

When I came to grandma's house, my little brother greeted me with a smile, "I miss you so much, I miss you so much!" We also gave a warm hug As soon as I turned around, when I saw my little brother, I launched an attack on the computer with him I didn't find a big miracle and was completely immersed in the game

While eating, I suddenly found that there was no father on the table today In addition to the mother, it is our three future fathers Aha! Father's Day is different What's father's day like today We only eat, drink and have fun, but the fathers who support the family are still busy making a living

Later I learned that grandpa had gone away to talk about business; Dad can't come back temporarily; Uncle and little uncle are also busy with their work It is said that father's love is like a mountain, and father's love is great I really appreciate it today Fathers are really hard! It's really great!

At this moment, I think of playing games with my father; Think of the ridiculous appearance when fighting with my father; I think of too many pictures with my father However, today is Dad's holiday, but dad is not at home Can't you say it's another father's day


 With the progress of the times, western festivals flood into China like a flood Valentine's day, mother's day and Christmas are often talked about, but father's Day is ignored

Maybe people forget, maybe people ignore, maybe people have never noticed In the flying greeting cards, only less is sent to their father, and in the endless blessings, only less is given to their father Father's tolerance and magnanimity took care of everything and never cared about anything But when I looked at my father's gray sideburns, crow's feet and bent figure, I felt a trace of guilt

Once upon a time, I was always coquettish in front of my father When I was young, my father was always duty bound to bear my weight and let me ride on his neck to "stand out from the crowd" and have a panoramic view of the Bund My father tried his best in the crowd and fought alone in the crowd The moving scene was still clearly printed in my mind

Once upon a time, when I was wronged, my father's broad chest was my shelter Young and vigorous, I am not familiar with the world, and my stubborn character makes me hit a wall everywhere At this time, my father smiled and gently wiped away the tears on my face and talked with me Talk about the relationship between people, talk about the meaning of life, comfort my wound, and tell me what people live for

Once upon a time, when I fell into an inexplicable complex, my father raised the navigation light for me, led me out of the annoying vortex, and summoned up the courage to stand on the starting line of the competition

Once upon a time, the father was mixed with annoying family contradictions He "attacked" his wife and mother on both sides and tried his best to support and maintain the family I saved some private money from breakfast and lunch and sent it all to my poor brother in the countryside, but I was reluctant to add a new dress People in the unit almost regarded him as an "antique"

When people sing their mother's Hymn, I think of my father Can we forget our father

My father is great I love my father, but I have never confessed If I lose another opportunity like father's day, I'm afraid I'll leave more than regret

Someone once said, "when I was a child, my father was omnipotent; when I was young, my father was antique; when I was middle-aged, my father was redundant; the most common thing that old people say is" when my father said "Why don't you know how to cherish when you have it, and don't feel his precious until you lose it Seize the opportunity to buy a bunch of carnations on the third Sunday in June this year, take a greeting card, send your love and say, "father, I love you!"


 There are two days left for father's day My heart is beating rapidly I racked my brains and couldn't think of any gift for my hard-working father!

So I'm going to carry out a mysterious secret operation this morning

Just before six o'clock in the morning, I hurried out of bed and hid It was a very humble corner, so I could see outside, but I couldn't see outside When Dad gets up, I will monitor his every move to see if I can find the gift that should be given to him in his life

However, my father was almost nothing special in the morning He washed his face and brushed his teeth the same as before At this time, my father saw me looking at him in a corner He was a little confused "Jiangang, come here!" Ah! My father found my hiding place, so I had to walk towards my father obediently, "what are you doing there" Of course I can't reveal this big secret, so I said "play!"

"What fun is there" Dad asked, "don't be there in the future!" I might as well obey orders as respect, and quickly replied, "Oh! Oh!" I was scared to death I thought I would wear a gang! Luckily I'm smart

At nine o'clock in the morning, I found the secret that my father seldom smiles because of his work, so I must make a mysterious gift that can give my father happiness before father's Day!

At this time, I crossed one in front of me, that is

When my father was off duty, I flew behind my father and jumped on my father's back Now my father had a coke and played with me

Because I thought that I can give my father happiness, because we are all my parents My parents love us, so we should also give loving parents My parents give us gifts We look very humble, but after all, it is the love of my parents! We give mom and dad a gift, but they are very happy That's because it's a respect and love we give mom and Dad, so we should repay our parents who work hard for us with good grades!



My father is a kind man He is not very tall but he is a man of perseverance He works very hard and his services are highly appreciated My father is a man of devotion Every morning he gets up the earliest to make breakfast for us In the evening, he is always the late to e back home At weekends, he always takes us to go outing in his car He is a man of few words, but he often says to me "A little learning is a dangerous thing" I will always remember these words I love my father very much

我的父亲是一个善良的人。他是一家之主,是一个有毅力的人。他工作很努力,并且他的工作态度受到高度赞赏。他热爱钓鱼,几乎每天都会去钓鱼,总是满载而归。我父亲的厨艺也很不错,他总是说“我的厨艺绝对不比大厨差”。在周末,他还是去公司上班,很勤奋。 我的父亲不像其他人的父亲一样,总是要求自己的孩子去上补习班,而是尊重我的意见。 我非常爱我的父亲。


My father is not tall He has two all but bright eyes and a all mouth

My father is a very severe man He is very strict with me Every night,he asks me what I have learnt in the day, and helps me with my homework Every morning,at six o'clock,he asks me to get up to read some English texts loudly Sometime he is serious,but I know he is fond of me

He often goes to the bookshop and buys a lot of books for me If I want something,he always says,“If you study well,I will buy it for you "Sometimes I am afraid of him, but I love him very much

My father is good at cooking If you e to my home for dinner, you will be surprised and cant's help saying, “very delicious!"

My father is a hardworking driver He gets up early every day,and is never late for work His colleagues also like him Very much I think my father is a very good man








My father is a classic Chinese father He doesn't talk much, but I know he loves me so much One time, I don’t feel liking eating anything because of the hot weather, my father goes out of the house and carry a lot of my favorite snacks I feel so moved His love is so strong, I love my father










My Father

My father is of middle height His eyes are sharp and full of expression He always appears serious and looks like a judge At first sight you may think he is hard to come near In fact he is very kind and thoughtful① of others and their feelings Appearance often makes people think wrongly; therefore we cannot give an opinion about a person by appearance

My father is a man of success By his own talents and efforts, he has achieved great achievements in what he does He has not only created wealth for society but also provided our family with a rich life Now he is well-known to people all over the city People of all walks of life②come to my house and, as a result, I gain lots of hard-earned social experiences③and see more joys and sorrows of the world

At home my father is a severe parent He is very strict with my mother and me He does not allow my mother to accept anything from others He requires that my mother should go to office in time and leave it last He has high expectations of me④ When I am lazy and idling away my time⑤, I can see that it hurts him deeply When I am doing something great, such as carrying out an experiment, he is more than excited With such a father I am always reminded of going on and on, never giving up


①thoughtful['I&:tful] a.体贴的;考虑周到的

②all walks of life 各行各业

③hard-earned social experiences 极为难得的社会经验

④He has high expectations of me 他对我期望很大。

⑤idle away one's time 消磨时间;浪费时光



2)文中有不少值得借鉴的表达方式,如:“be of middle height”,“be full of expression,”“looks like a judge”,“be thoughtful of others”,“a man of success”, “create wealth for society”,“be well-known to people”, “all walks of life”, “have high expectation of sb”, “idle away one's time”等。



  Home very late tonight, dad, the day slowly becomes dark, the fragrance of osmanthus flowers also disappeared without a trace, the stars are winking bright big eyes, slowly breeze caressed my cheeks, bustling street people mountain people sea, aunt some are dancing in the square, look, the children are learning to aunts crept up the beautiful square dance, let the street is full of vitality

  So late dad so also didn't come home so late, my homework is almost ready

  I angry nasty, in my heart silently thinking: hum! Dad you how don't go home so late, I don't eat tonight, to grieve you!

  At 6:30, I become more and more angry, "ding dong," my father in the ring the bell, I frowned, and opened the door, just start as long as to returned to the room

  Time flies, father of the rice is cooked

  Dad called me: "MAO Kui to dinner wait to do the homework"

  "I don't eat, who call you didn't go home so late" I said angrily

  "What do you want to eat, I go home so late is not to you, otherwise you meal every day, where come of money to buy clothes! You also too outrageous, come out to dinner!"

  "Said I had, I just don't eat, don't bother me"

  Father was angry at this moment, had a big stick to the attic, frighten my legs always shake out quickly

  Father loudly said to me: "go to dinner, or I will kill you today!"

  Reluctantly, I scared to the table to eat up the dinner

  At this moment, I suddenly found that dad's black hair for a few more silk silver hair, my nose become sour, tears in her eyes turned on

  Is this deep love


  today i was at the shopping mall and i spent a lot of time reading the father’s day cards they all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how i feel about you yet as i selected and read, and selected and read again, it occurred to me that not a single card said what i really want to say to you

  you’ll soon be 84 years old, dad, and you and i will have had 55 father’s days together i haven’t always been with you on father’s day nor have i been with you for all of your birthdays it wasn’t because i didn’t want to be with you i’ve always been with you in my heart but sometimes life gets in the way

  you know, dad, there was a time when we were not only separated by the generation gap but completely polarized by it you stood on one side of the great divide and i on the other, father and daughter split apart by age and experience, opinions, hairstyles, cosmetics, clothing, curfews, music, and boys

  the father-daughter duel of ’54 shifted into high gear when you taught me to drive the old dodge and i decided i would drive the ‘54 chevy whether you liked it or not the police officer who escorted me home after you reported the chevy stolen late one evening was too young to understand father-daughter politics and too old to have much tolerance for a snotty 16 year old you were so decent about it, dad, and i think that was probably what made it the worst night of my life


  I have a good father, father's nose high, big eyes, short stature and thin, but my father can be handsome, my father is also very good, good heart

  Every time I asked Dad to take me to where, Dad would take me there Once, my father scolded me, because I played computer for five or six hours that day, and that day, how long I cried, dad did not comfort me, I knew Dad was for me, but I was very angry, after five or six days I apologized to my father I said, "Dad was wrong on that day I'm sorry" Dad said: "my daughter, Zhicuojiugai is a good child, not the same again, understand" "Yes" Dad, I see

  Since then, my father did not beat and scold me, this world I most love my father

  I want to say to the children in the world: we must cherish our parents


  My father is a happy person He is happy all day long He uses his mother's words to say that people are good at being bullied, and why they are not angry

  He was a bookworm He spent about an hour in the toilet every day Every time he went in, he had to take a book Once, I was ready to touch and touch several books when I was ready to take paper It was really nice and funny He also said: "boast without shame that a book is a biography of Jiabao, hidden in a secret area"

  One time, I read the book while eating Oreo, accidentally sprinkled a few pieces of chips into the book, and dropped the oil stains My father was very angry I was so angry that I threw out my palm to beat me I hurried to surrender Dad let me go

  That was the most interesting, noon, dinner, mother yelled us to eat, I immediately ran to the past, dad said wait a moment, after a while, still not see him come, I went to see, he said: "eat, and eat very full" I don't think he has eaten a mouthful yet My mother and I were laughing out of breath

  This is my dad fan!


  My father has a tall and strong figure I looked up, and his body as a mountain made me feel steadfast Dad is a violent temper A pair of small eyes are black and bright like black pearls A bright, wide enough to make people tremble

  Whenever I made any mistakes, he would glare at me and teach me later Let me get a cool back

  My father is a good father though he is a bit short tempered

  I remember the winter of that year It was very cold and strong It was very cold He came to school on a bicycle to pick me up I didn't have gloves He brought down his gloves for me He forgot that he had a very strong chilblain on his hands, and when he got home, he was too cold to hold the key I felt a pain in my heart I hurried to help him open the door, and poured hot water for Dad to warm his hands

  There are many things like this, my father, he is like a glove in the winter, giving me warmth; he is like an umbrella in the rain, and let me not get wet; he is a warrior who will protect me in danger

  My father, a good temper, but a great father who loves me very much

父亲节 是一个感恩的日子,父亲节即将到来,你会怎么过这一天呢,下面就是我给大家带来的父亲节优秀 英语 作文 精选10篇,希望大家喜欢!


Students, although the holiday is established by foreigners first, but it expressed the people all over the world for his father's respect and love their elders, therefore, we should also remember this festival This beautiful holiday has already been in the past, however, respect for elders and love is never in the past The classmates, mom and dad gave us life, they raising we grow up with both hands, with their hands always in our ears Mom and dad loved us, we should also like birds and leaves as well, with the same love in return them If you like, let us use the spirit of love life, love of learning to evict them, bring them happiness and joy!

Finally, I hope we can in the later study and life remember parents gratefulness, using a grateful attitude towards parents have done for us When parents birthday on father's day, the mother's day comes, don't forget to send a blessing for them, a greeting


Because my father has a stern face, always thought he out-of-touch; Because my father arrive early, always thought his indifference to me; Because my father used to continue efforts to "feed me hold full marks of the examination paper of pride, always thought his indifference, until the stormy night, truly understand the father's heart

I can quietly sit on his father's motorcycle, wearing his father's coat Car drove very fast, I can't help hide behind the father, wide, like a fledgling, wet behind the ears of the fish timidly hiding under the eagle in a robust and strong wings Casual encounters father cold cold wrist My hand like an electric shock the suddenly shrink back, father only wore a thin T-shirt! I can't, of course, after sitting in the car, "dad!" I call a sound gently, but never know the wind speed is too big or other reason, I didn't even hear calls, a father My eyes slightly blurred, but hidden in the hair hair tip needle general once again deeply hurt my eyes, time and tide wait for no man! The footprints of time each step in my heart On the corner of my eyes moist, chung in the heart a sense of warm, I tightly against the father, I want to convey my warm in my heart to him Quietly tears slowly, down his cheeks


Is father's day on June 16, in a minute, I'm going to in tomorrow dad a father's day gift, because dad usually are very good to me, but send what good All of a sudden, I think can send father on father's day CARDS

To send the father's day greeting card, I took out a piece of paper to draw up, I drew a very lovely boy is laughing because I hope dad can also be as happy as he is

I often am especially busy dad came home he haven't back to I get out of bed he didn't, so we together of the time is very precious Although he was particularly busy but he will still have some time, and I play with a sometimes I failed the exam scores it smiled said nothing work harder next time try to do a good job in the result, when I was coming home with good grades, he'll be happy but after a while he is very seriously not proud

Do I put it after the father's day CARDS to dad's document generation, hope he will be very happy after see tomorrow

The next day, when my dad came back from work, I saw my father was very happy, I know dad must see I sent to his father's day, and greeting CARDS


Before, I will only a children's bicycle, dad behind the two small wheels are removed, I learned two times, has been haven't learned to ride My idea is: in order not to let dad worry I later can't ride a bike to do, today, I must go to learn, to father a the biggest surprise This is the best gift to give to my father for father's day

Eat a meal in the evening, I let my father took me to the square of learning to ride a bicycle At first, front is always supposed to I grasp the bad direction, I was too tired to full head big sweat Dad taught me a good idea, I keep the car in the left pedal pedal, pedal right on the ground, ran a son to keep the car in the right pedal pedal, so riding stability, but car pedal son always touch my right leg, so painful! I live on, keep practicing Through their own efforts, I finally learned to ride a bike Dad said I really cool, I smiled happily

On the way home, my father told me: learning is like learning to ride a bicycle, as long as you work hard, does not fear endures hardship, we will be able to learn! Listen to dad's words, I was reminded of hua luogeng grandpa's words, "genius is gained by accumulation, clever lies in hard work" I think in my heart silently, in the future must study, to work hard

Back home, and I myself do a greeting card in advance to dad, that is a small liuxue86 lantern, it reads "I wish my father happy father's day!" Dad saw, said happily: "wow, what a beautiful card Thank you, baby" Dad said, and hung it on my desk

Today night, I will make a sweet dream


I alone chair to sit by the window, listening to the sound of the rain big wutong, dribs and drabs, heart broken, it sounds as if the hammer in the depth of my heart, and knock over his heart the softest place, my face calm, but the heart is like the spring water is rough

Look at those long years and calloused hands, my heart for a long time can't stop, time loss on his push-pull on his shoulder, the burden of life is inseparable from its backbone, again painstakingly again tired, also want to hold up the sun of tomorrow "Father" a common word, is expecting her extraordinary life How many literati, or her, not limited to praise the great maternal love, but little about father's love

If I had a mother's love is to have been blooming lily, in every corner, sending out the fragrance, then a father is a plant jasmine, it in every corner quietly blowing its fresh fragrance, has only praise the greatness of a mother's love, but who knows the father loves the reservation

Visible father how ordinary, but I believe that this love is not ordinary, because that's father, went into his world, I can understand the true meaning of love non-trace


Father's day is the third Sunday of June each year, on this day, I will think of my father, also in the busy every day, he always said a word "tired, with tired, too tired to help every day" I always love him very much, whenever at this time, I always think of dad really like mountain, again tired again hard to live, he can overcome, I admire him very much

"Dad is a mountain, the mountain body, with the invasion of the mountain Dad is a mountain, has a strength of the mountain, the majesty of the mountain; I stood before the mountains, go to climb the Great Wall, go to swim in the sea, and go to the famous mountains and great rivers of the motherland" These words were a little pretty good also My father is capable, especially can bear hardships and stand hard work; Dad also very humorous, always joking with me, my mom; Dad often took us to go out to travel, go to the seaside for a ride, go to climb mount lushan, enjoy great rivers of the motherland My father and I have been together for many years, but he was working in the field over the past two years, I miss him, miss him very much, also is constantly in my heart silently bless him, I wish he work is smooth, health I often think he is not a person take care of him, I think he must be very lonely, want to go to accompany him, but I still go to school If I can have a kind of aircraft, can fly to him and see him, it would be great! But all this can't become a reality I can only in the microphone and he say "happy holidays!" He didn't know today is holiday, dad hear my blessing, feel both excited and is excited

Father's day is also the day for my father and I, because I grew up will also be a father, I will be like a mountain, father!


June _ is a special day - father's day

In the morning, I woke up from my sleep and looked at the alarm clock It was eight o'clock No, it's so late! I wanted to say happy holidays to my father in the morning! I quickly jumped out of bed, washed and hurried downstairs But my right foot had just come downstairs, and my father's left foot had already stepped out of the house It seems that I'm still a little late Alas, the plan failed I had to have breakfast first

At noon, while doing my homework, I tilted my head and listened to the movement downstairs For a while, I couldn't help looking downstairs Suddenly I heard my mother's fierce voice, asked me to revise my homework quickly, and severely criticized me for being half hearted and not serious in my homework I was full of grievances and couldn't say it I bowed my head and said nothing At this time, my father came back and saw that I was criticized again He was also a little distressed My father said, "eat first The rice is cold" But I didn't finish my homework within the specified time and couldn't eat I was going to have dinner with my father, but I missed it again

I'm going to practice dancing again in the evening I was going to make a small gift for my father, but I don't have time Suddenly, I had an idea I grabbed my father's arm and spoiled him to go with me, because I had thought of the holiday gift for my father - I would dance for my father and thank my father for raising me hard

I spent an unforgettable father's day with my father in the beautiful music, in the beautiful dance and in my father's happy eyes


I don't know when it really made my father aware of the existence of father's day I have forgotten what I gave my father, but what I remember most clearly is what I gave my father for the first time My sister and I pooled money to choose shoes with my mother Of course, I don't know where those shoes are, but all I know is that we spent a lot of time choosing them in order to prepare our father's Day gift But when Dad finally received the gift, he didn't show any surprise After that, I won't give dad any gifts anymore

In this way, I will have no impression of what I gave my father! To tell the truth, I was really disappointed at that time We prepared so carefully, but dad didn't say it at all

Last year's father's day, I didn't prepare for anything, because I was just preparing for the exam and it was the weekend The teacher didn't ask for anything, and I didn't make cards However, my aunt called me the night before father's day to remind me that the next day is father's day I should show my father that my father is too hard I should let my father know that I understand his hard work, so, I can only tell my father when I'm about to go back to school Happy holidays, hard work!

So far, I have forgotten whether I have sent my father any greeting cards It seems that I haven't

In fact, sometimes, for other people's gifts, a small expression of oneself affects others' attitude towards their own festivals later At least, know how to be grateful Even a very humble gift, after all, the other party has a heart!


Mother's love is great, but I say father's love is like a mountain That's why I'm thinking about what kind of gift to give my father on father's day

That day, I took the broken pocket money in my hand to the mall to buy gifts for my father I saw that the prices in the store were very high and I couldn't afford it Finally, I walked out of the door of the store with heavy steps and disappointment

I thought of several schemes along the way One was to say thank you to my father face to face, the other was to write a letter and hide it in his pillow, and the third was to wash his feet After comparison and screening, I think I can do what I can to help him wash his feet

I thought of the plan and my home is coming soon I summoned up the courage to open the door I saw my father's kind face, but he was also tired Maybe it was because he was a policeman He always got home very tired and late "Don't surprise me, Dad" I was busy pouring the hot water from the tap into the washbasin, preparing a towel, quietly putting the basin under my feet, asking my father to put his feet into the water and take the water to rub it for my father

"You are really my good child" Dad said to me kindly "Nothing" I continued to wash my father's feet: "this is what I should do You have raised me for ten years I will do one thing for you on father's day Isn't it right You are my good father and I love you forever"


Last weekend, I did nothing at home, so I read the newspaper Suddenly I was attracted by a striking advertisement: "father's Day Sale" It turned out that father's day would be in a few days

Dad has been working hard to support his family and provide for us to study I should take this opportunity to buy him a gift to show my heart After I made up my mind, I took out my savings from my bank and planned to go to the department store to buy gifts

On father's day, there were a lot of people in the department store I had been shopping in various departments for a long time, but I didn't know what to buy Some items are too expensive for me to afford; The cheap father didn't apply Finally, I returned empty handed

When I got home, I decided to spend an afternoon helping my father clean his beloved "master" car, because my father always spent the weekend cleaning his baby car I hope he can spend the weekend leisurely I washed it carefully and wiped it slowly As a result, the whole car took on a new look After finishing the desk, my father felt more tired and tired

When Dad came back from work, he saw his baby car shining, so he asked why When he knew it was my masterpiece, he only praised me for being clever and sensible He said the father's Day gift was practical, he was very satisfied and I was very happy I decided to help my parents often and make them happy every day

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我的父亲英语作文My father

There are three peoples in my family I like my father best He is tall and thin He has straight black hair and black eyes He works hard His hobby is watching TV and cooking Some times, he read newspapers with me He is not lazy Because he like to do some sport I like to play badminton with him My father loves me I love my father too



People always say that love from father is as strong as the mountain, which gives us the great strength to move on In Chinese traditional role, father is described to be a quiet man but the way he loves you can be seen all the time, while love from western father are much obvious There always hug and kiss between children and parents My father is a classic quiet father He doesn't talk much, but he will never miss any moment that is important for me When I have performance in school, he must be one of the audience, no matter how busy he is Before I sleep, he will help me check on my homework I love my father



i have a good fatherhe is a worker My father is a tall man with a pair of glassesEveryone says he is a kind-hearted manHe often helps his neighbours and some strangers whom he doesnt know at allHe has really done a lot for othersI dont like him to do so because I think it has taken him too much timeWhen I discourage him,he always says with a ile,The world needs warm hearts

My father loves his family,and loves his work even betterIn the pany,he is called workaholic He spends most of his time working,and often forgets to have meals or to go to bedAs a result,he doesnt enjoy good healthMy father likes reading in his spare timeHe told me reading was very interestingI became interested in reading little by littleI like books,because they help me in many waysMy father has a bad habit he likes oking very muchI hate itSee,the house is full of okeI know its bad for his health as well as mothers and mineI advise him to give up okingIm sure he will follow my advice some daySuch is my fatherI am proud of having such a good father

我的爸爸 我的爸爸个子高高的,戴着一副眼镜大家都说他是个好心肠的人他经常帮邻居排忧解难,对于一些他压根不认识的陌生人,他也总是尽力相助他为别人真是付出了许多许多我不愿意他这么做,因为这花费了他太多的时间每当我劝阻他时,爸爸总是笑着说:“世界需要热心肠嘛!” 爸爸热爱家庭,更注重事业,公司里的人都叫他“工作狂”他把大部分时间都用于工作,为工作他常常废寝忘食过度的劳累使他的健康状况欠佳爸爸闲暇时爱读书他告诉我,读书很有趣我渐渐地对读书产生了兴趣我爱上了书,因为书对我帮助很大爸爸有个坏习惯——太爱吸菸我不喜欢他抽菸瞧,家里充满了烟味我知道吸菸有害他的健康,对我和妈妈也有害无益我建议他戒菸我相信总有一天他会这么做的这就是我的爸爸,我为有这样的好爸爸而自豪


My father is not tall He has two all but bright eyes and a all mouth

My father is a very severe man He is very strict with me Every night,he asks me what I have learnt in the day, and helps me with my homework Every morning,at six o'clock,he asks me to get up to read some English texts loudly Sometime he is serious,but I know he is fond of me

He often goes to the bookshop and buys a lot of books for me If I want something,he always says,“If you study well,I will buy it for you "Sometimes I am afraid of him, but I love him very much

My father is good at cooking If you e to my home for dinner, you will be surprised and cant's help saying, “very delicious!"

My father is a hardworking driver He gets up early every day,and is never late for work His colleagues also like him Very much I think my father is a very good man







#英语资源# 导语父亲是无言的山,父亲是拉车的牛,父亲是架屋的梁,父亲是渡河的舟,父亲是航行的舵,父亲是火车的头……以下是由 考 网精心收集了描写父亲的英语作文好句子,供大家欣赏学习!


 1、"I watched a small man with thick calluses on both hands work fifteen and sixteen hours a day I saw him once literally bleed from the bottoms of his feet, a man who came here uneducated, alone, unable to speak the language, who taught me all I needed to know about faith and hard work by the simple eloquence of his example" ---Mario Cuomo


 2、"It doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was" ---Anne Sexton


 3、"I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection" ---Sigmund Freud


 4、"That is the thankless position of the father in the family-the provider for all, and the enemy of all" ---J August Strindberg


 5、"One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters" ---English Proverb


 6、"A king, realizing his incompetence, can either delegate or abdicate his duties A father can do neither ---Marlene Dietrich


 7、“A man knows when he is growing old,because he begins to look like his father”---Gabriel Garcia Marquez



 1 it is a wise father that knows his own child - william shakespeare


 2 that is the thankless position of the father in the family-the provider for all, and the enemy of all - j august strindberg


 3 sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance - ruth e renkel


 4 those who trust us educate us - t s eliot


 5 it doesn't matter who my father was; it matters who i remember he was - anne sexton


 6 when i was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant i could hardly stand to have the old man around but when i got to be 21, i was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years - mark twain


 7 i've had a hard life, but my hardships are nothing against the hardships that my father went through in order to get me to where i started - bartrand hubbard


 8 by the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong - charles wadsworth


 9 a father is always making his baby into a little woman and when she is a woman he turns her back again - enid bagnold


 10 i cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection - sigmund freud



 dad, you let me have a wider sky, let me see you higher and farther


 father, there are always many ways i stay happy, the father is always most concerned about one of my father i love you! i wish his father happy!


 over the years we have had our differences, but i always love you (非常现实的祝福)


 thanks for holding my hand when i needed it


 i owe all of my skills of fatherhood to you dad happy father's day


 i didn't realize that being a father would be so difficult it makes me apprectiate you all the more


 now that i am a father, i can see what a food job you did in raising us


 i didn't see what a good father you were to us before, but i do now


 your experience and guidance have always been appreciated


 happy fathers day to an extraordinary father!i love you so much!


 youve been father, friend, adviser, all of these and more。


 happy father's day to an extraordinary father!i love you so much!


 you've been father, friend, adviser, all of these and more。


 your pay, your hope, only for our growth thank you, dad


 dad, you let me have a wider sky, let me see you higher and farther




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