(穿越类动画的经典。同样是一个少女背负拯救异世界的使命,《不可思议游戏》和《遥远时空中》即使有着超强大的帅哥后宫阵容做后盾恐怕也无法超越高桥老师家的衣柜。因为那个衣柜后的异世界一定是个属于东方的纳尼亚传奇。 好稀饭桔梗啊!~有气质冷美人。杀生丸,怎一个帅字了得~支持杀桔)
(堪称继灌篮高手后又一部成功的运动类动漫。最大的特点是十分美型,人物很养眼哦不二的温柔,菊丸的卡哇依,龙马的帅气兼勇气兼美丽,还有——手冢队长的冷酷兼帅气兼王者风范~~~~~~~``````哇!!!帅呆了哎!!!!!!哦呵呵呵 )
(大爱追忆篇啊!~无论是画质还是配乐那质量都前无古人,后无来者了~ 原来,在TV里那个笑得一脸白痴的剑心原来也有着那么沉痛的过去,好象雪一样的幸福,重要的东西还没还得及好好珍藏和保护,刚刚触到就已经注定无法挽回了。不过,那一刻的触感却永远停留在了脸上的划痕,变成了永恒的疼痛与回忆。动画带来的远远不止这些,不知道其他的亲关注什么,自此私可对新选组以及幕末到明治时间的历史非常有爱的说。)
(近几年来,火影突然就成为了忍者代名词。一个个热血少年向着自己所希望的方向努力变得更加强大,为的是保护对自己来说重要的人。也是这一部作品就让众多的动漫饭了解到一个属于忍者的世界。有着与同是忍者动画的《甲贺忍法帖》与现在连载的《隐之王》 不同的世界观。不过,可惜的是照现在这样的感觉来看,貌似要烂尾了万恶的制作法啊)
(又是一部宏大的作品。仅仅是一个尸魂界,就有众多个性迥异的人物和背景设定,更不用说嘘圈了。比起主角黑崎一护,更多的亲MS对蓝染更有兴趣呢~ 还有妮露好可爱啊~萌啊~~)
(私的身边有很多亲都是它的忠实大饭呢~ 他们都说这是关于友情与财富的冒险之旅。又搞笑又感人。但私认为魅力不仅仅如此。伙伴是用来信赖的而梦想是用来实现的。海洋大得一望无际,船下是一片碧蓝,总觉得心也和海鸟一样变得自由了呢!还有那个冬日里绽放的樱花,感动了一大票人啊!~但系,不太喜欢画风。。)
(将KUSO与吐糟发挥到极至的作品啊!如果不是每次在危机时刻银桑所表现出来的魄力与那些看似说教却往往发人深思的人生观,私完全无法相信那个长年拖欠房租,一边挖鼻孔一边看少年JUMP好似废柴大叔样的银桑就是传说中的“白夜叉”!~ 不过,动乱篇超赞的说啊噜~结尾处私有点小感动的说啊噜~!)
(动画根据小说改编。整部动画大气磅礴,国家之间的斗争 策略 战略。少女的成长,让我们看到了人性的懦弱与坚强。故事衔接自然,人在关键时候应该如何选择?真的给人无限的厚重感。是一部看了能让人思考很久的动漫作品 )
31叛逆的路路修 ( 不用多说 看了就知道)~~~最棒~
32闪电十一人-雷门中学的足球部是一个仅有7名部员的弱小队伍。社团活动室内聚集了一批拥有各自爱好,度过糜烂每一日的部员。 热血足球少年的队长·
33one outs-崎京彩珠LYCAONS」的儿岛弘道、虽然有实力,却从来没有获胜过。被称为“不走运的天才打手”。即使获胜却仍有不足……为了寻找自己的不足之
34棋魂- 小学六年生进藤光在阁楼里发现了一张带有血迹的围棋棋盘,被千年棋魂藤原佐为附身。从此,进藤光在佐为的指导下,学习围棋,和筒井学长 (有点扯,但也算运动的一种)
37飞轮少年-绰号‘东中最强的娃娃脸’的少年南树,好打架却有正义感,在一次重要的决斗之后,南树中了暴风‘骷髅十字军’的圈套,深深感受到空中轮 (也是有点扯)
39高智能方程式赛车GPX SAGA-年仅14岁的风见隼人驾驶父亲风见广之设计的跑车"ASURADA"参加CYBER FORMULA GOX(国际高智能方程式赛车大奖赛)获得冠军,成为CF("CYBER FORMULA"的缩写,即高智能方程式赛车)史上
43梦幻篮球-立花茜是一个篮球天才,可惜他只把篮球视为普通小组活动,无心恋战……但在高中前的一场比赛中,命运竟安排他遇上更强的对手--柊仁成。立花沉睡的斗心终于被激起了,誓要把柊仁打败! 立
45疾速方程式- 自幼丧母的胜平太,与父亲相依为命。由于父亲忙于工作,身为小学四年级生的胜平太过着沉闷的日子,但他仍然表现坚强。他唯一憧憬的是有型的汽车……一天,父亲从工作场所带来一份“礼物
46IGPX-公元2048年,人们热衷于一种无论是速度还是刺激程度都远胜如今赛车的新格斗竞速大赛——“Immortal Grand Prix”(人称IGPX),其中最高级别的比赛称作“IG—1”,选手使用人形高速竞技机体“
47野狼前锋- 周刊少年チャンピオン」(秋田书店刊)连载漫画。作者是人称「キャプテン翼」的高桥阳一。 主人公叶恭介是一个非常喜欢足球,但是又因为其天才球星哥哥叶成介的连累,而放弃了足球。
50弹道- 这是一部描写努力成为职业高尔夫选手的少年青叶弹道的专业高尔夫动画。 原著曾是在周刊少年周日1995年以来连载的大受欢迎的漫画。 为了要见到由于种种原因而分居的母亲,弹道决定成为
52kicks跆拳道-《周刊少年JUMP》有着发掘新人的传统,这部名为《KICKS MEGAMIX》的跆拳道漫画没准会让作者吉川雅之也成为创造神话的漫画家。 竟然有人的样子跟15年前已死之人长得一模一样!!阿加木太一刚刚转到新学校,便被跟他样子相同的的鬼魂千叶缠上。为了令千叶顺利成佛转世,阿加木竟然要加入跆拳道部
53黑子的篮球-帝光中学篮球部,部员数超过1000人,中学联赛三连霸的最强豪门。在这光辉的历史中,更有一批被称为“不败”的存在。同时出现5位天才少年的时代 —— 「奇迹的时代」。然而,关于这个时代还有一个谣传,在5位天才之外,还有一个被忽视的人,那就是梦幻的第六人!
54咲SAKI-据说这部作品中包括了“巨乳+强气女主角+百合+女仆+麻将+无内裤+无内衣+女子高中生”等诸多流行元素。 “咲-Saki-”的作者是小林立氏,根据漫画上的简介“时间到了21世纪……。在这个以麻将的实力来左右人生的时代,两个天才的女高中生降临了。每局都会胡牌的少女-宫永咲;全国中学生麻将大会个人战优胜者-原村和。当这两个人相
57空手小霸王-全国大赛终于展开,小日向和武藤有惊无险地通过第一关的考验。然而讲坛会馆的和泉馆长却为了拉拢武藤,特地指派KOS的职业格斗家参与这次的镝木流全国大赛!和泉馆长所派出的这两名刺客会对镝木流的全国大赛投下怎样的变量…? 被体操社开除的岭南大学一年级学生小日向海流在一个偶然的机会中碰到校园内专挑武道高手下手
我管可爱你管帅 - 王子文
( 《欢乐颂2》曲筱绡人物主题曲)
Luca Brasi: Don Corleone, I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your home on the wedding day of your daughter And may their first child be a masculine child
[then, starting over]
[delivering his rehearsed speech]
Luca Brasi: Don Corleone, I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your daughter 's wedding on the day of your daughter's wedding And I hope their first child be a masculine child I pledge my ever-ending loyalty
[after Michael gets off the phone with Kay, clearly too embarrassed to tell her I love you too]
Clemenza: Mikey, why don't you tell that nice girl you love her I love you with all-a my heart, if I don't see-a you again soon, I'm-a gonna die
Sonny: Goddamn FBI don't respect nothin'
Calo: In Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns
Sonny: Hey, listen, I want somebody good - and I mean very good - to plant that gun I don't want my brother coming out of that toilet with just his dick in his hands, alright
Clemenza: The gun'll be there
Michael: My father is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator
Kay Adams: Do you know how naive you sound, Michael Presidents and senators don't have men killed
Michael: Oh Who's being naive, Kay
Jack Woltz: Johnny Fontane never gets that movie That part is perfect for him, it'll make him a big star, and I'm gonna run him out of the business - and let me tell you why: Johnny Fontane ruined one of Woltz International's most valuable proteges For five years we had her under training - singing lessons, acting lessons, dancing lessons I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on her, I was gonna make her a big star And let me be even more frank, just to show you that I'm not a hard-hearted man, and that it's not all dollars and cents: She was beautiful; she was young; she was innocent She was the greatest piece of ass I've ever had, and I've had 'em all over the world And then Johnny Fontane comes along with his olive oil voice and guinea charm, and she runs off She threw it all away just to make me look ridiculous! And a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous!
Jack Woltz: fc Now you listen to me, you smooth talking son-of-a-bitch Let me lay it on the line for you and your boss, whoever he is Johnny Fontane will never get that movie I don't care how many dago guinea wop greaseball goombahs come out of the woodwork
f91 [first lines]
Bonasera: I believe in America America has made my fortune And I raised my daughter in the American fashion I gave her freedom, but I taught her never to dishonor her family She found a boyfriend; not an Italian She went to the movies with him; she stayed out late I didn't protest Two months ago, he took her for a drive, with another boyfriend They made her drink whiskey And then they tried to take advantage of her She resisted She kept her honor So they beat her, like an animal When I went to the hospital, her nose was a'broken Her jaw was a'shattered, held together by wire She couldn't even weep because of the pain But I wept Why did I weep She was the light of my life beautiful girl Now she will never be beautiful again I went to the police, like a good American These two boys were brought to trial The judge sentenced them to three years in prison - suspended sentence Suspended sentence! They went free that very day! I stood in the courtroom like a fool And those two bastards, they smiled at me Then I said to my wife, for justice, we must go to Don Corleone
Kay Adams: Michael, you never told me your family knew Johnny Fontane!
Michael: Oh sure, you want to meet him
Kay Adams: Yeah!
Michael: You know, my father helped Johnny in his career
Kay Adams: Really How
Michael: Let's listen to this song
Kay Adams: [after listening to Johnny for a while] Please, Michael Tell me
Michael: Well when Johnny was first starting out, he was signed to this contract with a big-band leader And as his career got better and better he wanted to get out of it Now, Johnny is my father's godson My father went to see the bandleader, with a contract for $10,000 to let Johnny go, but the bandleader said no So the next day, my father went to see the bandleader again, only this time with Luca Brasi Within an hour, the bandleader signed the release, with a certified check of $1000
Kay Adams: How did he do that
Michael: My father made him an offer he couldn't refuse
Kay Adams: What was it
Michael: Luca Brasi held a gun to his head, and my father assured the bandleader, that either his signature or his brains would be on the contract
Kay Adams:
Michael: That's a true story
[cut to Johnny singing again for about 10 more seconds before going back to Michael]
Michael: That's my family Kay, it's not me
Tom Hagen: [after finding out Tessio sold Michael out] Tessio I always thought it would be Clemenza
Michael: It's the smart move Tessio was always smarter
Tessio: [realizing that Michael knows he was the traitor] Tom, can you get me off the hook For old times' sake
Tom Hagen: [shakes his head] Can't do it, Sally
Sonny: 7a Samonucch! I got a hundred buttonmen on the street right now That Turk shows one hair on his ass, he's a dead man
f8e Tom Hagen: Sonny let's talk about this and get a meeting set up
Sonny: No! No no more meetings no more Solozzo tricks You sending a message to Tattaglia Say "I want Sollozzo" if not it's all out war and we go to the mattresses
Tom Hagen: Sonny the other families won't stand for that!
Sonny: Well than business is gonna have to suffer
Tom Hagen: You're taking this too personally, Sonny!
Sonny: You call the hit on my father not personal
Tom Hagen: Even the hit on your father was business, not personal Sonny!
Sonny: Ok I'll do more business Hey, listen, do me a favor, Tom, just help me win ok
Tom Hagen: Ok I checked out the Captain that broke Mike's jaw Now he's definetely on Sollozzo's payroll and for big money What you have to understand, Sonny is that while Sollozzo is guarded like this he is invulnerable No one ever gunned down a police captain, never It would be catastrophic, all the families would come after us, the Corleone name would be outcast! Even the old man's police and political connections would run for cover!
Sonny: Alright we'll wait
Michael: It can't wait
Sonny: What
Michael: It can't wait No matter what Sollozzo says, he's gonna kill pop That's the key for him Gotta get Sollozzo They're gonna wanna set up a meeting, right It will be me, McKluskey, and Sollozzo Get our informers out and find out where it's gonna be held Now we insist that it's a public place: a bar, restaurant somewhere where there's people so I feel safe They're gonna frisk me when I first show up right So I can't have a weapon on me then, but if Clemenza can find a way to have a gun planted there for me, then I'll kill them both
[Everyone laughing]
Sonny: What are you doing Nice college boy Doesn't wanna get mixed up in the family business You think this is a battle field where you shoot someone a mile away No, you get a 45' shoot them up close and bada bing blood all over your nice ivy league suit You're taking this awfully personal Tom this is business and this kid's taking this very personal
Michael: Where does it say you can't kill a cop
Tom Hagen: Mikey, come on
Michael: Tom, wait a minute, we're talking about a crooked cop mixed up in drugs We're talking about a dishonest cop who got caught up in the rackets and got what was coming to him That's a terrific story Now we got newspaper people on the payroll don't we, Tom
[Tom nods]
Michael: Well they might like a story like that
Tom Hagen: They might, just might
Michael: It's not personal, Sonny It's strictly business
Don Corleone: [In the hospital after Solloazzo's attempt to kill him] There's a lot of trouble with this Solloazzo buisness It's very unfortunate I know the Tattaglia's are a bit misfortunate down on their heads Well that's life Everyone's got their own circle of sorrow
Don Corleone: 7e Do you spend time with your family Good Because a man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man
ff2 Michael: My credit good enough to buy you out
Moe Greene: Buy me out
[Fredo laughs nervously]
Michael: The casino, the hotel The Corleone Family wants to buy you out
Moe Greene: The Corleone Family wants to buy me out No, I buy you out, you don't buy me out
Michael: Your casino loses money, maybe we can do better
Moe Greene: You think I'm skimmin' off the top, Mike
Michael: You're unlucky
Moe Greene: You goddamn guineas really make me laugh I do you a favor and take Freddie in when you're having a bad time, and then you try to push me out!
Michael: Wait a minute, you took Freddie in because the Corleone Family bankrolled your casino, because the Molinari Family on the Coast guaranteed his safety Now we're talking business, let's talk business
Moe Greene: Yeah, let's talk business, Mike First of all, you're all done The Corleone Family don't even have that kind of muscle anymore The Godfather's sick, right You're getting chased out of New York by Barzini and the other Families What do you think is going on here You think you can come to my hotel and take over I talked to Barzini - I can make a deal with him, and still keep my hotel!
Michael: Is that why you slapped my brother around in public
Fredo: Aw, now that, that was nothin', Mike Now, now, uh, Moe didn't mean nothin' by that Sure he flies off the handle once in a while, but Moe and me, we're good friends, right Moe Huh
Moe Greene: I got a business to run I gotta kick asses sometimes to make it run right We had a little argument, Freddy and I, so I had to straighten him out
Michael: You straightened my brother out
Moe Greene: He was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time! Players couldn't get a drink at the table! What's wrong with you
Michael: I leave for New York tomorrow, think about a price
Moe Greene: Sonofabitch! Do you know who I am I'm Moe Greene! I made my bones when you were going out with cheerleaders!
Fredo: Wait a minute, Moe, Moe, I got an idea Tom, you're the Consiglieri and you can talk to the Don, you can explain
Tom Hagen: Just a minute now, the Don is semi-retired and Mike is in charge of the Family business now If you have anything to say, say it to Michael
Fredo: [Moe Greene leaves] Mike! You don't come to Las Vegas and talk to a man like Moe Greene like that!
Michael: Fredo, you're my older brother, and I love you But don't ever take sides with anyone against the Family again Ever
Tom Hagen: Now we have the unions, we have the gambling; and they're the best things to have But narcotics is a thing of the future And if we don't get a piece of that action, we risk everything we have I mean not now, but, ah, ten years from now
[Tessio brings in Luca Brasi's bulletproof vest, delivered with a fish inside]
Sonny: What the hell is this
Clemenza: 4a It's a Sicilian message It means Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes
fb1 Tom Hagen: I'm an attorney for the Corleone family These men are private detectives hired to protect Vito Corleone They are licensed to carry firearms If you interfere you'll have to appear before a judge in the morning and show just cause
Michael: [speaking to Carlo] Only don't tell me you're innocent Because it insults my intelligence and makes me very angry
Capt McCluskey: I thought I got all you Guinea hoods locked up! What the hell are you doing here
Michael: What happened to the men who were guarding my father, Captain
Capt McCluskey: I pulled them guys off of here, eh, now get away from this hospital!
Michael: I'm not leaving until you put some guards around my father's room
Capt McCluskey: Phil, take him in!
Cop with Capt McCluskey outside hospital: The kid's clean Captain, he's a war hero! He's never been mixed up with the rackets
Capt McCluskey: Goddamn it Phil, I said take him in!
Michael: What's the Turk paying you to set up my father, Captain
Capt McCluskey: [to Patrolmen] Take a hold of him Stand him up Stand him up straight
[punches Michael and breaks his jaw]
Michael: [while eating dinner with Sollozzo and McCluskey] What I want - what's most important to me - is that I have a guarantee: No more attempts on my father's life
Sollozzo: What guarantees could I give you, Mike I am the hunted one! I missed my chance You think too much of me, kid - I'm not that clever All I want, is a truce
Emilio Barzini: [during a meeting with the Five Families] Times have changed It's not like the Old Days, when we can do anything we want A refusal is not the act of a friend If Don Corleone had all the judges, and the politicians in New York, then he must share them, or let us others use them He must let us draw the water from the well Certainly he can present a bill for such services; after all we are not Communists
Don Corleone: Tattaglia's a pimp He never could've out-fought Santino But I didn't know until this day that it was Barzini all along
Don Corleone: I spent my whole life trying not to be careless Women and children can be careless But not men
Tom Hagen: You know how they're going to come at you
Michael: They want to arrange a meeting between me and Barzini On Tessio's ground Where I'll be safe
Don Corleone: You talk about vengeance Is vengeance going to bring your son back to you Or my boy to me
Don Corleone: I never thought you were a bad consiglieri, Tom I thought Santino was a bad don, rest in peace
Don Corleone: 135 What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully If you'd come to me in friendship, then this scum that ruined your daughter would be suffering this very day And if by chance an honest man like yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies And then they would fear you
ed0 [Johnny Fontane is discussing his problems with Woltz]
Johnny Fontane: Oh, Godfather, I don't know what to do I don't know what to do
Don Corleone: [shouts] You can act like a man!
[he slaps Johnny]
Don Corleone: What's the matter with you Is this how you turned out A Hollywood finocchio that cries like a woman
[Don Corleone imitates him sobbing]
Don Corleone: What can I do
[camera pans to Tom who is laughing]
Don Corleone: What can I do What is that nonsense Ridiculous
Don Corleone: I like to drink wine more than I used to
Michael: It's good for ya, Pop
Don Corleone: Anyway I'm drinkin' more
Tom Hagen: Mr Corleone never asks a second favor once he's refused the first, understood
[after being asked how he will arrange to buy a hotel from Moe Greene]
Michael: I'll make him an offer he can't refuse
Don Corleone: I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse
[speaking with the father of the girl he plans to marry, and after telling him that he's in hiding from some gangsters]
Michael: Some people will pay a lot of money for that information; but then your daughter would lose a father, instead of gaining a husband
Sonny: Hey, whaddya gonna do, nice college boy, eh Didn't want to get mixed up in the Family business, huh Now you wanna gun down a police captain Why Because he slapped ya in the face a little bit Hah What do you think this is the Army, where you shoot 'em a mile away You've gotta get up close like this and - bada-BING! - you blow their brains all over your nice Ivy League suit C'mere
[kisses Michael's head]
Michael: Sonny
Sonny: You're taking this very personal Tom, this is business and this man is taking it very, very personal
Michael: It's not personal, Sonny It's strictly business
Sollozzo: I don't like violence, Tom I'm a businessman; blood is a big expense
Michael: Ah, get me Long Beach 4-5620 please
Don Corleone: Someday - and that day may never come - I'll call upon you to do a service for me But until that day, accept this justice as gift on my daughter's wedding day
Sonny: We don't discuss business at the table
Don Corleone: 19c I never wanted this for you I work my whole life - I don't apologize - to take care of my family, and I refused to be a fool, dancing on the string held by all those bigshots I don't apologize - that's my life - but I thought that, that when it was your time, that you would be the one to hold the string Senator Corleone; Governor Corleone Well, it wasn't enough time, Michael It wasn't enough time
ffb Michael: We'll get there, pop We'll get there
[after Sonny beats up Carlo Rizzi for hitting Connie]
Sonny: You touch my sister again, I'll kill you
Don Corleone: You could act like a man
[slaps Johnny Fontane]
Don Corleone: What's the matter with you Is this what you've become, some Hollywood finnochio that cries like a woman
[mockingly imitates Johnny]
Don Corleone: Oh, Godfather, what am I gonna do What am I gonna do
Don Corleone: I'm a superstitious man, and if some unlucky accident should befall Michael - if he is to be shot in the head by a police officer, or be found hung dead in a jail cell or if he should be struck by a bolt of lightning - then I'm going to blame some of the people in this room; and then I do not forgive But with said, I pledge - on the souls of my grandchildren - that I will not be the one to break the peace that we have made today
Kay Adams: Michael, is it true Did you have Carlo murdered
Michael: Don't ask me about my business, Kay
[to his associate, who has killed Paulie in the car]
Clemenza: Leave the gun
Clemenza: Take the cannolis
Clemenza: You know any good spots on the west side
Paulie Gatto: Yeah, I'll think about it
Clemenza: Well think about it while you're driving, I wanna hit New York sometime this month
Capt McCluskey: How's the Italian food in this restaurant
Sollozzo: Good Try the veal, it's the best in the city
Capt McCluskey: I'll have it
Don Zaluchi: I, too, don't believe in drugs For years I paid my people extra to stay away from that sort of stuff, but someone comes along saying, I've got powders where if you put up a three to four thousand dollar investment, you can make fifty thousand distributing, then there is no way to resist it I want to keep it respectable
Don Zaluchi: I don't want it near schools I don't want it sold to children! In my city, we'd keep the traffic in the Dark People, the Coloreds - they're animals anyway, so let them lose their souls
Clemenza: All right, you just shot 'em both Now what do you do
Michael: Sit down and finish my dinner
Sonny: How's Paulie
Clemenza: Oh, Paulie won't see him no more
Connie: Dinner's on the table
Carlo Rizzi: I'm not hungry yet
Connie: Your food is on the table It's getting cold
Carlo Rizzi: I'll eat out later
25 Connie ffb : You just told me to make you dinner!
Carlo Rizzi: Hey, vaffunculo, eh
Connie: Aw, vaffunculo you!
Don Corleone: [seeing Sonny in the mortuary] Look how they massacred my boy
Don Corleone: Never let anyone outside the family know what you're thinking
Tom Hagen: Mr Woltz, I'm a lawyer, I have not threatened you
给我印象比较深的是TT里面的涂鸦达人很多,手艺活是真的绝,上次在一个房间里面看到一个**姐在画中国风,随意截了一张感受一下除了涂鸦,还有一些玩pia戏的,随时转换不同的声线,什么灵动萝莉音、柔美御姐音、苏撩奶狗音,还有一些能模仿王者英雄角色的台词,真的贼像。。。。然后唱歌的那些达人就不说了,因为有一些老板很喜欢点歌手翻唱抖音的热单,我的耳朵都听出茧来了- -