



 1, you and I meet is a fate, we cherish each other the hard won feelings, hope in the future on the road to accompany you for life

 2 want to get you out of my memory, but always involuntarily to remind you: in the dream of every moment, every minute when awake

 3 cups filled with water, then a drop will flow out, it is better to pour all, let cups and water have new experiences, perhaps this time will not flow out, until the eternal!

 4 some people use their mouths to love, and I love them with my heart Maybe I will lose a lot, but I won't regret it

 5, the sky has you, my favorite color, in reality, you and I have the most appropriate role, white clouds rely on the blue sky, blue sky, white clouds, like you and me now, how beautiful!

 6, because love quietly escape, avoid the figure, can not hide the feelings of silence; today, I finally summon up courage to express my love to you

 7, if I really said the guilt out of my heart, afraid you do not think I am promising, but do not say, and I feel hopeless

 8 hold your hand, every morning and evening, hold your hand, waiting for tomorrow, hold your hand, through life, hold your hand, generation after generation

 9 you are the shore, I am a ship, you are the sun, I turn for you, you can count happiness, to me, the world is not changed

 10 back to our days together, I can not help but bursts of heartache, not once said good, do not separate it How could you have the heart to leave me like this

 11 let bygones be bygones, shall we Not worthy of memory, let us forget it, worth remembering, let us always stay in their hearts, two people forever secret!

 12 sing the sad song and watch the beloved girl The heart is for you hurt, the song is for you to sing, I just want you to be happy, I'm sorry!

 13 love makes us see each other Love makes us love each other Love makes us love each other Love makes us care I give all my love to you in my lifetime

 14 I would like to turn into a breeze, quietly come to you, put your RUPU hair gently clean, singing a love song in the wind

 15, no matter how much anger you have with your girlfriend Remember, never call her If you are in conflict with your girlfriend, if you really love her, please don't break up easily, it will hurt her heart, or even let her give up on you

 16 do you like the day clouds, restless, very difficult to trace; you like the water Ping, drifting Quartet, call me elusive Can you tell me How can I catch up with your shadow, how can I stay with you

 17 accompany you to find the courage to be alone, to accompany you to bear the pain of separation, sadness, in your heart, you and my world, is always love, not abandoned, looking forward to tomorrow, and then closely rely on

 18 let me hold your hand, hum a ditty, walk slowly Tell your inner feelings, warm smile with a pair of eye care for you, you, all sorts of enthusiasm to take care of you, I love you forever

 19, walking in the dark night, did not say goodbye, afraid you hear my sobbing voice, did not turn back, afraid you see the tears I slipped, black night, I hear the voice of heartbreak

 20 only you know my emotions, and only you can bring me emotions

 21, in every night with you, no longer too lonely

 22 because I know I can't live without you, so I will cherish more

 23 meets always nods, wants to say always difficult to open, the line of sight intersection moment, I have felt your gentleness

 Although the 24 are meant to be, I hope in the future, I can add a nice memory in your memory, through the efforts of this life, Xiuman afterlife affection

 25, if we met the result is destined to tears, I would rather enjoy this cruel beauty alone, never regret the day with you, just want you to always be good

 26 you are the shore, I am a ship, you are the sun, I turn for you, you can count happiness, to me, the world is not changed

 27 meets always nods, wants to say always difficult to open, the line of sight intersection moment, I have felt your gentleness

 28, the sky has you, my favorite color, in reality, you and I have the most appropriate role, white clouds rely on the blue sky, blue sky, white clouds, like you and me now, how beautiful!

 29 cups filled with water, then a drop will flow out, it is better to pour all, let cups and water have new experiences, perhaps this time will not flow out, until the eternal!

 Although the 30 are meant to be, I hope in the future, I can add a nice memory in your memory, through the efforts of this life, Xiuman afterlife affection

 31, in every night with you, no longer too lonely

 32 only you know my emotions, and only you can bring me emotions

 33 let bygones be bygones, shall we Not worthy of memory, let us forget it, worth remembering, let us always stay in their hearts, two people forever secret!

 34, if we met the result is destined to tears, I would rather enjoy this cruel beauty alone, never regret the day with you, just want you to always be good

 35, walking in the dark night, did not say goodbye, afraid you hear my sobbing voice, did not turn back, afraid you see the tears I slipped, black night, I hear the voice of heartbreak

 36 because I know I can't live without you, so I will cherish more

 37, because love quietly escape, avoid the figure, can not hide the feelings of silence; today, I finally summon up courage to express my love to you

 38 sing the sad song and watch the beloved girl The heart is for you hurt, the song is for you to sing, I just want you to be happy, I'm sorry!

 39, you and I meet is a fate, we cherish each other the hard won feelings, hope in the future on the road to accompany you for life

 40 back to our days together, I can not help but bursts of heartache, not once said good, do not separate it How could you have the heart to leave me like this

 41 hold your hand, every morning and evening, hold your hand, waiting for tomorrow, hold your hand, through life, hold your hand, generation after generation

 42 want to get you out of my memory, but always involuntarily to remind you: in the dream of every moment, every minute when awake

 43, if I really said the guilt out of my heart, afraid you do not think I am promising, but do not say, and I feel hopeless

 44 love makes us see each other Love makes us love each other Love makes us love each other Love makes us care I give all my love to you in my lifetime

 45 some people use their mouths to love, and I love them with my heart Maybe I will lose a lot, but I won't regret it

 46 My greatest happiness in life is to know you, but the worst misfortune is not having you Maybe you'll meet someone you love, but you won't meet second people who love you so much

 47 I love you very much! Although you can not understand my heart, but in my heart, you are always the only lover! I have learned to forget myself, but I can not forget you

 48 gentle hearts are for happy people! Romantic heart! It is for the person with affection, the eternal heart is for the person waiting for, and is willing to give a heart of blessing to my dearest person!

 49, if I really said the guilt out of my heart, afraid you do not think I am promising, but do not say, and I feel hopeless

 50, in the world of love, I have nothing, and know nothing, in the emotional station, I hope you are the first visitor, but also the eternal master, accompanied me spoil me!



My love for you makes waiting romantic。


The earth is still turning, the world is still fickle, and I love you forever!


Add your heart to my heart, and you will taste it even if you feel pain


Thoughts, like rivers, flow to the sea, to my heart


Funny Side without you, so strange, accompany me all my life, okay


All I know is to love you! My whole blood has changed into my love, my love!


People will always be old, and hope you'll still be there for me


Day and night miss, Miss never tired Only to see you, this life is no longer reluctant to part with


For you, no matter now, will not change


If you can change with your life, you stay in my line of sight, I will not reserve


I know love to be free to be happy, but I would rather stay with you, accompany you, accompany you through


No words, let me show you what love is!


Take good care of yourself, I don't want to wait until next life to love you


Just because you're so beautiful that I can't honestly say I love you


I'll love you forever, don't worry about losing me


I want you to tell me the truest idea, because today's decision may be a permanent decision


Without your love, the goal of living cannot be renewed!


The furthest distance is not between life and death, but when I stand in front of you yet you don't know that I love you


I would like to use ten million years to wait for your early spring warm smile


I would like to accompany you all my life, with you all the year round


Baby: I have a toothache recently, because I often miss you at night, it feels too sweet and will decay


My cat is very leather Can you help me manage it


Your words are locked in my memory, so keep the keys for me all your life


Apart from loving you, I can't think of a reason why I can live on


I don't believe in everlasting love, because I only love you more every day


Gave you the most true of my heart, gave you the deepest of my love!


Because I know I can't live without you, so I will cherish more


You are a little too handsome, you are so cute, you are the worst to me, so I can only love you


Only you know my emotions, and only you can bring me emotions


I feel that everything in the world belongs to me, because you fell in love with me


I will use my life of tenderness, open your dust laden memories May your heart follow your heart and see what you have hoped for


You are the most profound feeling I can experience in my life!


Don't know love, you are not a close reason


Add your heart to my heart, and you will taste it even if you feel pain!


I love your heart until the end of the world


I know the sky longs for the clouds to stay, but the clouds yearn for freedom


I think after fifty years, I will still love you as much as I do now


I want to write a very short poem of love for you to sublimate into a long life prose


If possible, I would like to spend every minute of my life with you


In every night with you, no longer lonely


You are my first choice, the last choice, is my life's eternal choice


Ever since you showed up, I've learned that it's so nice to have someone


Sleepless nights, I think of you, I share the lingering, although short meet, but this is forever


I still love you, just a little bit of persistence


If you can let me keep the love of your life, I will move in with you again!


Who says your cooking is hard to eat I'll go home for dinner every day!


Every day I have the power to see you and talk to you


I do not want the brief tenderness, as long as your company with me


I want to hold you now and hold you tight until I come to god


Think of your mood, there is no way to replace it with a word


With your company, let me understand what happiness is, love, and hope we can spend the rest of our lives together!


The fire of love is kindled in our hearts, and from now on we shall be melted together


You know my loneliness is only one person waiting for you, thousands of my sweet songs are only sung for you


To you, I have surrendered unconditionally, so sign your love contract


I don't think you are really a qualified friend You should still be my wife!


You'd love to drink the wine, if not more, reluctantly thirst for life


I do not know when to begin, I have learned to rely on


Love you without a reason, love you without reservation Love you love you love enduring as the universe


I'm ready to halve my right The duty doubled


At night, the day also don't sleep It is sin to love you, never to know how tired Just to love you, every year


The sky is blue, the sea is deep, my love for you is pure, what is the card, the sea!


Silence again, regard with equanimity, time is like the water, always silent, if you well, is sunny


With you, my life is full of fun Let's have dinner tonight


It was you who led me out of the loneliness when I was lost in my mind


You're everything in my life You're the only thing I'm alive for Ah! Sole purpose!


Look at your eyes, I see the sea, the blue sky, and see the beautiful future!


When I do not want to wake up, the lamp is projected on the wall, only my lonely figure


I just need a place where I can rest


There is no dress more fitting than your love No ornament is more charming than your love


You are the one who supports me the most when I am in trouble!


Always thinking of you, though we can't share every minute


With your days, even ordinary, romantic!


The desert hides endless beauty and danger, and so does love!


Colorful hyacinth, sway my first love Your bright eyes kindled my youthful enthusiasm


You know my loneliness is only one person waiting for you my sweet songs are only sung for you


If I can't have you in this life, I'll hate myself


Meeting you needs luck, falling in love with you, but courage It's not easy for you to come to this step!


Loneliness is not innate, but the moment you fall in love with a person


I know the sweetness of love since I love you

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Shipwreck in the sea of faces 迷失在茫茫人海

There's a dreamy world up there 远处有一个梦幻世界

Dear friends in higher places 身处高处的朋友们

Carry me away from here 请带我离开此地吧

Travel light let the sun eclipse you 轻装上阵 让阳光照耀你吧

'Cause your flight is about to leave 因为航行已经迫在眉睫

And there's more to this brave adventure 行程中有惊喜也有风险

Than you'd ever believe 完全超乎你的想象

Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you


Wide eyes will always brighten the blue 天空中到处都是蓝色 让你目不遐接

Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery 追逐梦想吧,勇敢喊出要把我铭记

Because after all those wings will take you, up so high 因为翅膀终究会将你拖起 使你节节攀升

So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and 向森林深情告别吧 

Take to the sky 乘风破浪 冲上云宵

U take to the sky 飞向高空

On the hills of lore and wonder 掠过充满神奇和传说的山峰

There's a stormy world up there 高空中遭遇到狂风暴雨

You can't whisper above the thunder 雷声淹没了你的低语

But you can fly anywhere 但是你可以自由翱翔

Purple burst of paper birds this 紫色的千纸鹤撒满了整个天空

Picture paints a thousand words 将这种景象绘成千言万语

So take a breath of mist and mystery 从迷雾中回到现实中来吧

And don't look back! 飞翔吧,不要回头!

Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you


Wide eyes will always brighten the blue 天空中到处都是蓝色 让你目不遐接

Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery追逐梦想吧,勇敢喊出要把我铭记

Because after all those wings will take you, up so high 因为翅膀终究会将你拖起 使你节节攀升

So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and 向森林深情告别吧

Take to the sky 乘风破浪 冲上云宵

There's a realm above the trees 树林上方有一个王国

Where the lost are finally found 这里到处都是迷失的人们

Touch your feathers to the breeze 让微风梳理你们的羽毛

And leave the ground 离去吧

Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you


Wide eyes will always brighten the blue空中到处都是蓝色 让你目不遐接

Chase your dreams, and remember me, speak bravery追逐梦想吧,勇敢喊出要把我铭记

Because after all those wings will take you, up so high因为翅膀终究会将你拖起 使你节节攀升

So bid the forest a fond goodbye, as you brace the wind and 向森林深情告别吧

Take to the sky 乘风破浪 冲上云宵

U take to the sky 冲上云宵

U take to the sky 冲上云宵

U take to the sky 冲上云宵


The road of life is very long, let me accompany you to go together I would like to build a sky of our own, will be first-class


Through the remotest corners of the globe, travels to numerous hills and streams, in the ocean of love the world how do I forget your tender smile, so waiting for you is a kind of beauty!


Tonight, let me sleep with your name and your hair I wish I could meet you in my dreams Good night, miss you!


I love you so much, but I can't be with you I miss you so much, but I don't care


I know it's impossible, but I still love you Although I really want to forget you hate you, but I really can not do it


In the vast sea of people, know you, is a kind of fate, only hope to use my sincere, in exchange for your true feelings


Waiting for the stars to rain, a star on the sky The sky rain fall 1000 grain, peel back thousands of stars now Wish my friends far To laugh, heart is soft


I want to say to you, in my heart, you are all of me, I don't want you to love me with the same love, just want to have your comfort and understanding


After you read the beauty, after you know how to love I know beauty, so I drink for you; I know love, so thousand edge difficult!


You are covered with dew like the petals, bringing fragrance; you like it whistles across the sky, bring me the mind and the pursuit


I love you, to me, is the bread of the morning, the banana at night, the garlic of Shandong people, the chili of Sichuan people


Miss you too heavy, cut off the phone line, burned out the phone card, dig out the wallet bag, eat up sleeping pills, alas! But I still want to see you


If I could, I would spend every minute of my life with you


If I really say my guilt, I'm afraid you don't think I'm good, but don't say it, I feel I'm hopeless


Because of you, I know love, and I understand love, the first person you fell in love with is you, but I feel inferior, so I have been afraid to admit


Colorful hyacinth, shaking my first love Your bright eyes kindled my youthful passion


Some people love with their mouths, and I love them with my heart Maybe I will lose a lot, but I will not regret it


I love you from the bottom of my soul, and I will give you my life How much will you accept, and it will never change


Tell you, I love you very much, not every day with you in one, you will be around me, on how I love you, never mind, love your life!


If you live, God gives me the greatest life, then live with you, will be God gives me the greatest gift of mission


I want to tell you: love is fate, love is moving, love is a habit, love is tolerance, love is sacrifice, love is understanding, love is a lifetime commitment!


If you like, I'll send me a short message, and call me if you like me, and if you love me, keep silent


Wish is the wind, happiness is sail, happiness is boat, the wind of desire is blowing the happy sail, carrying the happy ship, floating to the eternal happiness of you


Look your eyes, I think you intoxicated; gentle, I am intoxicated; in fact, really want to hold your hand, walk together forever!


I carved the left hand, right hand says you, hearts full of love, when the palm of our hand, heart, everyone will see -- I love you


You are the shore, I am the ship, you are the sun, I turn for you, you can count happiness, I will not change the world


Without you, the color is single, without you, the food is tasteless, without you, I am hollow!


Your eyes tenderness, withstand words and a thousand words, your lips to smile, is my source of happiness!


Tonight we get along, the Milky Way constantlythe feeling very Hosta, two away not stop intimate lovers, we also meet heart bridge!


If you like me, send me a message; call me if you like me; and if you love me, keep silent!


What you see is the real me! A kind of endless moving! Touched the world, you and I this most beautiful existence!


I finally found that there is a wealth of love in the world, I can not live up to So I want to say to you, I love you, please listen to me


People say: love a person is not in return But I want you to give back to me, let me give you all my love in my lifetime!


Love a person is very bitter, but I did not stop to pay; love a person is very tired, I was addicted to Acacia; love a person very silly, I was stubborn


First go, bye, all for nothing, to heart, took pains to heart, does your heart, do not know my heart!


Like, just light love Love is deep love I hope I don't have to send you home, but we go back to our home together


If you like me, please send me a short message If you like, I'll call me If you love me, keep silent!


The furthest distance is not between life and death, but when I stand in front of you yet you don't know that I love you


My heart is not empty, but there is always an empty place in my heart No one can use it, because that's your seat


I miss you not because of my loneliness, but I feel lonely when I miss you The reason why I feel so lonely is only because I think too deeply


I know, I can't be with you I know, all I can do is far away I want you to be happy


I am the salt in your dish Without me, everything loses its flavor I you are in the winter sun, summer popsicle, cloudy big umbrella


Your eyes blink, I die, your eyes blink again, I live again, your eyes blink, and I die again


Love you, is a kind of warm sorrow, is a romantic feeling, is a kind of soft gesture, is a kind of want to say and have to say love!


How many times in your dream have your shadow, how many times alone call you, just want to hold your hand, warm life road, love more great Get married!


The short life, but created the eternal love Pretty girl, please don't indulge in self-admiration, open your heart and accept my roses


There is love in our hearts fly for a long time, there is love in our eyes for a long time ripple; endured a broken heart, for me you bes rain!


Holding you is a kind of happiness, kissing you is a kind of intoxicated, love you is a kind of unforgettable, so I will use my life in exchange for this feeling!


Hold your hand, every morning and evening, hold your hand, waiting for tomorrow, hold your hand, through life, hold your hand, generation after generation


The first day I knew you, I was conquered by your eyes, and I knew that I was a prisoner of your life!


The blue sky with snow, beautiful leather shoes leaking feet, you and my acquaintance is a myth, please call back gently!


Meet always nods, want to say always difficult to open, line of sight intersection moment, I have felt your gentleness


Your information I hate to delete, your smiling face I can not forget, your true feelings I already know, my heart beat sound don't want you to hear!


If I fall in love with you is also a mistake, I firmly believe that this will be the most beautiful mistake in life, I would rather wrong for life


Your eyes blink, I die, your eyes blink again, I come alive, your eyes blink, and I die again


My eyes are gazing affectionately at your eyes, as blue as the sea, so pure that they cannot rub themselves into a small fine sand


Regret is a spirit that consumes the mind Regret is greater loss than loss, bigger mistake than mistake So don't regret it


Love, should be willing to dull, but not plain; should be willing to ordinary, but not extraordinary No longer think about the past, no longer hold the past


How many Acacia night is not long, the four corners of the earth Distant land is poor, only the Acacia endless


You are like a warm spring breeze, which arouses the waves of love in my heart; you are like a gentle cloud, bound to live my sentimental line of sight


Baby: recently my teeth ache, because often think of you at night, that feeling is too sweet, will decay


Love is hard, being loved is happiness; everyone is happy to accept love, hard to love people!


Miss you, miss you, I dream, often have you, my heart, only you, a heart, to you, just because I love you


Love makes us meet, love makes us love, love makes us love, love makes us worry, let me give all my love to you in my lifetime!


I would like to stay by your side all my life, make your quilt in winter, and make your electric fan in summer


I've always wanted to thank you, and thank you for being in my life I've always wanted to tell you, I tell you I really love you


My yearning is like a bright moon, it pours water like deep feeling Wherever you go, this bright moon will follow your shadow


Everyone's youth, eventually escape a love Here, there is love, love, joy, happiness, but only to have a permanent


The craziest thing in my life is falling in love with you, the biggest hope is to have you accompany me crazy for a lifetime


You and I see each other is a fate, we cherish each other the hard won feelings Hope to accompany you in the future


Late at night I light a candle for you, fall asleep after I put your hand flat, sad when I wiped away tears for you, lost after I put you in my arms


I'm not mad at you anymore People like me who are open minded and highly respected will forgive you for being angry with me!


From now on, you promised me that today will not be lonely, there will be tomorrow! There is a future! Well, take my love and go with you!


Because love quietly escape, avoid the figure, can not hide the feelings of silence; today, I finally summon courage to exPss my love to you


I see you, I'm afraid of getting an electric shock; I don't see you, I need to recharge Without you, I think I'm going to power off


Looking at your eyes, I see the sea, the blue sky, and see the beautiful future!


Want to get you out of my memory, but always involuntarily to remind you: in the dream of every moment, every minute when awake


Singing sad songs, looking at the beloved girl The heart is for you hurt, the song is for you to sing, I just want you happy, I'm sorry!


Tonight, lonely as the sea, love tonight disaster Love for you has become the lonely sea Think your heart has made your shadow flood in your mind!


Because I don't trust myself, my life will be with you, I have been searching for centuries, this life can not let you go away from my arms



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