脑筋急转弯答案:smilessmiles, 因为两个 s 之间隔了一个mile(英里)
益智脑筋急转弯精选1 山山皆有相思意 (打一 成语 )——答案:脉脉含情
2 木目跨于心,古人做反文,小和尚光头,凄惨无泪水。 (打一爱情密语)——答案:想做你妻
3 祸起婚外恋 (打一歌词名)——答案:难得有情人
4 求爱 (打一4字口语)——答案:讨人喜欢
5 与君离别意 (打一字)——答案:玢
6 约会 (打一俗语三字)——答案:有意见
7 留念一处春几度 (打一日常行为)——答案:开机
8 日长夜短愁几时,高处无口几人来,一人游弋芳草地,十士脚长披蓑衣,天鹅展翅鸟已飞,白勺煮酒无意义,空余一钩三点雨。 提示:表白暗语——答案:月亮代表我的心
9 天鹅下海鸟不见,顺水几月又断魂,水载小船去约会,丽人小船立亭亭,正好一去会疗心,真心相约你来玩,您却无心载友情。 提示:表白暗语——答案:我没法停止想你
10 鸟飞鹅跳,月上中梢,目上朱砂,已异非巳,勺旁傍白,万事开头,工戈不全,雨下挚友,称断人和。 提示:表白暗语——答案:我用自己的方式爱你
11 心死两相依,知己所言真,人在尔旁站,饥饿去无食,还来还要走,相思只一心,好女愿他旁。 提示:表白暗语——答案:教我如何不想她
12 心死两相依,知己所言真,人在尔旁站,饥饿去无食,人故想永共,还来还要走,至死也相随。 提示:表白暗语——答案:忘记你我做不到
13 尔旁站,橘红无丝织,无山登峨嵋,椰子亦能语,深藏不见底,白芍本非草,寒冬病缠身。 提示:暧昧暗语——答案:你是我心中的疼
14 二人同游一人还,水天相隔望佳人,映月荷花不露角,夕阳西下赴明月,海底捞针苦苦寻,卧虎藏龙方十里,名花无主迟迟早。 提示:失恋疗伤——答案:天涯何处无芳草
15 日出美丽立取上,残月屋下友情长,无奈您却无心往,白水一勺表衷肠,春雨绵绵别三笑,但已人去走下场,嫦娥无女不寻常。 提示:表白暗语——答案:最爱你的人是我
16 日长夜短愁几许,高处无口几人来,一人游弋芳草地,十土脚下披衣裳,天鹅展翅鸟不回,白刀纯酒无意义,空儿一钩三点雨。 提示:表白暗语——答案:月亮代表我的心
17 树有心眼,西下美女,手扶下巴,人在尔旁,心死相依,言及自己,十件家具,白色勺子,子女双全,又住一起。 提示:表白暗语——答案:想要把你忘记真的好难
18 牛靠和尚屋,两人抬一木,两木不成林,水中鸳鸯成双对,一心两意记念谁,丝线穿针十一口,女氏还在日上游。 提示:表白暗语——答案:特来相亲想统婚
19 天鹅飞来鸟不归,回峰山中我独醉,良晨美景斜眼看,孤独寂寞深深埋,日夜花草为依伴,青春虚度苦不堪,此番招罪为哪般,有朝一日兄台来。 提示:表白暗语——答案:我一直在深爱着你、我仍朝思暮想着你
20 有花无月恨茫茫,有月无花恨转长,花美似人临月镜,月明如水照花香,扶筇月下寻花步,携酒花前带月尝,如此花好如此月,莫将花月作寻常。 提示:两个成语——答案:花前月下对酒当歌
21 情到浓时人憔悴,爱到深出心不悔,念你忘你都不对,宁愿伤心自己背。不怨苍天不怨谁,人生不过梦一回,惯看花开又花谢,却怕缘起又缘灭。 提示:两个成语——答案:青梅竹马两小无猜
22 天鹅飞来鸟不归,回峰山中我独醉,良辰美景斜眼看,孤独寂寞深深埋,日夜花草为依伴,青春虚度苦不堪,此番招罪为哪般,有朝一日兄台来。 提示:表白暗语——答案:我真的不能没有你
23 日月争辉,无头丈夫,称段人和,日正上升,心口不依,人立衣旁,四全习归,以下之有,鸟飞一跳。 提示:表白暗语——答案:明天你是否依然爱我
24 考考你,有一个部位爸爸可以碰两次,男朋友能碰一次,女朋友能碰一次,老公永远碰到不到。 提示:打一器官——答案:嘴
25 月下西楼影成双满天一色夜茫茫,情人相依梦相会,日出各自走下场,白鹅戏水惊鸳鸯,有心相约去一旁,谁说无言难开口,百日相思白了头。 提示:表白暗语——答案:朋友你是我的唯一
26 笔上难写心上情,到此搁笔到此停,有情日后成双对,无情以后难相逢,石榴开花慢慢红,冷水冲糖慢慢溶,只要两人心不变,总有一天得相逢。 提示:祝福暗语——答案:遥祝明天万事如意
27 一线情缘牵白头,日日思念排忧愁,不要怪我痴情种,见你常在梦境中,如果你我本有缘,隔山离水一线牵,三月桃花正旺盛,秋后果实最香甜。 提示:暧昧暗语——答案:一日不见如隔三秋
28 牛撞和尚屋,两人抬一木,两木不成林,月下弯又曲,东南西北路遥遥,八仙过海坐把刀,一男一女并排站,两颗青竹比天高。 提示:表白暗语——答案:特来相见十分好笑
29 一人尔旁站,橘红无丝织,无山登峨嵋,椰子亦能语,深藏不见底,白芍本非草,寒冬病缠身。 提示:表白暗语——答案:你是我心中的疼
30 心死两相依,知己所言真,人在尔旁站,饥饿去无食,故人想永共,还来还要走,至死都相遇。 提示:表白暗语——答案:忘记你我做不到
经典 最新脑筋急转弯1 个个参加整改 (打一常用词)——答案:政策
2 摹仿图章直乱真 (打一常用词)——答案:印象
3 女会计 (打一常用词)——答案:阴谋
4 聘师 (打一常用词)——答案:求教
5 从河南到湖南 (打一成语)——答案:难上加难
6 似在却非在,去土换小孩。 (打一字)——答案:存
7 两个兄弟一般长,同出同进总成双。酸甜苦辣它先尝,只爱吃菜不喝汤。 (打一生活物)——答案:筷子
8 孩 (打一成语)——答案:一时半刻
9 像外不是外,多了一长带。 (打一字)——答案:处
10 号称全真教 (打一成语)——答案:名不虚传
11 女人拉着马,人人都爱她,养我恩情大,会说先喊她。 (打一字)——答案:妈
12 一道一道又一道,上短下长中间小;父母有个独生子,一家几口他代表。 (打一字)——答案:三
13 明天日全食 (打一字)——答案:月
14 山中无老虎 (打二中药名)——答案:当归,猴头
15 白天头上挂,黑夜在脚下,挂在头上眼睛亮,挂在脚下眼睛瞎。 (打一物)——答案:太阳
16 最金贵的话 (打一成语)——答案:金玉良言
17 人间天上 (打一字)——答案:仝
18 高音 (打一常用词)——答案:强调
19 弓开如满月 (打一常用词)——答案:紧张
20健康美 (打一常用词)——答案:壮丽
PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN-HOIST THE COLOURS2008-03-19 21:37hoist the colours --Hans Zimer
Song lyrics
Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the colors high
Heave ho,
thieves and beggars,
never shall we die
The king and his men
stole the queen from her bed
and bound her in her Bones
The seas be ours
and by the powers
where we will we'll roam
Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never say we die
Some men have died
and some are alive
and others sail on the sea
– with the keys to the cage
and the Devil to pay
we lay to Fiddler's Green!
The bell has been raised
from it's watery grave
Do you hear it's sepulchral tone
We are a call to all,
pay head the squall
and turn your sail toward home!
Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the colors high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never say we die
Casablanca 卡萨布兰卡
I fell in love with you watching Casablanca
Back row of the drive in show in the flickering light
Popcorn and cokes beneath the stars became champagne and caviar
Making love on a long hot summers night
I thought you fell in love with me watching Casablanca
Holding hands 'neath the paddle fans in Rick's Candle lit cafe
Hiding in the shadows from the spots
A rocky moonlight in your arms
Making magic at the movies
in my old Chevrolet
Oh! A kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh
Please come back to me in Casablanca
I love you more and more each day as time goes by
I guess there're many broken hearts in Casablanca
You know I've never really been there
So I don't know
I guess our love story will never be seen
On the big wide silver screen
But it hurt just as bad
when I had to watch you go
Oh! A kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh
Please come back to me in Casablanca
I love you more and more each day as time goes by
Oh! A kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca
But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh
Please come back to me in Casablanca
I love you more and more each day as time goes by
I love you more and more each day as time goes by
2This Masquerade 化妆舞会
How we really happy 我们都乐在其中
With this lonely game we play 在这寂寞的游戏中
Looking for the right words to say 想找些适当的话来说
Searching but not finding 却百思不得
Understanding anyway 请你了解无论如何
We're lost in this masquerade 我们都迷失在这化装舞会之中
Both afraid to say 我俩都害怕说出来
We're just too far away 我们相隔如此遥远
From being close together 虽然我俩近在咫尺
We tried to talk it over 我们试着理清
But the words got in the way 却无话可说
We're lost inside 我俩都已迷失
This lonely game we play 在这寂寞的游戏中
Thoughts of leaving disappear 想要躲藏起来
Each time I see your eyes 当每次看见你的眼睛
And no matter how hard I try 不论我多么努力
To understand the reason 想要了解原因
Why we carry on this way 我们为何一直这样下去
We're lost in this masquerade 我俩都迷失在这化装舞会之中
兄妹二重唱组合The Carpenters是七十年代最成功的流行音乐组合之一,他们的歌曲脍炙人口,许多歌曲现在仍旧使人们念念不忘口口相传。The Carpenters的成员是哥哥Richard Carpenter和妹妹 Karen Carpenter。1966年Richard,Karen和他们的好朋友Wes Jacobs赢得了当地一个演唱比赛的大奖并引起了RCA唱片公司的注意。不幸的是他们的第一盒样带并不成功。1968年兄妹俩决定成立一个兄妹组合,专门演唱流行摇滚歌曲。一盒新的样带帮助他们赢得了A&M唱片公司的合同,并迅速发行了The Carpenters的第一张专辑《Offering》。1970年The Carpenters出版了专辑《Close to You》,专辑中**《Bacharach-David》的主题曲获得了排行榜的冠军。1981 年,The Carpenters推出了专辑《Made in America》,这也是他们最成功的一张专辑。就在人们以为The Carpenters即将再次登上事业顶峰时,悲剧发生了,妹妹Karen Carpenter患上了厌食症,并于1983年二月离开人世。妹妹死后,哥哥Richard Carpenter停止了表演事业,只是录制一些The Carpenters的精选唱片并担任其他一些歌手的制作人。Karen的歌声是那么的温暖可人,Carpenters的旋律和曲调则将温馨感人的一面展现在人们面前,这支亿万人景仰的乐队中的少女能够在音乐中展现自我,却不能在音乐之外把握自身,为了一阵轻浮的体重减肥风潮,白白葬送了自己的无比璀璨的天才,在这首歌曲里,悠远和惆怅的情怀正是她自己的内心的写照吧。音乐不是万能的,音乐只是人们在生活当中,在一场巨型的化妆舞会中的面具,有人是面貌憎狞的魔鬼,有人是美丽善良的精灵。音乐这面具将人们心中隐藏的愿望袒露于面孔,也许有很多人的面具更精细一些,却仍然摆脱不了伪装的命运。
3Love Story 爱情故事
Where do I begin to tell the story 从何说起讲述这故事
Of how great a love can be 细说爱情是多么的伟大
The sweet love story 这甜蜜爱情故事
That is older than the sea 比大海还古老
The simple truth about the love 她给我带来爱情的
She brings to me 朴素真理
Where do I start 我从何说起
With her first hello 用第一声"哈罗"
She gave a meaning 她把情义
To this empty world of mine 注入我这空虚的世界
There will never be another love 再也没有另一个爱人
Another time 没有另一次
She came into my life 她走入我的生活
And made the living fine 使我生活快乐
She fills my heart 她充满我心窝
She fills my heart 她充满我心窝
With very special things 用很特殊的事
With angel songs 用天使之歌
With wild imaginings 用丰富想象
She fills my soul with so much love 她用这么多爱充满我心灵
That anywhere I go I'm never lonely 不论走到哪里,我从不寂寞
With her along, who could be lonely 与她一起,谁会寂寞
I reach for her hand 我拉她的手
It's always there 她总在那里等候
How long does it last 这爱会持续多久
Can love be measured by the hours in a day 爱能否按时日衡量
I have no answers now 我现在没有答案
But this much I can say 但我可以说这么多
I know I'll need her 我知道我需要她
Till the stars all burn away 直到星球全烧掉
And she'll be there 她会在那里
How long does it last 这爱持续多久
Can love be measured by the hours in a day 爱能否按时日衡量
I have no answers now 我现在没有答案
But this much I can say 但我可以说这么多
I know I'll need her 我知道我需要她
Till the stars all burn away 直到星球全烧掉
And she'll be there 她会在那里
4The Sound Of Silence 寂静之声
Hello darkness, my old friend 你好黑夜,我的老朋友
I've come to talk with you again 我又来与你聊天了
Because a vision softly creeping 因为那幻觉又无声无息地
Left its seeds while I was sleeping 在我梦里播下种子
And the vision that was planted in my brain still remains 那感觉依旧还再
With in the sound of silence 寂静之声
In restless dreams I walked alone 在那疲惫的梦中我独自漫步
Narrow streets of cobble stone 在圆石铺成的窄路上
'Neath the halo of a street lamp, 在街灯的光晕下
I turned my collar to the cold and damp 我卷起衣领挡住寒冷与潮湿
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light 当我的眼睛被氖灯的闪光刺痛时
That split the night 将夜晚分裂
And touched the sound of silence 触碰寂静之声
And in the naked light I saw 在裸光之下我看到
Ten thousand people, may be more 上万个人,或许更多
People talking without speaking 他们不发一语却在交流
People hearing without listening 他们不用聆听却能听到
People writing songs that voice never share 他们没有人哼出声来却能写歌
And no one dared disturb the sound of silence 没有人敢打破寂静之声
"Fools" said I, "You do not know 我说道"傻瓜们,你们难道不知道
Silence like a cancer grows 寂静就像癌细胞一样蔓延。
Hear my words that I might teach you, 听听我要教你们的话语,
Take my arms that I might reach you" 接住我要伸向你们的手臂"
But my words like silent raindrops fell, 但我的话像寂静下落的雨点
And echoed 带着回响
In the wells of silence 打在寂静的井底
And the people bowed and prayed 他们弯下腰
To the neon god they made 向一座发着氖光的神像祈祷
And the sign flashed out its warning 而这一象征物发出警告
In the words that it was forming 用它专有的语言
And the sign said, "The words of the prophets 说道"预言被写在
Are written on the subway walls 隧道的墙壁上
And tenement halls" 在屋子的大厅里"
And whispered in the sounds of silence 然后用寂静之声呢喃着
Moon river wider than a mile 月亮河,宽阔无际
I'm crossing you in style some day 总有一天我会潇洒地过渡
Oh, dream maker 你激发梦想
You heart breaker 你令人心碎
Wherever you're going 无论你去何方
I'm going your way 我都紧紧追随
Two drifters off to see the world 结伴漂流,世界畅游
There's such a lot of world to see 多彩的世界总看不够
We're after the same rainbow's end 追寻着相同的彩虹尽头
Waiting 'round the bend 在河岸上守候
My huckleberry friend 我甜蜜的朋友
Moon river and me 月亮河和我
6Can You Feel The Love Tonight 今夜你能感受到我的爱吗?
There's a calm surrender to the rush of day 在突发的一天冷静的放弃
When the heat of the rolling world 什么时候这世界的高温
Can be turned away 才会被制止住
An enchanted moment 一个迷惑的时刻
And it sees me through 能将我看透
It's enough for this restless warrior 这对一个疲惫的战士来说已足够
Just to be with you 只要和你在一起
(Chorus) 合唱
And can you feel the love tonight 今夜你能感受到我的爱吗
It is where we are 它就在我们所在的地方
It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer 这对一个天真的流浪者来说已足够
That we got this far 我们走得太远
And can you feel the love tonight 今夜你能感受到我的爱吗
How was laid to rest 躺下歇歇怎样
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds 这已经足够让国王与难民
Believe the very best 相信这是最好的
There's a time for everyone if they only learn 如果每个人都会有得到教训的一刻
That the twisting kaleidoscope 象旋转的万花筒
Moves us all in turn 让我们轮番旋转
There's a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors 在这野生世界里有一种韵律与理由
When the heart of this star-crossed voyager 当一颗时运不济流浪的心
Beats in time with yours 与你的一同跳动
(Chorus) 合唱
And can you feel the love tonight 今夜你能感受到我的爱吗
It is where we are 它就在我们所在的地方
It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer 这对一个天真的流浪者来说已足够
That we got this far 我们走得太远
And can you feel the love tonight 今夜你能感受到我的爱吗
How was laid to rest 躺下歇歇怎样
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds 已经足够让国王与难民
Believe the very best 相信这是最好的
It's enough to make kings and vagabonds 已经足够让国王与难民
Believe the very best 相信这是最好的
7Auld Lang Syno 友谊地久天长
Should auld acquaintance be forgot 怎能把老朋友遗忘
And never brought to mind 我时常这么想
Should auld acquaintance be forgot 怎能把老朋友遗忘
For the sake of auld Lang Syno 和往日那好时光
If you ever changed your mind 如果你改变主意
But I'd be leaving me behind 但我已经把自己留下
Oh bring it to me 喔把它给我
Bring your sweet love 把你的爱带给我
Bring it whole to me 甜蜜而完整的爱
I give you jewelry and maletu 我会把身上所有全给你
That's all I give for you 这都是我给你的
For auld Lang sine my dear 亲爱的,为往日那好时光
For auld Lang Syno 往日那好时光
We'll talk a cup of kindness yet 让我们举杯共祝
For the sake of auld Lang Syno 友谊天长地久
8Don't Cry for Me Argentina 阿根廷别为我哭泣
It won't be easy 你会感到奇怪
You'll think it strange 当我努力说明自己的感受
When I try to explain how I feel 说我仍然需要你的爱
That I still need your love 在我所做一切之后
After all that I've done 你不愿相信我的话
You won't believe me 你认定我是那个
All you will see it's a girl 你从前认识的女孩
You once knew 你所知道的
Although she's dressed up to the nines 虽然她的打扮无可挑剔
At sixes and sevens with you 却与你格格不入
I have to let it happen 我无法避免其发生
I have to change 我不得不去改变
Couldn't stay all my life down at heel 不能听凭自己随波逐流
Looking out of the window (满足于)张望窗外
Staying out of the sun 远离阳光
So I chose freedom 于是我选择了自由
Running around 四处漫游
Trying everything new 尝试一切新事物
But nothing impressed me at all 但没有给我留下一丝印象
I never expected it to 而这我本从未期待
Don't cry for me Argentina 阿根廷,别为我哭泣
The truth is I never left you 事实上我从未离开过你
All through my wild days 在那段狂野岁月中
My mad existence 疯狂历程里
I kept my promise 我信守着诺言
Don't keep your distance 别将我拒之门外
And as for fortune 至于金钱
And as for fame 以及名利
I never invited them in 我未曾奢望
Though it seemed to the world 虽然在世俗看来
They were all I desired 它们是我所有欲求
They are illusions 它们不过是幻像
They are not the solutions 决非解决的途径
They promised to be 如它们所承诺的那样
The answer was here all the time 答案一直在这
I love you and hope you love me 我爱你,希望你也爱我
Have I said too much 我是否说得太多
There's nothing more 我想不出还能
I can think of to say to you 向你表白什幺
But all you have to do is 但你所要做的只是
Look at me to know 看着我,你会知道
That every word is true 每字每句都是真情
9Against All Odds 困难重重
How can I just let you walk away 我怎能让你就此离去
Just let you leave without a trace 让你不留痕迹的离去
When I stand here taking every breath with you 当我伫立在此,与你一同呼吸
You're the only one who really knew me at all 毕竟你是唯一真正了解我的人
How can you just walk away from me 你怎能就这样离开我
When all I can do is watch you leave 当我只能眼睁睁的看着你离去
Cause we've shared the laughter and the pain, 因为我们曾经一起分享欢笑、痛苦
and even shared the tears 甚至分享泪水
You're the only one who really knew me at all 毕竟你是唯一真正了解我的人
So take a look at me now 此刻请再看我一眼
Cause there's just an empty space 只因空中一片冷寂
And there's nothing left here 这儿已没有留下什幺
To remind me just the memory of your face 能让我想起记忆中你的容颜
Take a look at me now 此刻,再看我一眼
Cause there's just an empty space 只因空中一片冷寂
And you coming back to me is against all odds 要你再回我身边,已是困难重重
And that's what I've got to face 但是我必须去面对
I wish I could just make you turn around 但愿我能让你回头
Turn around and see me cry 回头来看我在哭泣
There's so much I need to say to you 有太多话想对你说
So many reasons why 有太多的疑惑
You're the only one who really knew me at all 毕竟你是唯一真正了解我的人
So take a look at me now 此刻请再看我一眼
Cause there's just an empty space 只因空中一片冷寂
And there's nothing left here 这儿已没有留下什幺
To remind me just the memory of your face 能让我想起记忆中你的容颜
Take a look at me now 此刻,再看我一眼
Cause there's just an empty space 只因空中一片冷寂
But to wait for you, well that's all I can do 但是,等你便是我唯一能做的
And that's what I've got to face 也是我必须面对的
Take a good look at me now 此刻,好好的看我一眼
Cause I'll still be standing here 因为我将一直伫立在此
And you coming back to me is against all odds 要你回我身边,虽然是困难重重
That's the chance I've got to take 我却必须要去把握