





  ·[英文歌曲]-One thing

  ·[英文歌曲]-Falling 堕落


  ·[英文歌曲]-Heal the World


  ·[英文歌曲]-Miracle (爱的奇迹)

  ·[英文歌曲]-Dangerously in love

  ·[英文歌曲]-I am alive


  ·[英文歌曲]-Things will go my way

  ·[英文歌曲]-Call my name


  ·[英文歌曲]-Even If

  ·[英语歌曲]-Viva Forever spice girls


  ·[英语歌曲]-The end of the world


  ·[英文歌曲]-Summer Wine

  ·[英语歌曲]-You should've known better

  ·[英语歌曲]-A song for you

  ·[英语歌曲]-Did you ever see a lassie

  ·[英语歌曲]-Simple simon

  1 Yesterday Once More 2 Said I love YouBut 3 Hotel California 4 Reality 5 Save the Best for Last

  6 Rhythm of the Rain 7 La Paloma 8 I Have Nothing 9 I Swear 10 Emotion

  11 Paint My Love 12 Candle in the Wind 13 Love story 14 Sailing 15 Casablanca

  16 Sound of silence 17 Sealed with a kiss 18 Careless whisper 19 Right here waiting 20 Let it be

  21 Moon River 22 Sad movie 23 Yesterday 24 Love is blue 25 Oh Carol

  26 Love me tender 27 River of Babylon 28 Everytime You Go Away 29 My Heart Will Go On 30 Everything I Do

  31 Say You Say Me 32 The Cup of Life 33 Overture of William 34 Gmmei 35 Winterfire

  36 Denyboy 37 Superstar 38 Take a Bow 39 Beauty and the Beast 40 Miss You

  41 a whole new world 42 because i love you 43 big big world 44 colors of the wind 45 evergreen

  46 eyes on me 47 i just called to 48 i will always love 49 love of my life 50 perfect moment

  51 speak softly love 52 when i fall in love 53 sitting down here 54 Hotel California 55 tennesse waltz

  56 the wedding 57 changing partners 58 are you lonesome 59 tammy 60 the last waltz

  61 sad movies 62 all kind of my 63 and i love her 64 summer holiday 65 hey jude

  66 hey paula 67 the greatest love 68 saving all my love 69 endless love 70 making love out of

  71 i've never been to me 72 moonlight flower 73 you're my everything 74 one more night 75 you needed me

  76 rains & tears 77 run away 78 tell laure i love her 79 young love 80 auld lang syne

  81 inside of my guitar 82 500 miles 83 sa tears go by 84 the end of the world 85 and i love you so

  86 stay awhile 87 the way we were 88 evergreen tree 89 morning has broken 90 paloma blanca

  91 imaging 92 cotton fields 93 rhineston cowboy 94 nobody's child 95 moon river

  96 diana 97 holiday 98 on!carol 99 frankie 100 tea for two

  101 if 102 angel of the morning 103 there s a kind of 104 san francisco 105 rose garden

  106 i started a joke 107 mandy 108 Family Portrait 109 take me home 110 pretty boy

  111 Jenny From The Block 112 Trouble 113 White Flag 114 You Don t Know My 115 Fighter

  116 Me Against The Music 117 Breathe 118 Stole-Kelly Rowland 119 Slow-Kylie Minogue 120 The Closest Thing

  121 Milkshake 122 Too Lost In You 123 No Scrubs 124 Survivor 125 take me to your heart

  --奥斯卡欧美**金曲-- ‖百年经典‖

  经典珍藏版(一) 1 我怎么活 空中监狱 2 爱情傻瓜 新罗密欧与茱丽叶 3 再见 巧克力情人

  4 天使怎么会伤我的心 天使多情 5 屈服 007之明日帝国 6 欢乐嘉年华 王牌大贱谍 7 麻烦 第五元素

  8 爱你所爱 爱情失窃事件 9 敬重 花木兰 10 我将记住 人生点滴是真情 11 我总梦见你 白宫奇缘

  12 我不想在提起 惊世未了情 13 x档案 x档案 14 乘喷气机离去 地球末日 15 破坏者 越空狂龙

  经典珍藏版(二) 16 往无前 穿梭梦美人 17 坠入爱河 四个婚礼一个葬礼 18 梦 职业特功队

  19 此情可待 终有一天感动你 20 威力无限 炮弹专家 21 三番市 阿甘正传 22 说你说我 白夜

  23 他是我兄弟 第一滴血3 24 我的宝贝 宝贝小情人 25 今夜爱无限 狮子王 26 崭新世界 阿拉丁

  27 似曾相识 时光倒流七十年 28 夜色 夜色 29 落日之幻影 生命因你而动听 30 引领我 壮志凌云

  经典珍藏版(三) 31 黑超特警 mib黑超特警 32 心之形 这个杀手不太冷 33 现在和永远 赌命鸳鸯

  34 粉红色玫瑰 一切从失恋开始 35 星体 阻击职业杀手 36 我相信我能飞 太空也入樽 37 漂亮 云裳风暴

  38 你的追求 那一天传奇 39 吻她 小美人鱼 40 费城街头 费城故事 41 007主题音乐 007

  42 你的爱有多深 周末狂热爱 43 破晓时分 现代女人心 44 玫瑰之吻 蝙蝠侠第三集 45 勿伤我心 致命恋人

  经典珍藏版(四) 46 电话诉衷情 红衣女郎 47 老虎的眼睛 洛奇 48 时光流逝 北非谍影

  49 倒退华尔兹 沉默的羔羊 50 你的画像 憨豆先生 51 伴我一生 留住有情人 52 残酷 此情可问天

  53 我会永远等待 捉鬼敢死队 54 畅通无阻 艳舞女郎 55 红色女郎 上班女郎 56 生生不息 狮子王

  57 你爱的那个 生于七月四日 58 未来战士 未来战士 59 说爱 理智与情感 60 王者殿堂 危机总动员

  经典珍藏版(五) 61 打击 三步杀人曲 62 一无所有 女人香 63 跨越彩虹 绿野仙踪

  64 此情永不移 廊桥遗梦 65 总在某处 鹅塘暗杀令 66 如果你需要传奇 精子奇缘 67 让我哭泣 激情交叉点

  68 上帝知道 一生的爱都给你 69 驾驶 的士司机 70 海底下 小美人鱼 71 雪绒花 音乐之声

  72 你一定爱上了我 贝隆夫人 73 我一无所有 保镖 74 改变世界 不一样的本能 75 奔向你 保镖

  经典珍藏版(六) 76 幻想 变相怪杰 77 化装舞会 情人 78 你让我快乐 猎爱高手

  79 当男人爱上女人当男人爱上女人 80 爱情故事 爱情故事 81 你我和第三次世界大战 职业特工队 82 美女与野兽 美女与野兽

  83 奔放的旋律 人鬼情未了 84 毕业生 毕业生 85 你可曾见过雨 费城故事 86 我会永远爱你 保镖

  87 当我坠入爱河 西雅图未眠夜 88 感觉真好 闪电舞

  goodbye heal the world

  windflowers love story

  anyoneatall all out of love

  my heart will go on I want it that way

  take my breath away tonight i celebrate my love

  can you feel the love tonight 狮子王续集-荣耀大地

  my heart stays with you 狮子王续集-沉睡的狮子

  that's why (you go away) everything i do (i do it for you)

  yesterday once more


  魂断蓝桥 《友谊地久天长》插曲

  北非谍影 《卡萨布兰卡》插曲

  I Will Always Love You

  007 <《007主题音乐》插曲> 泰塔尼克 <《我心依旧》插曲> 007之明日帝国 <《屈服》插曲>

  魂断蓝桥 <《友谊地久天长》插曲> MIB黑超特警 <《黑超特警》插曲> 北非谍影 <《卡萨布兰卡》插曲>

  X档案 <《X档案》插曲> 阿甘正传 <《三番市》插曲> 阿拉丁 <《崭新世界》插曲>

  爱情故事 <《爱情故事》插曲> 爱情失窃事件 <《爱你所爱》插曲> 白宫奇缘 <《我总梦见你》插曲>

  白夜 <《说你说我》插曲> 伴我一生 <《伴我一生》插曲> 宝贝小情人 <《我的宝贝》插曲>

  保镖 <《奔向你》插曲> 保镖 <《我一无所有》插曲> 保镖 <《我会永远爱你》插曲>

  时光流逝 <《北非谍影》插曲> 贝隆夫人 <《你一定爱上了我》插曲> 毕业生 <《毕业生》插曲>

  蝙蝠侠第三集 <《玫瑰之吻》插曲> 变相怪杰 <《幻想》插曲> 不一样的本能 <《改变世界》插曲>

  沉默的羔羊 <《倒退华尔兹》插曲> 穿梭梦美人 <《一往无前》插曲> 此情可问天 <《残酷》插曲>

  当男人爱上女人 <《当男人爱上女人》插曲> 的士司机 <《驾驶》插曲> 地球末日 <《乘喷气机离去》插曲>

  第五元素 <《麻烦》插曲> 第一滴血3 <《他是我兄弟》插曲> 赌命鸳鸯 <《现在和永远》插曲>

  鹅塘暗杀令 <《总在某处》插曲> 费城故事 <《费城街头》插曲> 费城故事 <《你可曾见过雨》插曲>

  憨豆先生 <《你的画像》插曲> 红衣女郎 <《电话诉衷情》插曲> 花木兰 <《敬重》插曲>

  激情交叉点 <《让我哭泣》插曲> 惊世未了情 <《我不想在提起》插曲> 精子奇缘 <《如果你需要传奇》插曲>

  空中监狱 <《我怎么活》插曲> 廊桥遗梦 <《此情永不移》插曲> 理智与情感 <《说爱》插曲>

  猎爱高手 <《你让我快乐》插曲> 绿野仙踪 <《跨越彩虹》插曲> 洛奇 <《老虎的眼睛》插曲>

  美女与野兽 <《美女与野兽》插曲> 那一天传奇 <《你的追求》插曲> 女人香 <《一无所有》插曲>

  炮弹专家 <《威力无限》插曲> 巧克力情人 <《再见》插曲> 情人 <《化装舞会》插曲>

  人鬼情未了 <《奔放的旋律》插曲> 人生点滴是真情 <《我将记住》插曲> 三步杀人曲 <《打击》插曲>

  闪电舞 <《感觉真好》插曲> 上班女郎 <《红色女郎》插曲> 生命因你而动听 <《落日之幻影》插曲>

  生于七月四日 <《你爱的那个》插曲> 狮子王 <《今夜爱无限》插曲> 狮子王 <《生生不息》插曲>

  时光倒流七十年 <《似曾相识》插曲> 四个婚礼一个葬礼 <《坠入爱河》插曲> 太空也入樽 <《我相信我能飞》插曲>

  天使多情 <《天使怎么会伤我的心》插曲> 危机总动员 <《王者殿堂》插曲> 未来战士 <《未来战士》插曲>

  西雅图未眠夜 <《当我坠入爱河》插曲> 现代女人心 <《破晓时分》插曲> 小美人鱼 <《海底下》插曲>

  小美人鱼 <《吻她》插曲> 新罗密欧与茱丽叶 <《爱情傻瓜》插曲> 艳舞女郎 <《畅通无阻》插曲>

  夜色 <《夜色》插曲> 一切从失恋开始 <《粉红色玫瑰》插曲> 一生的爱都给你 <《上帝知道》插曲>

  音乐之声 <《雪绒花》插曲> 越空狂龙 <《破坏者》插曲> 云裳风暴 <《漂亮》插曲>

  这个杀手不太冷 <《心之形》插曲> 职业特工队 <《你我和第三次世界大战》插曲> 职业特功队 <《梦》插曲>

  至OUT凸务IN娇娃 <《欢乐嘉年华》插曲> 致命恋人 <《勿伤我心》插曲> 终有一天感动你 <《此情可待》插曲>

  周末狂热爱 <《你的爱有多深》插曲> 壮志凌云 <《引领我》插曲> 捉鬼敢死队 <《我会永远等待》插曲>

  阻击职业杀手 <《星体》插曲>


  1Anything But Ordinary


  3Im With You

  4Losing Grip


  6My World


  8Nobodys Fool

  9Skater Boy

  10Things I'll Never Say


  12Too Much To Ask



How are your studies these days


I have difficulties in learning English


I have achieved such a big leap as I practise English every day


Lisa didn't leave home until her mother calmed down


He said he enjoyed last night very much

老师说 到这个周末 我们会学完这两本书

The teacher said that we would have gone through these two books by the end of this week




3多看英文**,既可以看**,又可以不知不觉中学习英语。建议看有中英文对照的**。一站式出国留学攻略 http://wwwoffercomingcom



Saly can’t wait to read the books each time when she sees those books she hasn’t read yet in the library



 阿速坡 attapeu

 巴色 pakse

 班纳欣 ban nahin

 北汕 paksane

 波里坎塞 borikhamxay

 博胶(波乔) bokeo

 川圹 xiengkhuang

 丰沙里 phongsaly

 丰沙湾 phonsavan

 甘蒙 khammuane

 华潘 huaphanh

 会晒 houayxay

 琅勃拉邦 luangprabang

 琅南塔 louangnamtha

 琅南塔 luangnamtha

 孟蓬洪 muang phonhong

 塞公 sekhong

 塞公(公河) sekhong

 桑怒 xam nua

 沙拉湾 saravane

 沙湾拿吉 savannahket

 沙湾拿吉 savannakhet

 沙耶武里 xaignaboury

 沙耶武里 xayaboury

 他曲 thakhek

 万象 vientiane

 万象市 vientiane municipality

 乌多姆赛 oudomxay

Early life and education

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was born on 7 October 1952 in Saint Petersburg, Russia, the youngest of three children of Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin (1911–1999) and Maria Ivanovna Putina (née Shelomova; 1911–1998) He had two brothers, Viktor and Albert, born in the mid-1930s Albert died in infancy and Viktor died of diphtheria during the Siege of Leningrad Putin's mother was a factory worker and his father was a conscript in the Soviet Navy, serving in the submarine fleet in the early 1930s Early in World War II, his father served in the destruction battalion of the NKVD Later, he was transferred to the regular army and was severely wounded in 1942

On 1 September 1960, Putin started at School No 193 at Baskov Lane, near his home He was one of a few in the class of approximately 45 pupils who was not yet a member of the Young Pioneer organization At age 12, he began to practice sambo and judo He wished to emulate the intelligence officers portrayed in Soviet cinema Putin studied German at Saint Petersburg High School 281, and speaks German fluently

Putin studied law at the Saint Petersburg State University in 1970 and graduated in 1975 His thesis was on "The Most Favored Nation Trading Principle in International Law" While there, he was required to join the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and remained a member until December 1991Putin met Anatoly Sobchak, an Assistant Professor who taught business law (khozyaystvennoye pravo), and was influential in Putin's career

KGB career

In 1975, Putin joined the KGB, and trained at the 401st KGB school in Okhta, Saint Petersburg After training, he worked in the Second Chief Directorate (counter-intelligence), before he was transferred to the First Chief Directorate, where he monitored foreigners and consular officials in Saint Petersburg From 1985 to 1990, he served in Dresden, East Germany, using a cover identity as a translator According to Putin's official biography, during the fall of the Berlin Wall that began on 9 November 1989, he burned KGB files to prevent demonstrators from obtaining them

After the collapse of the Communist East German government, Putin returned to Saint Petersburg, where in June 1991, he worked with the International Affairs section of Saint Petersburg State University, reporting to Vice-Rector Yuriy Molchanov There, he looked for new KGB recruits, watched the student body, and renewed his friendship with his former professor, Anatoly Sobchak, the Mayor of Saint Petersburg Putin resigned with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel on 20 August 1991, on the second day of 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt against Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev Putin said: "As soon as the coup began, I immediately decided which side I was on", although he also noted that the choice was hard because he had spent the best part of his life with "the organs"

In 1999, Putin described communism as "a blind alley, far away from the mainstream of civilization"

Saint Petersburg administration (1990–1996)

In May 1990, Putin was appointed as an advisor on international affairs to Mayor Sobchak On 28 June 1991, he became head of the Committee for External Relations of the Saint Petersburg Mayor's Office, with responsibility for promoting international relations and foreign investments and registering business ventures Within a year, Putin was investigated by the city legislative council led by Marina Salye It was concluded that he had understated prices and permitted the export of metals valued at $93 million in exchange for foreign food aid that never arrived Despite the investigators' recommendation that Putin be fired, Putin remained head of the Committee for External Relations until 1996 From 1994 to 1996, he held several other political and governmental positions in Saint Petersburg

In March 1994, Putin was appointed as First Deputy Chairman of the Government of Saint Petersburg In May 1995, he organized the Saint Petersburg branch of the pro-government Our Home Is Russia political party, the liberal party of power founded by Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin In 1995, he managed the legislative election campaign for that party, and from 1995 through June 1997, he was leader of its Saint Petersburg branch

Early Moscow career (1996–1999)

In 1996, Sobchak lost his bid for reelection in Saint Petersburg Putin was called to Moscow and in June 1996 became a Deputy Chief of the Presidential Property Management Department (other languages) headed by Pavel Borodin He occupied this position until March 1997 During his tenure, Putin was responsible for the foreign property of the state and organized transfer of the former assets of the Soviet Union and Communist Party to the Russian Federation

On 26 March 1997, President Boris Yeltsin appointed Putin deputy chief of Presidential Staff, which he remained until May 1998, and chief of the Main Control Directorate of the Presidential Property Management Department (until June 1998) His predecessor on this position was Alexei Kudrin and the successor was Nikolai Patrushev, both future prominent politicians and Putin's associates

On 27 June 1997, at the Saint Petersburg Mining Institute, guided by rector Vladimir Litvinenko, Putin defended his Candidate of Science dissertation in economics, titled "The Strategic Planning of Regional Resources Under the Formation of Market Relations" This exemplified the custom in Russia for a rising young official to write a scholarly work in mid-career When Putin later became president, the dissertation became a target of plagiarism accusations by fellows at the Brookings Institution; although the dissertation was referenced, the Brookings fellows asserted it constituted plagiarism albeit perhaps unintentional The dissertation committee denied the accusations

On 25 May 1998, Putin was appointed First Deputy Chief of Presidential Staff for regions, replacing Viktoriya Mitina; and, on 15 July, was appointed Head of the Commission for the preparation of agreements on the delimitation of power of regions and the federal center attached to the President, replacing Sergey Shakhray After Putin's appointment, the commission completed no such agreements, although during Shakhray's term as the Head of the Commission there were 46 agreements signed Later, after becoming president, Putin canceled all those agreements

On 25 July 1998, Yeltsin appointed Putin as Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the primary intelligence and security organization of the Russian Federation and successor of the KGB He held that position until 9 August 1999

First premiership (1999)

On 9 August 1999, Putin was appointed one of three First Deputy Prime Ministers, and later on that day was appointed acting Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation by President Yeltsin Yeltsin also announced that he wanted to see Putin as his successor Still later on that same day, Putin agreed to run for the presidency

On 16 August, the State Duma approved his appointment as Prime Minister with 233 votes in favour (vs 84 against, 17 abstained), while a simple majority of 226 was required, making him Russia's fifth PM in fewer than eighteen months On his appointment, few expected Putin, virtually unknown to the general public, to last any longer than his predecessors He was initially regarded as a Yeltsin loyalist; like other prime ministers of Boris Yeltsin, Putin did not choose ministers himself, his cabinet being determined by the presidential administration

Yeltsin's main opponents and would-be successors were already campaigning to replace the ailing president, and they fought hard to prevent Putin's emergence as a potential successor Putin's law-and-order image and his unrelenting approach to the Second Chechen War, soon combined to raise Putin's popularity and allowed him to overtake all rivals

While not formally associated with any party, Putin pledged his support to the newly formed Unity Party, which won the second largest percentage of the popular vote (233%) in the December 1999 Duma elections, and in turn he was supported by it

Acting presidency (1999–2000)

On 31 December 1999, Yeltsin unexpectedly resigned and, according to the Constitution of Russia, Putin became Acting President of the Russian Federation On assuming this role, Putin went on a previously scheduled visit to Russian troops in Chechnya

The first Presidential Decree that Putin signed, on 31 December 1999, was titled "On guarantees for former president of the Russian Federation and members of his family" This ensured that "corruption charges against the outgoing President and his relatives" would not be pursued This was most notably targeted at Mabetex bribery case in which Yeltsin's family members were involved On 30 August 2000, a criminal investigation (number 18/238278-95) was dropped in which Putin himself was one of suspects as a member of the Saint Petersburg city government On 30 December 2000 yet another case against the prosecutor general was dropped "for lack of evidence", in spite of thousands of documents passed by Swiss prosecution On 12 February 2001, Putin signed a similar federal law which replaced the decree of 1999 The case of Putin's alleged corruption in metal exports from 1992 was brought back by Marina Salye, but she was silenced and forced to leave Saint Petersburg

While his opponents had been preparing for an election in June 2000, Yeltsin's resignation resulted in the Presidential elections being held within three months, on 26 March 2000; Putin won in the first round with 53% of the vote




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