

这首歌是《undress rehearsal》。歌词如下:

Undress Rehearsal (裸体彩排) - Timeflies (时光飞逝乐队)

Written by:Caleb Shapiro/Rob Resnick/James Abrahart/Andreas Schuller/Jacob Luttrell

Ooh  la la la  la la  la la la     Ooh  la la la    You deserve more than a cameo

How are you not in my video 

Lets take it back to my studio

And we can let it roll tonight

Girl  come with me now

Your scene's about to start

I do believe I can see you're a star

Don't know your name but you're made for the part

Cause you're perfect  babe

Time to work it  babe

It's your undress rehearsal

So take your clothes off

Show me how you show off

It's your undress rehearsal

You the main attraction

Lights  camera  action

Ooh  la la la  la la  la la la

Ooh  la la la  la la la la la la    Ooh  la la la  la la  la la la   Ooh  la la la

No  you don't need to audition  babe

Don't need no headshots or pictures  babe

There's no contract to negotiate

So we should let it roll tonight

Girl  come with me now

Your scene's about to start

I do believe I can see you're a star

Don't know your name but you're made for the part

Cause you're perfect  babe

Time to work it  babe

It's your undress rehearsal

So take your clothes off

Show me how you show off

It's your undress rehearsal

You the main attraction

Lights  camera  action

Ooh  la la la  la la  la la la   Ooh  la la la  la la la la la la   Ooh  la la la  la la  la la la

Ooh  la la la  la la la la la la   Stop  let the credits roll   On star status  need a telescope

Magazines  that centerfold

All the dudes like  "She could get it though"

She could get it though 

(She could get it though)

From the top down  like it sexual

See that wardrobe at awards show

Now it's your name in a envelope like

It's your undress rehearsal

So take your clothes off

Show me how you show off

It's your undress rehearsal

You the main attraction

Lights  camera  action

Ooh  la la la  la la  la la la   Ooh  la la la  la la la la la la   Ooh  la la la  la la  la la la   

Ooh  la la la   Se-xy gi-rl  let's undress rehearsal

Se-xy gi-rl  let's undress rehearsal

Se-xy gi-rl  let's undress rehearsal

Let it ride out  let it ride out

《undress rehearsal》是由Timeflies乐队演唱的。

TIMEFLIES乐队成立于2010年10月,是由制作人Rob Resnick和主唱Cal Shapiro组成的美国流行电子音乐组合。

一开始只致力于在音乐网站发表作品的他们,在发布了几张单曲之后,TIMEFLIES乐队在2011年9月19日发表他们的首张专辑《The Scotch Tape》,在itunes音乐上的下载量排行榜中迅速飙升至第2位,知名度开始大增。

同时他们也开办了一个叫Timeflies Tuesday的系列活动,这个活动意在通过发表混音作品、现场表演和伴随原创节奏的即兴说唱与歌迷互动。在发表了一个混音专辑和两个EP之后,他们一直非常努力地制作于2014年4月29日发表的新专辑《After Hours》,这张专辑也为他们的知名度和音乐成就推向了一个新的高峰。

参考资料:Undress Rehearsal-网银云音乐

1、TL:Top Level   adj. 最高级的

2、TL:trade-last   最后交易

3、TL:time loan   定期贷款

4、TL:temperature log   井温测井

5、TL:Total Load   总载荷

6、TL:Tape Library   胶带库

7、TL:Test Link   测试线路


temperature log   井温测井









2015年,万妮达参与了Freedom Plant Music的Mixitape创作与录制,并推出了《Get away from me》、《colorful world》等多首说唱单曲。




2017年4月18日,推出个人说唱单曲《Queendom》;6月26日,推出个人说唱单曲《Mr Wonderful》;8月16日,推出个人说唱单曲《钱程似锦》;11月8日,推出首张个人同名专辑《Vinida万妮达》。

回答于 2022-06-06


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两人并不是情侣关系。JonyJ已经结婚生子。2016年,万妮达在参加《中国新歌声》比赛期间,在网上晒出与男友的合照,并正式公开恋情 。2019年6月27日,Jony J在社交平台上公布恋情,发布了自己与女友的合影,宣布与6年前的女友复合 ;同年7月6日,Jony J在LiveHouse现场向女友求婚。2020年2月29日,Jony J发文宣布妻子生下一名女孩 。扩展资料万妮达在《中国新歌声》的舞台上,将《牛仔很忙》和《给我一个吻》这两首歌改编成为了HipHop曲风,而且运用了EDM与HipHop交融后的编曲技巧,再加上她辨识度极高的嗓音和扎实的说唱基本功,将原作和新编的融合做到了一体化的程度,这一点甚至要比原创一首作品更难。除此之外,万妮达还将传统的嘻哈音乐与旋律性更强的R&B、布鲁斯等风格进行了有机的融合,使她的音乐更加悦耳,即保持了嘻哈音乐本身对个性的张扬,又多了一份女性化的柔情婉转。万妮达的地下说唱经历让她真正掌握了说唱歌曲创作和表演的技巧,更在她的体内留下来纯正的HipHop血统 。






5分钟内响应 | 万名专业答主


最美的花火 咨询一个休闲娱乐问题,并发表了好评

lanqiuwangzi 咨询一个休闲娱乐问题,并发表了好评

garlic 咨询一个休闲娱乐问题,并发表了好评

1888493 咨询一个休闲娱乐问题,并发表了好评

篮球大图 咨询一个休闲娱乐问题,并发表了好评

动物乐园 咨询一个休闲娱乐问题,并发表了好评

AKA 咨询一个休闲娱乐问题,并发表了好评


万妮达jonyj分手了!两人公布半个月都不到,没想到Jony J就向女友求婚了。并且求婚场面还是非常的浪漫,因为他是在演唱会现场求的婚,儒爷还以为这种桥段只有爱情**中才会出现的场面,所以这求婚真的是要甜skr人了。当天Jony J当天在演唱会到最后的时候,直接把女友带到舞台上,出其不意的直接跪在地上,向女友表白,一句「嫁给我吗」,「老子爱你」,果然是玩嘻哈的人,实在太霸气了,确认过眼神,是Jony J没错了!表白后两人还幸福的拥抱在了一起,Jony J拥吻女友,简直就是撒狗粮现场,一大早有没有被甜清醒呢?据悉Jony J求婚的女友,早在六年前两人就在一起恋爱过,而那时候的JONYJ还只是一个默默无闻的小rapper,如今大红大紫后不忘初心再次与前女友复合,相信也是JONYJ对于感情也是很认真的态度,失而复得的感情,加上岁月的沉淀,想必会让这段感情更加坚固吧,而两人的感情也正如他在社交平台中所言「兜兜转转还是你」,感情这种事向来都是难以捉摸。Jony J虽然在《中国有嘻哈》中未能夺冠,不过他却成为整个节目里最受欢迎的歌手之一,再加上JonyJ歌词大多充满教育意义,不少人甚至将其称为「说唱诗人」,可见大家对于JonyJ的认可。如今jony J与分手6年的前女友复合,这样的爱情简直就是太燃了,就像王菲和谢霆锋分手多年后再复合,将爱情一直进行到底,如今都是神仙般的爱情,真是令人羡慕嫉妒恨。





歌曲:your world

歌手:richard marx 专辑:rush street

[ti:your world]

[ar:richard marx]

the warmest day of all my life

you came to me, i held you in my hands

and something changed forever

i want for you a better time

to know the beauty of our mother earth

cherish her forever

never felt in such a hurry

so little time, so much to do

i lie awake and dream the dreams i'll share with you

this is your world now

no one can chase all your fears away

this is your world now

trust in your heart to lead the way

i still recall a day so clear

i saw the future in my mother's eyes

filled with tears of sorrow

the years roll by, the times do change

the truth around us harder to disguise

as we face tomorrow

so many promises were made me

so little hope remains alive

i only pray the dreams i leave you will survive

this is your world now

no one can chase all your fears away

fight for your world now

trust in your heart to find the way

you'll see what i'm saying

when you're on your own

the war that you're facing

isn't yours alone

i am a man in search of reasons

though i am still as much to blame

it's up to me to leave you more than just my name

this is your world now

no one can chase all your fears away

this is your world now

trust in your heart to lead the way

this is your world now

i want to chase all your fears away

fight for your world now

i know that somehow you'll find your way

歌曲:your world

歌手:marx richard 专辑:rush street

the warmest day of all my life

i lie awake and dream the dreams i'll share with you

this is your world now

marx richard

歌曲:my dream


dht - my dream

in my dreams there's a place without war

no more guns no more pain no more hurt

it's a world full of joy without sadness

people sing people dance with all happiness

take me to my dream

love is everything

where there is no war

and then children sing

love is all around

it's the only thing

in a dream that must come true

in my dreams there's a place where it's clean

no waste in the air and the sea

so this place will be pure and all healthy

you can live your life in heaven

take me to my dream

love is everything

where there is no war

and then children sing

love is all around

it's the only thing

in a dream that must come true

but i know it's just a dream

will it ever change this life

hope one day it'll turn around

into the place that i dream about

take me to this dream

love is everything

where there is no war

and the children sing

love is all around

it's the only thing

in a dream that must come true

in a dream that must come true

by hide

歌曲:your my lady

歌手:nb ridaz

you're my lady,

this is why i sing this song for you,

your my gurl my all best thing a man could ever have,

the only dream that really matters is to be with you,

歌曲:my name is


[ti:my name is]

[la:the slim shady]

hi! my name is(what) my name is(who)

my name is{scratches} slim shady

hi! my name is(huh) my name is(what)

my name is{scratches} slim shady

ahem excuse me!

can i have the attention of the class

for one second

hi kids! do you like violence(yeah yeah yeah!)

wanna see me stick nine inch nails through each one of my eyelids(uh-huh!)

wanna copy me and do exactly like i did(yeah yeah!)

try 'cid and get fucked up worse that my life is(huh)

my brain's dead weight, i'm tryin to get my head straight

but i can't figure out which spice girl i want to impregnate (ummmm)

and dr dre said,"slim shady you a basehead!"

uh-uhhh!"so why's your face red man you wasted!"

well since age twelve, i've felt like i'm someone else

cause i hung my original self from the top bunk with a belt

got pissed off and ripped pamela lee's tits off

and smacked her so hard i knocked her clothes backwards like kris kross

i smoke a fat pound of grass and fall on my ass

faster than a fat bitch who sat down too fast

c'mere slut!(shady, wait a minute, that's my girl dog!)

i don't give a fuck, god sent me to piss the world off!


my english teacher wanted to have sex in junior high

the only problem was my english teacher was a guy

i smacked him in his face with an eraser, chased him with a stapler

and stapled his nuts to a stack of paper (o!)

walked in the strip club, had my jacket zipped up

flashed the bartender, then stuck my dick in the tip cup (wsssshhhhh)

extraterrestrial, killin pedestrians

rapin lesbians while they screamin:"let's just be friends!"

ninety-nine percent of my life i was lied to

i just found out my mom does more dope than i do

i told her i'd grow up to be a famous rapper

make a record about doin drugs and name it after her (oh thank you!)

you know you blew up when the women rush your stands

and try to touch your hands like some screamin usher fans (aaahhhhhh!)

this guy at white castle asked for my autograph (dude, can i get your autograph)

so i signed it:'dear dave, thanks for the support, asshole!'


stop the tape! this kid needs to be locked away!(get him!)

dr dre, don't just stand there, operate!

i'm not ready to leave, it's too scary to die

i'll have to be carried inside the cemetery and buried alive

am i comin or goin i can barely decide

i just drank a fifth of vodka -- dare me to drive(go ahead)

all my life i was very deprived

i ain't had a woman in years, and my palms are too hairy to hide

clothes ripped like the incredible hulk (hachhh-too)

i spit when i talk, i'll fuck anything that walks (c'mere)

when i was little i used to get so hungry i would throw fits

how you gonna breast feed me mom(wah!) you ain't got no tits!(wah!)

i lay awake and strap myself in the bed

put a bulleproof vest on an

歌曲:the dream is over

歌手:mando diao 专辑:hurricane bar

• 搜索"the dream is over"mp3

on the airport with my fingers

put together while i was praying for your lover

don't tell me this dream is over

and don't stop telling me your love

歌曲:king of my world

歌手:kateriina christofr 专辑:wrestling inspired

this is my heart

iv never felt it bleed before

this is my dream

want to be your girl



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