


主球(Cue ball) 是母球,白色。比赛中唯一可以用球杆直接击打的球,并利用该球撞击其它球入袋而得分。 目标球(Object ball) 除主球外剩下的都是目标球,包括红色球和彩色球。目标球不可直接用球杆击打,必须用母球击打。 彩色球(Colour) 目标球红色球(1分),共6个即**球(2分)、绿色球(3分)、棕色球(4分)、蓝色球(5分)、粉色球(6分)、黑色球(7分)。 活球(Ball on) 可以用主球合法撞击入袋的球。 入袋(Pot) 将球击入球袋。 ·摔袋(Crossbar) 主球进入袋中,也称为横竿 局(Frame) 从开球开始,直至击落所有的球或打满规定的分数,或打到规定的时限称为一局。 场(Game) 约定或规定好的若干局为一场球,正式比赛一场球通常是五局三胜或七局四胜,或九局五胜。 比赛(Match) 约定或规定好的若干场球为一次比赛。 一杆球(Break) 击球一方从击球得分开始,直至击球因未中或犯规而停止击球,这样连续击球得分为一杆球。 单杆过百(Century)亨德利以单杆147最高分打败奥沙利文一杆球连续得分等于或超过100分。在正式比赛中单杆过百会被官方记录。 满杆(Maximum) 在对手不犯规的情况下,一杆球的最高分是满分147分。 斯诺克(Snooker) 一击后,由于死球的阻碍使得对手不能够击打主球使其同时直线完全通过任意球的两边,即称为斯诺克。对手被称为被做斯诺克(snookered)。当即使获得台面上的最高分数仍落后对手的时候,就需要通过做斯诺克来迫使对方失误犯规罚分。 清杆(也称“清台”)(Clearance) 一杆将台面上剩下的球全部入袋。 任意球(Free ball) 在犯规后出现斯诺克时,击球方指定为活球的目标球。 空杆(Miss) 击球选手未首先击打活球并被裁判认定没有尽全力击球。这时对手可以要求将球放回击球前的状态重打。 开球区(Baulk area) 开球线及其半圆围成的区域。 双着(Cannon) 主球在一击球期间与两个目标球接触。 (Kick) 主球和目标球轻微地贴在一起,通常是由于这球上有脏物,或是由静电导致的。 吻球(Kiss) 两个球轻微的接触。 (Pack) 红色球在其初始位置或者在一局比赛的后期剩下的红色球仍大致在其初始位置的情形。 组合球(Plant) 主球在击中一个球后,那球又使得其它球入袋。只有当这两个球都是红球或者一开始主球击中的是一个任意球且入袋的那个球在任意球指定之前的正常情况下是个活球的时候,组合球才不算犯规。 推杆(Push shot) 主球撞击目标球时球杆皮头仍与主球接触,是犯规的一种。但如果主球与目标球几乎相贴或是主球很轻微的接触到目标球边缘,则不判作推杆。 贴球(Touching ball) 主球与其它球相接触的情形称为贴球。击球选手必须将主球打开而不能使与其相贴的球移动,否则就造成推杆。击球选手已声明将其作为活球击打则除外。 重置黑球(Respotted black) 一局比赛中,当所有的目标球入袋后双方分数相等时,需要将黑球重新放回台面。这时候,只要将此黑球入袋或是一方犯规均可判定这一局的胜负。 香蕉球(Swerve) 击球让主球强烈旋转使其在前进过程中突然转向绕过障碍球。通常用来解救高难度的斯诺克。 扎杆(Masse) 击球时,将球杆几乎与台面垂直地击打主球,沉着应对使主球产生强烈的旋转。 低杆(Back spin) 通过击打主球球心偏下的位置使主球与目标去碰撞后往后旋退回。又称“缩杆”,“回旋球”。 高杆(Top spin) 击球时球杆击打主球中心偏上位置,使得主球在与目标球碰撞后继续加速前进。 另外,还有中高杆等说法。 跟球(Roll through) 使用高杆击打主球,使得主球与目标球碰撞后,目标球向前运动而主球也随后跟进。 防守(Safety) 击球的目的不是为了将球送入袋口而是让对手在下一杆的时候没有进球的机会。 超分 斯诺克中,是先打一颗红球再打一颗色球,那么理论上一颗红球的最高分就是8分(即打入红球1分,打入黑球7分)。因此球台上剩下多少颗红球理论最高分数就是红球数X8,加上所有色球27分,如果这个分数低于你跟对手之间的分差,那么你就被对手超分。 活球规则 打一枚红球,打一枚彩球,红球打完后,依次将彩球从低分开始击打,打至清台。 犯规 犯规时,对方可把母球放在开球区。





每一局 frame

每一场 match

每一阶段 game


frame one 或者 the first frame

每局结束有 end frame





  http://baikebaiducom/view/52161htmlwtp=tt 很长,自己看







  Around the 14th century, it was said that billiards, as a kind of amusement, was invented by a boss of a pawnshop named Billsyard, which was also the origin of its English name And when it came into the late 1700s, billiards was very prevailing in English folk And at the beginning of 19th century, the first public billiard parlor opened in London There were only two white balls, however, a red ball was added in later because the France considered it lack of challenging and also advanced the playing rule It was the Englishman who developed it in to ocket which is very popular today

  Nowadays, the billiard has developed in to varied kinds: Russia ocket, English ocket, carom billiard, American ocket and snooker, among which, snooker is the most popular with official authority and has become an event

  Billiards came into our country 100 years ago, it almost can be founded in all the coliseums now

  At the beginning of the 20th century, Chinese mix the advantages and characteristics of American, English billiards as well as Nine-ball which were in the main stream of that time together, give more entertainment and intelligence to it with diboaviquy as the purport: they change the size, number, specification, structure and formulae; as it combines cultures of the world, it soon develops into the most popular Chinese Snooker

















  1、斯诺克 38202035850mm

  2、美式落袋 28101530850mm

  3、花式九球 28501580850mm



Origin of biliards


Billiards sports have already had a history of nearly 600 years Criticize of a text then according to writer , Hundley of billiards historian gram, world 1st appearance, billiards of desk in AD 1400, the ball desk at that time had no bag , there are only arched doors or the post door People in the center turn on one round hole in desk later on, turn on four holes in 4 of desk, the increase of the hole excited playing with the ball interest of people at the same time , until opening six round holes in the desk, is it fall bags of type embryonic form , billiards of table today to develop into just台球运动已有近600年的历史了。


The following are several kinds of statements about the origin of the billiards 关于台球的起源有如下几种说法

(a)Originated from France USA humanity modest to say law Wang Charlie period of seven generations among work of him 1904, have billiards sports already The name of the billiards came from French, France already presented " billiards " in the 15th century, word " BILLE " in Russian ( The billiards) come from French


(b)Originated from China Department , poet of British , describe history about billiards among books written in 1674 Mention in the book when the billiards are fought east by the Crusades , from a kind of old game taken to Europe in the east, and then improved by Italy and Spain


(c)Originated from Britain Englishmen like this sport very much, in December of 1836, the first billiard ball desk is set up in London, the first billiard ball hall runs in London afterwards, the first billiards association is established spontaneously in Britain too


Rise of snooker biliards

Snooker of billiards can trace back to AD 1875, by based in India one Neville, officer of Britain, Bao Si Zhang Bolun (Neville Bowes Chamberlain ), and gangs of companions of him invent at first

斯诺克台球的兴起可以追溯到公元1875年,是由驻扎在印度的一位英国军官内维尔鲍斯张伯伦(Neville Bowes Chamberlain)和他的一帮战友们首先发 明的。

Before the snooker ball is produced , billiard ball game has existed for a long time, and there are many kinds of playing methods Among them , have one name playing method on " black ball enter bag ", in Neville Bao Si Very popular in the army which Zhang Bolun belongs to This kind of playing method uses a white ball, 15 red balls and a black ball Have one day, Neville Bao Si Zhang Bolun and his companions think the playing method that " the black ball is entered bag " is too simple , dull, determine to increase the yellow, green, pink three colorful balls go up Soon , it is not enough to make again , combine with the brown chromosphere and blue chromosphere In this way, form the snooker billiards of 22 balls that have already prevailed in the whole world so far

在斯诺克球产生之前,台球游戏早就存在,而且有多 种玩法。其中,有一种叫做“黑球入袋”(Black Pool)的玩法,在内维尔鲍斯张伯伦所在的军队中非常流行。这种玩法用1个白球,15个红球和1个黑球。有一天,内维尔鲍斯张伯伦和他的战友们觉得“黑球入袋”的玩法太简单、乏味,便决定增加**、绿色、粉色三个彩球上去。不久,又赚不够,再加上了棕色球和蓝色球。这样,便形成了至今已风行全球的22个球的斯诺克台球。

It is said, the name of the snooker billiards, with Neville too Bao Si Zhang Bolun has something to do One day, Neville Bao Si Between Zhang Bolun and one partner at by 22 billiards of ball, they of new invention this kind of playing, a very easy goal, the other side has not hit It is the snooker that he banters the other side smoothly (snooker is that the prevalence to the new students of grade one was called the law in the local military courtyard at that time ) He ask smoothly so, remind everybody , make everybody realize, as to such new billiards playing method, everybody new hand, snooker Then, the call of the snooker begins to be popular and fixing


Snow ball billiards pass back into homeland of billiards soon ----Britain However, were occupying the leading status in the Britain traditional BILLIARDS billiards at that time and considered to be the orthodox and scientific playing method The snooker billiards can only be a kind of folk amusement ways for the moment, it is difficult to mount the hall of the elegance Under the unremitting efforts of snooker fans , in 1916 , held the England amateurish snooker championship for the first time However, until the snooker headliner Joe appeared in the twenties Davies (Joe Davis ), snooker billiards do not begin in prevailing Britain really

斯诺球台球很快便被传回了台球的故乡----英国。但是,当时在英国传统的BILLIARDS台球占据着主导地位,被认为是正统的和科学的玩法。斯诺克台球一时只能是民间的一种娱乐方式,难于登上大雅之堂。 在斯诺克爱好者们坚持不懈的努力下,于1916年,首次举办了英格兰业余斯诺克锦标赛。然而,一直到20年代出现了斯诺克大明星乔戴维斯(Joe Davis),斯诺克台球才真正开始在英国流行。

Joe Davies is that the first realizes the snooker player who controls the importance of returning one of white ball He is it control to return location white ball to utilize, create continuous goal chance , break single pole pole receive the highest rating the record while being numerous Before this, make the general concept of the snooker, it is the ball that can obviously be entered that is thrown into bag , then play a safe ball , wait for the goal chance of next time So single pole at that time score 20 degrees or 30 degrees , think to be pretty good However, Joe But Davies has improved this horizontal standard by one step greatly


Joe Davies\' consummate skill has attracted large quantities of audiences 1926, yes Joe Under the efforts of Davies and his friends, billiards association and management club (BA&CC ) agreed and succeeded in holding the first snooker billiards world professional championship in history in London at last, have established the position of the billiards circle of the snooker Through the struggle of six months, totally in everybody\'s expectation too, Joe Davies has captured the champion of first world professional championship with the absolute predominance In the cheers of a scene of victories, the first dazzling and brilliant snooker star has emerged Joe Davies has been taking champion\'s throne steadily all the time in the world professional championship that is held every year , until retire in 1946 In all formal matches, Joe Davies has not failed And, each finals result, all between champion and runner-up


Until 1969, with the birth of the color TV, the snooker billiards obtained new lives again, and grow vigorously At that time, Britain BBC TV station was developing in order to cater to the sports program that the color TV is being broadcast, and Snow speech grams of billiards with had by it abundant color, obvious to can give play to sports program , color TV of advantage most, get form , BBC of TV station look at , quickly , BBC TV station introduce match special column , snooker of billiards naturally, and broadcast live some snooker matches The billiards star of the snooker has become widely known personages soon Thereupon , a generation of new professional players of snooker have emerged too


Now, the snooker billiards widely launch each corner of the earth ownly Asia and Europe are the area with the fastest developing speed, in 1988-1989, two world ranking had a match and is held in Canada and France respectively for the first time Then, some world ranking is it visit and hold in Hong Kong , Bangkok , Du in succession to have a match The Asian Games in 1988, the billiards will be classified as the gold medal project Today , the snooker billiards become an international sports activity that the people of various countries like ownly




The Colorful History of Billiards


Anyone who refuses to leave prison simply because they are having too much fun playing billiards would be considered something more than just a diehard fan Yet that is exactly what a Captain Mingaud did during the French Revolution Granted, Mingaud was not only playing billiards, he was busy revolutionizing the game

Though billiards had already been popular for more than 100 years at that time, Mingaud was the first person to round the end of a pool cue with a file and apply a leather tip to it After prison, Mingaud promptly proved his invention's superiority over its flat, club-like predecessor in exhibitions throughout France What the captain had developed was essentially the cue in use today, but the game he generated interest in did not involve shooting balls into pockets

Pocket billiards such as modern-day pool and snooker were around, but they were considered to be the ill-bred cousins of carom billiards, which used a pocketless table The name pool was born during the 1840s when billiards was closely identified with gambling parlors, or "pool parlors" in the lexicon of the day The name stuck, and with more than 40 million people playing in America alone last year, so has the game

Despite its universal popularity and frequent airtime on ESPN with professionally organized tournaments, billiards has rarely enjoyed universal respect

Before hitting America, billiards already had a spotty history thanks to the likes of hustlers such as Englishman Jack Carr Carr, the first person to put chalk on his cue tip, made a fortune peddling his magic "twisting chalk" around France in the 1820s The "magic" was actually in Carr's wrist; he was the first player to apply spin to a billiards ball, and the term "English" is still used to denote this move

In America, billiards had a questionable reputation because of its association with gambling The 20-year rivalry of American pool masters Michael Phelan and Dudley Kavanagh in the late 19th century, however, attracted attention and respect as tournaments became standing-room-only tuxedo affairs Ironically, the two also started a tradition of conflicting associations governing the game, which now makes all titles suspect, and the Olympics an impossible dream

Fortunately, legitimacy and success are not invariably linked When The Hustler, a 1961 movie starring Paul Newman and Jackie Gleason, glamorized the shady underworld of pool sharks, business boomed

Coin-operated pool tables were born just in time to meet the rising demand Initially found only in bars and bowling alleys, the new, smaller tables have taken center stage at packed pool halls from Boston to Beijing

要是有人因为太爱打台球而不肯出狱,那他们绝对不只是球痴而已。而在法国大革命时期,敏高德上尉正是一个顽固的台球迷。他 不仅玩台球,还忙着改革这项运动。

尽管当时,台球已盛行了百余年,而敏高德却是第一个使用锉刀把球杆尾端磨圆,并用皮子包上的人。出狱后,在法 国的多次展览会上,敏高德很快就证明他的新发明比原先那种平头像球棍的球杆好用。上尉发明的球杆沿用至今,然而当时他引发兴趣的游戏,还未发展到将台球击进球袋的阶段。

“球袋台球”(pocket billiards)如花式、英式台球在当时比比皆是,但却被视为是“教养不良的兄弟台球”(carom billiards),它们的球台没有球袋。“弹子”(pool)这个名词 出现在19世纪40年代,当时台球室和赌场是紧密联系在一起的,以当时的辞汇称之即为“弹子房”。这个名称就保留下来,去年,光是美国就有超过四千万人玩台球,这项运动也常盛不衰。



在美国,台球因和赌博相联系,名声仍受到质疑。19世纪末,当台球公开赛成了盛装庆事,只能买到站票的时候,美国台球双雄迈克费兰和杜德利卡文纳长达20年之久的 霸,吸引了众人的目光,赢得了尊敬。具讽刺意味的是,他们 两人也开创了有冲突的台球协会间争相控制这种运动的传统,它使得所有的名次难以确定,列入奥运正式比赛项目仍只是一场梦。

好在,合法与成功并没有必然联系。1961年由保罗·纽曼和贾奇·葛利森主演的**《江湖浪子》,表现了身处阴暗 下层社会台球高手们的魅力,台球生意兴隆起来。投币式的 台球桌也应运而生。这些新型小球 起初只在酒吧、保龄球馆中能找到;现在,从波士顿到北京,在挤满了人的台球场所 里,它俨然成为了主流。



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