

亚历山大·帕托(Alexandre pato),全名亚历山大·罗德里格斯·达·席尔瓦(Alexandre Rodrigues da Silva),1989年9月2日出生于巴西帕托·布兰科,巴西足球运动员,司职前锋,现效力于中超天津权健足球俱乐部





为何姚明是澳大利亚女足的关键人物?姚明,这个有着226公分的身躯,在1980出生,成为了 NBA联盟的头号球员。劳伦一九八一年生于一九八一年,她有196公分的个子。她是2001年度最佳人选。WNBA的选秀节目。同样的选秀机会和同样的国外经历让劳伦很早就注意到了姚明。说实话,劳伦在发展方面要远远超过姚明。在2003赛季,劳伦在22岁时获得了 MVP。他在 WNBA职业联赛中三次获得了 NBA总冠军。MVP2获冠军,3次获胜者。劳伦不仅拥有优秀的球技,而且他的外表和他那魁梧的体格也让他深受众多的粉丝们的青睐。


12年后,那些对你有好感的女性呢?劳伦于2013退出 WNBA并加盟 WCBA。虽然已经32了,但劳伦在比赛中依然展现了很好的实力。劳伦于2016赛季因受伤而退出赛场。劳伦还入选了2020年的 NBA明星。和姚明的繁忙生活形成鲜明对比,劳伦却过着平凡的日子。劳伦在姚明去世后,感情上一直是一片空白。劳伦在退役回到澳大利亚后担任了一名教练。劳伦通过一个友人的引荐,与一位警官结了婚,如今劳伦有了两个小孩,尽管她的日子过得平凡而又幸福。

乔丹在最后一次退役时写给篮球的那封信,开头是:“亲爱的篮球: 一转眼,接近28年了,从我们萍水相逢的第一天算起,28年了,从我家中车库后面看见你的第一眼算起,28年了,从我父母”


Dear Basketball

It's been almost 28 years since the first day we met 28 years since I saw you in the back of our garage 28 years since my parents intriduced us

If someone would have told me then, what would become of us, I'm not sure I would have believed them I barely remembered your name

Then I started seeing you around the neighborhood and watching you on television I used to see you with guys down at the playground But when my older brother started paying more attention to you, I started to wonder Maybe you were different

We hung out a few times The more I got to know you, the more I liked you And as life would have it, when I finally got really interested in you, when I was finally ready to get serious, left me off the varsity You told me I wasn't good enough

I was crushed I was hurt I think I even cried

Then I waited you more than ever So I practiced I hustled I worked on my game Passing Dribbling Shooting Thinking I ran I did sit-ups I did push-up I did pull-ups I lifted weights I studied you I began to fall in love and you noticed At least that's what Coach Smith said

At the time, I wasn't sure exactly what was going on But now I know Coach Smith was teaching me how to love you, how to listen to you, how to understand you, how to respect you and how to appreciated you Then it happened That rights, at the Louisiana Superdome, in the final seconds of the championship game against Georgetown, you found me in the corner and we danced

Since then, you've become so much more than just a ball to me You've become more than just a court More than just a hoop More than just a pair of a sneakers More than just a game

In some respects, you've become my life My passion My motivation My inspiration

You're my biggest fan and my harshest critic You're my dearest friend and my strongest ally You're my most challenging teacher and my most endearing student You're my ultimate teammate and my toughest competitor You're my passport around the world and my visa into the hearts of millions

So much has changed since the first day we met, and to a large degree, I have you to thank So if you havn't heard me say it before, let me say it now for the world to hear Thank you, Basketball Thank you for everything

Thank you for all the players who came before me Thank you for all the players who went into battle with me Thank you for the championships and the rings Thank you for the All-Star Games and the Playoffs Thank you for the last shots, the buzzer-beaters, the hard fouls, the victories and the defeats thank you for making me earn my keep Thank you for #23 Thank you for north Carolina and Chicago Thank you for the air and the nickname Thank you for the moves and the hang time Thank you for the Slam-Dunk Contest Thank you for the will and the determination, the heart and the soul, the pride and the courage Thank you for the competitive spirit and the competition to challenge it Thank you for the failures and the setbacks, the blessings and the applause Thank you for the triangle Thank you for the baseball and the Barons Thank you for forgiving me Thank you for the assistant coaches, the trainers and the physical therapists Thank you for the announcers, the refs, the writers, the reporters, the broadcasters and the radio stations Thank you for the Pistons and the Lakers, the Cavs and the Knicks, the Sixers and the Celtics Thank you for Phoenix, Portland, Seattle and Utah thank you for the Wizards Thank you for the believers and the doubters Thank you for Coach Smith, Coach Loughery, Coach Albeck, Coach Collins and Coach Jackson Thank you for the education and the experience Thank you for teaching me the game behind, beneath, within, above and around the gamethe game game Thank you for every fan who has ever called my name, put their hands together for me and my teammates, slapped me five or patted me on the back Thank you for everything you've given my family Thank you for the moon and the stars, and last but not least, thank you for Bugs and Mars

I know I'm notthe only one who loves you I know you have loved many before me and will love many after me But, I also know what we had was unique It was special So as our relationship, changes yet again, as all relationships do, one thing is for sure

I love you, Basketball I love everything about you and I always will My playing days in the NBA are definitely over, but our relatinship will never end

Much Love and Respect,

Michael Jordan



















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