我向女表白后她发给我这样一句话Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up t

我向女表白后她发给我这样一句话Once we dreamt that we were strangers. We wake up t,第1张

同志 如果你女朋友不知道这句诗的真正意思 那就是她也喜欢你

但是你要知道 这句话的第二句是“were”

也就是说:“梦里同陌路 醒觉曾相依”



The furthest distance in the world, is not between life and death, not Tiangeyifang, but I stand in front of you, yet you don't know that I love you

I love you for your happiness, I am willing to give up everything, including you

Disappointed, sometimes also is a kind of happiness, because there will be so disappointed look Because there is love, will be looking forward to, even though disappointed, is also a kind of happiness, although this kind of happiness a little pain

The world's most Qijue distance is two original distance, strangers, suddenly one day, they know, love, distance becomes very close Then one day, no longer has fallen in love, originally very near two people, become very far, even farther than before

The love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love

Loneliness is not a birthright, but you love a person's that moment start

Like a person, is not painful Love a person, may have an abundance of pain, but he gave me happiness, happiness is the largest in the world

The two together is to be happy, breaking up is to alleviate suffering, you can't make me happy, I will have to leave, I leave you, is also very painful, but, you must be more painful than I am, because I say goodbye first, first of all to pursue happiness is me

Everything all has the price, the cost of happiness is pain

The beginning, we know, there is always the end

Love is yet to come, the day is be light of heart from care; most painful, but is also a test and examination At that time, feel great pressure, then look back, but a small how

Some people are doomed to wait for others, some people are doomed to be so

The origin reason extinguishes, edge thick edge light, we can not control We can do, is in the Hou aren 't good treasure that short time

Once met, is better than never meet

Why so painful to forget a person, time will make you forget If time can not let you should not forget to remember, we lost what the meaning of time

I think that love can overcome all, who knows she sometimes without power I think that love can fill a life of regret, however, create more regrettable, but is love Clear round, in the love section repeats itself For a person, not the sky Chang Lan

Love to the end of the time will come to an end, at that time, you do not want to mark the period

The same person, cannot give you the same pain When he hurt you again, the wound has been used, feeling already dead, no matter how many times to his injury, it is far less than the first injury so pain

Love, is the original drink venom michelia

Love a person very difficult, to give up his beloved person more difficult to

When the arrival of love, of course is also happy However, this is happy to pay, you must learn to accept disappointment, pain and parting From then on, life no longer purely

Perhaps we can love two people at the same time, it was loved by two people Unfortunately, we can only grow old with one of them

When falling in love with a person, always a little afraid, afraid to get his; fear of losing him

You have not loved, you will cherish the one who loves you

When can not meet, they miss each other But once be able to meet, together once the go, they will torture each other

Only looking for a frustrated when I can take my tears; in my happiness, can let me bite on his shoulder

If I didn't love you, I will not miss you, I will not be jealous of the opposite sex around you, I would not have lost my confidence and fighting spirit, I will not be painful If I didn't love you, how good it will be

Parting, is to reunite

Love, or should not again Again, those beautiful memories of the past will come to nothing If we do not meet again, perhaps I look with his deep thoughts consistent with, until the flesh decay; however, this moment, I hate him All the beautiful days, already gone and never come back again

Cold was a very sad disease

And the pursuit of desire, is happy, also upset and disappointed After the frustration and disappointment, we learned to cherish You have not loved, you will cherish the one who loves you

If the feelings and memories can be gently up, thrown into the sea, so, I should be in silence Your words, I want to hear, but do not know, my silence, you would like to see, do not understand

Love is not complicated, back and forth only three words, not "I love you"," I

Hate you", is" come on"," Hello" " Sorry"

Love can not love, love is not love

I believe that love can push aside all obstacles and difficulties; but, after all, another extremely difficult I believe this is the

Your heart is my cape and distant, I can not go farther Our life together day

Long Cape, not wander half the earth, but human companions

Do you love me Is the love to dangerous levels Dangerous to what extent is not a personal life

Meet, not later than hate, hate is back

Love is a romantic themes thing, people are frustrated cannot play

Not Sishou lifelong love, but in the long journey, hurrying to the transfer station, regardless of how long to stay, always take another flight to leave

After leaving, I want you to remember one thing: do not forget to miss me Miss me, don't forget that I am missing you

Love is not a shelter, to get a buffer, will be driven out

If you can't forget him, so don't forget Really forget, do not need effort

In the world of love, there are always some absurd things happen, when a person that can pay off Huijiu, well-deserved life time, but has come to a conclusion, so bear not only love, but life

Love a person, you will love

Promises are a race of men and women, sometimes to the satisfaction of all, most cases can cause destruction to both sides

Love is not a shelter, to get a buffer, will be driven out

The most severe virus, is love and lie

We are afraid of time, but do not know how gratifying We believe that the survival has no meaning, but many people are struggling between life and death Any time, we will own all grateful

Forget the time, forget the pain, you forget the bad, we never never say goodbye

Most of the time of life, the promise is binding synonyms, but we yearn binding

Love, should not be renewed Again, those beautiful memories of the past will come to nothing If we do not meet again, perhaps I will live with his deep thoughts, until the flesh decay; however, this moment, I hate him All the beautiful days, already gone and never come back again

Love from the beginning of hope, but also by the end of despair Give up, is no longer the existence of any I have ever told you have hope

Love you, I miss the taste of taste, separation anxiety and jealousy torment, but also that endless possessive Why your every act and every move is let me feel an upsurge of emotion Why do I fear that time flies can not be with you for the rest of my life

Why so painful to forget a person, time will make you forget If time can not let you should not forget to remember, we lost what the meaning of time

Knowing that the loss of freedom, knowing that it is one's whole life contracts, in order to get each other, in order to make each other happy, but also willing to make commitments Love is a process of pursuit of freedom, when you do not complain too much free time, you don't love him

Loneliness is not a birthright, but by your love is still on the person's that moment start

Like a person, is not painful Love a person, may have an abundance of pain, but he gave me happiness, happiness is the largest in the world

Most of the time of life, the promise is binding synonyms, but we yearn binding

Love, is the perfect, I no longer lacked some of what

Love is a kind of invention, the need for continuous improvement However, this invention is different from other inventions, it did not patent, will give people away

Like most great acts, is perfect You don't love me, but I love you True love, is the cause of life, not because he was away from you and give up Without this sentiment, do not say the love

Love, has always been one of innumerable twists and turns Never be left, never hurt, how to understand love Love, the original is an experience, long life




 首先推荐的是经典喜剧《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)中谢耳朵的表白片段。看过这部剧的同学们应该都知道,谢耳朵是一个智商极高情商极低的理工男,但是你们知道吗是谢耳朵先向艾米提出交往的!!难以置信吧,这里可是有音频为证!

 Amy: Anything else

 Sheldon: I believe I would like to alter the paradigm of our relationship

 Amy: I'm listening

 Sheldon: With the understanding that nothing changes whatsoever, physical or otherwise, I would not object to us no longer characterizing you as "not my girlfriend"

 Amy: Interesting Now try it without the quadruple negative

 Sheldon: You're being impossible

 Amy: Hi, Stuart

 Sheldon: Fine Amy will you be my girlfriend

 Amy: Yes

 Sheldon: Well, that's enough of that











 不愧是谢耳朵的表白,我等凡人就算翻译成中文都有些听不懂呢。就在谢耳朵的那句又长又别扭的告白中,有个词组object to,意思是“反对、不赞成”。在大家的第一印象中,object是作为名词存在的,意为“物体”或者“宾语”,但是object作为动词的时候就是“反对”了,它的名词形式是objection,相当于我们在法庭上喊的“反对!”,在律政类美剧中经常会听到。


 Fiona: Yeah, so how come you're not stalking Jenna

 Steve: Because you you think like that and Jenna doesn't Jenna dances for an audience You dance like there's no one else in the room Your life's not simple, Fiona, and you can't stop it from showing because you're no fake You're not lost, you don't need finding This whole city belongs to the Jennas, but I'm sick of them I swear, Fiona, you're nothing like anyone I've ever met You make me want to enjoy my life again



 学到了吗少年!!表白的时候要先将对方一通猛夸!!让心上人知道你喜欢她哪一点是非常重要的!在史蒂夫的表白中,他用了sick of来表示他对其他女孩不感兴趣,be sick of可以用来表达“对某事感到厌倦”,也就是史蒂夫的用法,但是也可以表达“对某事感到厌恶”,呃,这个就有点严重了,要慎用。

 接着再给大家介绍一个深情款款的告白。在《吸血鬼日记》(The Vampire Diaries)第二季第八集的结尾,达蒙把项链还给艾琳娜的时候,来了一段让万千少女感动流泪的真情表白。

 Damon: I just have to say something

 Elena: Why do you have to say it with my necklace

 Damon: Well because what I'm about to say is probably the most selfish thing I've ever said in my life

 Elena: Damon, don't go there

 Damon: No I just have to say it once You just need to hear it I love you, Elena And it's because I love you that I can't be selfish with you Why you can't know this I don't deserve you But my brother does God, I wish you didn't have to forget this But you do



 达蒙:哦 因为我要说的 大概是我这辈子说过最自私的话了。


 达蒙:不,就让我说一次,你听着就好。我爱你,艾琳娜。因为我爱你 所以不能对你那么自私 为什么你不能知道我爱你 我配不上你 但我弟弟可以。天呐,真希望你不用忘了我说的话,但你必须忘了。

 真是太感人了······因为爱,所以达蒙告白了,但是也因为爱,达蒙消除了艾琳娜的这段记忆。达蒙在表示“我配不上你”的时候用了deserve这个单词,deserve原意是“值得、应该得到”,比如我们经常听到的“you deserve it”就表示“这是你应得的”,不过在这段告白中,deserve的意思则是“配得上”了。


 Elena: Fine Then I'm not sorry either I'm not sorry that I met you I'm not sorry that knowing you has made me question everything and that in death you're the one that made me feel most alive You've been a terrible person You made all the wrong choices, and of all the choices that I have made, this will prove to be the worst one, but I am not sorry that I'm in love with you I love you, Damon I love you


 隔着屏幕我都已经感受到艾琳娜的热情与决心了。要知道,在爱情里没有什么配得上配不上,只有爱或不爱。在艾琳娜的回应里,用了很多个sorry,但是这些sorry的意思有些不太一样。大家所熟知的sorry是用来道歉的,不过这里很明显,没有道歉的意思,人家可是在告白诶。第一个sorry表示的是“遗憾”,从第二个sorry开始,就都是“后悔”的意思了,“I’m not sorry”就是“我不后悔”。




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