


 爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。Love is not a matter of counting the days It's making the days count214情人节到了,用唯美的英文爱情句子表达你的爱意吧!以下是我为大家整理的情人节表白英文句子,一起来看看吧^^


 Love me little, love me long!




 I shall do one thing in this life,

 One thing certain, that is:

 Love you, Long for you,

 And keep wanting you till I die







 Oh, my love, my darling,

 I have hungered for you touch a long time

 And time goes by so slowly, and time can do so much

 Are you still mine

 I need your love,

 God speed your love to me





 I love to be the one you always think of,

 The one you share the joys and hardships with,

 I'll always love to be the one you love



 My eyes are the stars over your window,

 Gazing affectionately at you every night


 Where there is great love, there are always miracles


 Love is like a butterfly It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes


 If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden


 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again


 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet


 Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me


 Distance makes the hearts grow fonder


 I need him like I need the air to breathe


 If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me


 Love is a vine that grows into our hearts


 If I know what love is, it is because of you


 Love is the greatest refreshment in life


 Love never dies


 The darkness is no darkness with thee


 We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us


 There is no remedy for love but to love more


 When love is not madness, it is not love


 A heart that loves is always young


 Love is blind


 Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases


 The soul cannot live without love


 Brief is life, but love is long


 Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one


 Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak


 Take away love, and our earth is a tomb


 My heart is with you


 I miss you so much already and I haven't even left yet!


 I'll think of you every step of the way


 Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you


 Passionate love is a quenchless thirst


 The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart


 One word frees us of all the weight and pain in lifeThat word is love


 Every day without you is like a book without pages


 Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out of


 Love is a light that never dims


 May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight


 She who has never loved, has never lived


 Life is the flower for which love is the honey


 No words are necessary between two loving hearts


 Precious things are very few in this world That is the reason there is just one you


 You make my heart smile


 The road to a lover's house is never long


 Why do the good girls, always want the bad boys


 Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning


 It is never too late to fall in love


 To the world you may be just one person To the person you may be the world


 Where there is love, there are always wishes


 You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her


 Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence


 Love is not a matter of counting the days It's making the days count


 With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines


 Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered


 First love is unforgettable all one's life


 In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair


 Love without end hath no end


 Love's tongue is in the eyes


 In love folly is always sweet


 There is no hiding from lover's eyes


 The only present love demands is love


 The heart that once truly loves never forgets


 Love warms more than a thousand fires


 Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic


 Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful


 Love understands love; it needs no talk


 Love me little and love me long


 First impression of you is most lasting


 When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms


 Tell me you are mine I'll be yours through all the years, till the end of time


 Love is a fire which burns unseen


 I feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away


 You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too


 But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end


 When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one,

 but you won't come up with a handful of mud either





 My love is like the grasses

 Hidden in the deep mountains

 Though its abundance increase,

 There is none that knows





 I have been sleeping all alone,

 You have been staring in my dreams

 I want to kiss you, my baby,

 I want to kiss you tonight




 My love,

 You are like a flower,

 So sweet and pure and fair






 I just can't believe the loveliness of loving you

 I just can't believe the one to love this feeling, too

 I now know how sweet a kiss could be

 Like the summer sunshine,

 Your sweetness over me


1、其实最催泪的情书,是我们的聊天记录。 Actually the tear of the love letter, is our chats 2、我不是你的天荒,你却是我的信仰。 Im not your day, you are my faith 3、沿着通往你的小路,走到尽头就是礼堂。 Along the path to your path, the end is the auditorium 4、爱我多久,直到心电图的小山变成大海。 Love me how long until the electrocardiogram hill into the sea 5、就当我是空气吧,起码你还需要我。 When I was the air, at least you still need me 6、为你倾尽所有的情,为你灌入所有的爱。 Pour all my love for you, for you with all my love 7、把你的爱放进冷藏室里,只为了它不要那么快变质。 Put your love in the freezer, just to it not so fast metamorphism 8、如果所有的深爱都是秘密,那么只说给那一个人听就好。 If all deep love is secret, so just say to that person 9、暗恋也是一种爱,但爱的结局总是心痛。 Unrequited love is a kind of love, but the end of love always hurts 10、有时候,你漫不经心的一句话,就能温暖我整个心房。 Sometimes you casual a word, you can warm my whole heart 七夕情人节表白情话英文短句2 1、You are my today and all of my tomorrows 你是我的今天,以及所有的明天 2、They tell you in school that its the lungs that keep you breathing but its your heart 学校老师讲,我们要靠肺来呼吸生存但实际上,我靠的是你的心 3、Your voice is full of beautiful memories we have yet to make 你的声音里,满满的都是我们将要创造的美好回忆 4、And its as if I never really even knew love until right now, in this moment, with you 我仿佛从来不懂什么是爱,直到,此时此刻,与你在一起 5、beautiful memory of our past, detailed out in the vivid visions of our dreams, and future plans, but most of all its right now, in the moment where everything Ive ever wanted in my life is standing right in front of me and smiling 若要我给对你的爱下个定义,我会说:爱,深深刻印在我们过去每段美好回忆中,详细描绘在我们鲜活的梦想憧憬和未来计划中。但最重要的,爱,是此时此刻,是我毕生追求的一切美好,就站在我面前,绽开微笑 6、I cant, and wont ever be able to, get enough of you 我不能,也永远不会,厌倦你 7、I really dont know how many more love stories I have left in me, but I want you to be my last 我真不知道生命中还剩下多少次爱情故事。但我想要你,做我的最后一次 8、There are going to be days where youre undone, stressed out, tired, spent And Ill still love you just as much in those moments as I ever have, maybe even a little more, because itll mean you let me get close enough to know the real youThats all I want 当你受挫失落、憔悴不堪、倦累难耐、筋疲力竭时,我会像以往一样爱你,也许甚至会爱你更多。因为那意味着你对我敞开心门,让我接近真实的你,这就是我想要的 9、I swear I couldnt love you more than I do right now, and yet I know I will tomorrow 我发誓我不能比现在更爱你。但我又知道,明天还会爱你更多 10、If I could, I would wrap my arms around you and just hold you until the hurt went away 如果可以,我愿拥你入怀,紧紧抱住,直到你的伤心被融化驱散



 The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance It often goes into August in the Gregorian calendar  This festival is in mid-summer when the weather is warm and the grass and trees reveal their luxurious greens At night when the sky is dotted with stars, and people can see the Milky Way spanning from the north to the south On each bank of it is a bright star, which see each other from afar They are the Cowherd and Weaver Maid, and about them there is a beautiful love story passed down from generation to generation  Long, long ago, there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand)。 His parents died when he was a child Later he was driven out of his home by his sister-in-law So he lived by himself herding cattle and farming One day, a fairy from heaven Zhi Nu (Weaver Maid) fell in love with him and came down secretly to earth and married him The cowhand farmed in the field and the Weaver Maid wove at home They lived a happy life and gave birth to a boy and a girl Unfortunately, the God of Heaven soon found out the fact and ordered the Queen Mother of the Western Heavens to bring the Weaver Maid back  With the help of celestial cattle, the Cowhand flew to heaven with his son and daughter At the time when he was about to catch up with his wife, the Queen Mother took off one of her gold hairpins and made a stroke One billowy river appeared in front of the Cowhand The Cowhand and Weaver Maid were separated on the two banks forever and could only feel their tears Their loyalty to love touched magpies, so tens of thousands of magpies came to build a bridge for the Cowhand and Weaver Maid to meet each other The Queen Mother was eventually moved and allowed them to meet each year on the 7th of the 7th lunar month Hence their meeting date has been called Qi Xi (Double Seventh)。


 The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance It often goes into August in the Gregorian calendar  This festival is in mid-summer when the weather is warm and the grass and trees reveal their luxurious greens At night when the sky is dotted with stars, and people can see the Milky Way spanning from the north to the south On each bank of it is a bright star, which see each other from afar They are the Cowherd and Weaver Maid, and about them there is a beautiful love story passed down from generation to generation  Long, long ago, there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand) His parents died when he was a child Later he was driven out of his home by his sister-in-law So he lived by himself herding cattle and farming One day, a fairy from heaven Zhi Nu (Weaver Maid) fell in love with him and came down secretly to earth and married him The cowhand farmed in the field and the Weaver Maid wove at home They lived a happy life and gave birth to a boy and a girl Unfortunately, the God of Heaven soon found out the fact and ordered the Queen Mother of the Western Heavens to bring the Weaver Maid back  With the help of celestial cattle, the Cowhand flew to heaven with his son and daughter At the time when he was about to catch up with his wife, the Queen Mother took off one of her gold hairpins and made a stroke One billowy river appeared in front of the Cowhand The Cowhand and Weaver Maid were separated on the two banks forever and could only feel their tears Their loyalty to love touched magpies, so tens of thousands of magpies came to build a bridge for the Cowhand and Weaver Maid to meet each other The Queen Mother was eventually moved and allowed them to meet each year on the 7th of the 7th lunar monthh Hence their meeting date has been called Qi Xi (Double Seventh)  Scholars have shown the Double Seventh Festival originated from the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD220) Historical documents from the Eastern Jin Dynasty (AD371-420) mention the festival, while records from the Tang Dynasty (618-907) depict the grand evening banquet of Emperor Taizong and his concubines By the Song (960-1279) and Yuan (1279-1368) dynasties, special articles for the Qi Xi were seen being sold on markets in the capital The bustling markets demonstrated the significance of the festival  Today some traditional customs are still observed in rural areas of China, but have been weakened or diluted in urban cities However, the legend of the Cowhand and Weaver Maid has taken root in the hearts of the people In recent years, in particular, urban youths have celebrated it as Valentine's Day in China As a result, owners of flower shops, bars and stores are full of joy as they sell more commodities for love


 Legend has it that on this evening, Niulang, or the Cowherd, and Zhinu, or the Weaving Maid, meet each other for their annual tryst on a bridge formed by sympathetic magpies over the Milky Way If it happens to rain that night, a Chinese elder might say it is Zhinu weeping after meeting her husband Niulang on the Milky Way  This day used to be commemorated as a festival for girls and also for young people in love As the story goes, there was once a cowherd, Niulang, who lived with his elder brother and sister-in-law But his sister-in-law disliked and abused him, and the boy was forced to leave home with only an old cow for company  The cow, however, was a former god who had violated celestial rules and had been sent to earth in bovine form One day he led Niulang to a lake where fairies came bathe on earth; among them was Zhinu, the most beautiful girl and a skilled seamstress The two fell in love at first sight and were soon married They had a son and a daughter, and their happy life was held up as an example for hundreds of years in China  Yet in the eyes of the Jade Emperor, the Supreme Deity in Taoism, marriage between a mortal and a fairy was strictly forbidden He sent his empress to fetch Zhinu Niulang grew desperate when he discovered Zhinu had been taken back to heaven Driven by Niulang's misery, the cow told him to turn its hide into a pair of shoes after it died  The magic shoes whisked off Niulang, who carried his two children in baskets strung from a shoulder pole, off on a chase after the empress The pursuit enraged the empress, who took her hairpin and slashed it across the sky, creating the Milky Way which separated husband from wife But all was not lost An army of magpies, moved by their love and devotion, formed a bridge across the Milky Way to reunite the family Even the Jade Emperor was touchhed and allowed Niulang and Zhinu to meet once a year on the seventh night of the seventh month It is said that at that night, children can hear the private conversation between the Weaving Maid and the Cowherd under the grape trellis This is how Qixi came to be  In actuality, the festival can be traced back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220) People would traditionally look up at the sky and spot a bright star in the constellation Aquila, as well as the star Vega, identified as Niulang and Zhinu The two stars shine on opposite sides of the Milky Way  Qixi is also known as the Begging for Skills Festival or Daughters' Festival In the past, girls would hold ceremonies on the day and pray to Zhinu for wisdom, dexterity and a satisfying marriage In some parts of Shandong Province, young women would offer fruit and pastries to her in return for a blessing of intelligence If spiders were seen to weave webs on sacrificial objects, it was believed that Zhinu was offering positive feedback In other parts of China, the custom was for seven close friends to gather to make dumplings They would put into three separate dumplings a needle, a copper coin and a red date, which represented perfect needlework skills, good fortune and an early marriage respectively  Young women in southern China wove small handicrafts with colored paper, grass and thread Weaving and needlework competitions would be held to see who had the best hands and the brightest mind, prerequisites for being a good wife and mother  However, these ancient traditions and customs have been slowly dying out Fewer people than ever gaze at the heaven on that day to pick out the two stars shining bright on either side of the Milky Way -- that is, if they even know on which day Qixi falls

eventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, commonly known as "the Tanabata", it is the traditional Chinese folk "Gregorian calendar day Recently, also somebody called it "the Chinese valentine's day" According to legend, the world the cowherd and heaven vega after marriage, male plow female weave, loves each other, having children, very happy However, when the emperor known as earth, smell vega flew into a rage On July 7th, "the heavenly queen&q uot; serve the decree with heavenly generals will, caught vega The grief-stricken cowboy with the help of celestial cattle, carrying a pair of children with anecdotes overtook days See will overtake, was the heavenly queen mother pulled out of gold zan row, his feet immediately appear a surfy tianhe The GanChang grieved vega and cowherd a in hexi, one in hedong om seaborne qi Crying touched magpies swamp countless magpie fly to the tianhe, put up a bridge in the cowherd and finally can meet on the Milky Way The heavenly queen had no alternative but to allow the gigolo knit in each year, on the seventh day meet once 农历七月初七,俗称“七夕”,是中国民间传统的“乞巧节”。近来,也有人称之为“中国的情人节”。 相传,人间的牛郎与天上的织女喜结良缘后,男耕女织,互敬互爱,生儿育女,非常美满。然而,当天帝闻知织女下嫁人间,勃然大怒。七月初七,“王母娘娘”奉旨带着天兵天将,捉住了织女。悲痛欲绝的牛郎在老牛的帮助下,用箩筐挑着一双儿女追上了天。眼看就要追上,却被王母娘娘拔下的金簪一划,他脚下立刻出现了一条波涛汹涌的天河。肝肠寸断的织女和牛郎,一个在河西,一个在河东遥望対泣。哭声感动了喜鹊,霎时无数的喜鹊飞向天河,搭起一座鹊桥,牛郎织女终于可以在鹊桥上相会了。王母娘娘无奈,只好允许牛郎织女在每年的七月初七相会一次。

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1 520有哪些表白的英文句子

Love is not only a sentiment but also an art爱情不仅仅是感情,它也是艺术。

Love and a cough cannot be hid爱情跟咳嗽一样是掩饰不了的。Never stop smiling, not even when you're sad, some man fall in love with your smile永远都不要停止微笑,即使在你难过的时候,说不定有人会因为你的微笑而爱上你。

The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence爱人和被人爱是人生最大的幸福。

No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉!This card is to let you know that I still love you after all of these years这张卡片是要让你知道,纵使时光荏苒,我却爱你如初。

After 25 years, our love is even stronger than before25年已经过去,我俩的爱情历久弥坚。You have always been there for me, And I will always be there for you Happy Valentine's Day你永远在那里等待着我,而我也将永远在那里守候着你。

情人节愉快。I fell in love with you when I first saw you, And I still am after 40 years40年前,我对你一见钟情。

到如今,对你的感情仍丝毫未减。Our love grows stronger with every passing year Happy Valentine's Day, Baby我俩的爱,一年比一年更坚定。

小宝贝,情人节快乐。You have been And still are my only true Valentine从过去到现在,你一直是我惟一真正爱恋的人。

I will be your Valentine until the end of time我将是你的情人,直到地老天荒。After all these years I still feel like a schoolboy when I hold your hand I'm thinking of you this Valentine's Day纵使多年已过,但每当我紧握你的手时,仍有一种自己还是高中生的感觉。

我在这个情人节,一直思念着你。To my ever loving; I am yours forever献给我永远的爱人;我将永远属于你。

It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can't be expressed with any choice of words想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。Do you understand the feeling of missing someone It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。

I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you 我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart你知道么,有个人时时想念着你,惦记你,你含笑的眼睛,象星光闪闪,缀在我的心幕上,夜夜亮晶晶。

I miss you not because of my loneliness but I do feel lonely when I miss you Only when I miss you deeply I feel so lonely不是因为寂寞才想你,是因为想你才寂寞。孤独的感觉之所以如此之重,只是因为太想你。

miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won't stop flying until it reaches you at last长长的思念,就像风筝断了线,飘啊飘啊,飘到你的身边。Our love grows stronger with every passing year Happy Valentine's Day, sweetie我俩的爱,一年比一年更坚定。

亲爱的,情人节快乐。You mean everything to me Please say yesHappy Valentine's Day, Honey!你是我生命的全部。


I didn't think that I could ever trust happiness Then I met youHappy Valenti ne's Day, Dear我一直不相信有真正的“幸福”,直到不久以后,我邂逅了你。亲爱的,情人节快乐。

Sending you a kiss to say I'm glad that you are mine Happy theday!译文:送你一个吻,悄悄的说我很高兴你是我的。情人节快乐!Every man is a poet when he is in love每个恋爱中的人都是诗人。

You stepped out of my dreams andsintosmy arms I can't let you goHappy Valentine's Day你走出了我的梦,投入我的怀里。我不能让你走。

情人节快乐It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can't be expressed with any choice of words想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。Listening to my heart beating Seeing how much I love you ,I dare to admit how much I love you When thinking of you, I hope you can receive the passionat words I left for you! 心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋;想你的时候,盼你能收到我的真情留言!Your love gives me the feeling that the best is 。

2 求十句英语表白情话

1 Her love for him never waved


2 In love folly is always sweet


3 I can't live without her love


2 I love my motherland


I think I've met the love of my life


A mother's love never changes


Love is not geting but giving


Could you find a love in me


Is there true love in this world


3 表白的英文句子

我自己很喜欢的一句英文表白句子是:To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world 对这个世界来说你只是一个普通人,但是在我心里你就是我的全世界简单但是又很深刻很感人。



4 情人节英语表白怎么说

情人节(Valentine's Day/Saint Valentine's Day/St Valentine's Day)是很多国家在二月十四日(February 14)庆祝的节日。


如果觉得中文表白还是太直白,不妨换成另一种语言来表白,下面提供10种成功率比较高的英语表白句。 情人节谈恋爱用英语怎么说 Vocabulary about Love/ [Courtship] 1I didn't think that I could ever trust happiness then I met you Happy Valenti ne's Day, Dear ——我一直不相信有真正的“幸福”,直到不久以后,我邂逅了你。

亲爱的,情人节快乐。 2 I will be your Valentine until the end of time ——我将是你的情人,直到地老天荒。

3 I made the right choice when I decided to marry you Be my Valentine forever ——决定跟你结婚,是正确的选择。愿你今生今世做我的情人。

4 No one has ever loved me the way you do I love being your little Valentine ——从来没有人像你这般地爱我。我喜欢做你的小情人。

5You were my high school sweetheart, and still are——高中时代,你是我的意中人,一直到今天,你还是。6On this Valentine's Day, just like every day, all I have is love for you ——如同每一个平常的日子,我在这个情人节里所拥有的东西,就是对你的爱。

7To my ever loving; I am yours forever ——献给我永远的爱人;我将永远属于你。 8Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift ——或许是上帝的安排,在最终找到知音之前,我们总要遇到一些不尽如意的人,只有这样,我们才能对知音这份礼物充满感激之情。

9 It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives ——无疑,一件东西只有失去时,我们才会懂得其真正的价值。同样,一件东西在得到之前,我们并没有意识到它的缺少。

10This short message is to let you know that I still love you after all of these years ——这条短信是要让你知道,纵使时光荏苒,我却爱你如初。爱情英语词汇: 爱情故事 love story 爱神 God of love 朝三暮四 fickle; fickle love 成双成对 to be a couple [man and woman; married or unmarried] 初恋 first love 打动心弦 to pull one's heartstrings。

5 求十句英语表白情话

1、Believe me,I was prepared for everything ,except you 2、艾莉: Maybe I was a bird in another life 诺亚:If you're a bird , I'm a bird ————我的前世也许是只鸟。

————如果你是一只鸟,那我也是一只鸟。 **《手札情缘》 3、You complete me Shot up! You had me at Hello, you had me at Hello ————你使我完美起来 ————别这么说!第一次见面时你就拥有了我,拥有了我! 4、I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night ————我爱你是我晚上就寝前最想聊天的人。

5、I love you Molly I always have Ditto 6、Choose me Marry me Let me make you happy ————选我吧,娶我吧,让我给你制造幸福。 7、Love means never having to say you're sorry ————爱,意味着永不说后悔。

8、When I am out , take me as the wind 9、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you 10、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world。。

6 求十句英语表白情话

1、Believe me,I was prepared for everything ,except you

2、艾莉: Maybe I was a bird in another life

诺亚:If you're a bird , I'm a bird


————如果你是一只鸟,那我也是一只鸟。 **《手札情缘》

3、You complete me

Shot up! You had me at Hello, you had me at Hello



4、I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night


5、I love you Molly I always have


6、Choose me Marry me Let me make you happy


7、Love means never having to say you're sorry


8、When I am out , take me as the wind

9、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you

10、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world

7 用什么英文句子表白比较浪漫

1 “As You Wish”

— The Princess Pride《公主新娘》



2 “You make me want to be a better man”

—As Good As It Gets《尽善尽美》



3 “The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return”

—Moulin Rouge《红磨坊》



4 "Soon, I'll catch you"

—The English Patient《英国病人》



5 “If you're a bird, I'm a bird”

—The Notebook《恋恋笔记本》



6 “I will return I will find you Love you Marry you And live without shame”




7 "I Love you" "I know"

—Star Wars《星球大战》

“我爱你!” “我知道”


8 “But the heart's not like a box that gets filled up It expands in size the more you love”



用中国话来说,爱就是 “一件欲壑难填的事”

8 英文表白句子有哪些


1、Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, andour dreams come true!


2、Every day I miss you It is a hard time for me to miss you but itis even harder not to do so In such a contrary mood, I miss you deeply! A happy Valentines Day to you!


3、If living on the earth is a mission from the lord… living with youis the award of the lord


4、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again


5、Love is a chord in life, not a solo




It's not my intention to meet you, it's my will to know you, it's my will to think you're my love When I don't see you, I'll have two minds When I see you, I'll have one mind


The lonely night needs you to accompany me to not be lonely; the sad moment needs you to be by my side to fall asleep; the happy everything needs you to share to be worth; the prosperous street needs you to accompany me to not be tired; the alone I need to snuggle up with you to be perfect Happy Valentine's Day!


Use the campus spring to irrigate your heart, bury your nostalgia in the forest of the playground, hope for many times in your dream, always want to fall in love with you, draw pictures for you, write infinite romance, write blessing poems, lead your hand to a happy tomorrow, wish you a beautiful Valentine's Day!

情人节表白英文为Valentine's Day Confessions。

Valentine's Day为情人节,恋人之间的的节日,和乞巧节相似。

双语例句:You will many men circling around the greeting card section right before Valentine's Day, looking for a card for their loved one This is so typical for Valentine's Day 如果要你花点时间想想什么是不同凡响经久难的忘情人节表白方式,你可能会想到许多男士挤在贺卡卖区为所爱的人选卡片的场面,这自然是最有代表性的情人节场景。

Nearly half of single and divorced people questioned in a new poll said they view the day as an opportunity to show someone how much they care but a similar number without a significant other don't feel any pressure to celebrate Cupid's big day。




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