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"White Valentine's Day" originated Rome of three jerkins at the earliest stageThe Rome emperor saved 1 rightness on February 14 because of originally want to be sentenced to death because of breaching be in love to get married a restriction order of lover, emperor in Rome is in honor of this day but established Valentine's DayBut in a month of March 14, this takes an oath a romance to the lover for rescuing will steadfast unto death, is memorial this day, hence another order for white Valentine's Day


The Legends Of Valentine's Day

February 14 is Valentine's DayIt is celebrated as a lovers' holiday today,with the giving of candy,flowers,or other gifts between couples in loveValentine's Day has roots in several different legends that have found their way to us through the ages

In Rome it's said that it originated in 5th Century as a tribute to StValentine,a Catholic bishop

For eight hundred years prior to the establishment of Valentine's Day,the Romans had practiced a pagan celebration in mid-February commemorating young men's rite of passage to the god LupercusThe celebration featured a lottery in which young men would draw the names of teenage girls from a boxThe girl assigned to each young man in that manner would be his female companion during the remaining year

In an effort to do away with the pagan festivalPope Gelasius ordered a slight change in the lotteryInstead of the names of young women,the box would contain the names of saintsBoth men and women were allowed to draw from the box,and the game was to emulate the ways of the saint they drew during the rest of the yearNeedless to say,many of the young Roman men were not too pleased with the rule Changes

Instead of the pagan god Lupercus,the Church looked for a suitable patron saint of love to take his placeThey found an appropriate choice in Valentine,who,in AD270 had been beheaded 3 by Emperor Claudius

Claudius had determined that married men made poor soldiersSo he banned marriage from his empireBut Valentine would secretly marry young men that came to himWhen Claudius found out about Valentine,he first tried to convert him to paganismBut Valentine reversed the strategy,trying instead to convert ClaudiusWhen he failed,he was stoned and beheaded

During the days that Valentine was imprisoned,he fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailerHis love for her,and his great faith,managed to miraculously heal her from her blindness before his deathBefore he was taken to his death,he signed a farewell message to her,"From your Valentine"The phrase has been used on his day ever since

Although the lottery for women had been banned by the church,the mid-February holiday in commemoration of StValentine was stilled used by Roman men to seek the affection of womenIt became a tradition for the men to give the ones they admired handwritten messages of affection,containing Valentine's name

Another Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time,AD 200He was imprisoned because he secretly married couples,contrary to the laws of the Roman emperorSome legends say he was burned at the stake

February 14 was also a Roman holiday,held in honor of a goddessYoung men randomly chose the name of a young girl to escort to the festivitiesThe custom of choosing a sweetheart on this date spread through Europe in the Middle Ages,and then to the early American coloniesThroughout the ages,people also believed that birds picked their mates on February 14!

In AD 496 Saint Pope Gelasius I named February 14 as"Valentine's Day"Although it's not an official holiday,most Americans observe this day

The first Valentine card grew out of this practiceThe first true Valentine card was sent in 1415 by Charles,duke of Orleans,to his wifeHe was imprisoned in the Tower of London at the time

Cupid,another symbol of the holiday,became associated with it because he was the son of Venus,the Roman god of love and beautyHe is represented by the image of a young boy with bow and arrowCupid often appears on Valentine cards

Whatever the odd mixture of origins,StValentine's Day is now a day for sweetheartsIt is the day that you show your friend or loved one tht you careYou can send candy to someone you think is specialOr you can send roses,the flower of love


















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