

ls that Mr Darcy of Pemberley in Derbyshire - 那不是Pamberley的Darcy先生吗 - 就是他

l believe so 我必须把自己介绍给他

l must make myself known to him immediately

But, sir He is the nephew of my esteemed 他是我的女守护人Catherine夫人的侄子

patroness, Lady Catherine

Mr Collins, he will consider it an impertinence 他会认为你很莽撞的

Mr Darcy Darcy先生

Mr Darcy Darcy先生

Darcy先生 晚上好

Mr Darcy

Good evening 你的亲戚还真有趣

What interesting relatives you have, Miss Elizabeth

(Collins) l believe we have a mutual acquaintance

in the personage of Lady Catherine de Bourg

The plough

and hoe

Mary dear, you've delighted us long enough Mary亲爱的 你的琴声已经取悦我们很久了

Let the other young ladies have a turn 让其他的**们弹弹吧

(Bingley) l had her since l was a child and then she died 我还是个孩子时 她就死了

Now l have a beautiful gray 我有一根很漂亮的灰头发

Of course, Caroline's a much better rider than l am Of course Caroline骑马比我骑的好多了

Oh, yes, we fully expect a most advantageous marriage 好的 我们就期待这场很有利的联姻吧

And my Jane marrying this young man 我的Jane 嫁得如此好 会为她的妹妹们铺好路的

must throw her sisters in the way of other rich men

Clearly my family are having a competition 很明显 我们家今晚出尽了洋相

to see who can expose themselves to the most ridicule

Well, at least Bingley has not noticed - 至少 Bingley 先生没有注意到 - 没有

No l think he likes her very much But does she like him

- 我觉得他很喜欢她 - 可是她喜欢他吗

There are few of us who are secure enough 爱一个人是需要旁人鼓励的

to be really in love without proper encouragement

Bingley likes her enormously Bingley爱她爱得深沉

but might not do more if she does not help him on 但也许以后就不爱了 如果她没点表示的话

But she's just shy and modest 她只是害羞罢了 如果他觉察不出她 的情愫 那他真傻得可以

lf he cannot perceive her regard, he is a fool

We are all fools in love 恋爱的人都是傻瓜

He does not know her character as we do 他不像我们这样了解她的性格

She should move fast, snap him up 她得发起猛攻 抓住他不放

There is plenty of time for us to get to know them 之后我们就会有很多时间来了解他

after we're married

Can't help feeling that at any point this evening 我不禁觉得有人放了一群小猪 出来

someone's going to produce a piglet and make us chase it


Oh, dear - 天哪 - 对不起 先生

l do apologize, sir l'm awfully sorry

Do forgive me 真是抱歉 请原谅

(woman) Thank you

Emily 别!

Mary Mary 我亲爱的Mary 噢亲爱的 噢亲爱的 噢亲爱的

There, there There, there, there

l've been practicing it all week (Bennet) l know, my dear - 我练习了一整周了 - 我知道 亲爱的

(Mary) l hate balls! 我讨厌舞会

Mr Bennet, wake up Bennet先生 醒醒

(Mrs Bennet) Oh, l've never had such a good time 哦 今天真是太高兴了!

Charles, you cannot be serious Charles你不会是认真的吧

We'll be having a wedding here at Netherfield Bennet先生 我想3个月内他们就会举行婚礼

in less than three months, if you ask me, Mr Bennet

(Mrs Bennet) Mr Bennet! Bennet先生!

Mary, please Mary 别弹了

Thank you, Mr Hill 谢谢Hill先生

Mrs Bennet Bennet先生 希望没给您添麻烦

l was hoping, if it would not trouble you, that l might solicit

a private audience with Miss Elizabeth 我想和Elizabeth**单独谈谈

in the course of the morning

(Mrs Bennet) Oh, yes Certainly 当然可以 Lizzie会很乐意的

Lizzie will be very happy indeed Everyone, out

Mr Collins would like a private audience with your sister 所有人都出去 collins先生 想和你们的姐姐单独谈谈

No, no, wait, please l beg you 等等 Collins先生 和我好像没什么私房话可说吧

Mr Collins can have nothing to say to me

that anybody need not hear No nonsense, Lizzie

l desire you will stay where you are 你待在这儿别动 其他人到客厅去

Everyone else to the drawing room

Mr Bennet But - Bennet先生 - 可

Now 马上

Jane Jane - Jane Jane 别走 Jane! - Jane

Jane, please, don't

Jane Jane

Papa, stay 爸爸 留下

Were it not for the presence 他成为一位真正的绅士

at Netherfield of a certain gentleman

Which is my primary object of the evening 这也是我的主要目标

That gentleman barely warrants the name 真正的绅士是不计较门第的

lt is my intention, if l may be so bold 我想冒昧的请求

to remain close to you throughout the evening 今晚一整晚您都做我的舞伴好吗

May l have the next dance, Miss Elizabeth 我能和您跳下一只舞吗 Elizabeth**

You may 可以

Did l just agree to dance with Mr Darcy - 我刚才同意了和Darcy先生跳舞 - 我敢说你会发现他很和蔼的

l daresay you will find him very amiable, Lizzie

lt would be most inconvenient 这真是不便 我才发誓恨他一辈子的

since l have sworn to loathe him for all eternity

l love this dance lndeed Most invigorating - 我爱这只舞 - 的确 太令人振奋了

lt is your turn to say something, Mr Darcy 该你说话了 Darcy先生

l talked about the dance, now you ought to remark 我说的是跳舞

on the size of the room or the number of couples 你可以对房间的大小或 情侣的数量作评论

l am perfectly happy to oblige 我很愿意接受 您最想知道什么

Please advise me of what you would like most to hear

That reply will do for present 您的回复只对现在起作用

Perhaps by and by, l may observe that private balls 我渐渐发现

are much pleasanter than public ones 私人舞会比公开舞会要有趣的多

For now we may remain silent 现在 我们还是什么都不说算了

Do you talk, as a rule, while dancing 您跳舞的时候非讲话不可吗

No 不 不 我喜欢独处 沉默

No, l prefer to be unsociable and taciturn

Makes it all so much more enjoyable, don't you think 这使得一切更有趣 不是吗

Tell me, do you and your sisters very often walk to Meryton 我想知道你和你的姐妹们 经常去马里顿吗

Yes, we often walk to Meryton 是的 我们经常去马里顿

lt's a great opportunity to meet new people 这样我们结交了很多人

ln fact, when you met us, we'd just had the pleasure 您见到我们时 我们正在结交 新朋友

of forming a new acquaintance

Mr Wickham is blessed with such happy manners Wickham先生仪表翩翩 他就是你们结交的朋友吧

he is sure of making friends

Whether he's capable of retaining them is less certain 但他很少能保持这份友谊

He's been so unfortunate as to lose your friendship 他失去了您的友谊真是不幸 这是不可改变的吗

And l daresay that is an irreversible event

lt is Why do you ask such a question - 是的 您为什么这么问 - 我想弄清您的性格

To make out your character, Mr Darcy

And what have you discovered Very little - 你发现了什么 - 收效甚微

l hear such different accounts of you as puzzle me exceedingly 最近的一些传闻使我对您很迷惑

l hope to afford you more clarity in the future 我希望您以后能更加鲜明地 对您展示我的性格

ls that Mr Darcy of Pemberley in Derbyshire - 那不是Pamberley的Darcy先生吗 - 就是他

l believe so 我必须把自己介绍给他

l must make myself known to him immediately

But, sir He is the nephew of my esteemed 他是我的女守护人Catherine夫人的侄子

patroness, Lady Catherine

Mr Collins, he will consider it an impertinence 他会认为你很莽撞的

Mr Darcy Darcy先生

Mr Darcy Darcy先生

Darcy先生 晚上好

Mr Darcy

Good evening 你的亲戚还真有趣

What interesting relatives you have, Miss Elizabeth

(Collins) l believe we have a mutual acquaintance

in the personage of Lady Catherine de Bourg

The plough

and hoe

Mary dear, you've delighted us long enough Mary亲爱的 你的琴声已经取悦我们很久了

Let the other young ladies have a turn 让其他的**们弹弹吧

(Bingley) l had her since l was a child and then she died 我还是个孩子时 她就死了

Now l have a beautiful gray 我有一根很漂亮的灰头发

Of course, Caroline's a much better rider than l am Of course Caroline骑马比我骑的好多了

Oh, yes, we fully expect a most advantageous marriage 好的 我们就期待这场很有利的联姻吧

And my Jane marrying this young man 我的Jane 嫁得如此好 会为她的妹妹们铺好路的

must throw her sisters in the way of other rich men

Clearly my family are having a competition 很明显 我们家今晚出尽了洋相

to see who can expose themselves to the most ridicule

Well, at least Bingley has not noticed - 至少 Bingley 先生没有注意到 - 没有

No l think he likes her very much But does she like him

- 我觉得他很喜欢她 - 可是她喜欢他吗

There are few of us who are secure enough 爱一个人是需要旁人鼓励的

to be really in love without proper encouragement

Bingley likes her enormously Bingley爱她爱得深沉

but might not do more if she does not help him on 但也许以后就不爱了 如果她没点表示的话

But she's just shy and modest 她只是害羞罢了 如果他觉察不出她 的情愫 那他真傻得可以

lf he cannot perceive her regard, he is a fool

We are all fools in love 恋爱的人都是傻瓜

He does not know her character as we do 他不像我们这样了解她的性格

She should move fast, snap him up 她得发起猛攻 抓住他不放

There is plenty of time for us to get to know them 之后我们就会有很多时间来了解他

after we're married

Can't help feeling that at any point this evening 我不禁觉得有人放了一群小猪 出来

someone's going to produce a piglet and make us chase it


Oh, dear - 天哪 - 对不起 先生

l do apologize, sir l'm awfully sorry

Do forgive me 真是抱歉 请原谅

(woman) Thank you

Emily 别!

Mary Mary 我亲爱的Mary 噢亲爱的 噢亲爱的 噢亲爱的

There, there There, there, there

l've been practicing it all week (Bennet) l know, my dear - 我练习了一整周了 - 我知道 亲爱的

(Mary) l hate balls! 我讨厌舞会

Mr Bennet, wake up Bennet先生 醒醒

(Mrs Bennet) Oh, l've never had such a good time 哦 今天真是太高兴了!

Charles, you cannot be serious Charles你不会是认真的吧

We'll be having a wedding here at Netherfield Bennet先生 我想3个月内他们就会举行婚礼

in less than three months, if you ask me, Mr Bennet

(Mrs Bennet) Mr Bennet! Bennet先生!

Mary, please Mary 别弹了

Thank you, Mr Hill 谢谢Hill先生

Mrs Bennet Bennet先生 希望没给您添麻烦

l was hoping, if it would not trouble you, that l might solicit

a private audience with Miss Elizabeth 我想和Elizabeth**单独谈谈

in the course of the morning

(Mrs Bennet) Oh, yes Certainly 当然可以 Lizzie会很乐意的

Lizzie will be very happy indeed Everyone, out

Mr Collins would like a private audience with your sister 所有人都出去 collins先生 想和你们的姐姐单独谈谈

No, no, wait, please l beg you 等等 Collins先生 和我好像没什么私房话可说吧

Mr Collins can have nothing to say to me

that anybody need not hear No nonsense, Lizzie

l desire you will stay where you are 你待在这儿别动 其他人到客厅去

Everyone else to the drawing room

Mr Bennet But - Bennet先生 - 可

Now 马上

Jane Jane - Jane Jane 别走 Jane! - Jane

Jane, please, don't

Jane Jane

Papa, stay 爸爸 留下

Darcy:How are you this evening,my dear

Elizabeth:Very well Only I wish you would not call me"my dear"


Elizabeth:Cause it's what my father always calls my mother when he's cross about something

Darcy:What endearments am I allowed

Elizabeth:Well,let me think Lizzie,for everyday My pearl,for Sundays And Goddess Divine,but only on very special occasions

Darcy:And what shall I call you when I'm crossMrsDarcy

Elizabeth:NoNoYou may only call me MrsDarcy when you are completely and perfectly,and incandescently happy

Darcy:And how are you this evening,MrsDarcyMrsDarcyMrsDarcyMrsDarcyMrsDarcy

She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me; I am in no humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men


It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife

You are the last man in the world I could ever marry

lf, however,

your feelings have changed

I would have to tell you,

you have bewitched me,

body and soul, and I love

I love I love you

I never wish to be parted from you from this day on

Well, then

Your hands are cold

In vain have I struggledIt will not doMy feelings will not be repressedYou must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you





  DARCY: (cont'd) I came to Rosings with the single object of seeing youI had to see you


  DARCY: I've fought against my better judgement, my family's expectation


  DARCY: (cont'd) The inferiority of your birth my rank and circumstance (stumblingly) all those thingsbut I'm willing to put them asideand ask you to end my agony

  LIZZIE: I don't understand

  DARCY: (with passion) I love you Most ardently

  Lizzie stares at him

  DARCY: (cont'd) Please do me the honour of accepting my hand

  A silence Lizzie struggles with the most painful confusion of feeling Finally she recovers

  LIZZIE: (voice shaking) Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I am very sorry to have caused you pain Believe me, it was unconsciously done

  A silence Gathering her shawl, she gets to her feet

  DARCY: (stares) Is this your reply

  LIZZIE: Yes, sir

  DARCY: Are you laughing at me


  DARCY: Are you rejecting me

  LIZZIE: (pause) I'm sure that the feelings which, as you've told me, have hindered your regard, will help you in overcoming it

  A terrible silence, as this sinks in Neither of them can move At last, Darcy speaks He is very pale

  DARCY: Might I ask why, with so little endeavour at civility, I am thus repulsed

  LIZZIE: (trembling with emotion) I might as well enquire why, with so evident a design of insulting me, you chose to tell me that you liked me against your better judgement If I was uncivil, that was some excuse -

  DARCY: Believe me, I didn't mean

  LIZZIE: But I have other reasons, you know I have!

  DARCY: What reasons

  LIZZIE: Do you think that anything might tempt me to accept the man who has ruined, perhaps for ever, the happiness of a most beloved sister

  Silence Darcy looks as if he's been struck across the face

  LIZZIE: (cont'd) Do you deny it, Mr Darcy That you've separated a young couple who loved each other, exposing your friend to the censure of the world for caprice, and my sister to its derision for disappointed hopes, and involving them both in misery of the acutest kind

  DARCY: I do not deny it

  LIZZIE: (blurts out) How could you do it

  DARCY: Because I believed your sister indifferent to him

  LIZZIE: Indifferent

  DARCY: I watched them most carefully, and realized his attachment was much deeper than hers

  LIZZIE: That's because she's shy!

  DARCY: Bingley too is modest, and was persuaded that she didn't feel strongly for him

  LIZZIE: Because you suggested it!

  DARCY: I did it for his own good

  LIZZIE: My sister hardly shows her true feelings to me! (pause, takes a breath) I suppose you suspect that his fortune had same bearing on the matter

  DARCY: ( sharply) No! I wouldn't do your sister the dishonour Though it was suggested (stops)

  LIZZIE: What was

  DARCY: It was made perfectly clear thatan advantageous marriage (stops)

  LIZZIE: Did my sister give that impression

  DARCY: No!

  An awkward pause

  DARCY: (cont'd) There was, however, I have to admit the matter of your family

  LIZZIE: Our want of connection Mr Bingley didn't vex himself about that!

  DARCY: No, it was more than that

  LIZZIE: How, sir

  DARCY: (pause, very uncomfortable) It pains me to say this, but it was the lack of propriety shown by your mother, your three younger sisters - even, on occasion, your father Forgive me

  Lizzie blushes He has hit home Darcy paces up and down

  DARCY: (cont'd) You and your sister - I must exclude from this

  Darcy stops He is in turmoil Lizzie glares at him, ablaze


  - 这几个月对于我来说是一种折磨,我来罗新斯只是为了见你。

  - 我?

  - 我在与世俗的看法,与我家族的期望对抗,与你的身世,与我的阶级对抗,我要把他们统统抛开,让你终结我的痛苦。

  - 我不明白你在说什么。

  - 我爱你,最真挚的爱。请给与我荣幸,接受我的手吧。

  - 先生,我感激你的挣扎。但我非常遗憾,给你的只有痛苦,这个决定是潜意思下的。

  - 这就是你的回复?

  - 是的,先生。

  - 你是在嘲笑我吗?

  - 不

  - 你是在拒绝我?

  - 我相信,你心中阶级的门槛会帮助你克服痛苦。

  - 我能否问你,为什么我竟会遭受如此无礼的拒绝?

  - 那么我能否问你,为什么你说喜欢我是违背了你自己的判断力?要是我果真是无礼的,那么,这还不够作为我无礼的理由吗?

  - 相信我,我不是那个意思。

  - 但你知道我还有别的理由。

  - 什么理由?

  - 一个毁我最亲爱的姐姐幸福的人,怎么会打动我的心去爱他呢?你能否认你拆散了一对相爱的恋人,让你的朋友被大家指责为朝三暮四,让我的姐姐被大家嘲笑为奢望空想,你叫他们俩受尽了痛苦?

  - 我并没有否认这些。

  - 你怎么能做出这样的事情?

  - 我认为你姐姐觉得他无关紧要,我觉得他的爱要比她更多。

  - 那是因为她害羞!

  - 彬格莱被说服了,她的感觉并不强烈。

  - 是你说服他的。

  - 我这样做是为了他好。

  - 我姐姐几乎都不向我表露她真实的感觉。我怀疑是因为他富有的关系?

  - 我无意使你姐姐难堪。

  - 这暗示着

  - 什么?

  - 这门婚事明显是为了谋取利益的

  - 我姐姐给你那种印象?

  - 不!

  - 不。 有,然而,你的家人

  - 我们对社交的渴求?

  - 不,比那更甚。

  - 怎样更甚,先生?

  - 你母亲,你妹妹们,你父亲有失身份的表现……请原谅我,你和你的姐姐当然排除在外……

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife 小说的开头

You are the last man in the world i could ever marry雨中告白最后

If however ,your feeling has changed,i would have to tell you you have bewitched me ,body and souland i love lovelove youi never wish to be parted from youfrom this day on

well then,your hands are cold

i love you,most ardently

In vain have i struggledIt will not doMy feelings will not be repressedYou must allow me to tell you,how ardently i admire and love you

You may ask questions which i shoule not choose to answer。丽淬对达西的姨妈说的

Sometimes the last person on earth you want to be with is the one person you can't be without

His misfortunes,yes,his misfortunes has been great indeed达西说威卡

My affections and wishes have not changedBut one word from you will scilence me forever

D:So what do you recommend for affection舞会上

L:Dancing,Even if one'parterner is barely tolerable

You must know,surely you must knowit wat all for youYou are too generous to trifle with mei believe you spoke with my aunt last nightand it taught me to hope as i'd scarcely allowed myself beforeIf your feeling are stil what they were last April,tell me so at onceMy affections and wishes have not changedBut one word from you will scilence me foreverIf however ,your feeling has changed,i would have to tell you you have bewitched me ,body and souland i love lovelove youi never wish to be parted from youfrom this day on最经典的

I do not have the talent of conversing easily with people i'v never met before

Neither duty, nor honour, nor gratitude," replied Elizabeth, "have any possible claim on me, in the present instance No principle of either would be violated by my marriage with Mr Darcy And with regard to the resentment of his family, or the indignation of the world, if the former were excited by his marrying me, it would not give me one moment's concern— and the world in general would have too much sense to join in the scorn"

Pride And Prejudice Script - Dialogue Transcript

Voila! Finally, the Pride And Prejudice script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Keira Knightley movie based on the Jane Austin novel This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Pride And Prejudice I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line You won't hurt my feelings Honest

Swing on back to Drew's Script-O-Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts!


Pride And Prejudice Script

Lydia! Kitty!

My dear Mr Bennet, have you heard

Netherfield Park is let at last Do you

not want to know who has taken it

As you wish to tell me, my dear,

I doubt I have any choice in the matter

Kitty, what have I told you

about listening at the door

There's a Mr Bingley

arrived from the North

- Five thousand a year!

- Really

- He's single!

- Who's single

A Mr Bingley, apparently Kitty!

How can that possibly affect them

Mr Bennet,

how can you be so tiresome

You know he must marry one of them

That is his design in settling here

You must go and visit him at once

Good heavens People

For we may not visit if you do not,

as you well know, Mr Bennet

- Are you listening You never listen

- You must, Papa! At once!

There's no need I already have

- You have

- When

Oh, Mr Bennet,

how can you tease me so

Have you no compassion

for my poor nerves

You mistake me, my dear

I have the highest respect for them

They've been my constant companions

these twenty years


- Is he amiable

- Who

- Is he handsome

- He's sure to be

With a year,

it would not matter if he had warts

Who's got warts

I will consent to

his marrying whichever girl he chooses

- So will he come to the ball tomorrow

- I believe so

- Mr Bennet!

- I have to have your muslin!

- I'll lend you my green slippers!

- They were mine

- I'll do your mending for a week

- I'll retrim your new bonnet

Two weeks I'll do it for

It's not the same!

It's not the same

I can't breathe

I think one of

my toes just came off

If every man does not end the evening

in love with you,

then I'm no judge of beauty

- Or men

- No, they are far too easy to judge

They're not all bad

Humourless poppycocks,

in my limited experience

One day,

someone will catch your eye,

and then you'll have

to watch your tongue

How good of you to come

Which of the painted peacocks

is our Mr Bingley

He's on the right

On the left is his sister

- The person with the quizzical brow

- That is his good friend, Mr Darcy

- He looks miserable, poor soul

- He may be, but poor he is not

Tell me

a year,

and he owns half of Derbyshire

The miserable half

Mr Bennet, you must introduce him

to the girls immediately

Smile at Mr Bingley Smile


Mr Bingley, my eldest daughter you know

Mrs Bennet, Miss Jane Bennet,

Elizabeth and Miss Mary Bennet

It is a pleasure I have two others,

but they're already dancing

I'm delighted to make your acquaintance

And may I introduce Mr Darcy

of Pemberley in Derbyshire

How do you like it

here in Hertfordshire

Very much

The library at Netherfield,

I've heard, is one of the finest

It fills me with guilt I'm not a good

reader I prefer being out of doors

Oh, I mean, I can read, of course

And I'm not suggesting

you can't read out of doors

I wish I read more, but there

seem to be so many other things to do

That's exactly what I meant

Mama, Mama! You will never, ever believe

what we're about to tell you

- Tell me!

- She's going to take the veil

- The regiment are coming!

- Officers

They're going to be stationed

the whole winter, right here

- Officers

- As far as the eye can see

Oh, look

Jane's dancing with Mr Bingley

Mr Bennet

- Do you dance, Mr Darcy

- Not if I can help it

I didn't know you were coming

to see me What's the matter

We are a long way from Grosvenor Square,

are we not, Mr Darcy

I've never seen so many pretty girls

You were dancing

with the only handsome girl

She is the most beautiful creature

I have ever beheld

- But her sister Elizabeth is agreeable

- Perfectly tolerable

Not handsome enough to tempt me Return

to your partner and enjoy her smiles

You're wasting your time with me

Count your blessings, Lizzie If he

liked you, you'd have to talk to him


I wouldn't dance with him

for all of Derbyshire,

let alone the miserable half


- I enjoyed that so much, Miss Lucas

- How well you dance, Mr Bingley

I've never enjoyed a dance so much

My daughter Jane

is a splendid dancer, is she not

She is indeed

Your friend Miss Lucas

is a most amusing young woman

Oh, yes, I adore her

- It is a pity she's not more handsome

- Mama!

Oh, but Lizzie

would never admit that she's plain

Of course, it's my Jane who's considered

the beauty of the county

Mama, please!

When she was a gentleman

was so much in love with her,

I was sure he would make her an offer

However, he did write her

some very pretty verses

And that put paid to it

I wonder who discovered the power

of poetry in driving away love

- I thought poetry was the food of love

- Of a fine, stout love

But if it is only a vague inclination,

one poor sonnet will kill it

So, what do you recommend

to encourage affection

Dancing Even if one's partner

is barely tolerable

Mr Bingley is just what

a young man ought to be

- Sensible, good-humoured

- Handsome, conveniently rich

Marriage should not be driven

by thoughts of money

Only deep love

will persuade me to marry

- Which is why I'll end up an old maid

- Do you really believe he liked me

He danced with you most of the night,

and stared at you the rest

I give you leave to like him

You've liked many stupider

You're a great deal too apt

to like people in general

All the world

is good in your eyes

Not his friend I still can't believe

what he said about you

Mr Darcy

I'd more easily forgive his vanity

had he not wounded mine

But no matter

I doubt we shall ever speak again

He danced with Miss Lucas

We were all there, dear

It is a shame she's not more handsome

There's a spinster

in the making and no mistake

The fourth with a Miss King

of little standing,

and the fifth again with Jane

If he had any compassion,

he would've sprained his ankle

The way you carry on,

you'd think our girls look forward

to a grand inheritance

When you die,

which may be very soon,

they will be left without a roof over

their head nor a penny to their name

- Please, it's ten in the mornin

经典英语对白 呵呵

If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once

My affections and wishes have not changed

But one word from you will silence me for

lf, however, your feelings have changedI would have to tell you,

you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love I love I love you

I never wish to be parted from you from this day on


Well, then

Your hands are cold


Shut the door, please

Lizzie, are you out of your senses

  I thought you hated the man

  - No, Papa

  - He is rich, to be sure

  And you will have

  more fine carriages than Jane

  But will that make you happy

  Have you no other objection

  than your belief in my indifference

  None at all

  We all know him to be

  a proud, unpleasant sort of fellow

  But this would be nothing

  if you liked him

  I do like him


  I love him


  He's not proud I was wrong

  I was entirely wrong about him

  You don't know him, Papa

  If I told you what he was really like,

  what he's done

  What has he done

  But she doesn't like him

  I thought she didn't like him

  So did I So did we all

  We must have been wrong

  - It won't be the first time, will it

  - No, nor the last, I dare say

  Good Lord

  - I must pay him back

  - No

  You mustn't tell anyone

  He wouldn't want it

  We misjudged him, Papa

  Me more than anyone In every way

  Not just in this matter

  I've been nonsensical

  But he's been a fool about Jane,

  about so many other things

  But then, so have I

  You see, he and I are

  He and I are so similar

  We're both so stubborn

  Papa, I

  You really do love him, don't you

  Very much

  I cannot believe

  that anyone can deserve you

  But it seems I am overruled

  So I heartily give my consent

  I could not have parted with you,

  my Lizzie, to anyone less worthy

  Thank you

  If any young men come for Mary or Kitty,

  for heaven's sake, send them in

  I'm quite at my leisure



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