

Nowdays,online shopping is becoming more and more popular in our daily life Just as every coin has two sides, online shopping has it's own advantages and disadvantages

For one thing, online shopping is very convenient for our modern citizens As we are now living in an era that efficiency is highly demanded, we do not like wasting time wandering among shops for what we need Therefore online shopping makes our shopping much easier There is a great range of products online for our choice, in most cases the types and scales of the commodities are many more than those in shops Moreover, because of the low cost of opening a shop online, the prices of the commodities are often relatively cheaper than those in the real shops

For another, online shopping takes risk First, one may be cheated by online shops Among all those honesty and trustworthying shops, there are some cheaters who do not sell out products, instead, once they get the money from customers they will disappear forever Second, customers cannot assure the quality of the commodities when buying them Only by seeing pictures of the products is not enough Last, if there is a qulity problem, customers cannot ask for another good piece of products easily And the courier charges will be beared by customers, therefore, some gave up exchanging the commodities then

As i have stated above, there are advantages and disadvantages for online shopping Everyday should think twice before buying products online

关于晚上8:00干什么的作文:At 8 pm,My dad was watching sport program and he really enjoyed himeselfHe was very excicited and he sometimes even yelledAs you know,my dad is very insterested in sports and his hobby is playing basketball He can play basketball very well and his idol is YaomingInstead, my mom was surfing the internet and listening musicBecause she enjoys music very much and always sings in my homeHer voice is really nice and we all like her singing




Please remember 2009 March 28, 8:30 at night to 9:30 this a clock!


By the world wide fund for nature (WWF) launched the "earth hour" activities, more than 2800 cities 10 million people synchronous do the same thing, which turn out the lights for one hour


From the Sydney opera house, to the United States "Las Vegas" Las Vegas casinos;


From Beijing's "bird's nest", "water cube", to London's "London eye";


From the pyramids of giza in Egypt, to the French Paris Eiffel Tower, are in beautiful "dark moment"


For the earth "lights out an hour" activities in 2007 for the first time in Sydney Australia led lamp, afterwards statistics, in an hour is enough saved in 1 hour 20 million TV sets, 5 million car ran 1 hour


Sydney residents said that night can see stars more than usual several times


Guangzhou is the next 50 years in a storm, god sets the stars is mission impossible, even turn off home niuniu mom all the lights and appliances, lighted lanterns, while walking home, side of the embedded with girl back


At the moment, the friend to do at the city, mass message niuniu mom so -- --


"Turn out the lights one hour, you want to take the black"


Reply is multifarious:


"If in restaurant eating, if opportunity with your girlfriend walk single opportunity together following";


"The night give me black eyes, but I use it for a brighter" -- the wit poet attend to city fans;


"My generation reader, tarnished" -- read braille reader worthy;


"Play not plug music -- the dark QingChang harmonica plus";


"Join 'mobile phone with tribal' ranks, record this one hour happen story";


"Please gently close your eyes, take a deep breath, whether smelled just broken buds pure and fresh and the delicate fragrance Please gently close your eyes and listen to the rain, the rhythm of whether heard"









"With my dear to a romantic evening";


"To love me quietly and I love the people" -- is probably not the same person;


"Meditation consider, we fry what is"


Back to last the messages in the stock account is a have nine digits friend, he said not happiness, happiness, although he earn enough fry raise three generations, but just a machines to make money just


Visible, money can't buy happiness


Yes, we fry what is


We kept chasing wealth exactly is for the sake of what


Every one of us, in all his life down the door of happiness, looking for that belongs to own happiness


Happiness is a state of mind, rich is not necessarily happy without money, not necessarily not happiness


There are many things in life than money important, many things is money can't buy, such as happiness


Niuniu mom and that friend say, generosity, let the wealth of the society for you to return or return part of social, probably happy, happy



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