后街男孩incomplete的创作背景,看视频觉得很悲伤我认为超过了Show Me The Meaning of Bebing Lonely

后街男孩incomplete的创作背景,看视频觉得很悲伤我认为超过了Show Me The Meaning of Bebing Lonely,第1张





布莱恩 利特瑞尔 演的是 狼人

尼克 卡特 演的是 埃及的 木乃伊

赫维 德鲁夫 演的是 美国的吸血鬼``也就是 吸血僵尸

凯文 斯科特 理查德森 演的是 一个 怪异的 蜥蜴人`!!

亚历山大 詹姆斯 麦克林 演的是 一个伯爵~`!!应该是 一个长相恐怖的吃人的僵尸伯爵吧``~不象是丧尸!具体是什么```不太清楚`` !!应该也是 吃人的僵尸```在** 《范海辛》里也有这类似的场景```

是All I Have To Give(Part2-The Conversation Mix) 整首曲4分17秒我是在他们推出的Backstreet's Back里听过的,这首歌是这张专辑Bonus Tracks里的

不管是my love 还是 I love you,肯定是那首,你看下这首歌调子和原All I Have To Give 是不是一样,只不过用对话演绎的是的话就对了OK

My name is Kev

And I like the type of girl who can love me for me

The type of girl who I can hold in my arms

And give her all that I have to give

And if you're that type of girl

Then you're getting all my love

That's right baby

Hi my name is Brian

But you can call me B-Rok 'cuz I'll be rockin' your house laughs

Nah, I'm just playin'

But on the real tip, I like a serious girl

Somebody who's gonna be smart

A girl who even even likes to go to school

(Yo Brian, stop lying)

No, c'mon Nick, for real

I like a girl with a good head on her shoulders

(Yeah right!)


My name is Howie D

And this is how we do it

I like the type of girl that one day she'll become my wife

We'' get married and she'll make me breakfast

She'll make me lunch and my dinner

I want bacon and eggs, pancakes, orange juice, mashed potatoes,

Turkey, guacamole, chicken

Yo, my name is AJ

And I like the type of girl who'll let me do everything for her

Let me make you breakfast

Let me make you lunch

Let me make you dinner, baby

But after that, I'll just make you happy

See Howie, that's how you gotta do it

Howie Yo yo D

(Yo, why you gotta dis me like that for)

My name is Nick

And I like the type of girl that loves to go dancing

The type of girl that likes to move her body

The type of girl that likes to shake what her mama gave her

The type that will let me hold her hand and kiss her

The type that will let me take her to the movies and then kiss her

The type that will let me hold her so tight and then kiss her

And kiss her, and kiss her, and kiss her laughs

My name is B-Rok and I'm gonna always love you

My name is AJ and I'm gonna always love you

My name is Howie how we doin' sweetheart

My name is Nick and I will always love you

And baby, my name is Kev

And I just want you to know

That I will always love you


1 anywhere for you(这首歌很适合表白的时候唱)

2 as long as you love me(Nick的一首老歌)

3 back to your heart(如果有人后悔分手的话就放这首)

4 beautiful woman(下的时候有点杂音)

5 don’t wanna to lose you now(快分手的时候这首就不错)

6 don’t want you back(失恋的时候摆脱心里阴影)

7 drowing(告诉她有多爱她)

8 everybody(后街的成名歌曲)

9 everyone(只是名字和上面的有点像)

10 get another boyfriend(当……的时候)

11 get down(只是很刺激而已)

12 how did I fall in love with you(某些纪念日或节日时放的歌)

13 I need you tonight(…………)

14 I promise you(海誓山盟)

15 I want in that way(有一点点不满时这首歌算是含蓄的)

16 if you want to be good girl(如果你是流氓的话)

17 it’s gotta be you(当认定某人的时候)

18 it’s true(又一首表白的歌)

19 I’ll be there for you(失恋以后希望挽回)

20 just want you know(大意同上,但是Nick的新歌)

21 larger than life(发泄时的歌)

22 messing you(想念那个谁的时候)

23 not for me(有点像吵架)

24 no one else comes close(还是一首表白的歌)

25 never gone(这是最新专辑的主打歌,很好听)

26 quit playing games with my heart(想分手的时候……)

27 shape of my heart(干脆解释为情歌算了)

28 show me the meaning of being lonely(有多种版本,有摇滚和抒情,45喜欢听人妖唱)

29 the answer to our life(约会的时候)

30 the one(干脆还是解释为情歌算了)

31 the call(道歉的歌词,丝毫没有歉意的语气)

32 the perfect fan(讲母爱的)

33 we got it goin’on(只是很刺激而已)

34 what makes you different(坠入了……)

35 yes,I will(信誓旦旦的口吻)

是shape of my heart吗


Baby, please try to forgive me

Stay here, don't put out the glow

Hold me now, don't bother

If every minute it makes me weaker

You can save me from the man that I become

Looking back on the things I've done

I was trying to be someone

And played my part

Kept you in the dark

Now let me show you the shape of my heart

Sadness is beautiful

Loneliness is tragical

So heal me

I can't win this war

Touch me now, don't bother

If every second it makes me weaker

You can save me from the man I've become()

I'm here with my confession

Got nothing to hide no more

I don't know where to start

But to show you the shape of my heart

I'm looking back on things I've done

I never want to play the same old part

Or keep you in the dark

Now let me show you the shape of my heart()

心的形状 -----新好男孩合唱团




























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