

A Red,Red Rose

By Robert Burns

O my love's like a red,red rose,

That"s newly sprung in June;

O my love's like the melodie(小夜曲)

That's sweetly played in tune

As fair art thou(你),my bonnie(漂亮的) lass(爱人),

So deep in love am I;

And I will love thee(thou的宾格) still,my dear,

Till the seas gang dry

Till the seas gang dry,my dear,

And the rocks melt with the sun;

And I will love thee still,my dear,

While the sands of life shall run

And fare thee weel(<苏格兰>=well),my only love,

And fare thee weel a while!

And I will come again,my love,

Though it were ten thousand mile!

I don't want to set the world on fire 哗众取宠非我本意

I just want to start 只愿能够迸发火苗

A flame in your heart 点燃你心中的烈焰

In my heart I have but one desire 我满脑只有一个念头

And that one is you 所谓伊人

No other will do 非汝与胡

I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim 我早已没有了享誉海外的壮志

I just want to be the one you love 如今只想成为你的至爱

And with your admission that you feel the same但求你能够和我心灵相通

I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of 那样我便得偿所愿

Believe me! 相信我

I don't want to set the world on fire 哗众取宠非我本意

I just want to start 只愿能够迸发火苗

A flame in your heart 点燃你心中的烈焰

I don't wanna set the world on fire, honey 宝贝,哗众取宠非我本意

I love ya too much 我是如此爱你

I just wanna start a big big flame 就要燃起的一团绚丽火焰

down in your heart 会是在你的心中

You see 你知道的

way down inside of me 我们心灵相通

darlin' I have one desire 亲爱的,你知道我唯一的念头

And that one desire is you 那就是你

And I know nobody else ain't gonna do 没有人可以比我更爱你

I've lost all ambition for worldly acclaim 我早已没有了享誉海外的壮志

I just want to be the one you love 如今只想成为你的至爱

And with your admission that you feel the same但求你能够和我心灵相通

I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of 那样我便得偿所愿

Believe me! 相信我

I don't want to set the world on fire 哗众取宠非我本意

I just want to start 只愿能够迸发火苗

A flame in your heart 点燃你心中的烈焰




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