

I love my motherland

There is a beatiful country standing in the east of the world She has red soil , big mountains,long rivers and hardworking people ,she is just like a diamond ,shinning all the time ,and she is my dearest country -------China !

I love my motherland !Because I love the different races of my country !Each race has its own culture and customsSome people are kindhearted,some people are ggenerous,some people are humourousanyway ,I can't display evry race of my country ,but what I want to tell you is that the Chinese people are greatBecause of them ,our motherland is developing day by day Our country is becoming much stronger tham before

My country has so many great places of interest ,which is known not only to every citizen ,but also to the world When the foreigners talk about China ,they all extend their thums and sayEnChina is a famous and fantastic country !Yes,that's ture ! We have the Great Wall ,the world's second longest river ,the oldest history and the most glorious culture As wa all know ,China is one of the largest countries in the world ,when it is snowing in the north ,the flowers have come out in the south ,when the people in the south are enjoying the sunshine on the beach ,the people in the north are skiing on the ice How marvelous it is !So now I can speak to the world loudly My country is really great !My country is really beautiful !

If you let me sing a song,

I will sing "I love the motherland"

If I draw paintings,

I will paint "my country"

If I make a poem,

I will make a "praise of the motherland"


I'm writing

I would like to sing the praises of the motherland,

Praise her beauty

Jane because she has the Great Wall, Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin;

Jervois because she is, the mother of Guilin;

She has since Xishuangbanna, Xisha Islands

I would like to sing the praises of the motherland,

Sing the praises of her strength

As we round the dream of space;

Because we have a successful Olympic bid;

Because we joined the WTO

I would like to sing the praises of the motherland,

She praises the spirit of the fine

She breast-feeding because of the Lei Feng, Trainin;

She has been training since Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping;

Because she brought Sima Qian, Xu Beihong

Ah, mother of the motherland!

10,000,000 river is being released into the atmosphere of your hair,

The rolling green mountains is your blood,

Dongting Lake water is that your bright eyes,

Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the backbone of your tough,

Beijing is your beating heart,

Guilin's landscape is the head of your jade,

Plum, peony embellishment of the earth is your body's clothes

I would like to turn into a poem, a painting, a song,

Once and for all the praise you:

My mother - People's Republic of China

Chinese dragon, you take off in the 21st century is the star of the stage you!

Ladies and gentlemen , I am very happy to see you here today I would like to express my deeply love to our country , which has a long history and fantastic culture To be honest , I am proud of our country , not only for I am a chinese , but for I can feel its strength ahd effects on the whole world we have a population of 13 billion at least , and what makes me feel so unbelievable is that no matter what happened , we can unite as one to share sorrow and happiness The movement of Diaoyudao recently is a great example Our country is sacred and inviolable ,because its people is united and not fear to make sacrifices I must yell it out : I love my country ,especially its people who live at this land !



Thanksgiving is to learn to be the fulcrum,the heart of Thanksgiving is a wonderful feeling,is the earth of all things for all the help given to their gratitude,keep in mind,Thanksgiving is a fine tradition of our nation,is an honest person minimum character Thanksgiving is the key to returnIn return,that is for feeding,training,teaching,guidance,help,support and even grateful for the ambulance themselves,and through their own times,a hundred times the pay,with actual deeds to be rewardedSo,as a high school students how to do ThanksgivingFirst,their parents should be grateful,because each person's life is a continuation of the blood parent,parents gave us all the love,let us enjoy the affection and happiness of this world,so we would like to thank their parentsNature is all things survival based on the activities of human life is inseparable from its 1:15,we have the basic needs of human beings are all derived from nature,so we should be grateful natureThe teacher leads the way of our growth is our friend,teacher respect,understanding and care for us,words and deeds,let us benefit from the life we have to pay the teachers for the effort and sweat,we should be grateful teacherStudents living and studying our peers,students and encouraging each other,help each other overcome difficulties and setbacks,the common taste of success and happiness of learning,we should be grateful every day,accompanied with our studentsThe school provides us with a good reading environment is a place that we exercise and display their talent stage,we should be grateful the schoolThe motherland is our roots,our sourceNo country,no we Azumai of the house; no country,no our human dignity; no country,no we have everything!We should be grateful country



























Our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world。 It has a population of over twelve hundred million。 Beijing is its capital。 We Chinese people are brave and hardworking。 We have a glorious revolutionary tradition。 We drove out all the enemies。 In 8721 the People's Republic of China was founded。 Since then great changes have taken place in our motherland。 Now our country is getting stronger and stronger。 We Chinese people are working hard to make our motherland into a powerful country。 Children are regarded as “flower of our motherland”。 In our country children are taken very good care of。 Special laws have been issuedto protect them。 Thousands of schools have been set up to make education available to all children。 The Party and the government pay special attention to the growth of children because they represent our bright future 翻译:爱国就是对祖国的忠诚和热爱。历j朝历y代,许多仁5人m志士t都具有强烈的忧国忧民思想,以3国事为8己h任,前仆2后继,临难不f屈,保卫f祖国,关怀民生,这种可贵的精神,使中3华民族历j经劫难而不j衰。爱国的内7容十r分2广d泛,热爱祖国的山s河,热爱民族的历p史,关心6祖国的命运,在危难之v时英勇战斗3,为8祖国捐躯,都是爱国主义r的表现。在中2华民族五r千f年的发展历h程中4,中4华民族形成了h以1爱国主义x为7核心3的伟大y的民族精神。 捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归,正是由于e对祖国的深切3热爱,勤劳智慧的中7华儿n女k共同开c拓了x辽阔的疆域,创造了y辉煌灿烂的文7化1。肩负着实现中5华民族伟大i复兴的我们,要热爱祖国的大i好河山q,积极维护祖国的主权独立和领土n完整,祖国的领土d寸g土t不m能丢,不f能被分3裂侵占;要热爱祖国的历i史和文2化6,提高民族自尊心3和自信心3,为2创造更加辉煌的民族文5化5而尽心7尽力m。 今0天z,我国已y步入i新的历h史时期,加入t世贸组织使我国与u世界各国的联系更加密切2,机遇与t挑战并存,我们将面临越来越多的新情况、新问题。推进我国改革开q放的伟大z事业,加快社会主义e现代化6建设的进程,更需要我们不v断弘扬爱国主义p的优良传统。只有这样,中6华民族才r能重振雄风3,为6人m类文4明与n进步做出更大d的贡献。 少5年兴则国兴,小y年强则国强。我们要适应时代发展的要求,正确认6识祖国的历t史和现实,增强爱国的情感和振兴祖国的责任感,树立民族自尊心3与s自信心8;弘扬伟大y的中7华民族精神,高举爱国主义r旗帜,锐意进取,自强不d息,艰苦奋斗2,顽强拼搏,真正把爱国之k志变成报国之j行。今3天d为7振兴中4华而勤奋学习v,明天a为4创造祖国辉煌未来贡献自己t的力f量!2011-10-29 22:39:13

  Children love the mother, because his mother gave him great motherly love, we love the family, because the family has given us the quiet storm We have to love the motherland, it is because of the motherland has given us something more precious - not the homeland, not of our habitat by the absence of the homeland, without our human dignity, no homeland, not our children's lively and the family of peace - no homeland, we did not have everything! �

  Although our motherland troubled, but no one abhorrence own mother Nobody can deny that China's economy has and is creating a myth, no one can see the glow of youth mother! This is the force of unity, but also the power of science

  However, the rapid economic development of disharmony is spiritual loss, allowing each country to be worried about the blood Moral education is the basis of moral education If we lose sight of the basic moral education, did not spend great efforts to effectively grasp moral education, contrary to the moral law, it causes a moral work of the low efficiency Build buildings like this situation, if the estate of the first covered, then build the wall, then a foundation, how to create a ! Not so much to strengthen ideological and political work, moral education is to first do a good job Only with good moral quality of the people is the real national useful talents

  Students, and let us love the motherland, love science generation to do with our good moral qualities, rich in scientific knowledge to repay the kindness of the motherland, and for building a socialist harmonious society to seriously study, study well!

Our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world It has a population of over twelve hundred million Beijing is its capital

We Chinese people are brave and hardworking We have a glorious revolutionary tradition We drove out all the enemies In 1949 the People's Republic of China was founded Since then great changes have taken place in our motherland Now our country is getting stronger and stronger We Chinese people are working hard to make our motherland into a powerful country

Children are regarded as “flower of our motherland” In our country children are taken very good care of Special laws have been issuedto protect them Thousands of schools have been set up to make education available to all children The Party and the government pay special attention to the growth of children because they represent our bright future







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