

I have a friend named yangyang Her medium height, shapely, oval face, small eyes but great temperament She is interested in singing and dancing She has participated in the city's singing competition, won the first prize She loves sports, like hiking fitness She was a helpful person Once she saw in the street an old lady fell on the road, she was sent to hospital after the old woman propped up their own money to grandma doctor, then quietly leave, even the name was left Her favorite food is pasta, I always ask her to eat noodles

历经岁月的洗礼,我们走过童稚,步入青春。对于青春的我们,也开有着自己喜欢的偶像。然而,我也不例外,我也有我的偶像。  在一间幽暗的小屋里,一位头发蓬乱的老者正在谈奏着动人的乐曲。他饱经沧桑的脸上写着沉浸于音乐中的快乐。他就是—贝多芬。  双耳失聪,对于一个音乐家来说是何等不幸,而他就是这样一个不幸的人。一次演出结束时,台下掌声一片,可他却听不见。直到一个登台献花的女孩抱住他,他才回过神来。他说过,一个乐队只能演奏出他一分钟心里所想的音乐。这不是他狂妄,而是他的内心澎湃着对音乐的向往。  贝多芬性情孤傲,勇于挑战权威。一次,他与歌德同行,迎面遇到一支贵族队伍。歌德急忙脱帽致敬,而贝多芬却不卑不亢地等着贵族们向他致敬。贝多芬对权贵的轻视更显示他人格的高贵,不禁让人叹服。  贝多芬虽双耳失聪,却仍坚持创作。他为艺术而献身,把美妙的音符留在了后世。贝多芬在挫折中站了起来,以坚强的意志,创作的激情,谱写出惊人的杰作。贝  多芬是一个传奇,他用心灵感受世界,用生命谱写歌曲。  贝多芬是一个巨人,是一位英雄,生活简朴,淡泊名利。他是我的偶像,他的精神值得我学习和赞颂。  贝多芬的乐曲像一股清泉,滋润了人们的心田;贝多芬的乐曲像一只战鼓,擂响了战斗的声音;贝多芬的乐曲像一把利剑,直刺邪恶的心脏。  贝多芬,我像对你说:你的精神激励着我,你的品格引领着我,你的音乐熏陶着我。你是历史长河中一朵巨大的浪花,你是人类天空中一颗夺目的明星……有人说,命运掌握在上帝手里。你用自己不平凡的一生证明了:命运掌握在自己手中。你用激昂的音乐诠释了大写的“人”,谱写了你辉煌的人生。  这就是我的偶像,钢琴界伟大的贝多芬。每当我遇到挫折的时候,我总会在心里默默的想起我的偶像贝多芬,还记他的坚强,还记的他对待挫折时的从容。他的话总是会在我孤单无助的时候,为我照亮黑暗的前途

  1、Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, andour dreams come true!


  2、Every day I miss you It is a hard time for me to miss you but itis even harder not to do so In such a contrary mood, I miss you deeply! A happy Valentines Day to you!


  3、If living on the earth is a mission from the lord… living with youis the award of the lord


  4、Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again



 Lady Gaga the famous american singer is my favourite person I am not only fascinated by her forever-changing out-fit but also her unique style of singing She loves singing and is very hard working Although she did not graduate from university she had a perfect reason only in this way can she concentrate more on singing

 Lady Gaga,美国著名歌手,是我最喜欢的人。我不仅是对她的百变造型很着迷,而且她的演唱风格独特。她喜欢唱歌,是很辛苦的工作。虽然她没有从大学毕业,她有了一个完美的原因。只有这样,她能把更多的精力集中在唱歌。

 I think there is a lot for me to learn from her


 What I admire about Lady Gaga is that she doesnt care what other people think She is herself She is orginal not a copy of anything I find lots of strength in that I know a lot of people think she is weird I can agree she is different but that's why I love her I hate it when people call her eccentric Its really pathetic considering you dont know her! I like the fun originality and unexpected suprises she brings C'mon you never really know what to expect from her but it blows my mind!

 我很欣赏Lady Gaga,她不在乎别人怎么想。她是她自己。她就是最开始的她,不是任何人的复制品。她让我得到了许多力量。我知道很多人都觉得她很奇怪,我知道她是不同的,这就是为什么我爱她。我恨人们叫她偏心,这真的很可怜,考虑你不知道她!我喜欢她带来的有趣的创意和意想不到的惊喜。拜托,你永远不会真正知道她会发生什么,但它吹拂我的心灵!


 I like playing badminton very much I play it every weekend And I like watch badminton games The idol of mine is Lin Dan He is the best badminton player in the world His skills are so excellent Watching his games is very enjoyable We can say that he has no rival in the world, so people call him as Super Dan Besides, he is handsome and attractive So he has many female fans In my opinion, his hardworking spirit is the most admirable I hope his glory will last



 My role model

 Everyone has a role model in their As the old saying goes: An idol is an example to advise you what should do and what should not do My role model is my middle school teacher , a beautiful woman with a long hair

 I can’t forget that time which I spent with my teacher When I start my middle school life,

 I can’t adapt to the environment So have a difficulity making a good friend with my classmates At that time ,I ‘m very shy I have no idea about how to solve this thing When I lose confidence in the school life M y teacher starts to attention to me She chats with me in a role of my friend and helps me how to enjoy new life She also introduce many friends to me

 Gradually , I became outgoing and energy happy So I thank my teacher very much Since then ,I made a decision to be a teacher to help students who need help

 She is the person just I want to be, so I endeavor to be a person like my teacher: a tolerant, responsible and an optimistic person

 My role model is my teacher; I hope I will be the idol of my students , if I’m a teacher



 My idol

 I'm not a make track for a star of the person you like, listening to music without who must listen to the song, the song is ok, as long as it is able to touching both elegance and lowbrow Paid little attention to the entertainment circle always feel that there is only our dinner conversation is produced When I begin from 09 May like, pay attention to han geng I feel some incredible Originally thought he just anthomaniac, saw the handsome boy will see two eyes, when I really keep in baidu han geng after almost a year, found that not the case His body might be of no implementation for too many people into things, we would almost crazy infatuated with a person Infatuated with him and to reflect, control their own, can I like him, in order to realize his dream with all strength, can live better for my family and become more strong, can in abnormal exclusive country declared himself the motherland beautiful and great, can in no one understand, when speculation rumors swirling calm, optimistic state of mind

 Life sometimes we have no longer believe a disadvantage is a blessing, no longer believe that as long as you work hard, hard work, persistence can be successful, we began to look for the shortcut to success But han geng shows us the suspected the truth of the still shine So we are willing to stand behind him, went to see him step by step to realize my dream, learn from him to move on

 Rather than like han geng, I'm more like his fans - heptyl rice She (he) are a group of lovely and great man Infected with his love all the people who get to heptyl, with their own actions to fulfill the lack of remorse I'm just a man in heptyl diving, announced a all dare not to others is proud of the person I like han geng, but I'll like low-key, with heptyl people cry together smile together, when I really have the courage to join the group of lovely Heptyl rice shows strong reason, lucid, kind, let me very touched, what kind of star is what kind of food, they reach the bottom of my heart A high-profile work, low-key life gradually became my work ethic Actually I also fell step by step They say fall in love with han geng, poisoning I dare not say love, because love word is too heavy, I can only say that I have already poisoning, but this poison will teach me how to go on


 Everyone has his own idea of the idols, and everyone is all sorts of idols: maybe a singer, actor, also perhaps is the dancing stars, etc My idol is a bit different, however, she is my mother

 My mother is a very ordinary person, she is like a drop of dew on the grass in the morning, never stand out She work in their own positions Returned home after a long day, not only have no rest, still pretended to be very relaxed appearance cook and keep house for us She is always so obscure dedication, no complaints

 I always think before mother do is should, have so early as often After the meal, I return to do my homework in the room, dad went back to work in the room Only mom clear the table, with the sweat from her face Like this scene happening every day, like a copier in manuscript, feels the same

 For mom to pay for home silently for me, I should turn a blind eye, not only did not help her, often scolding her Mom do you clear conscience, for the sake of the family for me, she paid without reserve, like under the white clouds ornament blue sky, forever has no end At this moment, in retrospect, really ashamed I also is a member of this family, should not only the mother a person pay, my mother also should learn this spirit, assume power for the home

 When the grass dew in the sun, it will no longer be the corner that is forgotten, but become the focus of attention Idol is also is such, when discovered his extraordinary place, ordinary people will shine again, just like my mother, I not only have WenQing affection between mother and daughter to her, and a deep admiration, a kind of difficult to express admiration


 My dad language funny, can write beautiful calligraphy, good article, played with great table tennis, but also can play the piano, singing, said crosstalk Because he is very attentively to anything to do, so all aspects are good I adore him, he is my idol

 I say first in study Dad love reading, home half of the books are his Once, my mother asked me to help dad the dictionary, I wonder, what the dictionary Then I opened the book and didn't know, dad don't know the words in the book are written in blank place, phonetic notation, explanation, how serious people Every turn over a book, can clearly see dad thickly dotted notation Dad is watching TV, but most of them were good show to watch, like every morning "lecture room", he was not a set I once asked my father: "why do you want to see so many books, watching TV so much good" He told me only one word: "eclecticism"

 He put his career as a career Arrive every day, a week is seldom at home for dinner He can compose the house from morning to evening The cram school on that day, dad take me into his unit, look at one of the manuscript to the hills heap on the table, I was shocked Dad to write every story is very seriously, he always make good ideas, in the paper, and then completely immersed in the work He didn't rest on Saturday and Sunday, always write things on his desk, and even have a meal also is to let me put the rice in his desk When evening, dinner or just let is like I advised him to have a breath, he says is the most important, can't rest

 Look, dad's words and exhibited in the pavilion, under the lights flash Look, dad's trophy in placed in a prominent place, in the sun

 I don't like dad about everything is very attentively, but I will learn from dad, concentrate on to do every thing, will not do Must work harder on learning, hard work, also read some classics, and be like a father do notation or write something of substance And watch some good TV shows I am determined more than dad, I believe in yourself through unremitting efforts, will have learned something

I like listening to music at free time And my idols are Jolin Tsai and Mariah Carey

Jolin has a beautiful build As a singer ,she can dance as well as singing She can achieve very difficult dancing posture Her music has a changeable style I enjoy things like this

Mariah Carey is a half-blood singer She has a excellent voiceHer fans call her MC or Mimi She is a top singer in the world Her works often have the highest noteIt's incredible She is famous for her origina music stylesShe is regarded as the Queen of R&B




希望可以帮得到你哦,1,求一篇以“我的偶像”为题的英语作文100词左右 急用~

我 喜欢 蔡依林 和 玛丽亚凯莉

Idolatry in china

Idolatry has been an essential part of young's lives in china And of course the social phenomenon, as a double-edged problem, has drawn more attention from people of all walks of lives

Maybe we at first should refer some information It was conveyed that people worshipped classicist like Confucius and Mencius in 1913 Then people worshipped LiuDehua, ZhouEnlai ,MaoZedong and so on We can draw a conclusion easily that the idols we worship have been changed from cultural field and political field to entertainment field

Now I would like to raise three questions:who should be our idols Why he can be our idols And what attitude should we possess

If we think it for granted that an idol should have cool hairstyle or

fashionable clothes, even just distinctive appearance, we are absolutely wrong With that idea we may waste a large amount of time At the same time, there exist many young people admiring entertainment stars crazily In my view, whoever is able to be our idol as long as we can learn something good from them By worshipping the idol, we can improve ourselves and we can lead a positive and happy life So here I want remind you of that:”Believe in the ideal, not the idol” Of course we’d better not say that an idol is nothing and after all we would need an example to direct us in our lives

In the end, as far as I’m concerned, we should seek a balance about dealing with idols To us college students, we can truly cheer for an "idol "


Everyone has a super stat My spuer star is Jin FanAlthough his old name is Jin Shangfan,now his name is Jin Fan

He was born on July 7 ,1989 He is 20 years oldHe is form KoreaHe is cancer He likes playing football,baseball and kendo I think he likes playing sportsHe is 181cm in height and he is 63kg in weightSo I think he is a healthy boy

Now he is a actorHe is study in Chuo University Faculty of Drama movie drama (acting) ProfessionalHe is a good student

This is my spuer star

Have you got someone in your heart Is there anybody who you will think of when you are in troubleIf so , congratulations , you've got an idol!

Like many adolescents ,I admired sport starts very muchThe one who I adored most is Allen Iverson----an NBA baskeball playerIt's well known that NBA is symbolic of the highest level of basketball in the world It's the dream of all the basketball players around the world and it really gathered most of the best players from every country Among all of the basketball stars ,Allen Iverson is a differt one Allen is a small guy in his working field , only about 183 m,it's hard to imagine how to struggle well with this stature in the most fierce battlefield of NBA However, it seemed that to be a little short cannot stop his step for his dream Everybody who has seen his show in basketball court has a deep impression about his skills and the eagerness for victoryAnd it's also a legend of his history Some fans summarize Allen's life into three words:"Blood,tears and sweat"Allen really set a good example to youngsters who like himJust like many American negroes ,Allen led a poor childhood,he had no money to buy new clothes ,no big rooms to live in ,even had no father to love cause his family is incompleteWhat he had is basetball, the whole of his lifeHe knows only basketball can change his life ,can bring his family good future ,can take his relatives far from hunger and deathSo he tried hard to play basketball,he trained harder than anybody else And finally, he succeeded !The famous saying of Allen Iverson is :"Only the strong survive!"That has become the convictions among the young people who want to achieve their goals

Life isn't a bed of roses,only the strong survive!I have grown up ,it's time for me to strive for my own dream, like a real man , like my idol--Allen Iverson!

三届世界足球先生、两届欧洲金球奖得主,一生精彩进球无数,人们干脆称呼他为“外星人”罗纳尔多出生在里约热内卢郊外贫困的本托-里贝罗区,在街头开始踢球,他的第一个著名进球是在1982年,他代表里贝罗少年队在与同地区死敌皮科-德拉-米兰多纳区队的比赛中破门。 1970年世界杯上的巴西传奇射手雅伊尔津霍是罗纳尔多的恩师,1990年,他将14岁的罗纳尔多推荐到了克鲁塞罗队,16岁时,罗纳尔多在巴西17岁以下国家队的进球率已经达到了57场59球,一颗新星开始冒尖。Three-time World Player of the Year, two-time Golden Globe winner of Europe, scoring numerous wonderful life, people simply call him "extraterrestrial" Ronaldo was born in Rio de Janeiro's poor outskirts of this care - areas Ribeiro, started playing in the streets, his first goal of a well-known in 1982, he Ribeiro on behalf of the juvenile team in the same area with the sworn enemy of Picco - La - Milanduona team to break the game 1970 World Cup, Brazil's legendary striker Ronaldo Jairzinho is the mentor, in 1990, his 14-year-old Ronaldo will be recommended to the team Cruzeiro, 16-year-old, Ronaldo In Brazil under the age of 17 goals for the national team has reached the rate of 57 field goals, 59, the beginning of a new star Mao Jian

Yao Ming is my favourite sports starHe is tall and his baskectball skill is wonderfulAs a sports star,he is working hard and try his best to do well in basketballThis is worth learning for me,so i always study hardAll in all,Yao Ming is a great star and I like him very much!

My favorite star is JayI like his songs very muchHe is very tall and thin 我最喜欢的明星是周杰伦.我非常喜欢他的歌.他长的很高而且和瘦. He likes playing basketball and singingHe is very coolI always hope to see his 他喜欢玩篮球和唱歌. 他非常酷.我经常去看他 And he is handsome。His miusc is very good,I like《DUAN LE DE XIAN 》best,beacuse it‘s very dulcet 还有他和,他的音乐非常的棒,我最喜欢《断了的弦》,因为它很悦耳 There are three people in his family:mum,grandma and him。jay loves his mum and grangma very much。 He is very obedient 在他的家庭里有3个人,她们是:他的妈妈,他的姥姥,还有他自己.周杰伦非常爱他的妈妈和姥姥.他是孝顺的. Jay was born in Taiwan and he is famous a singer 周杰伦出生在台湾,他是一个著名的歌星. We don't konw why we do like him 我门不知道我们为什么喜欢他. In fact ,many people are all like me like him very much 实际上,许多人都象我一样非常的喜欢他 答案补充

Singer Jay Chou is a great singer, nice piano player, as well as gifted composer from Taiwan Some people compare him as Michael Jackson, the king of pop singer in the world I have heard his song over and over again, and never get bored I wish I can go to his concert, as media has described that he has all the talent on the stage Lately, he is dating the most beautiful lady in Taiwan I would like to bless his fortune and good luck I think he must be the happiest man in the whole world



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