


Love flies in our hearts for a long time, love ripples in our eyes for a long time; endure the heartbreak of a lifetime, in exchange for the pany of your centuries!


If you tell me my guilt, I'm afraid you think I'm not promising, but if you don't say it, you'll feel like you're not promising


You are like a warm spring breeze, arousing the waves of love in my heart; you are like a gentle cloud, holding my amorous sight


Life is a long way to go Let me go with you I would like to build with you a sky of our own to be first-class


I've always wanted to thank you Thank you for being in my life I've always wanted to tell you that I really love you


If you like me, send me a text message If you like me, I'll call me If you love me, keep silent


Life is short, but it creates the eternity of love Beautiful girl, please don't be lonely, open your heart, accept my rose


Because I don't trust myself, I entrusted my life to you I have been searching for centuries, this life can't let you go from my arms


Like the petals covered with dew, you bring me a room of fragrance; like the pigeon whistle across the blue sky, you bring me the quiet soul and pursuit


You and I meet is a fate, we cherish each other's hard-won feelings I hope I can acpany you all my life in the future


Everyone's youth, eventually, can not escape a love Here, there is love, affection, joy and happiness, but there is no eternity alone


I miss you not because I am lonely, but because I miss you The feeling of loneliness is so heavy, just because I think too much


From now on, you promised me that today will not be lonely, there will be tomorrow! There is a future! Well, with my love, go with you!


I know we can't, but I really love you Although I really want to fet that you hate you, but I really can't


Looking back at your bright eyes, I am intoxicated; Looking back on your gentleness, I am intoxicated; In fact, I want to take your hand and walk together all my life!


Tonight, lonely as the sea, tonight, Acacia disaster Love for you has turned into this lonely sea Think your heart has let your shadow flood in your brain!


Only after reading you can you understand beauty and love I know beauty, so I am intoxicated for you; I know love, so it's hard to e back!


Without you, I miss you very much In my dream, I always have you In my heart, only you, a heart, give it to you, just because I love you


Because you, I know love, and I know love, the first person to fall in love is you, but I am inferior, so I have been afraid to admit


Love should be willing to be plain, but not plain; should be willing to be ordinary, but not ordinary No longer think about the past, no longer persist in the past


Waiting for the stars and looking forward to the stars, counting the stars and making wishes Stars and showers fall thousands of grains, and stars wish to return thousands of times Wishing you peace of mind and gentle laughter from afar


If you like me, send me a text message; if you like me, call me; if you love me, keep silent


See love at first sight, goodbye infatuation, all day long painstaking, want to get fragrant heart, painstaking, want to rush heart, do you mind, do not know my heart!


I know I can't be with you I know that all I can do is to miss far away I only wish you happiness


Singing sad songs, looking at the beloved girl Heart is hurt for you, song is sung for you, I just want you happy, sorry!


Walking all over the world, traveling all over the mountains and rivers, in the love of the ocean world, I can not fet your ile, so waiting for you is a kind of beauty!


If you like me, please send me a short message If you like me, call me If you love me, keep silent


My heart is not empty, but there is always an empty place in my heart Nobody can use it, because it's your special seat


I am the salt in your dish Without me everything loses its flavor I am the sun in winter, the ice lolly in summer, the umbrella in cloudy day


I miss you so much that I broke the telephone line, burned my cell phone card, emptied my wallet, and ate all the sleeping pills, alas! But I still want to see you


Tonight, we live in o places The Jade Hang Galaxy is constantly separated by Qingqing's affection The distance beeen the o places can't stop Lang's affection and concubine's affection We also have magpie bridges with souls


If living is God's greatest destiny for me, then living with you will be God's greatest gift in my mission


Wish is the wind, happiness is the sail, happiness is the boat, the wind of wish is blowing the sail of happiness, carrying the boat of happiness, drifting to you who will always be happy


Late at night I light a lamp for you, put your hand flat after I dream, wipe your tears when I am sad, and hold you in my arms when I am lost


I want to erase you from my memory, but I can't help thinking of you: every moment in my dream, every minute in my wake


People say: love a person is not rewarding But I want you to give me back so that I can give you all my love in my lifetime!


Like, is light love Love is deep love I hope we can go back to our home together instead of seeing you home later


The first day I met you, I was conquered by your eyes At that time, I knew that I had been a prisoner of your life!


My missing is like a bright moon, which pours out deep feelings like water Wherever you go, the moon will follow you


How many times have you been in your dreams, how many times have you been called to by your heart alone, just want to hold your hand, walk the way of life, love how great Get married!


I want to tell you: love is fate, love is touching, love is habit, love is tolerance, love is sacrifice, love is understanding, love is a lifelong mitment!


I want to say to you that you are all to me in my heart I don't ask you to love me as much as I do I just want to have your fort and understanding


Love lets us meet, love lets us fall in love, love lets us fall in love, love lets us care, let me give you all my love in my lifetime!


I'm not angry with you anymore A man with an open mind and high moral standing like me will surely five you for still being angry with me!


I hate to delete your information, your iling face I can't fet, your true feelings I already know, my heartbeat voice does not want you to hear!


It's hard to love someone, but I don't stop paying; I'm tired to love someone, but I'm obsessed with missing you; I'm foolish to love someone, but I'm obsessed with it


What you see is the real me! An endless touch! Moved the world with you and me, the most beautiful existence!


I love you from the bottom of my soul I am willing to give my life to you You can accept as much as you want That was the case at the beginning, and it will never change now


Blue sky with snowflakes, beautiful shoes leaking feet, your acquaintance with me is a myth, please call back gently!


My eyes look at your eyes affectionately, as blue as the sea, pure enough not to rub a all sand

1I will always love you

2As long as I love you

3I will right here waiting for you

4No matter where you go ,no matter when you go,I

will always love you I'm very fond of you

You mean a lot to me

I care for you very deeply

I have a crush on you

I guess we are in the same wavelength

I can't live without you

You make me feel so special

You make me a whole

1 单刀直入法


Will you marry me


Would you be my wife/husband


2 迂回暗示法


I think it's time we took some vows


I think it's time we settled down


I want to spend the rest of my life with you


I want to be with you forever


3 咬文嚼字法


Let's get hitched!


Let's tie the knot!



We've been going out for quite some time now

This is said as aprecursorto something elseIt can be a good warm up sentence to tell your partner that you're madly in love with them


2 I think we have something really special

"Something special" refers to a special relationship or feelingsYou would only say this to a girlfriend/boyfriend, not to a platonic friend

“something special”指的是特殊的关系或感觉。你只能说给女朋友或男朋友听,而不是一个一般的朋友。

3 I want to settle down

"To settle down" in this context means to settle down with your loverThis is used to give a sense of stability in the relationship

“to settle down”在上下文中意思是和你所爱的人一起安定下来,让你们的关系增添稳定的因素。

4 You are my soul-mate

Your "soul-mate' is someone that you have a deep and intimate friendship witha soul-mate is also a lover, someone that you have a strong emotional or spiritual bond with

你的“soul-mate”是指某个与你关系很深、很紧密的人。他可以是情人,那个你有强烈感情或在精神上结合在一起的人。如果你还没有“soul-mate”,就可以对自己说:“OK, where is my soul-mate”

5 I'm ready for a life-long commitment

"A life-long commitment" means that you want to spend the rest of your life with someonepretty serious, huh

“a life-long commitment”,说出这句话,可就意味着你打算与某人相伴共度余生。相当严肃和认真,是不是?真是不能乱说。

6 Let's tie the knot!

Alternative sentence: "let's get hitch!" Both of these sentences are light hearted and humorous ways to suggest marriageOf course, the traditional way to "pop the question" is to ask "will you marry me"

这句话可以换一种表达方法:“Let's get hitch!”这两句话都是用一种轻松幽默的方式去建议结婚。当然啦,用传统的方式去“pop the question”你可以说“Will you marry me”(你愿意和我结婚吗?)



It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can't be expressed with any choice of words。

我推荐: 情人节最浪漫的英语表白句子精选


Do you understand the feeling of missing someone It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears。


I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you 。


1Meeting you was fate, and falling in love with you was out of my control。


2Do you have a map Because I just keep losting in your eyes


3For years I had been searching,For that perfect fantasy, But, I find it in my arms, right now,You are all to me


4There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you。



1、“As You Wish”— The Princess Pride《公主新娘》如你所愿,这是一句魔咒,会勾去人心哦

2、“You make me want to be a better man”—As Good As It Gets《尽善尽美》你让我想成为一个更好的人,女人能让男人,妻子能让丈夫达到的最高境界

3、 “The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return” —Moulin Rouge《红磨坊》最伟大的事情,莫过于去爱,同时也被爱。

1、And after all this time, you're still the one I love


2、Miss a person is not every day with him, but always put him in my heart




1899年,Maison Cartier迁至Maison2012年的地址:13 rue de la Paix。而Maison的未来则由Cartier三兄弟掌控:Louis, Pierre 与Jacques。

他们周游世界,从印度到俄罗斯,从波斯湾到美国。分公司分别于1902年和1909年设立于伦敦与纽约。Maison Cartier的基石由此奠定。




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