




 1、Only if the first sign of life,you said I was a piece of pure time,I accompany you to see、


 2、You may not be the best, or the best、 But it is my favorite、


 3、I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you、


 4、To the world you may be just one person、 To the person you may be the world、


 5、Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you、


 6、In the vast sea of people, being able to meet and fall in love with you is the happiest thing I feel、


 7、You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not、


 8、Company is the longest love confession, together is the most true happiness、


 9、No matter in your life is the sky blue or the rainy season, I will always only from the distance you turn around, for you up a not wronged sky!


 10、Some scenery can only be like but can not be collected, like some people are only suitable to meet but not suitable for a long time、



 1、Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be、执子之手,与子偕老。

 2、You light up my life、你照亮我的生命。

 3、I cant give you the world, but my world can give it all to you、给不了你全世界 但我的世界可以全部给你

 4、Every day without you is like a book without pages、 没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

 5、Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning、 和你在一起就像在一个清爽的早晨漫步。

 6、Im going to love you for a long time without the thought of giving up、我打算爱你很久很久 没有想要放弃的念头

 7、“Want to say too much to say to him"“想说的话太多 一辈子慢慢给他说”

 8、You are my sweet-heart、你是我的宝贝。

 9、First impression of you is most lasting、 对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。

 10、When love is not madness, it is not love、 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。





 In my heart, I only miss you at any time! Love you!


 Being with you is just that I dont want to give anyone a chance


 Funny, without you around, so strange, accompany me all my life, okay


 The earth is still turning, the world is still fickle, and I love you forever


 You are the shore, I am the ship, you are the sun, I turn for you, you can count happiness, to me, the world is not changed


 I already have someone who I like


 Roses, yours, chocolates, yours, diamond rings, yours, yours, mine


 Lonely tonight, like the sea tonight, love disaster My love for you has turned into this lonely sea Think your heart has made your shadow run rampant in your mind!


 When can you hold your hand and see the sky and the sea as one


 Life is an illusion, but I need you here


 I am only a surprise to you; you are a love to me


 Add your heart to my heart, and you will taste it even if you feel pain


 Time cannot erase my thoughts of you even if Haikudanlan, your shadow forever in my heart!


 I am the salt in your dish Without me, everything will be gone I you are in the winter sun, summer popsicle, cloudy big umbrella


 I would like to use ten million years to wait for your early spring warm smile


 I thought the sky was blue, but he was grey I thought the heart was quiet, but he was beating I really miss you


 I overheard you saying to God, "youre not marrying me, so I dont want you to betray God"!


 You are the wind I am sand, I pour you a cup of tea, you doze off my bed, I see you baby baby


 Never fade is the silent care for you, never stop is the endless yearning for you, never change is deep love for you


 I love you, you to me, it is morning bread, night banana, garlic from Shandong people, chili from Sichuan people



 I love you, for your happiness, I am willing to give up everything, including you


 I have a little secret in mind Do you want to know Let the wind whisper to you, I like you, really good like


 A bird sings once in a lifetime It sings a song of life in the thorns A persons life only love once, he can give up everything to man


 I am alive only when I am with you When I am alone, even the most dazzling sun loses its luster!


 Just because youre so beautiful that I cant honestly say I love you


 You are my little dog, you are my little bones, even fell into the gutter, I also go back beak


 Like a person, there will be no pain Love a person, may have long suffering, but he gave me the joy, is also the worlds greatest happiness


 Are you far away from me Not at all Its in my heart


 I dont know why humans have to get married! Why dont we look at it together and let us legally combine it!


 In the vast sea of people, met you, is a fate, only hope to use my sincerity in exchange for your true feelings


1Meeting you an is ,Id put Y and I together。 如果我能重新来排列字母,我要把Y(你)跟I(我)在一起。

8Its not being in love that makes me happy, but is being in love ter than a dream。 爱你所以我不愿去睡觉,因为现实比梦境更美好。

You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not。


I dont know whether I really love you, but I know I cannot loseyou If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see。


I can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and lovea person in a day, but it will take me a whole life to forgetyou。


Every day I miss you It is a hard time for me to miss you but itis even harder not to do so In such a contrary mood, I miss you deeply! A happy Valentines Day to you!


I will make you happy when you are depressed I will make you delighted when you are in great sorrow!



dear annan,

never did i imagine that i e this far but i hope our love ter to tell you that my love for you is so real that i cant find any words to describe my feelings for you at the same time i would like to thank you for all your patience while our relationship had to go through high waves and hard rocks my love for you has grown so strong that i can never imagine a life without you nowi will always be yours no matter what the world turns out to be my heart will always yearning for your love and care forever i love you always

missing you,jeya

英文表白句子 英语表白句子


Thousand of time I have thought of you My heart is going high intothe air and flying I miss so much


I prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness


It's you that led me out of the loneliness the lordhellip; living eone It is just like that you eone thinking of you and caring you all the time Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hangingon the curtain of my heart


ing to you ; the spring breeze can send my care to you!


Every day I miss you It is a hard time for me to miss you but itis even harder not to do so In such a contrary mood, I miss you deeply! A happy Valentines Day to you!


Those days her I really love you, but I know I cannot loseyou If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see



I already have a favorite person


I dont believe in happiness, I believe in you


I panions night, never lonely lonely


First of all, I ent, I have felt your tenderness


Every day for your heart, every moment you touched, every second for you to panied by a blessing the life


As long as you like, me personally give you brew a cup of tea, add a piece of candy, and then injected into a cavity enthusiasm, the love I, a little bit to dissolve into the tea


The snow floating in the blue sky, beautiful shoes leakage of Jiaya, you my acquaintance is a myth, you gently call back!


The reason I live now is to be able to say to you right now, I love you, I will protect you forever


Initial fall in love, goodbye infatuation, all the day care, want to heart, painstakingly, want to have to push the heart, dont you, do not know my heart!


Every time I feel frustrated, have to remember your smile, your encouragement, they make me strong enough to face down, thank you!


Day in different space, miss in different time, no matter how the change of the world, you will always be my favorite

1I will always love you

2As long as I love you

3I will right here waiting for you

4No matter where you go ,no matter when you go,I

will always love you I'm very fond of you

You mean a lot to me

I care for you very deeply

I have a crush on you

I guess we are in the same wavelength

I can't live without you

You make me feel so special

You make me a whole

1 单刀直入法


Will you marry me


Would you be my wife/husband


2 迂回暗示法


I think it's time we took some vows


I think it's time we settled down


I want to spend the rest of my life with you


I want to be with you forever


3 咬文嚼字法


Let's get hitched!


Let's tie the knot!



We've been going out for quite some time now

This is said as aprecursorto something elseIt can be a good warm up sentence to tell your partner that you're madly in love with them


2 I think we have something really special

"Something special" refers to a special relationship or feelingsYou would only say this to a girlfriend/boyfriend, not to a platonic friend

“something special”指的是特殊的关系或感觉。你只能说给女朋友或男朋友听,而不是一个一般的朋友。

3 I want to settle down

"To settle down" in this context means to settle down with your loverThis is used to give a sense of stability in the relationship

“to settle down”在上下文中意思是和你所爱的人一起安定下来,让你们的关系增添稳定的因素。

4 You are my soul-mate

Your "soul-mate' is someone that you have a deep and intimate friendship witha soul-mate is also a lover, someone that you have a strong emotional or spiritual bond with

你的“soul-mate”是指某个与你关系很深、很紧密的人。他可以是情人,那个你有强烈感情或在精神上结合在一起的人。如果你还没有“soul-mate”,就可以对自己说:“OK, where is my soul-mate”

5 I'm ready for a life-long commitment

"A life-long commitment" means that you want to spend the rest of your life with someonepretty serious, huh

“a life-long commitment”,说出这句话,可就意味着你打算与某人相伴共度余生。相当严肃和认真,是不是?真是不能乱说。

6 Let's tie the knot!

Alternative sentence: "let's get hitch!" Both of these sentences are light hearted and humorous ways to suggest marriageOf course, the traditional way to "pop the question" is to ask "will you marry me"

这句话可以换一种表达方法:“Let's get hitch!”这两句话都是用一种轻松幽默的方式去建议结婚。当然啦,用传统的方式去“pop the question”你可以说“Will you marry me”(你愿意和我结婚吗?)


In my heart, I only miss you at any time! Love you!


Being eone Sichuan people


I love you, for your happiness, I am pany you to go together I ent to say to you, I love you, and I ent!

Do not let me alone, do not give me lonely, excessive loneliness and loneliness, I h ache, because I often miss you at night, it feels too sweet, it will decay


If each choice is a kind of give up, then it depends on whether you can bear those who give up! I chose you, and I gave up all my misfortunes!


Your happiness, I came to build, your stubborn, I will make concessions, your confusion, I will make up for



In my heart, I miss you all the time! Love you!


The furthest distance in life is not bete people love is so beautiful


Baby: recently my teeth hurt, because I miss you every night, it feels so se, you are so cute, you are the to shine loving you


I for you, just an accident; you to me, it is a love


If you love someone, you have to believe in yourself!


Take good care of yourself, I do not pany the day, even ordinary also romantic!


Since I love you, I knopanied!





Love you, hide in my heart, noe at once and do my best to do it for you


please dont hold fast to your silence Dont eone who I like


The blue sky is fluttering with snow, and the beautiful leather shoes are leaking My acquaintance is a myth please call back softly!


To the world you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world。





Every day I have the poe by your eyes I knee later, but me, noent, I have felt your gentleness


I do not knoan ise is debt owed, do not easily say no love, perhaps happiness will be shut by you at the door!





 爱情的力量可以让人忘记一切,但却又连一粒嫉妒的沙石也不能容纳。下面是我带来的表白感人的 句子 英语,欢迎阅读!


 1 A match made in heaven

 two people who are extremely compatible and will have a great life together


 eg We are a match made in heaven Let’s get married


 2 To fall head over heels in love

 to fall completely in love


 eg He has fallen head over heels in love with Jane

 例: 他和简妮坠入爱河了。

 3 To be smitten with someone

 to be completely captivated by someone and feel immense joy


 eg Sally is smitten with this Gary chap she met the other day She can’t stop talking about him

 例: 萨利完全被哪天遇见的那个小伙子格林迷住了。她一直谈论他。

 4 To be the apple of someone’s eye

 to be loved and treasured by someone, normally a parent


 eg She is the apple of her father’s eye

 例: 她是父亲的掌上明珠。

 5 To be a soul mate

 to be someone who understands and accepts the other person completely


 eg My husband is my best friend and my soul mate

 例: 我的丈夫是我最好的朋友,也是我的灵魂伴侣。

 6 To take one’s breath away

 when you are so in love with that person that you find it difficult to breathe


 eg You are so beautiful that you take my breath away

 例: 你太美了,美得让我窒息。

 7 To be someone’s one and only

 to be unique to the other person


 eg You will always be my one and only love

 例: 你永远是我的唯一。

 8 To have a crush on someone

 an informal idiomatic expression that describes young romantic infatuation


 eg Sally has had a crush on James since they were at university together

 例: 萨利从大学起就喜欢詹姆斯。

 9 To fancy someone (British English)

 to find someone very attractive


 eg My friend really fancies you

 例: 我的朋友认为你很有吸引力。

 10 To love someone with all of one’s heart and soul

 to love someone completely


 eg John loves Leslie with all his heart and soul

 例: 约翰全身心地爱着莱斯利。


 1、Believe me,I was prepared for everything ,except you


 2、Elly: Maybe I was a bird in another life

 Noah:If you're a bird , I'm a bird


 ————如果你是一只鸟,那我也是一只鸟。 **《手札情缘》

 3、You complete me

 Shot up! You had me at Hello, you had me at Hello




 4、I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night

 ————我爱你是我晚上就寝前最想聊天的人。 出自**《当哈里遇到莉莎时》。

 5、I love you Molly I always have


 ———— Ditto表示“同上”,意思是我也一样,非常简练。**《人鬼情未了》

 6、Choose me Marry me Let me make you happy


 7、Love means never having to say you're sorry

 ————爱,意味着永不说后悔。出自**《 爱情 故事 》。

 8、When I am out , take me as the wind


 9、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you

 ————很令人有所感想的一句 名言 啊,很有哲学性。

 10、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world

 ———— 这句也是超级经典啊,相信这句不用翻译了吧

 11I fall in love with you at first sight 我对你是一见钟情

 12I heel over head fall in love with you 我为你神魂颠倒

 13Let's hitch it 让我们拴在一起吧

 14You are my only one 你是我今生的唯一

 15You are a woman of my dream 你是我的梦中情人

 16You are my dearest love 你是我的至爱

 17You look more beautiful every time I see you 每次见到你,你都更漂亮。(妙就妙在用more这个词,很简单地就表示出“一次比一次更”漂亮的意思)

 18 I love you with all my heart 我全心全意爱你。

 19 I love you for you 我真心爱你!(简单吧!当你想表示爱的是对方的人,而不是其他如钱财,权势等,就可以这样说)

 20 For the same reason you like me, I like you, too 我也喜欢你啊,就想你喜欢我一样。

 21My love for you is as deep as the sea 对你的爱,似海深。

 22I'll love you as long as I live 爱你一辈子(爱你千万年)。

 23If the sun were to rise in the west, I'd never change my mind to love you forever 即使太阳从西边出来,我对你的爱也不会改变。(顺便温习一下虚拟语气吧)

 24I'm so happy with you in this starry night 在这繁星闪烁的夜晚,跟你在一起非常快乐。

 25I love stars, and you're as beautiful as a star 我喜欢明星,你和明星一样漂亮(是俗了点,可人家就这麽说!)

 26If you go away, I'll be blue I'll miss you when you leave 假如你走了,我会很沮丧。你离开,我会很想念。

 27That reminds me too much of you 那使我很想你。(并不一定要用think、miss等单词哦)

 28I'm sending your favorite red rose to feast your eyes upon 我要送你你最喜爱的红玫瑰,让你欣赏。(女孩子都喜欢红玫瑰)

 29Will you accept me I wanna share my life with you 你答应我的求婚吗我想永远和你在一起。

 30In all weathers,I go with you! 风雨无阻,我跟定你了


Never stop smiling, not even when you’re sad, some man fall in love with your smile 永远都不要停止微笑,即使在你难过的时候,说不定有人会因为你的微笑而爱上你。

 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

 The worst way to miss some one is to be sitting right beside him knowing you can’t have him想念一个人最糟糕的方式就是坐在他身旁,而知道你不能拥有他。

 The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

 To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence 爱人和被人爱是人生最大的幸福。

 To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

 True love’s the gift which God has given to man alone beneath the heaven 真爱是上帝单独赐予普天下芸芸众生的礼物。

 Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again 有了你,我迷失了自我。失去你,我多么希望自己再度迷失。

 Without youI’d be a soul without a purposeWithout youI’d be an emotion without a heartI’m a face without expression,A heart with no beatWithout you by my side,I’m just a flame without the heat ——Elle Kimberly Schmick没有你我将是一个没有目的的灵魂;没有你我的情感将没有了根基;我将是一张没有表情的脸;一颗停止跳动的心;没有你在我身边;我只是一束没有热量的火焰。

 A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart 一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。

 Atrue friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart一个真正的朋友是向你伸出手,触动你心灵的人。

 Don’t cry because it is over,smile because it happened不要因为完结而哭泣,要为曾经发生而微笑。

 Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to, doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。

 Love and a cough cannot be hid 爱情 跟咳嗽一样是掩饰不了的。

 Love is not only a sentiment but also an art 爱情不仅仅是感情,它也是艺术。

 Love triumphs over everthing Love has no age, no limit and no death 爱情战胜一切。爱情没有寿命,没有极限,不会死亡。

 Never frown,even when you are sad,because youn ever know who is falling in love with your smile就算你不快乐也不要皱眉,因为你永远不知道谁会爱上你的笑容。

 I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

 It is impossible to love and to be wise 要爱又兼有理性是不可能的。



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