love from parents
when i was just a little child, my parents had divorced then i do not know what had happened and even do not know why they divorcedat that time, i always thought that they married just for me when i growed up, i just understand that a man married a women just for their own love therefore, i know that it did not mean that they do not love me when they divorcedactually, even they divorcedthey always love mebefore i thought they do not love, however,i still choose to love them, to understand them, but not to hate them, because they are my parents, my relativest ones they are the persons i love best later i felt lucky that they still love me,give me all i want and let me not be hurted i know that even they had left, but they are still care about me when i met something unhappy, they are the only one can give me more happy and courage when i felt difficult in learning, they would try their best to give me better understanding wherever they go, they never forget me and give me best hearts i know my parents love me!
good luck!
Motherly and Fatherly Love
Motherly love by its very nature is unconditional Mother loves the newborn infant because it is her child, not because the child has fulfilled any specific condition, or lived up to any specific expectationUnconditional love corresponds in one of 'the deepest longings, not only of the child, but of every human being; on the other hand, to be loved because of one's merit, because one deserves it, always leaves doubt: maybe I did not please the person whom I want to love me, maybe this or that--there is always a fear that love could disappear Furthermore, "deserved" love easily leaves a bitter feeling that one is not loved for oneself, that one is loved only because one pleases, that one is, in the last analysis, not loved at all but used No wonder that we all cling to the longing for motherly love, as children and also as adults The relationship to father is quite different Mother is the
home we come from, she is nature, soil, the ocean; father does not represent any such natural home He has little connection with the child in the first years of his life, and his importance for the child in this early period cannot be compared with that of mother But while father does not represent thenatural world, he represents the other pole of human existence; the world of thought, of man-made things, of law and order, of discipline, of travel and adventure Father is the one who teaches the child, who shows him the road into the world Fatherly love is conditional love Its principle is "1 love you because you fulfill my expectations, because you do your duty, because you are like me" In conditional fatherly love we find, as with unconditional motherly love, a negative and a positive aspect The negative aspect is the very fact that fatherly love has to be deserved, that it can be lost if one does not do what is expected The positive side is equally important Since his love is conditional, I can do something to acquire it, I can work for it; his love is not outside of my control as motherly love is