第五种心情,被自己心仪的女孩子表白,嘴角会不自觉上扬,会觉得自己像偶像剧男主角,周围还冒着泡泡 惊喜又兴奋。
关于这次李克勤发布的新歌《C3PO》发布。 相信很多朋友对此都有很多感悟。不光是对歌曲的吸引力,同时对,歌曲的mv所表达的感情也非常感兴趣。其实这首歌曲mv所表达的内容,核心仍然是通过男女之间的情感为切入点。主要讲述的是一个男生从青年中年老年三个阶段不同时期,对自己心中的女神全力的呵护爱护。并且将这份情感表达的申请入微。同时也可以看出李克勤,在新歌的mv上面也是动了很多心思。用最完美的情感勾勒出爱情的美好。就这一点来说是值得肯定的。
而且在拍摄mv的时候也是邀请的,我们的女神周慧敏。在mv中一句简单的英语 "I Know" 作为开场白一直演绎到男女主角爱情的终点。通过一个完整的故事以及画面来展现纯粹的爱情故事。
Hold Each Other - A Great Big World
I miss the words we used to say
I miss the sounds of yesterday
I miss the games we used to play like ohhh
I was trapped inside a dream
I couldn't see her next to me
I didn't know she'd set me free like ohhh
Something happens when I hold her
She keeps my heart from getting older
When the days get short and the nights get a little bit colder
We hold each other
We hold each other
We hold each other mmm
Everything looks different now
All this time my head was down
He came along and showed me how to let go
I can't remember where I'm from
All I know is who I've become
That our love has just begun like ohhh
Something happens when I hold him
He keeps my heart from getting broken
When the days get short and the nights get a little bit frozen
We hold each other
We hold each other
We hold each other mmm
If I'm stressing you that blessing that's sent from heaven
These days start to feel like hours and hours feel more like seconds
People judged us they couldn't see the connection
When I look at you it's like I'm looking back at my reflection
I don't see nothing different our pigments they coincide
We hold each other so tight they couldn't break us if they tried
My eyes are those of the blind I see no color or size
I feel the love in your touch and I trust what's inside your mind ok
I know that we've been through a lot
I know that we both grew up
You know I missed you a lot
When I was young I was dumb
Didn't think you'd fit in my plot
And I appreciate the break because I love what we got now
You give me chills and I can't imagine you leaving
If I could build a perfect person honestly you would be it
And you know nobody knows you like I know you
I can't wait to come back home so I can hold you
Something happens when I hold her
She keeps my heart from getting older
When the days get short and the nights get a little bit colder
We hold each other
We hold each other
We hold each other mmm
We hold each other
We hold each other
We hold each other mmm