

歌曲:《当你》——林俊杰 2、开场音乐:《Venus》——Lady Gaga 3、女嘉宾出场音乐:《Part of Me》——Katy Perry 4、男嘉宾出场音乐:《Come On》——袁咏琳

wait for you_____elliott yamin_

never felt nothing in the world like this before 在这世上没有什么事比这件事让我感受深刻

Now I\'m missing you and I\'m wishing you would come back through my door 现在我正在思念你,祈祷你能推开门回到我身边

Why did you have to go 为什么你非要离开我?

You could have let me know 你应该让我知道

So now I\'m all alone, 现在只剩下孤孤单单的我

Girl you could have stayed 你应该留在我身边

but you wouldnt give me a chance 但是你没有给我机会

if you are not around it\'s a little bit more then i can stand 我不能忍受你不在我身边

And all my tears stay keep running down my face 我的眼泪不停的流过脸颊

Why did you turn away 为什么你走了?

So why does your pride make you run and hide 为何自尊使你跑掉、躲藏

Are you that afraid of me 你是不是害怕面对我?

But I know it\'s a lie what you keep inside 但是我知道那只是谎言,到底有什么藏在你的内心深处?

This is not how you wanted to be 这一定不是你想要的

So baby I will wait for you 所以宝贝我会等你

Cause I don\'\'t know what else i can do 因为我也不知道我还能做些什么

Don\'t tell me I ran out of time 不要告诉我我已经没有时间了

If it takes the rest of my life 即使是用尽我的余生

Baby I will wait for you 宝贝我会等着你

If you think I\'m fine it just aint true 如果你认为现在我很好那你就大错特错了

I really need you in my life 我的生命中不能没有你

No matter what i have to do I\'ll wait for you 无论我需要做什么我都会等着你回来

It\'s been a long time since you called me 距离上次你给我电话已经过了很长时间了

(did you forget about me) 是不是你已经忘了我

You got me feeling crazy (crazy) 你令我快要发疯了

How can you walk away, 你怎么能一走了之呢

Everything stays the same 一切没有改变

I just can\'t do it baby 只是我已无能为力

What will it take to make you come back 做些什么才能使你回到我身边

Girl I told you what it is & it just ain\'t like that Girl我曾告诉过你我们会怎样,但绝不是像这样

Why can\'t you look at me, your still in love with me 为什么不看我,你还一直爱着我

Don\'t leave me crying 不要留下我独自哭泣

Baby why can\'t we just start over again 宝贝我们为什么不能重新开始呢

Get it back to the way it was 回到以前在一起时的生活

If you give me a chance I can love you right 如果你能给我一次机会,我会真心去爱你

But your telling me it wont be enough 可是你告诉我这一些还不够

So baby I will wait for you 所以宝贝我会等你

Cause I don\'\'t know what else i can do 因为我也不知道还能做些什么

Don\'t tell me I ran out of time 不要告诉我我已经没有时间

If it takes the rest of my life 即使用尽我的余生

Baby I will wait for you 宝贝我会等你回来

If you think I\'m fine it just aint true 如果你认为我现在很好那你就错了

I really need you in my life 我的生命中不能没有你

No matter what i have to do I\'ll wait for you 无论要付出什么代价我都会等你回到我身边

So why does you pride make you run & hide 为何自尊使你跑掉、躲藏

Are you that afriad of me 你是不是畏惧我

But I know it\'s a lie what your keeping inside 但是我想这只是谎言,你的内心到底藏了些什么?

Thats not how you wanted to be 这不是你想要的

Baby I will wait for you 宝贝我会等你

Baby I will wait for you 宝贝我会等你

If it\'s the last thing i do 即使这是我做的最后一件事

Baby I will wait for you 宝贝我会等你回来

Cause I don\'t know what else i can do 因为我也不知道自己还能做些什么

Don\'t tell me I ran out of time 不要告诉我我已经没有时间了

If it takes the rest of my life 即使耗尽我的余生

Baby I will wait for you 宝贝我都要等你回来

you think I\'m fine it just aint true 你认为我现在很好,你错了

I really need you in my life 我的生命中不能没有你

No matter what i have to do I\'ll wait for you 无论付出什么代价,我都会等你

I\'ll Be Waiting 我会一直等下去

  blunt演唱的英文歌《You Are Beautiful》,不是很适合我们用来表白吗下面是我给音乐 爱好 者带来适合表白的英文歌,供大家参阅!

  表白的英文歌You Are Beautiful鉴赏

 You're Beautiful是James Blunt(詹姆斯·布朗特)的第三张单曲,歌曲刚一推出就排在了榜单的第12位,6周后更是势无可挡的夺取了冠军宝座。英国各电台也都大肆播放这首歌,无形中将Back to Bedlam推到了UK Albums Chart榜的榜首。

 大量的歌曲播送让Blunt和他的合作伙伴最终获得了Ivor Novello Award中的最广泛演出奖。You're Beautiful在英国大获成功后,接着横扫欧洲大陆,成为05年夏季最为流行的歌曲之一。之后You're Beautiful登陆美国,经由纽约著名电台WPLJ播放,在此之前这首歌从未在美国电台进行过任何形式的发布。

 秋季,Adult Contemporary, Adult Top 40,和Adult Alternative 3个电台榜单上You're Beautiful全都进入了Top 10。06年"You're Beautiful"排在了Billboard Hot 100的榜首,这让Blunt成为了近十年来第一位能引领美国单曲榜的英国歌手,上一次出现这种情况还是在1997年。

表白的英文歌You Are Beautiful歌手介绍


 他的第三张单曲《You'reBeautiful》被人誉为EltonJohn名曲《Your Song》的现代版,并且连续数周蝉联英国单曲榜的冠军。有杂志评价他的声音为“堕落的天使”。在《You'reBeautiful》中,他那忧郁的嗓音加上忧郁的音乐成就了这首忧郁歌曲的成功。对James Blunt来说,活着就是为了让生活更美好。这个曾经是战场上的男人如今谱写着音乐,来让自己、让别人的生活产生快乐,远离悲伤与痛苦。

表白的英文歌You Are Beautiful歌词(纯英文版)


 You're Beautiful


 Goodbye My Lover

 Tears and Rain

 Out of My Mind

 So Long, Jimmy



 No Bravery

 My life is brilliant

 My life is brilliant

 My love is pure

 I saw an angel

 Of that I'm sure

 She smiled at me on the subway

 She was with another man

 But I won't lose no sleep on that,

 'Cause I've got a plan

 You're beautiful You're beautiful,

 You're beautiful, it's true

 I saw your face in a crowded place,

 And I don't know what to do,

 'Cause I'll never be with you

 Yeah, she caught my eye,

 As we walked on by

 She could see from my face that I was,

 flying high,

 And I don't think that I'll see her again,

 But we shared a moment that will last till the end

 You're beautiful You're beautiful

 You're beautiful, it's true

 I saw your face in a crowded place,

 And I don't know what to do,

 'Cause I'll never be with you

 You're beautiful You're beautiful

 You're beautiful, it's true

 There must be an angel with a smile on her face,

 When she thought up that I should be with you

 But it's time to face the truth,

 I will never be with you

表白的英文歌You Are Beautiful歌词(中英对照版)

 My life is brilliant


 My life is brilliant


 My love is pure


 I saw an angel


 Of that I'm sure

 对此,我深信不疑 。

 She smiled at me on the subway


 She was with another man


 But I won't lose no sleep on that,

 但我可不会为此辗转难眠 ,

 'Cause I've got a plan

 因为我已有心理准备 。

 You're beautiful

 你是如此的美 ,

 You're beautiful


 You're beautiful, it's true

 你就是这么的美 ,千真万确 。

 I saw your face in a crowded place,


 And I don't know what to do,


 'Cause I'll never be with you

 因为 我永远无法伴你左右。

 Yeah, she caught my eye,


 As we walked on by


 She could see from my face that I was,


 Fucking high,


 And I don't think that I'll see her again,

 我想,我将再也见不到她了 。

 But we shared a moment that will last till the end


 You're beautiful

 你是如此的美 ,

 You're beautiful


 You're beautiful, it's true

 你就是这么的美 ,千真万确 。

 I saw your face in a crowded place,


 And I don't know what to do,


 'Cause I'll never be with you

 因为 我永远无法伴你左右。

 You're beautiful

 你是如此的美 ,

 You're beautiful


 You're beautiful, it's true

 你就是这么的美 ,千真万确 。

 There must be an angel with a smile on her face,


 When she thought up that I should be with you


 But it's time to face the truth,


 I will never be with you

个人觉得Enchanted很适合 原来是Taylor Swift唱的 后来又Owl City翻唱 据说是他对Taylor的回应。我很喜欢这歌

放Owl City版的歌词好了 与泰勒的略有不同(歌词来自)

There I was again tonight 今夜我又在这里

  Forcing laughter, faking smiles勉强的笑声,虚伪的笑容

  Same old tired, lonely place一样疲惫孤单的地方

  Walls of insincerity 虚伪的高墙

  Shifting eyes and vacancy 飘忽不定的眼神

  Vanished when I saw your face 在我看见你时消失不见

  All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you 我只能说我已对你着迷

  Your eye's whispered "have we met" 你的眼神小声问“我们见过吗?”

  Across the room your silhouette 你的轮廓越过房间

  Starts to make its way to me 打开了我的心扉

  The playful conversation starts 于是开始了一段俏皮的对话

  Counter all your quick remarks回应着你不经意间的神态

  Like passing notes in secrecy像写着秘密传来的小纸条

  All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you我只能说我已对你着迷

  Oh,Taylor,I was so enchanted to meet you,too哦,泰勒,我也已对你着迷

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go 这个夜晚如此绚烂,你会这样让它离开吗?

  I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 我惊喜不已,整个回家的路上都涨红着脸

  I'll spend forever wondering if you knew 我将用我的一生来猜想你是否知道

  I was enchanted to meet you 我已对你着迷

The lingering question kept me up 这样一个问题将我从梦中唤醒

  2am,who do you love 凌晨两点,我仍无法入睡,你究竟爱着谁?

  I wonder till i'm wide awake 我一直思考到完全清醒

  Now i'm pacing back and fourth 现在我正在房间中徘徊着

  Wishing you were at my door 希望你就在我的门外

  I'd open up and you would say, 我将打开门,然后你会说

  hey,It was enchanting to meet you 嗨,我已对你着迷

  Oh,Taylor,I was so enchanted to meet you,too 哦,泰勒,我也已对你着迷

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go 这个夜晚如此绚烂,你会这样让它离开吗?

  I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 我惊喜不已,整个回家的路上都涨红着脸

  I'll spend forever wondering if you knew 我将用我的一生来猜想你是否知道

  I was enchanted to meet you,too 我也已对你着迷

This is me praying 这正是我在祈祷的

  That this was the fairy first page 这只是我们故事的第一页

  Not where the story line ends 不是故事结束的地方

  My thoughts will echo your name 我的脑海里回放着你的名字

  Until I see you again 直到我再次遇见你

  These are the words I held back 这是我心底的话语

  As I was leaving to soon 就像我即将离开一样

  I was enchanted to meet you,too 我也已对你着迷

Please don't be in love with someone else 请不要再恋上别的人

Please don't have somebody waiting on you请不要让某人为你守候

  Please don't be in love with someone else 请不要再恋上别的人

  Please don't have somebody waiting on you请不要让某人为你守候

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go 这个夜晚如此绚烂,你会这样让它离开吗

  I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 我惊喜不已,整个回家的路上都涨红着脸

  I'll spend forever wondering if you knew 我将用我的一生来猜想你是否知道

  This night is flawless, don't you let it go 这个夜晚如此完美,你会这样让它离开吗?

  I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone 我惊喜不已,独自舞蹈徘徊

  Taylor,I'll spend my whole life wondering if you knew 我将用我的一生来猜想你是否知道

  I was enchanted to meet you,too 我也已对你着迷

  I was never in love with someone else 我从未恋上过别的的人

  I never have somebody waiting on me我从未让别人为我守候

  Cause you were all of my dreams come true因为你让我所有的梦都成为现实

  And I just wish you knew我只是想让你知道

  Taylor,I was so in love with you泰勒,我已深深地爱上了你

由歌手Bei Maejor所演唱的歌曲《Gone》,这首歌无论是歌词还是旋律都让人感觉甜的不行。歌曲中唱道:

You know,


I love you so much girl


I just can't take you everywhere


I wanna take you right now


You know I ain't really got the money 


But I promise one day we gon go





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